A Mini-Mantra to Challenge Demands for 'Diversity'
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Tagged: talking points, White Genocide, white privilege
- This topic has 12 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 3 months ago by Mimmy Jarr.
10/18/2013 at 10:42 am #53551-cecilhenry-Participant
Can BUGS members help in coming up with a good Mini Mantra to respond specifically and strongly to the demand for more ‘Diversity’
I see this all around, in the media, in any organization someone (an opportunistic freerider) is always calling for more diversity as a way to make things fairer, better and more just.
The fact that this is ethnic and racial activism, negative for whites and hypocritical is never even seen.
What I’m trying to coming up with is a way to devastating point out this anti-white attitude, the hyprocrisy and how contemptible these people really are.
For example, the Dental organization I work for just published an call from an Asian Doctor calling for more diversity in dentistry.
There was veiled opposition in the form of ‘we don;t need an affirmative action in Canada’, ‘let the best person be chosen’,’why does this assume that there are no qualified visible minorities right now’, to ‘diversity in not one of the priorities in Dentistry today’
The Asian Doctor even had the audacity to say that ‘he has a list of outstanding minorities who should be given ever opportunity to contribute, but are being left out’
Meanwhile the usual ‘Diversity is our strength’, and immigration is our future (this of course implies a NON-white future for a white nation) is spouted off.
How can we challenge the racial motivations and hypocrisy behind these demands?
How can we point out that it is genocide and anti-white?
Howe can we make them respond to their assumption that displacing whites and white people in their own nations is both fine and good?
Any help in Generating a Mini-Mantra would really help!!
I think we need to give ‘diversity’ the bad name it deserves.
10/18/2013 at 3:07 pm #53581-Gar5-ParticipantHow about:
No major “anti-racist” organisation has ever demanded more diversity for Black, Asia, Muslim, Mexican, or ANY non-White area.
“Diversity” is something that White people and ONLY White people must accept or else they’re a “nazi-who-wants-to-kill-all-the-jews”.
The point of “diversity” is not spicy food or culture. The point of “diversity” is getting rid of White people.
“Diversity” is nothing but a codeword for White genocide.
White countries are rapidly becoming minority White…and yet we must welcome more “diversity”.
Grey Squirrels are native to Britain, and when Red Squirrels were introduced, Grey ones rapidly became a minority. ONLY a Grey Squirrel hater would demand more Red Squirrel “diversity”.
So what do we call those who want more “diversity”?
Anti-White. They are pushing White genocide.
10/18/2013 at 4:11 pm #53588-cecilhenry-Participant“The point of “diversity” is not spicy food or culture. The point of “diversity” is getting rid of White people.”
I like that. I would add:
…How is getting rid of White people to the benefit of non-white minorities–good for White people??
WE need to force them into justifying the Genocide they support, to challenge what they are saying.
10/18/2013 at 4:19 pm #53589Cleric_PrestonParticipantAs a White Inferiorist can you explain WHY you believe White people are ‘inferior’ ?
These Anti-Whites with their belief in White Inferiority never give us proof as to WHY White people can’t survive on our own without non-Whites.
The attempt to destroy, in whole or in part, EVERY White country through 3rd World immigration and ‘assimilation’ is GENOCIDE
‘Anti-racist’ is a codeword for Anti-White10/18/2013 at 4:24 pm #53590AnonymousInactiveDetroit is 89% Non-White
Detroit is 11% Racist and 89% Diverse.
Diversity ALWAYS means LESS White People
Diversity is a code word for White Genocide
Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White
10/18/2013 at 4:47 pm #53596-cecilhenry-ParticipantHere is another example of how this issue is everywhere, and needs a specific response.
10/19/2013 at 11:37 pm #53717AnonymousInactiveI like the one, Linux came up with. It also works perfectly if you swap out Detroit for South Africa too.
I myself always use, “Diversity” is a code word for White Genocide.
I’ve seen others use that one and it makes Anti-whites flip out, keeps us on message, and most importantly, it works. 🙂
10/20/2013 at 1:09 pm #53735GregPParticipantI really think we need to slam home the:
“Diversity is a codeword for White Genocide” meme. I can’t be the only one who’s noticed that “Diversity” is talked about and called for WAY more than anything else. I don’t see a lot of anti-Whites actively describing themselves as “anti-Racist,” but I ALWAYS see them calling for more Diversity. We must keep using ARIACWFAW, obviously, but personally, I also always include DIACWFWG too.
Thanks for compiling those, that saved me a lot of time!
Detroit is 89% Non-White
Detroit is 11% Racist and 89% Diverse.
Diversity ALWAYS means LESS White People
Diversity is a code word for White Genocide
Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White
That’s brilliant! I love it!
10/20/2013 at 4:32 pm #53759GregPParticipantI’ve compiled a list of all the mini-Mantras I could find on “Diversity.”
I’ve changed some slightly, shorted a few for YouTube etc. They all include the character count.
Please feel free to add, edit, or copy and paste this to any relevant sections. I’d love feedback or more to add to the list!
The point of “diversity” is not spicy food or culture. The point of “diversity” is getting rid of White people.
“Diversity” is nothing but a codeword for White genocide.1) (195) Detroit is 89% Non-White
Detroit is 11% Racist and 89% Diverse.
Diversity ALWAYS means LESS White People
Diversity is a code word for White Genocide
Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White2) A. (442) No “anti-racists” say a 100% Black area needs more diversity.
No “anti-racists” say a 100% Asian area needs more diversity.
No “anti-racists” say a 100% Muslim area needs more diversity.
According to “anti-racists”, they are already 100% diverse.
They say ALL & ONLY White area need to be more diverse, and that White areas only stop needing to be more diverse when there are no White people left in them.
Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.B. (484) No one says a country that is 100% Black needs more diversity.
No one says a country that is 100% Asian needs more diversity.
No one says a country that is 100% Oriental needs more diversity.
They are already 100% diverse.
All White countries and only White countries always need to be more diverse. White countries only stop needing to be more diverse when there are no White people left in them.
Diversity is a codeword for White geNOcide. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.3) (336) Nobody is saying that Africa needs diversity.
Nobody is saying that Asia needs diversity.
They are already 100% diverse.
People are only telling White children in White countries that they need diversity.
White Countries will be 100% diverse when there are no White people left.
Diversity is a code-word for White genocide; anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.4) (331) Do we hear governments, the mass media, and academia calling for Japan to bring in millions of non-Japanese people and assimilate with them because they’re “not diverse enough”?
Exactly — we ONLY hear this about White countries. You anti-Whites are calling for the genocide of White people.
Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.5) (437) When Whites threaten non-White countries with immigration “anti-racists” call it colonialism.
When non-Whites threaten White countries immigration “anti-racists” call it progress/diversity/multiculturalism/etc.
“Anti-racists” demand immigration and assimilation in ALL & ONLY White countries.
These “anti-racists” are in fact demanding White genocide.
But of course we all know that, and we all know anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.6) (401) Obama force-integrated Marin county because it was “too White”, and all the “anti-racists” cheered.
If Obama force integrated Detroit because it “too Black” or Texas because it was “too Mexican”, do you think the “anti-racists” would cheer??
No, they ONLY cheer when White people are subject to a program genocide.
But of course we all know that, and we all know anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.7) (426) No major “anti-racist” organization has ever demanded more diversity for Black, Asia, Muslim, Mexican, or ANY non-White area.
“Diversity” is something that White people and ONLY White people must accept or else they’re a “nazi-who-wants-to-kill-all-the-jews”.
The point of “diversity” is not spicy food or culture. The point of “diversity” is getting rid of White people.
“Diversity” is nothing but a codeword for White genocide.8) (442) You anti-Whites support the intentional demographic elimination of White children on a global scale and call it “Celebrating Diversity”. Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, RACIAL or religious group.
Criminals always lie about their actions to avoid punishment for their crimes.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.9) (364) Anti-Whites like to say Diversity is “freedom” for non-Whites to enter White living space and “mix in” with whomever they wish.
However, White people are not allowed to refuse this “freedom,” so it is your Diversity we Whites are FORCED to accept. That—mass immigration and forced assimilation—is Genocide.
“Diversity” is nothing but a codeword for White Genocide.10) (499) If diversity isn’t forced, why are ‘Whites only’ signs outlawed?
If diversity isn’t forced, why is there affirmative action & racial employment quotas?
If diversity isn’t forced, why are White People not allowed to vote to stop massive non-White immigration into White countries and only White countries?
If diversity isn’t forced, why is integration of ALL & ONLY White communities forced?
If diversity isn’t forced, than you describe the diversity we are forced to accept.
Anti-racist = anti-White11) (448) Do you agree that if Saddam Hussein had flooded the Kurdish villages with non-Kurds and ordered the Kurds to “assimilate” and “celebrate diversity,” thereby demographically wiping out the Kurds as an ethnic group he WOULD have been GUILTY of committing an intentional act of genocide?
Isn’t that what anti-Whites are doing to White people by flooding our communities with non-Whites and telling us we have to “assimilate” and “celebrate diversity”?12) (489) Separation is what creates diversity (separate sub-species) and maintains diversity. And ending separation is what ends diversity, by interbreeding separate subspecies out of existence.
The separation between human subspecies in this country has been ended not only by increasing the physical presence of non-Whites here by “immigration,” but also by having constantly repeated the R-WORD until it’s become the automatic reflex of most Whites at any attempts to maintain social separation.13) (469) You dont understand the implications of what U are demanding, YOU are demanding White geNOcide; “diversity” is code word for White geNOcide.
Which non-White populations do you demand be more racially “diverse” until there is “enough diversity” to blend the host population out of existence? or are you only anti-White? you only demand White geNOcide, no?
If “diversity” isn’t forced, you describe the “diversity” my People and ONLY my White People are forced to accept?14) (374) Anti-Whites oppose separation AND claim to love diversity.
But it’s a simple fact of evolution that separation is what has produced diversity.
Anti-Whites support a blackout on black-on-White murders. Anti-Whites support flooding White countries with non-Whites. Anti-whites support White genocide and call it anti-racism.
But anti-racism is just a code word for anti-White.15) (394) Diversity is code word for less White People. Nobody says an Asian country that is 100% Asian needs more diversity. Nobody says an African country that is 100% Black needs more diversity. Anti-Whites claim “anti-racism” and demand diversity for White countries and ONLY White countries. Anti-Whites say it must be Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, and White countries for EVERYBODY!
16) (480) Hypocrisy is that all White countries and only White countries are made to accept massive non-White immigration in the name of “Diversity,” while others are not. You and similar people with manipulated minds have been conditioned to use the word racism through decades of social engineering to shut up any White person who resists this. Anti-racism is truly and utterly just a codeword for anti-White. And
“Diversity” is nothing but a codeword for White Genocide—plain and simple.17) (455) When Whites move to non-White countries en masse ‘anti-racists’ call it colonialism.
When non-Whites move to White countries en masse ‘anti-racists’ call it “Diversity”, “progress”, “multiculturalism” and other euphemisms.
‘Anti-racists’ demand immigration and assimilation in ALL & ONLY White countries.
These ‘anti-racists’ are in fact demanding White genocide.
But of course we all know that, and we all know anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.18) (336) “Diversity” and “MultiCULTuralism” are code-words for the program of White Genocide-by-assimilation that the s0-called “anti-racists” and their anti-White, globalist pigdog masters imposed upon the indigenous people of Europe.
They say they are “anti-racist.” What they really are is anti-White. Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.19) (498) “Anti-racists” Demand massive immigration and forced integration for all White countries and ONLY White countries. A mixed & blended humanity in only White countries means NO White people anywhere.
China ise using the same method of mass immigration & forced integration in Tibet. Anti-racists call it Genocide.
“Anti-racists” are using the same methods of massive immigration and forced integration in all White countries and only White countries. Anti-racists call it “Diversity.” It is GeNOcide.20) (445) When we refuse to ‘embrace Diversity’ like with Apartheid in South Africa or with segregation in the USA the World enforced a boycott on South Africa,and in the USA young White girls were forced at BAYONET POINT by the army to ‘embrace diversity’ in their own schools
Nowhere is an ALL White anything allowed to exist.
“Diversity” is nothing but a codeword for White Genocide. &
‘Anti-racism’ is just a codeword for Anti-White.10/20/2013 at 4:50 pm #53760Daniel GensericParticipantDiversity and White Privilege are THE two quintessential anti-white talking points today.
1. Diversity is the program. White Privilege is their “justification”.Anti-whites push white genocide by using school busing, open enrollment, White privilege, White flight, affirmative action, Equal opportunity employment, Diversity and Tolerance workshops, Section 8 Housing, Head Start, Title 1, Sub-prime mortgages, making home affordable, terrorizing states and sheriffs who enforce current immigration laws, brainwashing our children in school and television, etc…
Wake up. We never voted on these programs that lead to the genocide of whites in EVERY white country.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white2. The anti-white establishment won’t be happy until they replace ALL white children in EVERY white country with HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of non-whites. They will continue to enforce policy that facilitates “assimilation”, i.e. intermarriage and sex, with all those non-whites.
They say this is Diversity. How can it be Diversity if it leads to a world without whites? They say it is “anti-racist” to promote white genocide. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white
White Privilege
1. EVERYBODY says there is a RACE problem called White Privilege.
EVERYBODY says this Privilege can and will be taken away.
EVERYBODY says that there is ONLY one way to solve this problem.They say we were BORN with “White Privilege”. That we’re the Problem. The final solution to the WHITE problem is to do away with the problem of us BEING HERE; white genocide. They say things like “We all bleed red. We’re all one race,” what they really mean is “on Earth, whites have no place”. Where is the Tolerance & Diversity in that?
They say they’re anti-racist. What they are is anti-white
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white2. EVERYBODY says there is a White Privilege.
EVERYBODY says this Privilege can be taken away.
EVERYBODY says that there is ONLY one way to solve this problem.
They say we were BORN with it. We’re the Problem. The solution is to do away with the problem of us BEING HERE; white genocide. They say things like “We all bleed red. We’re all one race,” what they really mean is “on Earth, whites have no place” until 8% of the World’s population are minorities in our own countries and finally gone. Where is the Tolerance & Diversity in that?
They say they’re anti-racist. What they are is anti-white
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white10/26/2013 at 2:37 pm #54080-cecilhenry-ParticipantHey Guys:
Thanks for the Diversity Mini-Mantra’s.
Very helpful to incorporate into responses. Great job. Keep it up.
10/26/2013 at 4:06 pm #54085GregPParticipant@DG Thanks for those! I added them to my list.
Shortened your “Diversity” #1 to under 500 words (499):
“Diversity” is the program. “White Privilege” is their justification.
Anti-whites push White Genocide by using school busing, “open” enrollment, “White privilege,” affirmative action, “Equal opportunity employment,” “Diversity & Tolerance” workshops, Section 8 Housing, Head Start, Title 1, Sub-prime mortgages, terrorizing states & sheriffs who enforce immigration laws, brainwashing our children in school & on TV, etc.
We never voted on these programs in EVERY White country that = White Genocide.If someone wants to shorten it more to get the ARIACWFAW phrase at the end, that would also be awesome
10/26/2013 at 4:19 pm #54086Mimmy JarrParticipantI have a two-word retort that I sometimes use when confronted by “White privilege”:
Kike snivelege
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Bob Whitaker has "been there and done that" in the world of politics. His unique perspective is insightful and vital. You may not agree with everything he says, but I guarantee that he will make you think.
Robert W. Whitaker, 1941—2017, was born and raised in South Carolina and attended the University of South Carolina and the University of Virginia Graduate School. He has been a college professor, international aviation negotiator, Capitol Hill senior staffer, Reagan Administration appointee, and writer for the Voice of America. He has written numerous articles and three books. Bob lived in Columbia, SC, coaching B.U.G.S. He had asked the staff to inform female readers that he was "divorced and 'wildly attractive.'" I agree that he was divorced. But actually, he always did and always will love his one and only wife.
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