Posts Tagged justicism
Supreme Court “Justice”
Posted by Daniel Genseric in Coaching Session, History on 09/27/2012
The U.S. Constitution NEVER provided a mandate requiring a law degree prior to being appointed “Supreme Court Justice.” The Articles of Confederation, the precursor to the usurpator that is the Constitution, NEVER even outlined a federal or national judiciary. Most state constitutions do NOT require a law degree to be elected as a Judge. Since the beginning of American history, more than 1 in 3 Supreme Court Justices were appointed despite never having obtained a law degree. However:
ONLY lawyers in fancy, black robes will tell you, “One MUST have a law degree in order to Understand & Interpret legislation.”
ONLY lawyers in fancy, black robes will tell you, “Term limits for Justices are unnecessary.”
ONLY neo-Americans and lawyers will sit there and LISTEN to them without laughing.
Race To The Top: B.U.G.S. IS A Business
Posted by Daniel Genseric in Coaching Session on 07/12/2012
“You can read the old statements until your eyes drop out, and you will NEVER find any statement about someone being anti-white. In every single case, it was “Anti-White and Anti-Semitic.” – Bob
To take this a step further, it is important to note exactly what is done here when they attach the “and anti-Semitic” or any OTHER preferred smoke screen. They are effectively cancelling out or SILENCING the part that really matters. The anti-whites purposefully do this when the heat is turned up and they are forced to react to a problem. They are drawing upon their trillion-dollar repository of double standards, anti-white market saturation, and REPEATERS. Again, the aim here is to solve these problems by “marginalizing and sidelining.”
Just like our very own little Jewaholics do to US from time to time by attaching things like “Jewish Bankers.” That is akin to someone in the board room suggesting Coca Cola CHANGE “Always, Coca-Cola.” That is I-N-S-A-N-E. I can honestly say it’s a relief to be able to acknowledge my own mistakes and addictions such as these. These colossal mistakes which can prove fatal when repeated.
The Soviet Union’s fatal mistake was NOT successfully trivializing and marginalizing The Space Program. What they needed was a distraction, what they did was tailgate in the worst way imaginable. They bought it hook, line, and SINKER. The writers working for the Czars should have crafted a meme such as, “The U.S. Space Program is ‘Revolutionary,’ but it is revolutionary AND meaningless.” They could have went on to say “It is truly a revolution in BIG government spending.” It seems to be the case that they preferred THEIR big government over winning the war. Epic fail.
Now, as we punch our ticket on the galactic super highway and the American Space Program becomes more privatized every day, the whole white world can see this. However, none of this old paradigm matters anymore. From left to right, we are showing anti-whites the door.
We won’t let them sideline the Mantra and our message, nor will we let them strap it to some monkey’s behind and jettison it into the nether regions of Outer Space. Even better yet, ours is a business financed without money. Moreover, our mission statement is to PUNISH them by taking their most beloved and prized possession: THEIRS.
And we will have OCEANS of Really Big Thinkers crashing down upon the shores of our little BUGSter island to tell us EXACTLY how to spend it.
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