Posts Tagged immigration
Swedish minister criticizes Hungary’s failure to support White Genocide in Europe — compares Hungary’s support of native Hungarian families to 1930s Germany
Posted by Wuntz Moore in Activism, How Things Work, Political Correctness on 02/22/2019
Originally posted by Deprogrammer at Fight White Genocide February 20, 2019.
Decades before the U.S. government did the same, the German government during the 1930s launched a strong anti-smoking campaign.
Do you support government efforts to reduce smoking today? Nazi! Nazi! Nazi!
Do you want to see measures taken to protect the health and well-being of your race today? Nazi! Nazi! Nazi! If you’re white of course. If you’re non-white and care about the health and well-being of your race, then bask happily in the approval of both liberals and respectable conservatives everywhere.
White self-hatred is SICK!!!
But if you’re white and don’t display hate for your race? Nazi! Nazi! Nazi!
If you’re white and don’t support White Genocide by mass third world immigration and forced integration/assimilation in EVERY white country and ONLY in white countries, you’re a Nazi!
When anti-whites call you “Nazi” because you don’t support White Genocide, then for the benefit of whites who are observing, reply with this truth:
“‘Nazi’ is an anti-white slur that anti-whites hide behind while carrying out White Genocide.”
Not only does that bring the topic back to White Genocide, it also helps spread the previously absent term “anti-white.”
The charge of “Nazi” is one of several that rely on relentless anti-white presentations of history by our schools and media that teach whites to hate themselves and to support White Genocide.
When anti-whites use history to justify White Genocide, reply with this truth, for the benefit of whites who are watching:
“You’re justifying genocide. Nothing justifies genocide.”
We don’t need to become scholars and harangue our white audiences with critiques of anti-whites’ versions of history (why would we expect an audience ignorant of the facts to accept our account rather than our enemy’s?) — that just leads to endless argument. But an audience that knows nothing does know that nothing justifies genocide. Our job is to show, to all whites who are watching, that the anti-white does in fact support White Genocide, whatever the anti-white’s justification for White Genocide is. Nothing justifies genocide.
Always bring it back to White Genocide!
Okay, let’s get to the news item this article is supposed to be about, which in addition to showing how anti-whites use the Nazi narrative to justify White Genocide, also shows what a government that cares about its people, as Viktor Orban’s government in Hungary does, can actually do to maintain that people.
In April 2018, the day before he was reelected Prime Minister of Hungary by a large margin, Viktor Orban was interviewed by the Hungarian daily Magyar Idők:
“…the defence of the country and the fight against migration form the core of our message.
“…we will maintain our current standpoint and declare that Hungary belongs to the Hungarian people, and that we alone have the authority to decide whom we wish to live alongside. In other words, whether or not we will be an immigrant country.”
“As Prime Minister of Hungary I built the border fence, defended the border and in Brussels rejected the resettlement of immigrants.But the danger has not yet passed: it is still hammering on our door. Tomorrow we must decide on Hungary’s next few decades; and if we make a mistake, we will not be able to correct it later.”
“George Sorosfinances a network. This network has enormous influence among Brussels [i.e. European Union] decision-makers. He also finances a great many media outlets and organisations, and these work in coordination to urge for policies throughout Europe which would facilitate and increase immigration…opposition politicians accept funding from George Soros, who employs thousands of people in Hungary and spends millions of dollars on shaping Hungarian politics.”
Hungary’s border barriers have been very successful in keeping illegal aliens out of Hungary.
Now the current news:
In his State of the Nation Speech on February 10, 2019 Hungary’s PM Viktor Orban announced provisions of a new Family Plan that will greatly incentivize an increase in native Hungarian children.
“This is Hungary’s answer to challenges, rather than immigration,” and “The target countries for migrants are witnessing the emergence of a Christian-Muslim world with a shrinking rate of Christians. But we, central Europeans, still have a future of our own.”
Here are some of the new provisions (“HUF” seems to be in effect equivalent to the Hungarian unit of currency, the forint, and 1 forint = .0036 dollars, so 1 million forints = $3,600. Cost of living in Hungary is considerably lower than in the U.S.):
Every woman under the age of forty who gets married for the first time will be eligible for a preferential loan of up to HUF 10 million…If a third child is born, the remaining debt will be cancelled in its entirety.
From now on the Government will provide this relief of one million forints when a second child is born, a further HUF four million for the birth of a third child, and one million forints after the birth of every subsequent child.
Women who have given birth to and raised four or more children will be exempt from personal income tax for the rest of their lives
The Government will provide families raising at least three children with a non-repayable grant of HUF 2.5 million for the purchase of new cars with at least seven seats.
Those are lifted from the Hungarian government’s summary in English of Orban’s State of the Nation speech, and the whole summary is very worth reading:
Hungarians once again have confidence in their future
Here’s Orban’s speech in its entirety if we have any readers of Hungarian:
Discours de M. Viktor Orbán, premier ministre de Hongrie, sur l’état de la Nation
Annika Strandhall, the Social Democratic minister for social affairs in far away Sweden, for some reason felt impelled to respond to the speech, and took out her “Nazi! Nazi! Nazi!” club and bashed Orban over the head with it.
Translation of tweet (First two sentences are from Microsoft twitter translation, the third from The Local):
“What is happening in Hungary is alarming. Now, Orban wants more ‘genuine’ Hungarian children to be born.This kind of policy reeks of the 1930s and will harm the autonomy for which women have struggled for decades”
Reader, you may have noticed that the white world is dividing into two parts, pro-whites like Viktor Orban who oppose white genocide, and anti-whites like Annika Strandhall who support white genocide.
Pro-whites oppose White Genocide, anti-whites support White Genocide.
Please spread that truth.
Honestly, folks, we occasionally do the news mainly in hopes of getting your attention for a moment to encourage you to help us hammer the fact of White Genocide into the public domain:
But Viktor Orban, like Matteo Salvini in Italy, does deserve our notice and gratitude, and both of those gentlemen are good for our morale.
But why indeed does a minister in Sweden feel it necessary to bash the Prime Minister of Hungary with her “Nazi! Nazi! Nazi!” club for not opening Hungary’s borders to “diversity”?
Because anti-whites intend no country, no town, no school, no organization to remain white. Spread that truth:
“Diversity” means chasing down the last white person.
Real billboard – click on it.
Let’s get initials on these to display them on the White House’s website!
Posted by Wuntz Moore in Activism on 03/31/2018
150 initials will make these visible on the White House website for the rest of April.
Defund refugee resettlement agencies
In the two name boxes for each one, it’s only necessary to put initials.
Put a working email address in the indicated box so you can click the confirmation link in the White House’s email.
Let’s do it! 🙂
The office of a Republican governor interfered drastically with our free speech. Let’s let this petition be a first step in publicizing this. And let’s let each step be a new “billboard” for “White self-hatred is SICK!!!”
“White privilege” is a code word for White Genocide
Posted by Wuntz Moore in How Things Work, Political Correctness on 02/04/2018
“We must also cleanse our American soul of its white male privilege,” says Michael Moore.
What Michael Moore really means is that America must cleanse itself of its white males, and of its other whites too.
Michael Moore is an anti-white who supports White Genocide that’s being carried out in white countries world wide by massive third world immigration and forced assimilation.
Japan doesn’t have to be cleansed of its “Japanese privilege,” nor China of its “Chinese privilege.” Anti-whites aren’t interested in cleansing Japan of Japanese or China of Chinese.
What anti-whites are interested in is making whites feel guilty and demoralized so whites won’t resist the cleansing of whites from white countries. That’s why anti-whites attack whites for their supposed “privilege” and for anything else they can dream up.
A quick look at supposed “white privilege” in majority white countries today:
If a non-white is hired over a better qualified white to enlarge the size of a firm’s non-white work force, where is the white privilege in that? I see non-white privilege.
Free speech is supposed to be a right in this country, but actually it’s a privilege given with expansive liberality to blacks and other non-whites, and denied with strict enforcement to whites. In public meetings, blacks can make just about any racial statement with any amount of anger or arrogance they care to display, whereas whites must confine themselves to a strict and decorous liturgy of racial self-abasement that furthers White Genocide.
White self-hatred is sick, but if you’re white and don’t display white self-hatred when required, you’ll be in serious trouble.
There’s “white privilege” for you. The right to, at best, remain silent in the face of non-white privilege, and to remain silent in the face of White Genocide.
There’s black privilege, Chinese privilege, white privilege, Hispanic privilege, etc. — in multiracial America the races vie for privilege and each can succeed in establishing some circumstances in which it is either legally or de facto privileged.
But which “privilege” is attacked as the one that’s real, and why?
Only “white privilege,” because whites must be kept subdued for White Genocide to be carried out.
“White privilege” is a code word for White Genocide.
The success of the phrase “Anti-White”
Posted by Wuntz Moore in Politics on 01/10/2018
The following excerpt was written in March, 2013:
“Anti-white” creates a new category
When the word “anti-white” has been put into the minds and onto the tongues of every White person in this world by constant, determined, unceasing repetition, A NEW CATEGORY WILL EXIST:
That category does not exist today. Think how absolutely necessary that category is.
When that excerpt was written, there was no category of ACTIONS AND PERSONS THAT ARE INJURIOUS TO WHITES. Whites and everyone else had been trained to think only of other races as being targets of racial attack.
The absence of any concept of whites being racially targeted was supported by the absence of any name for such targeting. Giving something a name makes it visible and ushers it into the realm of existence.
During the last few years, BUGS has hammered the name “anti-white” into the mainstream. “Anti-white” focuses whites’ understanding of attacks that are made against them because they are white.
Both anti-whitism and White Genocide have been taking place right in front of our faces. But both had no names in the public arena, and so both were going virtually unnoticed, until BUGS yanked the veil off them by hammering their names.
Those names have now begun to have their effect on the national mind and on the national discourse.
From the late Bob Whitaker and from BUGS, to whites everywhere:
You are welcome!
They say they’re anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white!
Diversity is a code word for White Genocide
[Visitors to BUGS may comment to this article here or here]
“It’s okay to be white” and “White self-hatred is SICK!!!”
Posted by Wuntz Moore in Politics on 12/26/2017
[This article was originally written for a broader audience at and, where visitors to BUGS may post comments to it]
Hats off to the alt-right for its brilliant meme “It’s okay to be white”! Anti-whites look like fools when they react angrily to it, and the meme rouses hearty cheers from whites* who are sick to death of anti-whites pounding them in a zillion ways that it’s NOT okay to be white. The meme brings whites a small step closer to a restored sanity from which they can turn back White Genocide.
A downside of the meme is that the reason it fits the present moment so well is because it doesn’t step very far outside the present moment’s anti-white conditioning. Whites can believe “it’s okay to be white” while continuing to think it’s also “okay” for their countries to be flooded with third-world races, who of course are also “okay.”
Only a race that has been made sick with self-hate passively allows other races to invade its countries and blend it out of existence. Bob Whitaker’s meme “White self-hatred is SICK!!!” backs up whites’ most important meme of all, White Genocide.
But unlike the immediately accepted meme “It’s okay to be white,” the meme “White self-hatred is SICK!!!” needs to be hammered hammered hammered over and over and over, just like the White Genocide meme itself, before it will be accepted, since asking whites to realize they are sick asks for a bit more than just asking them to feel “okay.”
If pro-whites aren’t willing to do the work of hammering over and over the deeper and more difficult White Genocide meme and the memes that support the White Genocide meme, and instead they rely largely on incremental, immediately acceptable memes that are fun to invent and fun to use but change white consciousness only slightly, because they don’t step very far outside whites’ existing mental conditioning, whites may be long gone from this earth before they are woken up to the program of genocide that anti-whites are carrying out against them. Bob (Whitaker) often told us that when things get too easy, we should check that we haven’t wandered off course. Thirty years from now we don’t want whites to be saying “It’s okay to be white,” we want them to be saying, “We stopped white genocide.”
“It’s okay to be white” gives a still demoralized white population something they can grab ahold of immediately to gain buoyancy in a sea of anti-whitism, which puts those whites a step closer to eventually being rescued from that sea of anti-whitism. And of course any meme that so effectively makes anti-whites who react look like idiots gets an A+ for that alone. The meme works well with “White self-hatred is SICK!!!” in the present moment, and it’s apparently a lot of fun to spread — thanks are due to our alt-right brethren also for their exuberant spirit that buoys us all!
We BUGSers strive for a larger later harvest by shouldering the less gleeful work of sowing the meme “White self-hatred is SICK!!!” and the other “late bloomer” Bob Whitaker memes that back up the White Genocide meme.
Everyone is of course invited to join us. Below are the most important of the memes linked just above. Some of you who are new to these phrasings may feel they are odd at first, but they were very carefully crafted by Bob Whitaker** and will slowly sink into you and into your white audiences, guaranteed:
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white
Diversity is a code word for White Genocide
White self-hatred is SICK!!!
“Diversity” means chasing down the last white person
* For example, Jimmy Marr, the energetic Northwest activist who has displayed various memes on his truck, is reported to have said that “It’s okay to be white” got by far the most positive comments of the various memes he’s displayed.
** Bob Whitaker, who founded BUGS and recently passed away at the age of 76, was a genius whose varied career included writing memes for Voice of America.
*** “White Genocide” and “AntiWhite” weren’t creations of Bob Whitaker. The phrases had been marginally present in the pro-white world for a good while, but it was Bob who not only realized their potential but was also able to attract a group, the BUGSers, who hammered them into the mainstream where they have their present strong foothold. Keep hammering them!
April 1, 2018
Take the Pledge! Tell W. Va. Governor Jim Justice on April 1, 2018, “White self-hatred is SICK!!!“
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