Archive for category Religion

Death Religion

Before Zoroastrianism became the Pure Death Cult inherited in its degenerate phase By St. Paul and other genuine intellectuals when Zoroastrianism was the other main religion, it was limited to Aryans, as in the name s Iran and Erin.

One person did a Google and said I was wrong. He pointed out that every single page that aims to be Modern Zoroastrian states flatly that anyone is welcome to be a Zoroastrian, regardless of race. So they couldn’t have said that.

I asked him if he had Ever seen any OTHER religion where the first thing they hammer on is how race is no barrier. I asked him WHY he thinks the Zoroastrians wannabes hit so HARD on that. He got it then. You don’t go to such huge lengths to deny something that never OCCURRED to you. They are rejecting their real history, confirming it IS their real history.

I was simply LISTENING closely. He stayed on the surface and repeated what they SAID without thinking about WHY they said it.

This was not unique to Zoroastrian Persia. At its height the original Olympic Games had the original Olympic Oath, which included the oath that “I am of pure Hellenic blood…”

Zoroastrianism went from being racist to becoming a Death and Sterility Creed. As we move away from racism, our psychology makes every crisis, from Soylent Green to Global Warming, an argument for not having children.



Lesson Two of Puritanism

The Plymouth church that traces itself back to 1620 has been Unitarian for a century or two. Most of the Puritans’ children also became Unitarian. Now they are largely atheists.

The history of the Pilgrims and the Puritan is completely different from age to age, so everything I say here has a question mark after it. Whether they came here for religious freedom or to impose their religion, the point is they ended up with a doctrine the original immigrants would not have stood for.

No one notices this, but I do. I think about it a lot.

As I understand it, the 1620 Pilgrims were a different lot from the Puritans who came later in vast numbers. Backbaygrouch will be able to fill us in on this. The Pilgrims’ Massachusetts Bay Colony fought long and hard to keep our of the Puritan’s control, but they lost.

I have READ that the Pilgrims were far more genuinely in favor of religious freedom than the Puritans. The Puritans make a bad joke of that “America was founded by people who came here for religious freedom” stuff. Again I defer to backbaygrouch on the actual facts. Why have an expert around if you aren’t going to use his expertise?

Actually I have nothing against the Puritans for imposing their own religion on a place they went to to have their own population on which to impose their own doctrine. We all wish we could do the same sort of thing for an all-white area. It is the HISTORY, the LESSON that needs correcting.

The Puritans came her to impose their own religion in an area four thousand miles away from England. There are TWO lessons here. Most literate people are aware of the first, that they did NOT come here for Religious Freedom. I want to emphasize the SECOND lesson, which is almost unknown.

The second lesson is that the Puritans FAILED to impose their religion. Why?

Naturally I look at this from a BUGS point of view. One of our points here s that when an institution takes over, the PURPOSE of the institution is lost.

Jesus had no lessons about how a group of theologues should justify their absolute rule. “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s” would have gotten someone hanged as a heretic. So they naturally went to the Old Testament to organize their society under theocratic rule.

As time passed, even before they came to America, Puritanism became more and more about how to impose their will on THIS world. The institution talked more and more about its right to rule. The same thing happened to the Catholic Church as it put whole countries under the Interdict to collect money for the Pope.

They were both institutions USING the name of Christ. I wonder how different history might have been if we had lost at Tours and the ruling institutions called themselves Moslem. It may be that we would have had much the same history and the West would have been just as different and independent, but in the name of schism between the Moslem Branch in Northern Europe and the Moslem Branch that was based in the Middle East.

The Catholic Church was every bit as separate from and hostile to Constantinople. The name Christianity certainly did not unite them. Today Iranian Islam has the same attitude to the Sunnites. My point is that no matter what the NAME institutions appeal to, history itself goes its way and institutions are part of history, not of theology.

China’s version of Marxism versus the old Russian version has little to do with Marx. Marx considered cities to be the natural development of a proletarian society rather than peasants. Pol Pot used Marxism to DESTROY his country’s cities. Before long neither version had anything to do with Marx.

The same thing would have happened if they had all called themselves True Snake Worshippers.



Changing the Leopard’s Spots

Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots?
New Living Translation (©2007)

Can an Ethiopian change the color of his skin? Can a leopard take away its spots?
New American Standard Bible (©1995)

“Can the Ethiopian change his skin Or the leopard his spots?
New International Version (©1984)

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots? Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil.

New Living Translation (©2007)
Can an Ethiopian change the color of his skin? Can a leopard take away its spots? Neither can you start doing good, for you have always done evil.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
“Can the Ethiopian change his skin Or the leopard his spots? Then you also can do good Who are accustomed to doing evil.

GOD’S WORD® Translation (©1995)
Can Ethiopians change the color of their skin or leopards change their spots? Can you do good when you’re taught to do wrong?

King James Bible
Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.

Now why would anyone five hundred years or more BC talk about an Ethiopian wanting to change his color?

In every movie I see the Children of Israel are integrated by quota. Lately, they are largely mulattoes. My problem is that as a Bible Belter I didn’t just see the
movie, I read the book.

There is at least one specifically anti-black race riot in the Old Testament.

Any movie of the BC days shows the people heavily Negroid.

I can’t find any classical statues that look the least like mulattoes.

On the documentaries now Hannibal is black. Pharaohs and everybody around them is black.

One real curse about knowing as much history as I do is that I get teed off watching documentaries. But that is also why I tend to be such a doc-watcher.
It is hard to find a subject I’m not interested in. Documentaries not only drop in some new information, they tell where Mommy Professor is right now.
It is also interesting to watch the balance between what is new and what they CAN say.

Back when there were four networks, I watched TV regularly. It was very lower-clahss, but I would ask people, “How can you NOT watch television and
know where mass thought is?” I didn’t get paid to look artistic, I got paid to keep up with politics.

Anyone who had called Hannibal a black to his face would have had less than a second to live. Anyone who had portrayed the 300 Spartans as dark as the movie
did would have lived as long as he could stay out of their reach. Part of the REAL Olympic Oath was “I swear that I am of pure Hellenic blood.” They made it more than abundantly clear what they thought of as pure Hellenic blood as an ideal in their notably non-Negroid statues.

I would love to see the Spartans’ reaction to their being portrayed, every one of them, as brown eyed and black as if there were not a drop of Aryan blood in any of them.



History Makes All the Difference

There is a passage in the New Testament about when the Jews become Christians. This led to Luther’s error in trying to convert the Jews and to many errors before. Luther was ignorant of the fact that “Jews” at the time the New Testament was written constituted about a TENTH of the ENTIRE Roman population, and they had nothing to do with what Luther thought of as “Jews.”

Luther also took out six hundred years of Jewish Biblical text because it was written in GREEK. “Jews” in the first century consisted almost entirely of Hellenized Jews, who did not use Hebrew AT ALL. So Luther thought the “Jews” as he defined them, Hebrew-users, were the Jews discussed in the New Testament.

In fact, Luther was the least of these gross misjudgments that the gross ignorance of history caused in the Church. Everybody is so obsessed with feeling guilty about the persecution of Jews that it never occurs to them that the Jews had a unique privilege.

Jews were the ONLY group allowed to practice anything but Christianity and stay alive. They became the ONLY group allowed to practice the local version Christianity and survive. Catholics were burned in Protestant lands and vive-versa.


When the New Testament predicted the conversion of the Jews it was, in fact, a correct prediction. The six million Hellenic Jews in the Empire became Christian. In couple of centuries later were no more Hellenic Jews. In short, I am denying the Roman Holocaust in which six million Roman Jews died.

But in a sense there WAS a Holocaust. Obviously as Hellenic Jews converted to the new faith, there was no tolerance of Hellenic Jews remaining Jews. They disappeared as totally as did the Jews in Europe during Hitler’s rule.

Nobody insists all the Hellenic Jews were killed because there’s no money in it. Someone could make a mint enforcing the Roman Holocaust.

But the point is that Church officials and Luther were ignoramuses. Their definition of “Jews” was as accurate as someone saying that the Privy Council met in an outhouse.



The Aryan Suicide Syndrome

It is only after discussing Zoroaster many times here that I have slowly gotten some idea of why Zoroastrianism is important to our history. I got a communication from a seminary student who explained to me that only “amateurs” thought that Z had any influence whatever on Christianity. He explained that all the writings relating to it and the entire literature of Persia had been burned by the Moslems when they conquered Persia hundreds of yeas AFTER the New Testament was finalized, so it could have had no effect on those who wrote it.

This is way most people view history. The religion of the only empire Rome met and did not conquer could not have influenced the Bible because its literature was destroyed AFTER the Bible was written.

Practically nobody has the slightest historical perspective. Mommy Professor tells them only amateurs or Ignunt people say something and it is not true and that’s all she wrote.

Thinking is not allowed..

It has been noted that the Magi are in the New Testament. They are described as star gazers or We Three King, but at the time the New Testament was written if you had described them as anything but Zoroastrian clerics it would have been EXACTLY like trying to describe a Rabbi as something other than a Jew.

Manichaeism is a heresy described by the Church as being too much a renunciation of life. A Church which welcomed the Trappists at their most extreme condemned the Manicheans. Manichaeism bears the name of Mani, the man who tried to synthesized the two great monotheistic religions of his day

The two great religions of Mani’s pre-Islamic world were Christianity and Zoroastrianism, respectively the established religions of Byzantium and Persia. Not only does Manichaeism have a constant historical influence on Christianity, it is probably the most consistent source of heresy in Christian history.

The reason this is important is because, taken with Indian history, it shows a death wish lodged deep in the Aryan soul. The Hindu and Buddhist ideal is to stop being reborn, to escape the Wheel of Life as one is born again and again and again forever. The Manichaeism seeks to end human life by declaring all procreation a sin. This latter idea is what Mani drew from Zoroastrianism.

There is another parallel between the deterioration thought among Aryans in both India and in Persia. The name “caste” system was adopted in English because it was a direct translation of the Sanskrit name for the system, which means “color.” The Buddha had “eyes the color of the blue lotus” because the caste system had done its job of protecting the Aryan race for over a thousand years before Gautama Buddha came along.

But Buddha rejected the caste system for his Wordism, and presumably that was a fashion of his day as it is in ours.

Zoroastrianism made the same deterioration. Originally no one was allowed into the faith unless he was an Aryan. By the time of Mani, apparently, Zoroastrianism was against the procreation of ANY race, including the one Z meant to protect.

This is all hidden by the fact that no one even mentions the titanic gaps between the Old Testament and the New on the subject of sex. There was no condemnation of sex, and certainly not of procreation, in the Old Testament.


Jesus never said a word against procreation, only adultery.


Yet St. Paul was advising all young women not to marry, not to procreate.

Chastity has been a monomaniacal obsession with the Church throughout its history.

PCs don’t want to talk about any of this because it shows a continuity of ARYAN thought. The alliance of fundamentalism and PC is shown her once again. People like the seminary student are trained to ignore this giant gap and the natural need one would have to explain it if one THOUGHT about it.

This is not a conspiracy, it is a dovetailing of two types of hypnosis that have a common interest in preserving the rather weird version of history we have.

Our present religion of white self-hatred is directly related to the self-torture and self-denial that we got from the Wordist perversion of Zoroastrianism through Christianity. There is no other source for it.

Once you mention it, you can’t deny it. PC has whites feeling wildly virtuous for their “self-sacrifice” in hating their own. You can’t cure a disease if you do not diagnose it. And you can’t diagnose the Aryan self-hatred syndrome if you try to hypnotize yourself into not seeing it.
