Anti-racist Hitler has arrived!
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- This topic has 138 replies, 29 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 8 months ago by Anonymous.
05/13/2013 at 7:12 pm #40874HorusParticipant
I posted the below piece on a Stormfront thread. I am posting it here for the future. This needs to be posted anytime others are wasting their time arguing with the peanut gallery.
He called me out in the SM forum for a few posts from months ago where I told both sides to stop sniping each other.
Maybe you should stick with him dealing with anti-Whites, and keep hi away from pro-Whites and fence-sitters. Otherwise, he’ll just cause everyone to turn against you.[/QUOTE]
Yes, I would say anyone calling you out or even haranguing you online is wasting everyone’s time. I have always thought of you as open minded, fair and upfront.
These days we are attracting a very young and aggressive group. Most of the growth these days is in Europe. Not that we are not growing everywhere else. In general, the only thing we control is the main websites. We don’t control who posts on Stormfront. In fact, the Swarm posting and reporting thread has become just a microcosm of what is going on out there in cyberspace. In Southern Europe alone, we have triple digits just hammering AntiWhites all across cyberspace (triple digits in Southern Europe is a huge number for this type of activity). The Mantra is being spray painted all across Europe in various places on any given day. In the UK, they just use stickers….lol European Bugsters are more active in the Streets than their American Counterparts. They also have actual Nationalist Organizations/Political Parties that have adopted our message (Spain comes to mind on that front).
Anyways, the last handful that I have had contact with are all under 21 and half under 16 years of age. So you have a kid that is in the UK (hell on earth). He has no free speech. But he has some wicked computer skills. He is given FTWR mp3’s by one of his neighbors and goes wild online etc. They generally do not understand WHY anyone saying they are ProWhite would not be on message in some way. And many of them are realizing that everyone Pro White gets the benefit of our work. Some ProWhites are just too think headed to admit it. There are elements of the Swarm get pissed off by all this. But if I am not upset and losing sleep over it. And if Bob doesn’t care about it. The Swarm should not pay attention to it. I have told them about dissidents a 100x’s. I will make it 101 times and talk about this in the next podcast in a couple weeks. I will remind them that they were attracted to the action of watching some Swarmer destroy a thread full of Pink Rabbits…..NOT other ProWhites.
Most dissidents do not want to be on message. We do not recruit or appeal to other Pro Whites. We have never needed to do any of those things. We go about our business and ignore the nay sayers. They do not understand what we are doing. You can attract anyone and everyone we need on message… action alone. While it is true that the Swarm can have feuds or disagreements internally. Nothing becomes of it….they are united by a message and more importantly the thinking behind the message. And if they get out of line over at BUGS or WRR. We tell’em to take their toys and go home. That is not true for other ProWhites. Nothing unites other ProWhites except maybe the forum they surf or some basic tenet (and that is just on a good day). Some ProWhites are united by their favorite educators like Dr Pierce or Dr Duke. Basically nothing holds them together enough to get over squabbles. And some rabbits just like to squabble. The Mantra and the thinking behind it holds BUGS together like glue. Even though we are probably the most diverse ProWhite group on Earth. We all held together by a message. That can be intimidating to anyone not used to seeing how something like this works.
Of course, the Swarm has become so large that we attract a few trolls here and there posing as BUGsters trying to stir the pot. Sitting online arguing or harassing other Pro Whites always brings that to the fore front of our minds……..if that is all they are doing.
Also, there is a handful of WN out there complaining about AntiRacist Hitler. Don’t concern yourselves with them. They say they don’t get it. Ironically, some of these rabbits are supposedly National Socialists. You would think any NS would be pretty excited about watching Hitler wipe out the Jews with diversity in under 10 minutes???!?! Our enemy has acknowledged the animation through one of their channels (namely Vice …now affiliated with Bill Maher/HBO). They actually stated in the article that “Hitler promotes multiculturalism in Israel until the Jews go extinct”. Basically, THEY thought the message was chrystal clear. Although they went out of their way to use “extinction” and not genocide. Hillarious that they had to think about how best to phrase it while trying to dance around our message. I have also had some of the interesting conversations of late with famous left wingers. They have been in contact over this animation. They thought it was one of the funniest political satires they have ever seen. They are curious about us. A group on message is something to be curious about. Their counterparts all over the West have had run ins with the Swarm. That creates a lot of curiousity.
Granted, I do only open system propaganda right now. Meaning that different groups can and will watch it for different reasons. We knew some Christian Zionist could be confused in the first viewing (esp. if they don’t surf on over to WRR). Fooling Christian Zionists in America is no great acheivement. And Bugsters should not get too excited. Aipac will not playing ARH on their website anytime soon. And Steven Spielburg ain’t going to jump up and down excited about another piece of ProZionist Propaganda. Outside of some Haddings and Christian Zionists…… We ain’t fooling anyone. ARH is simply the Mantra in action. They get it. Many ProWhites that did not get the Mantra before ….get it now. None of this has been done by arguing with them.
I was shown a thread by Hadding and one of his buddies over at VNN. They were speculating that ARH had to be ProZionist becuase it was too good. The voices and the animation were done so well that the Jews had to be behind it. I actually felt sorry for them. They actually could not believe ProWhites could do something this good. “it has to be the jews”…..That should tell you all you need to know about their past successes in this struggle.
WN are traditionally used to eductional videos and such. Everything has some big exclamation point. Those are great. That is not what we are doing at this moment. WE are message driven. And we have overlapping channels for that message. So if someone does not understand something clearly in the first round. They can hit a link. And if they cannot get it after reading our about page or watching some videos. Oh well, we are not here for the dense and clueless.
In closing, if you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you are probably going to see a famous symbol to any Bugster. That symbol will get you right to the front page of WRR. You have already won your battles here. There will always be rabbits whining on threads about something. WE have a banner at the Bottom. There is nothing more to say. Don Black and Dr Duke have been around a long time. They believe that what we are doing is important. Mjodr has even stated that he believes what we are doing is important. Mjodr would be the first to lend us a hand if we needed help. He is like that. Hammering threads using pressure break questioning tactics against other Pro Whites on Stormfront… a waste of our time. Let the AMPW people have all the cheese they want whenever they start whining. Leave it alone. Some of these rabbits need to have a BUG up their arse just to survive day to day. Smile and tell’em love, peace and candy carrots.
(this is being posted for the Swarm over at whitakeronline, I am sending it via PM to all necessary parties. And This is going to be used everytime I find one of these threads)
05/13/2013 at 10:29 pm #40878Henry DavenportParticipant“This needs to be posted anytime others are wasting their time arguing with the peanut gallery.”
If it’s already gotten too nasty for candy carrots, I’d be tempted to post this as well:Leave the anti-Mantra pro-Whites to feed on their own offal. Don’t chow down with them.
The part of Horus’ essay I spread copies of in my own folders to remind me to go and sin no more is:
Let the AMPW people have all the cheese they want whenever they start whining. Leave it alone. Some of these rabbits need to have a BUG up their arse just to survive day to day. Smile and tell’em love, peace and candy carrots.
05/13/2013 at 10:38 pm #40880Henry DavenportParticipantDang it, I left part off:
Bugsters, leave the anti-Mantra pro-Whites to feed on their own offal. Don’t chow down with them.
05/13/2013 at 11:21 pm #40881HorusParticipantHD,
You are learning. There are those that will never be on message. Even if Hadding found out Nazis from Aldebaran were secretly behind the Mantra. He still would not use it. He would be terribly embarrassed that the 5th Reich’s Mantra marched past him. But he still would not use it.
Some of these guys have spent years arguing with each other. That is what they do. They have nothing else to do but sit and try to figure out some perfect strategy. And while they are at it ….they must tear down everything anyone else does. We actually have things to do besides fooling around arguing with AMPW. Jasus, I would never get anything done. And I certainly would have been any help to my race if I sat around and asked their permission or looked for their approval to do something new like FTWR. One could only imagine the thread debating ARH’s script. LOL. You can’t get anything done. Hopefully, you finally understand that engaging them is fruitless. Let them come to you.
Like most ProWhites are out to save our race. You have been trying to save ProWhites. I am not out to save anyone. I am only out to spread a message and if we do that our race will save itself just fine. 99.9% of all ProWhites that are going to be on message….are on message already. There will be plenty of converts coming on stream. But they will be former leftists not ProWhites or Conservatives. Aren’t you originally a left winger?
05/13/2013 at 11:35 pm #40883Henry DavenportParticipantI’m not current with what’s been happening with the Pledge of Allegiance for the last 40 years, so if anyone sees a problem with that, please clue me in. The “voting” petition is doing well this month, with over 600 sets of initials so far, and the “Pledge” petition is to get Minervia’s recitation of the full Mantra into the White House! 😀
(Jun #1 of 3) Allow Americans to vote “Yes” or “No” on WHITE GENOCIDE!
(Jun #2 of 3) Have Public School Children say the Pledge of Allegiance and the White GeNOcide Mantra each morning!
(Jun #3 of 3) Suspend Cultural Exchanges with France, Germany, and Other Countries that have Banned “AntiRacist Hitler”!
This would be an alternate to the second one. It doesn’t read as well, but I think I like it better, because I gather that the Pledge has a lot of charge on it today (I even feel it myself), and we want all the charge to go to the “White GeNOcide Mantra. Yeah, I vote for this one:(Jun #2 of 3) Have Public School Children sing the Star Spangled Banner and say the White GeNOcide Mantra each morning!
Those of you who aren’t Stalwarts yet please sign up and help get these up on the FIRST DAY of each month. Signing up makes the group concrete and helps it to grow. And if you don’t officially “sign up,” you won’t have access to the tree house when it’s completed, and you won’t know the secret handshake.
When you go to that link, just scroll down to the bottom of the thread and comment, “I’m in,” or some such, and then I moderate you onto the thread and officially induct you. Which makes my day! 🙂
05/13/2013 at 11:36 pm #40884AnonymousInactivei’ve voice chatted with Hadding and it was so bad that even an ANTI-WHITE told him “WHY ARE YOU ARGUING WITH HIM? HE IS ON YOUR SIDE AND MAKING BETTER POINTS THAN YOU ARE”… A couple SFrs were there for that one
05/13/2013 at 11:57 pm #40885Henry DavenportParticipant@ Horus. Yeah, I think I finally get it for real. And your message is very consistent, since you told me and some others the same thing about pro-whites when I first arrived here a year and a half ago. Except your last paragraph which is a new thought. Yeah, I was a lefty, and no one looks or acts more Berkeley than I do still, if you just don’t listen to my words too closely!
I’m leaning strongly toward your suggestion to try just three petitions (I go back and forth every day). What seems to have tipped me strongly was realizing that Minerva’s recitation of the full Mantra at the WHITE HOUSE, an historic occasion, should not be lost in a jumble of 8 petitions.
Otoh, the wonderful Vice article relied somewhat on the effrontery of having so many petitions: “….BOMBARDMENT…” But as you say in other words, nothing can come close to the effrontery of just outing White Genocide, so….anyway, if we go with three, it’s an experiment and we’ll see. If you have any other thoughts, I’m always eager for them.
05/14/2013 at 12:01 am #40886Henry DavenportParticipantIf anyone has a clear preference for one of my two offerings for petition #2 above, I’d appreciate knowing. Tell me your reason if you can, even if it’s just, “sounds better to me.” The second choice seems too wordy to me.
05/14/2013 at 4:07 am #40891AnonymousInactiveIt would be interesting to hear someone tell a story about a Bugster or WR who went over the line and was told to take their toys and go home… so other Bugsters know what not to do.
05/14/2013 at 9:33 am #40898HorusParticipantEVM,
There has been more than a handful of cases where someone was being obnoxious. In most cases they were offended that Bob said this or that about their religion etc etc etc. If you cannot handle the blog….take your toys and go home. You just have to start looking back at the blog.
05/14/2013 at 1:18 pm #40905ElectricParticipantWe have reached the 145,000 view mark, that’s impressive considering that most pro-White videos get on average 20-30 thousand views at the most. ARH seems to get 1000 views per day EASILY, if the view count keeps up with it’s current pace, the video will go viral in NO time.
Also HWTOA increased by 10 thousand views since ARH got uploaded.
I can’t wait for what WRR has next up their sleeves, I am hoping for something like “Anti-racist KKK” where they will be promoting multiculturalism and diversity in in Africa with their “rainbow” colored robes on and demoralizing any Black person whom object by calling them a “Nazi racist” HAHA!
05/14/2013 at 3:30 pm #40906Hudson Valley RabbitParticipantEWR, we kinda already have that w/ Diversity comes to Africa … but your definitely in the right frame of mind for what we’re doing here kid 😉
05/17/2013 at 6:49 pm #41089JasonParticipantSure seems like ARH and the Mantra girls video is crawwwllllinnng to 150k as if going against resistance. Seems odd that it took off so fast and now it moves so incredibly slow.
Anyway, both are about 149k. And ARH has 4300+ likes! And Mantra girls has more likes than dislikes, after being bombarded by Anti-Whites.
05/17/2013 at 10:29 pm #41091Daniel GensericParticipantI know what I would do if someone who mattered told me to pack my shit.
I would keep fighting white genocide. No need or requirement to work as a team. In fact, some work better solo. Just ask Bob.
This isn’t a party or a popularity contest. Get over yourselves.
This is fucking war.
05/17/2013 at 10:45 pm #41092HorusParticipantJason and anyone else that wants to know,
There has been a constant stream of commenters that have emailed me and said that Youtube has to be fooling with our numbers. I have said that it would impossible for them to do for long. Because a large number of views yields a larger number of visitors to our websites.
Since the beginning of ARH, WRR webstats have been roofed up 30-100% on average. This is good because we also have a link to BUGS. But something has happened in the last 72 hours. Anyone looking will have noticed the view count to ARH has slowed a bit. But the webstats to WRR have went into the record books. Today alone we have had 6k actual visitors….(these are not hits …we got 70k hits but actual visitors and that is up 300% over the last 72 hours). This is way above average and very odd. We aint complaining ….they are watching all our videos listening to podcasts etc.
BUT THEY are watching videos…..
One explanation is that ARH is a huge hit across Europe. ARH is banned everywhere but they have their own editions. Germany and France both have independant uploads with their own captions. They are respectively at right around 40k EACH and building. I don’t have all the other numbers…but this thing has 15k views or so in Poland as well. I think this may be the reason. But I don’t know. I will confer with Brian and see what is going on BUGS webstats. (it would be comedy if ARH went viral in several countries at once…lol…and a first for YOutube…all because of censorship)
Just making you guys aware of what is going on. Very strange. I don’t have bad news for you. We will Mantra these damn Pink Rabbits into the ground one way or another.
05/17/2013 at 11:31 pm #41095johnnywhiterabbitParticipantIceknight had 8k views in 48hrs on The Anthem but every other day it got 20 or 30 views.
I get the same thing. Youtube is messing with the numbers 100%I believe that NO mantra video will truly go viral.
They cannot and will not allow it.
I could be wrong but it doesnt really matter anyhow.
The problem for them is we already have gone viral!
I just ignore the fabricated numbers on YouTube and keep on putting stuff out there.
I have the same heavy traffic at so i know youtube is providing false stats to break our morale or dicourage us.Onto the next video…
Goodnight Pink Rabbits!
You gotta go!05/17/2013 at 11:36 pm #41096AnonymousInactiveCome on guys, lets be honest of course they are messing with the numbers. Hell they mess with everything else right? Funny thing their tinkering always seem to nip them right in their keester.
05/18/2013 at 12:06 am #41098-scythian-ParticipantIf multi-CULT-ism is a “paradise”, why must it be ENFORCED on ONLY white people?
05/19/2013 at 7:53 am #41168Denounce GenocidistsParticipantYoutube makes a concession to reality and admits the Anti-racist dictator has attained 150,312 views.
05/19/2013 at 8:38 am #41170JasonParticipantOh hell yes. And the Mantra Girls video hit 150k as well. Much admiration going your way gentleman.
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Bob Whitaker has "been there and done that" in the world of politics. His unique perspective is insightful and vital. You may not agree with everything he says, but I guarantee that he will make you think.
Robert W. Whitaker, 1941—2017, was born and raised in South Carolina and attended the University of South Carolina and the University of Virginia Graduate School. He has been a college professor, international aviation negotiator, Capitol Hill senior staffer, Reagan Administration appointee, and writer for the Voice of America. He has written numerous articles and three books. Bob lived in Columbia, SC, coaching B.U.G.S. He had asked the staff to inform female readers that he was "divorced and 'wildly attractive.'" I agree that he was divorced. But actually, he always did and always will love his one and only wife.
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