Posts Tagged BUGS

The success of the phrase “Anti-White”

The following excerpt was written in March, 2013:

“Anti-white” creates a new category

When the word “anti-white” has been put into the minds and onto the tongues of every White person in this world by constant, determined, unceasing repetition, A NEW CATEGORY WILL EXIST:


That category does not exist today. Think how absolutely necessary that category is.

When that excerpt was written, there was no category of ACTIONS AND PERSONS THAT ARE INJURIOUS TO WHITES. Whites and everyone else had been trained to think only of other races as being targets of racial attack.

The absence of any concept of whites being racially targeted was supported by the absence of any name for such targeting. Giving something a name makes it visible and ushers it into the realm of existence.

During the last few years, BUGS has hammered the name “anti-white” into the mainstream. “Anti-white” focuses whites’ understanding of attacks that are made against them because they are white.

Both anti-whitism and White Genocide have been taking place right in front of our faces. But both had no names in the public arena, and so both were going virtually unnoticed, until BUGS yanked the veil off them by hammering their names. 

Those names have now begun to have their effect on the national mind and on the national discourse.

From the late Bob Whitaker and from BUGS, to whites everywhere:

You are welcome!



They say they’re anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white!

Diversity is a code word for White Genocide


[Visitors to BUGS may comment to this article here or here]


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Who’s the New Freemason?

Freemasons like to point out that many of the ideas that they proclaim were suppressed by ignorant church leaders and kings who were fearful of more illuminating ideas entering the consciousness of the people.

They’re right.

Freemasons were persecuted, lied about, and even killed for wanting to study and advocate for ideas which were different than the conventional dogma of the day. The Freemasons were “politically incorrect” and experienced losses of reputation, economic opportunity, freedom, and even life because of their activities.

Who do the Freemasons of old sound like today?

Freemasons are proud that their once suppressed ideas eventually won out over church dogma and aristocratic rule and even ended up being the “cornerstone” of the French and American Republics.

So who’s the New Freemason?

And is BUGS the new Green Dragon? (1)






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