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  • #13684

    I suppose, that in the future, when people have forgotten about the savage customs of the other peoples, whom the Multicultural Left tend to champion, there will be a renewed interest in the ideals of Chivalry, which began in Europe. Let not Eurocentrism be a dirty word! Nay, let us be proud of being of European ancestry, and take pride in being Eurocentric.

    I realize, now, that the anti–Racist Left is a House Divided against itself! It will not stand. We need to begin to come to the realization that we can point out this contradiction, at the heart of so called “Liberalism.”

    TheSeeker OfTruth

    This of course is not mantra related, but it is a bit bugsterry. When discussing Western or Euro civilization I always like to point out that freedom is a uniquely White thing. People of course balk at the notion. I then point out that in China is there any question as to how many children you can have? Of course not! In Iran is there any question as to sexual preferance? Of course not! In Japan is there any question as to how much living space you are ablew to acquire? Of course not! It is only in White countries that these subjects can be broached. In any non-White countries are women’s rights ever taken seriously? Of course not!
    Of course this is so simple that most overlook it. If this can be used in any way to help I would appreciate the feedback.



    Just stick to genocide, we can indulge these other things after we have drilled the basics into their head.

    TheSeeker OfTruth

    Gavin, I talk to alot of people that are already on board. Thank you for repeating everything that is on every page here.


    They will not breed us Whites out of existence. Soon, others will wake up to the threat of miscegenation!

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