A "Progressive" at anti-White Daily Kos posted "How Whites Took Over America."
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Tagged: anti-white, Daily Kos is anti-White
- This topic has 40 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 8 months ago by Dick Whitman.
04/23/2012 at 6:31 pm #22233Dick WhitmanParticipant
OK, I did manage to save much of the discussion. It’s sort of hard to read just due to how blog replies can get all over the place. My pen name was “Walter White.” This is probably 75% of the replies I gave. I forgot to copy and paste it again later (and didn’t think I would get erased seeing they had a 100,000 to 1 advantage).
I will attempt to post it below. Hopefully it comes out alright?
04/23/2012 at 6:48 pm #22234Dick WhitmanParticipant• I see that this video is being praised (20+ / 0-)
on Stormfront and other extremist sites. I haven’t watched it but there must be some reason that you refuse to describe its contents.
Your other diary does give a hint of your agenda.
So to join Middle America with the liberal left (for the purpose of building a populist coalition) the left will need to purge itself of its anti-white tendencies.
I predict that this will not end well.
by Lost and Found on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 08:40:55 PM EDT
[ Reply to this ]o Maybe He’s Just Referring to Himself nt (6+ / 0-)
We are called to speak for the weak, for the voiceless, for victims of our nation and for those it calls enemy…. –ML King “Beyond Vietnam”
by Gooserock on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 08:49:57 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ] need to HR diarist’s TJ into oblivion. (8+ / 0-)
See the comments below: he’s apparently a “Whites Rights” guy, “oh we’re such victims!” and worse.
NOTE: diarist’s userID is Walter White, if you don’t see his TJ, it’s because it’s hidden, so do not HR the comment by Lost and Found who is the first comment below the diarist’s TJ. Be sure you HR Walter White.
“Minus two votes for the Democrat” equals “plus one vote for the Republican.” Arithmetic doesn’t care about your feelings.
by G2geek on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 10:07:24 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ] * [new] I oppose (0+ / 0-)
the forced integration and assimilation of White counties and spaces. This program of forced diversity ends with the end of White people on the earth. According to the UN, this is genocide.
You on the other hand are anti-White.
“Anti-racist” is a code word for anti-White.
by Walter White on Sun Apr 22, 2012 at 01:46:21 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ]• Looks like an attempt (15+ / 0-)
To co-opt the left for the purposes of pushing the same anti nonwhite idiocy we see from the usual white supremacist morons since making the argument from the right has become too toxic.
The “anti-white” bullshit is just that…an attempt to paint themselves as victims to convince the clueless that it really is the fault of the black and brown people so they continue to vote against their own best interests. As always they are banking on white America to pay no attention to the man behind the curtain…
Fear doesn’t just breed incomprehension. It also breeds a spiteful, resentful hate of anyone and everyone who is in any way different from you.
by awesumtenor on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 08:55:46 PM EDT
[ Reply to this ]o * [new] Correct (0+ / 0-)
The real powers behind White genocide (forced integration and assimilation of Whites with the developing world) is being carried out by Whites and Jews (the men behind the curtain). Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics are not responsible for this program. They are only tools for the White and Jewish globalist elites.
by Walter White on Sun Apr 22, 2012 at 01:51:28 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ]• I just read most of the transcript, which can be (16+ / 0-)
found by clicking the “CC” symbol at the bottom of the player.
I see what you’re trying to do. You’re white and just like Rush Limbaugh you’re trying to portray yourself as a victim of widespread anti-white racism, but you lack the basic integrity to come right out and say it. It’s donut time.
by Lost and Found on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 09:04:02 PM EDT
[ Reply to this ]o added one; we need LOTS MORE. by G2geek, Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 10:09:36 PM EDT (7+ / 0-)
G2 – I agree and have added my donut by VClib, Sat Apr 21, 2012 at 10:32:30 AM EDT(2+ / 0-)
o * [new] Almost. Rush Limbaugh is controled opposition (0+ / 0-)
for corporate, globalist, and Zionist intersts. He takes part in “country club racism” (making fun of blacks on welfare, ridculing poor mexican migrants) to redirect legitimate anxieties that the White working and middle classes have (White genocide) onto non-whites when their true enemy is the people that Limbaugh carries water for. These are the globalist elites who go to Bilderberg meetings and such.
by Walter White on Sun Apr 22, 2012 at 02:00:51 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ]• This is some scary shit (17+ / 0-)
The video was made by WhiteRabbitadio
Founded by Robert Whittaker who on his blog writes:
Non-whites will honor no deal with anti-white whites. They are NOT honorable.
So if we represent the white minority, we will be allowed to treat anti-white whites any way we wish. Can you imagine non-whites rushing to the defense of a rich white or his heirs?
And my analysis is that you can BUY any minority, especially blacks and Hispanics.
Are you fucking kidding me? And that’s not the worst of it.
SPLC calls Bob Whitaker a “White Nationalist”
Love will save you from the cold light of boring reality — SWANS
by jethrock on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 09:16:28 PM EDT
[ Reply to this ]o If I’m reading this correctly, it’s a call for (12+ / 0-)
white supremacists (the true representatives of the “white minority”) to carry out some sort of purge of anti-racist white people, which won’t be difficult because none of their “non-white” allies are honorable enough to stand up for them.
That is starting to approach Anders Breivik territory.
by Lost and Found on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 09:32:56 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ] Exactly. I expect Walter White will get boney mojo (11+ / 0-)
soon. Hopefully.
Love will save you from the cold light of boring reality — SWANS
by jethrock on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 09:41:09 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ] I’ve sent a msg. eom (10+ / 0-)
“Space Available” is the largest retail chain in the nation.
by Free Jazz at High Noon on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 09:52:54 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ] Best way to deal with the likes of this. (8+ / 0-)
The manual banhammer works much more quickly than the creaky Autobanninator.
Cogito, ergo Democrata.
by Ahianne on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 11:32:10 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ] * [new] Is that a threat? Better call FBI. (0+ / 0-)
by Walter White on Sun Apr 22, 2012 at 02:02:58 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ]o Having Stormfront and David Duke on the blogroll (11+ / 0-)
of that rabbitradio site was a pretty clear indication as well.
As for the rest of it, I’m way too sober to figure it out. Is this an anti-“whites who aren’t anti-non-white” type of thing?
That hurts just to type it.
It’s not a War On Religion — it’s a War Against Theocracy
by here4tehbeer on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 09:44:59 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ]o * [new] The $PLC (0+ / 0-)
now that’s a stalwart organization.
Complete Divorce Papers for SPLC founder Morris Dees. Alabama Court of Civil Appeals: CASE NO. CIV. 2114 (see link)
by Walter White on Sun Apr 22, 2012 at 03:08:47 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ]• HR’d for promoting “White Genocide” racist by jethrock, Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 09:28:25 PM EDT(4+ / 0-)
o * [new] You should never get pissed off (0+ / 0-)
hearing (non-violent) ideas if you know they’re wrong.
by Walter White on Sun Apr 22, 2012 at 02:04:41 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ]• If you were expecting a non (7+ / 0-)
trollish response . . .
Openthread . . .
by aoeu on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 09:37:04 PM EDT
[ Reply to this ]o see immediately below n/t by kalmoth, Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 09:42:25 PM EDT (4+ / 0-)
o * [new] Peace to you too. (0+ / 0-)
by Walter White on Sun Apr 22, 2012 at 02:05:16 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ]• How cats took over Kitty City by kalmoth, Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 09:41:58 PM EDT (10+ / 0-)
• HR for You! (9+ / 0-)
1) It’s not a diary, it’s only a link.
2) Since you supplied no narrative, one can only infer that you agree with the content of the linked video.
3) The video is not worth 13:25 of anyone’s life.
4) No offense, Walt.
“Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything even remotely true.” — H. Simpson
by midnight lurker on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 09:43:33 PM EDT
[ Reply to this ]o Heh: great minds…. (see below…) by Free Jazz at High Noon, Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 09:47:30 PM EDT (5+ / 0-)
o * [new] No offense taken Sir/Mamm (0+ / 0-)
by Walter White on Sun Apr 22, 2012 at 02:06:35 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ]• 1. A link to a video is not a diary. (6+ / 0-)
2. Reading the site linked to the YT video and its ancillary sites is enough to convince me that you are a white supremacist or at the very least a sympathizer or a dupe.
3. I wish you had saved your mealy-mouthed, David Duke styled “Whites have a right not to be force-fed multiculturalism” double-speak in your last diary and just laid your cards on the table there. At the very least, we would know the sort of individual we are dealing with.
There is nothing progressive about your ideas regarding race and society. You are on the wrong site.
“Space Available” is the largest retail chain in the nation.
by Free Jazz at High Noon on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 09:46:45 PM EDT
[ Reply to this ]o #1 isn’t a reason for an HR… but the rest… by jethrock, Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 09:55:34 PM EDT (5+ / 0-)
o * [new] I encourge you to stop (0+ / 0-)
looking at the world in black and white and in “sides.” Although being a progressive you must already understand this?
by Walter White on Sun Apr 22, 2012 at 02:08:24 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ]• Good luck with this . . . by aoeu, Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 09:54:38 PM EDT (14+ / 0-)
• “Native Americans”? (20+ / 0-)
Who do you think you are?
Leave us out of your racism, asshole. Oh, and I know what you think you mean by that, and that’s bullshit too.
Authentic Native American silverwork, jewelry, photography, and other art here.
by Aji on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 10:13:40 PM EDT
[ Reply to this ]o * [new] No need to use vulgarity. (0+ / 0-)
“Authentic Native American silverwork, jewelry, photography, and other art here.”
Glad to see Daily KOS allows it’s posters to use its site to market their wares.
Capitalist PIGS!!!
by Walter White on Sun Apr 22, 2012 at 02:12:33 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ]• Read this atrocious comment by Walter White (10+ / 0-)
How he/she was not immediately banned baffles me:
Conservatism in America appears to be (1+ / 0-)
the transition from class based politics to ethno-racialist politics. Before the 60’s politics was labor vs. management. From the 60’s to today the dividing line was “culture” and taxes. We’re now moving into the final phase of a multicultural/multiracial political system which will be explicitly racial and ethnic.
Demographically this is already the case with the two parties. The GOP is “the white party” in that whites overwhelmingly support it. The Democrats are the party of non-Whites and progressives.
The major difference is that the GOP will be forced to explicitly pursue the interests of whites (and not just whites in the top 1% economically). The Democrat party already openly pursues the interests of non-whites (while embracing anti-white rhetoric of the radical Left).
Recently the CPAC invited several white nationalists for a discussion about immigration. What this is an admission that White nationalists/pro-whites can no longer be ignored. If the mainstream GOP totally ignores White Nationalism, White nationalism will leave them behind (politicos are whores by nature and evolve to with the times).
Over the next 10 years the GOP will become more White Nationalist in nature. The fight to look for will be the White nationalist purging of neoconservatives from the leadership ranks of the GOP. In fact, the GOP may just go away to make way for a new party that is explicitly white?
I do think there is a way of avoiding this racially polarized future. I’m working on a diary entry that I will post in a few days that lays it all out.
by Walter White on Wed Feb 22, 2012 at 06:33:16 PM EST
The diary that comment was written in was deleted. I have no idea who the diary was written by or what it’s content was.
But Walter White’s comments speak for themselves.
Love will save you from the cold light of boring reality — SWANS
by jethrock on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 10:34:06 PM EDT
[ Reply to this ]o Do you get the reference from the UID? by Horace Boothroyd III, Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 10:48:12 PM EDT (6+ / 0-)
I did not make that correlation. (2+ / 0-)
But there is definitely the “WHITE” aspect to it.
Love will save you from the cold light of boring reality — SWANS
by jethrock on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 10:53:18 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ] p.s. I noticed you are the only one following (1+ / 0-)
Walter White.
Please tell me you don’t agree with anything he/she wrote.
Love will save you from the cold light of boring reality — SWANS
by jethrock on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 10:56:59 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ] The UID by Horace Boothroyd III, Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 11:01:48 PM EDT (8+ / 0-)
I figured something like that… (5+ / 0-)
from knowing you here I couldn’t imagine you ever agreeing with something like this:
thank you (0+ / 0-)
this plan will require compromise and creativity.
The Right needs to accept that people can’t always “pull themselves up by the bootstraps.” Families, kids, people need help sometimes.
The left will have to accept that force integrating and assimilating the developing world with “white” nations, communities, and institutions is unacceptable.
This new system will provide community, better human services, and allow for enhanced creativity through enhanced diversity. It puts power in the hands of the working and middle classes and later indigenous peoples.
by Walter White on Tue Mar 13, 2012 at 11:13:44 PM EDT
Love will save you from the cold light of boring reality — SWANS
by jethrock on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 11:06:16 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ] * [new] Yes, that is horrible, isn’t it? (0+ / 0-)
by Walter White on Sun Apr 22, 2012 at 02:15:46 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ] Horace keeps an eye open for trolls. (3+ / 0-)
That’s why he’d be following this guy.
“Minus two votes for the Democrat” equals “plus one vote for the Republican.” Arithmetic doesn’t care about your feelings.
by G2geek on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 11:35:24 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ]o it’s almost supportable to say that the GOP is… (3+ / 0-)
…. looking at becoming something like a “white party” as it alienates itself from larger and larger numbers of Americans.
But the rest of that spew is just right out, and here’s another clue: he says “the Democrat party.”
And I see he’s not banned yet. Oh well. Markos should have at least one night a week off, so maybe tomorrow.
“Minus two votes for the Democrat” equals “plus one vote for the Republican.” Arithmetic doesn’t care about your feelings.
by G2geek on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 11:34:58 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ] I agree, it was close to the truth imo (1+ / 0-)
except when he got to this…
The Democrat party already openly pursues the interests of non-whites (while embracing anti-white rhetoric of the radical Left).
the GOP is the white peoples party, by choice. It got that way when they decided to pursue the “southern strategy” and divide the nation along racial lines. Some of the primary states were in the high 90% white voters this year. This year the white elctorate is expected to be around 40% democratic and 60% white. A recent diary says Romney needs to hold Obama to 37% to win.
But hey, I didn’t watch the vid so I’m just commneting on this one comment. Sorry if it seems like I’m supporting a troll… I ain’t.
America could have chosen to be the worlds doctor, or grocer. We choose instead to be her policeman. pity
by cacamp on Sat Apr 21, 2012 at 01:22:50 AM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ] * [new] I’m voting for Obama (0+ / 0-)
It’s much more difficult for him to start another war for corporate, globalist, and Israeli interests, than it is for a Republican.
Regardless, the President has no real power anyway. The real global power attends Bilderberg meetings and runs the big financial houses.
Presidents and elections are for the “profane”, “goyim” masses to get exited about and feel as if they have a choice.
by Walter White on Sun Apr 22, 2012 at 02:22:18 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ]• I’ve written some bad diaries on here before… (3+ / 0-)
…but this one is the single worst diary I’ve seen on this site. All it consists of is a link to a YouTube video that is being praised by far-right extremists…
Are you paling around with David Duke by any chance?
by DownstateDemocrat on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 10:39:11 PM EDT
[ Reply to this ]o * [new] Never met him in my life. (0+ / 0-)
But I have read some of his work in trying to understand the so called “White Nationalist” movement.
To my surprise he does not insist that blacks, or Asians, or Hispanics, or even Jews be force-assimilated out of existence (or wiped out in any way).
Can’t say the same about some folks around here though?by Walter White on Sun Apr 22, 2012 at 02:28:09 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ]• I rarely say this…and think it is said too (7+ / 0-)
often…but this one really needs to be banned right away. I bug the FPers too often; I hope someone will trumpet this to Markos.
by Timaeus on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 10:39:40 PM EDT
[ Reply to this ]o Yes, this guy needs to be shown the door PRONTO by DownstateDemocrat, Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 10:43:29 PM EDT (5+ / 0-)
Hell… maybe the FBI or higher authorities need (4+ / 0-)
to be notified.
Love will save you from the cold light of boring reality — SWANS
by jethrock on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 10:49:59 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ] only if he makes threats of violence against… by G2geek, Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 11:31:16 PM EDT (2+ / 0-)
* [new] That Right! (0+ / 0-)
Fight the White patriarchy by notifying an organization that epitomizes the White patriarchy. You go girl.
Oh, and if you want to called “higher authorities” try the CIA. Or just call the guy who created Daily KOS.
by Walter White on Sun Apr 22, 2012 at 02:35:21 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ]o * [new] What are you scared of? (0+ / 0-)
I recommend reading other perspectives. It makes you a more rounded person.
by Walter White on Sun Apr 22, 2012 at 02:30:03 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ]• This seems like a good place to ask.. (4+ / 0-)
I’m looking for background information on William Dathan Holbert (AKA Wild Bill) a white supremacist who will soon be tried here in Panama for the murder of several people. It seems that he killed 5 Americans and 2 Panamanian workers. The Americans were neighbors, who he forced to sign over rights to their land, killed, then buried in his yard.
I’m just starting to look into Holbert’s past. He was leading a white hate meeting in Forest City North Carolina in 2005.
If you have any info, or like to dig, please message me. I’m going to write a diary on this guy if I come up with anything beyond what’s readily available in the press. I may even attend his trial.
This Rover crossed over.. Willie Nelson
by Karl Rover on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 11:03:43 PM EDT
[ Reply to this ]o holy crap, yeah attend & report on it. (4+ / 0-)
So he forced them to sign over their land, and then he killed them, and then he buried them on his own land.
Sheesh, just goes to prove that “cunning” isn’t “smart.”
Presumably Panama has no death penalty, but life w/o parole down there is probably unpleasant enough in the heat.
“Minus two votes for the Democrat” equals “plus one vote for the Republican.” Arithmetic doesn’t care about your feelings.
by G2geek on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 11:37:47 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ] No death penalty.. (2+ / 0-)
but 50 years for murder, and he’s got at least 5 that he confessed to. I’m especially interested in his life and connections before he got to Panama.
There’s no shortage of gruesome details. Just what I found today will probably give me nightmares tonight.
This Rover crossed over.. Willie Nelson
by Karl Rover on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 11:48:25 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ] in which case, put a PTSD warning on any… (4+ / 0-)
…. diary where you get into the details beyond what you said in your comment above. Something like, “PTSD trigger alert, gruesome details of crime below.” Especially if you have any pictures or anything like that.
This is becoming standard practice around here since violent material is a trigger for so many people. Turns out PTSD isn’t only an affliction of combat vets, but also child abuse survivors and a lot of other people who have faced significant violence or other immediate danger to their lives. That means a lot of folks here.
One of the key characteristics is flashbacks, or visceral replays of a triggering event: could be the original event or other events with similar emotional characteristics. So reading something gruesome could get it stuck in someone’s head for days, like an annoying song you can’t get rid of, but with feelings of dread and so on.
“Minus two votes for the Democrat” equals “plus one vote for the Republican.” Arithmetic doesn’t care about your feelings.
by G2geek on Sat Apr 21, 2012 at 12:18:26 AM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ] I wish this were part of the site’s rules. (1+ / 0-)
Wise words, G2Geek.
© grover
So if you get hit by a bus tonight, would you be satisfied with how you spent today, your last day on earth? Live like tomorrow is never guaranteed, because it’s not. — Me.
by grover on Sat Apr 21, 2012 at 02:49:01 AM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ]• White’s other diary got three recs and no HRs. (6+ / 0-)
It’s full of passages like this.
Once freedom of association is re-implemented, this will greatly reduce much of the stress related to identify politics in America. Much of the hostility from the right towards nationalized healthcare, increased education spending, and infrastructure spending would go away, as Middle America would no longer associate these issues with the extreme anti-white tendencies of the left.
Unless one assumes that none of the recommenders actually read the diary, it looks like there’s some sympathy for overt white supremacist ideology on this site.
by Lost and Found on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 11:26:23 PM EDT
[ Reply to this ]o Well. It’s no secret that some folks bigotry (6+ / 0-)
shines from time to time here.
Usually when the community catches any hint of that shit they get run out of town pretty quickly.
The fact that a new users diary got ignored or fell by the waste-side unnoticed is not that unusual.
Love will save you from the cold light of boring reality — SWANS
by jethrock on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 11:34:49 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ]o they probably skimmed it and missed… (6+ / 0-)
… that stuff.
This is a common error around here: skimming rather than reading in entirety.
And the guy used enough of the right buzzwords such as “progressive populist movement,” to catch some folks off guard.
However now he’s gone and spilled his true intentions on the table, and the mess is about to get cleaned up.
“Minus two votes for the Democrat” equals “plus one vote for the Republican.” Arithmetic doesn’t care about your feelings.
by G2geek on Fri Apr 20, 2012 at 11:40:29 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ] * [new] My “true intentions” (0+ / 0-)
are to end the program of White genocide and make life better for all humans by building a system that emphasizes local communities over a global system that allows a few hundred sociopaths (who are mostly Anglo-White and Jewish) to sit at the top of the pyramid.
Your intentions however are immaterial, as you serve the top of pyramid while not even realizing it. All the while you get to pretend you’re fighting “White privilege” when it’s the real privileged globalist class that you serve by supporting a program that forces EVERY WHITE space in the world to be “diversified.
Of course, you don’t demand that Japan be forced diversified. Or that Tibetans be forced diversified. Or that the Jews in Israel be forced diversified.
ONLY WHITES MUST BE FORCED TO ACCEPT DIVERSITY. Only White nations, communities, institutions, or even families can be TOO WHITE.
Anti-racism is a code for anti-White.by Walter White on Sun Apr 22, 2012 at 03:01:42 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ]o * [new] Nature/the universe/God(s) makes nothing superior (0+ / 0-)
only different. Is a Hound dog superior to a greyhound?
by Walter White on Sun Apr 22, 2012 at 02:40:18 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ]• Racist troll is racist. n/t (5+ / 0-)
Tell Congress: DON’T BREAK THE INTERNET! Fight CISPA! Stop Cyber Spying!
by Brown Thrasher on Sat Apr 21, 2012 at 12:41:59 AM EDT
[ Reply to this ]o * [new] Do you oppose cyber spying on (0+ / 0-)
“White Supremacists” or people who oppose the forced diversification of White spaces?
“Anti-racist” is a code word for anti-White.
by Walter White on Sun Apr 22, 2012 at 02:43:13 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ]• HR – link to racist anti Native American (10+ / 0-)
which was posted by someone whose blog roll includes
Age of Treason
Alternative Right
AWM: Anti-White Media
Bob Whitaker
Brazil Anti Antifa
Council of Conservative Citizens
Counter Currents Publishing
David Duke
Derek Black’s Radio Show
GeNOcide Evidence Project
Johnny White Rabbit
Label 56
Majority Rights
Malevolent Freedom
Mindweapons in Ragnarok
Occidental Dissent
The Occidental Observer
The Occidental Quarterly
The Political Cesspool
Voice of Reason
Western Voices
White GeNOcide Project
White Rabbit Survival
“If you’re in a coalition and you’re comfortable, you know it’s not a broad enough coalition” Bernice Johnson Reagon
by Denise Oliver Velez on Sat Apr 21, 2012 at 04:29:00 AM EDT
[ Reply to this ]o * [new] Looks like guilt by association? (0+ / 0-)
McCarthyism anyone?
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
by Walter White on Sun Apr 22, 2012 at 03:04:03 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ]• Fight Youtube vids with Youtube vids! by theatre goon, Sat Apr 21, 2012 at 08:23:42 AM EDT(3+ / 0-)
• What the H? Two ppl liked this? (2+ / 0-)
On FB! What the hell is the matter with people? I sure hope to see Bojo on this one right quick.
Putting on the spectacles of science in expectation of finding an answer to everything looked at signifies inner blindness. — J(ames) Frank Dobie
by cactusflinthead on Sat Apr 21, 2012 at 01:07:22 PM EDT
[ Reply to this ] Recommendo * [new] I know, call the FBI! (0+ / 0-)
by Walter White on Sun Apr 22, 2012 at 02:44:35 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ]• A gem from (1+ / 0-)
his other diary:
The reason the GOP has been able to maintain this voting demographic is because the left has been extremely hostile to whites and Christians over the last 50 years (but more so towards “Whiteness” as the left has its own progressive Protestantism). Because the GOP is not aggressively and overtly anti-White, they “feel” like a better option, when in reality the progressive policies of left are better for Middle America.
Uhh, yeah, OK, whatever…
“A lie is not the other side of a story; it’s just a lie.”
by happy camper on Sat Apr 21, 2012 at 01:23:10 PM EDT
[ Reply to this ] Recommendo * [new] Thank you (0+ / 0-)
that was a little “gem” wasn’t it?
by Walter White on Sun Apr 22, 2012 at 02:45:25 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ]• Sick, sad, little (0+ / 0-)
“Rage against the machine, vote for Newt, annoy a liberal.” Sarah Palin on Fox News 1.28.12. – HaHaHAHaHaHa! me for the next 10 minutes.
by AnnetteK on Sat Apr 21, 2012 at 05:48:27 PM EDT
[ Reply to this ] Recommendo * [new] Africa for the Africans. Asia for the Asians. (0+ / 0-)
Israel for the Jewish people.
by Walter White on Sun Apr 22, 2012 at 02:46:59 PM EDT
[ Parent | Reply to this ]04/24/2012 at 1:54 am #22241Patrick WhiteRabbitParticipantDw, no offense but you were way off topic for the most part there. Remember, simply stay on the mantra talking points, no N&J and ASK questions that demand answers of the anti-Whites.
04/24/2012 at 6:38 am #22258Dick WhitmanParticipantNo offense taken. Constructive criticism is how we improve ourselves. Please post the ones you think are “off topic.” So I can learn. Or I’ll try to explain.
04/24/2012 at 12:27 pm #22281Patrick WhiteRabbitParticipantNo problem DW. I’d say the following responses were ineffective:
“The real powers behind White genocide (forced integration and assimilation of Whites with the developing world) is being carried out by Whites and Jews (the men behind the curtain). Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics are not responsible for this program. They are only tools for the White and Jewish globalist elites.” Thats just straight up NandJ stuff and you;ll have them trying to side track it into another debate.
“a global system that allows a few hundred sociopaths (who are mostly Anglo-White and Jewish) to sit at the top of the pyramid.” Same as with all the years of social engineering its best to leave out the J words and just focus totally on pointing out the anti-Whites contradictions.
“[new] Nature/the universe/God(s) makes nothing superior (0+ / 0-)
only different. Is a Hound dog superior to a greyhound?” Starting to get off message here, they’ll use that as an opportunity to start trying to get into “Fact and figures” style “debating”“Fight the White patriarchy by notifying an organization that epitomizes the White patriarchy. You go girl.
Oh, and if you want to called “higher authorities” try the CIA. Or just call the guy who created Daily KOS.” No mantra talking points at all or repeaters here. Even get in an anti-White comment here.“It’s much more difficult for him to start another war for corporate, globalist, and Israeli interests, than it is for a Republican.
Regardless, the President has no real power anyway. The real global power attends Bilderberg meetings and runs the big financial houses.
Presidents and elections are for the “profane”, “goyim” masses to get exited about and feel as if they have a choice.” More NandJ.There were a few others but i hope you see my points.
Hope that helps!
04/24/2012 at 12:33 pm #22282Patrick WhiteRabbitParticipantNo problem DW. Here are some of the comments i think that were ineffective:
1 “[new] Nature/the universe/God(s) makes nothing superior (0+ / 0-)
only different. Is a Hound dog superior to a greyhound?”The anti-Whites will try and get you to “debate” fact and figures here, or start creating strawmans based on genes!
2. “Fight the White patriarchy by notifying an organization that epitomizes the White patriarchy. You go girl.
Oh, and if you want to called “higher authorities” try the CIA. Or just call the guy who created Daily KOS.”No mantra talking points here or repeater, a waste of a reply
3. “ * [new] I’m voting for Obama (0+ / 0-)
It’s much more difficult for him to start another war for corporate, globalist, and Israeli interests, than it is for a Republican.
Regardless, the President has no real power anyway. The real global power attends Bilderberg meetings and runs the big financial houses.
Presidents and elections are for the “profane”, “goyim” masses to get exited about and feel as if they have a choice.”This is NandJ and almost Alex Jones type stuff. Again no mantra or repeater. You will get them calling you a “tin foil” hat wearer.
There are a few others but you get the idea?
Hope that helps!
04/24/2012 at 3:08 pm #22286Patrick WhiteRabbitParticipantI keep posting a reply here but the post never shows up?!
04/24/2012 at 3:16 pm #22287Patrick WhiteRabbitParticipantAhhh now it works.
DW, these are the posts that i think were ineffective…………
1 “The real powers behind White genocide (forced integration and assimilation of Whites with the developing world) is being carried out by Whites and Jews (the men behind the curtain). Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics are not responsible for this program. They are only tools for the White and Jewish globalist elites.”
Its a little N and J. You’re just setting yourself up to be ridiculed. Best to say that “anti-White policies” are responsible.
2. “Fight the White patriarchy by notifying an organization that epitomizes the White patriarchy. You go girl.
Oh, and if you want to called “higher authorities” try the CIA. Or just call the guy who created Daily KOS.”Remember always to try and get a mantra talking point in here AND expose them as anti-Whites who are genocide pushers in pretty much every reply
3. “t’s much more difficult for him to start another war for corporate, globalist, and Israeli interests, than it is for a Republican.
Regardless, the President has no real power anyway. The real global power attends Bilderberg meetings and runs the big financial houses.
Presidents and elections are for the “profane”, “goyim” masses to get exited about and feel as if they have a choice.”More NandJ……….the Bilderberg stuff is verging on Alex Jones territory……….they’ll just try and derail you and shift you off genocide and onto NandJ
4. “The real powers behind White genocide (forced integration and assimilation of Whites with the developing world) is being carried out by Whites and Jews (the men behind the curtain). Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics are not responsible for this program. They are only tools for the White and Jewish globalist elites.”
Yet more NandJ
5. “[new] Nature/the universe/God(s) makes nothing superior (0+ / 0-)
only different. Is a Hound dog superior to a greyhound?”With this you have to be careful it doesn’t go down the “Facts and figures” debate about genetics! Being there done that doesnt work!
Oh and i’d say you aren’t asking enough questions. Always end with 2 or 3 questions that are basically repeaters based on mantra talking points.
Still good work! Hope that helps!
04/24/2012 at 4:03 pm #22290Dick WhitmanParticipantThank you sir. I try to throw some FTWR type memes into my work just to get that stuff out there. But you are correct. I guess I’ll just let the White Rabbit worry about FTWR memes
04/24/2012 at 5:29 pm #22295Denounce GenocidistsParticipantThat was good work Dick.The anti-whites have got nothing.The only thing keeping the cult going is censorship.
04/24/2012 at 7:46 pm #22300JasonParticipantWhat I’ve learned, is that we don’t want to get into extended arguments where we float our homegrown theories about “who is behind it all”. It’s very tempting, and much of it is very legitimate, but it usually hurts rather than helps. As someone said, we should ask questions, we shouldn’t sit and let ourselves be interrogated. The moment we get into elaborate theories of who pulls what lever, we set ourselves up for failure. We just want a few fundamental things with the Mantra – to expose THEM as being for White Genocide. And to make the case that White Genocide is occurring.
If we see cars stolen everyday from red haired people only, we don’t first have to prove to the police who is doing it, in order to assert there is a pattern. If a cop sneered and said, “now now, why don’t you talk about who you think is behind this big bad conspiracy”, we would know he wasn’t interested in trying to help us.
04/24/2012 at 7:53 pm #22302Dick WhitmanParticipantThank you dungeoneer. My next SWARM-strike will reflect an amelioration of the deficiencies noted above.
04/24/2012 at 7:54 pm #22303JasonParticipantI think we need more clarification about what our goals are with the Mantra. Our goal must never be to “convince” an anti-White that they are wrong, and make them say it. I’ve tried that – they are too pigheaded. Ego wouldn’t let them admit and besides, most of them hate Whites for reasons we probably don’t understand.
As Bob said, once you get the other side to admit, in public, that they are justifying, excusing or chuckling over White Genocide, we have won and we need to STOP. Let that be the last thing said. Anything else said tends to step all over that dramatic moment.
04/24/2012 at 9:43 pm #22309The BeefParticipant100% Agreed with Jason, it is about exposing the Anti-White as the Goul they are in front of the Audience.
We don’t need to convince the Anti-White, its ALL about the Audience Audience Audience.
04/24/2012 at 11:47 pm #22316JasonParticipantBeefcake, that is funny – they are ghouls! Most of us don’t realize just how creepy the anit-Whites really are.
DW, thanks for all hard work and getting out there, I hope I don’t sound critical – I’m a fan. It just helps us to use real examples to hash out what the best approach is, and yours is a good one to study.
04/25/2012 at 6:02 am #22319Dick WhitmanParticipantWhile I appreciate everybody’s concern for my delicate feelings, please understand that you don’t have to apologize to me to criticize me. Criticism and critique is how one improves oneself (not only at SWARMing but in many of life’s endeavors) .
04/25/2012 at 6:20 am #22284SteadinessParticipantThis wasn’t a good idea.
As others have noted, the person posting recited talking points instead of asking questions. But that’s a tactical issue. Strategically, DailyKos is a bad place to post anything pro-white. For two reasons, because they are blind, but also because one should not interrupt the enemy while he is making a mistake.
I used to hang out on DailyKos all the time. I started looking for alternative voices and eventually ended up here only after many Kossacks called Zimmerman the klan and the slave patrol. I ended up here after the traditional media and the progressive blogosphere proved that in their eyes race is a social construct by granting George Zimmerman and Jake England whiteness. I ended up here when I found that if Obama had a way to lose the Hispanic vote, it would look like George Zimmerman. And I ended up here after hearing anti-white polemics from Tim Wise and others, and after seeing the DailyKos crowd agree that overpopulation is a serious problem ad birthrates need to be reduced in one article and then that saying that illegal immigration contributes to overpopulation is beyond the pale racist in the next.
I’ve noticed that on DailyKos occasionally other people defend the idea that white people are people too, and get ignored or yelled at. They’re having a hard enough time holding on themselves.
But DailyKos is not the right place to post our position. Because we’re not going to convince them, and because if we are going to get our message out we need people like the DailyKos community spreading obnoxiously anti-white messages so we can point to them and say we are the alternative.
So um. As to the particulars, those comments were not deleted, they were hidden. People who get lots of “mojo” on DailyKos become “trusted users” having the ability to give “hide rates” or “HRs” to comments, which make it so people who aren’t trusted users can’t read them. On DailyKos, posts get “recs” (if your posts get recced, you get mojo) and HRs as a way to try to find the best comments in a diary and hide the obnoxious ones, but what it ends up doing is forcing orthodoxy by rewarding people who say what they believe that other people want to hear and punishing people who have different opinions. I know this because I spent several years posting there, trying to advocate for economic policies that would benefit everyone and trying to argue that whites are people too.
DailyKos is a very popular site, Barack Obama even posted there twice while he was Senator from Illinois and numerous other Senators and Congressmen have posted there too. It wants to be the nerve center of the blue team, so it also might not be a good idea to show the enemy our arguments before showing everyone else on the Internet.
Ignore the progressive blogosphere. If anyone there can be convinced that whites are people too, they will quietly find alternative voices on their own, but the people who hang out there are almost by definition the very last people we will convince.
04/25/2012 at 10:33 am #22346The BeefParticipantHmmm..But could they be PUSHED further? There is always the socko the plant puppet.
_______________________”White people are a poison on this earth! Its a good thing intermarriage will exterminate ALL White people and ONLY White people! Once Whites are gone, then ALL the Race problems will be over.
Nobody else worry, we are not blending Asians in Asian countries out of existence, or African Americans in African countries out of Existence, or even Hispanics, no reason to worry, it only Assimilates whites, and since Whites cause all the polution and are the ONLY Race to ever do anythign bad to another race, once they are eliminated, the world will be a wonderful place of piece and harmoney.
No violence needs to happen, so please don’t do anything violent. Just encourage everyone to interacially breed so we can finally exterminate the social construct known as the “WHite Race”.__________
Nothing like marching the enemy camp to a cliff wall in the dark.
04/25/2012 at 11:33 am #22348Patrick WhiteRabbitParticipantBeefcake-I have toyed with the idea of creating the uber anti-White sock puppet and infiltrating forums with it, spewing the most overtly pro White genocide rhetoric i can muster. I think i might try that approach over the weekend when i have more time.
Its basically the same technique the anti-White media uses to stigmatize anyone pro White when they have a video clip of a skin screaming “white power 1488.”
Maybe someone could pilot this idea at DailyKos?
PS-I see all three of my replies in the previous page have appeared now-does this posts not appearing until hours later thing happen to anyone else?PPS-Nice podcast Beefcake, looking forward to the rest!
04/25/2012 at 5:34 pm #22358Dick WhitmanParticipant“I used to hang out on DailyKos all the time. I started looking for alternative voices and eventually ended up here only after many Kossacks called Zimmerman the klan and the slave patrol.” (steadiness)
So you found BUGS recently (If I take your meaning; after this Zimmerman thing happened?) Is this your first post? If so, welcome.
“Hmmm..But could they be PUSHED further? There is always the socko the plant puppet.” (Beefcake)
I don’t like the idea of trolling. Isn’t there a saying about opinion being better when freely voiced than when asked for (I can’t think of it now)? I just don’t find trolling very honorable.
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Bob Whitaker has "been there and done that" in the world of politics. His unique perspective is insightful and vital. You may not agree with everything he says, but I guarantee that he will make you think.
Robert W. Whitaker, 1941—2017, was born and raised in South Carolina and attended the University of South Carolina and the University of Virginia Graduate School. He has been a college professor, international aviation negotiator, Capitol Hill senior staffer, Reagan Administration appointee, and writer for the Voice of America. He has written numerous articles and three books. Bob lived in Columbia, SC, coaching B.U.G.S. He had asked the staff to inform female readers that he was "divorced and 'wildly attractive.'" I agree that he was divorced. But actually, he always did and always will love his one and only wife.
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