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    The genocide charge can be a big pill to swallow because it cuts through all the crap and gets to the core of what is being done and more importantly that there are people DOING IT who know what they are doing.

    If you have spent your life in this system you just assume that’s how things naturally are and that no one really planned it out.

    You think that everyone behind it is just naive and “honestly mistaken” but basically good regular folks. You think that everyone involved is as naive as the people you see around you that buy into the crap. You couldn’t imagine that the dumb school teacher preaching about “diversity” has planned out this genocide. She didn’t plan it but she carries it out. However those at the top issue the orders and know exactly what they are doing.

    The ones who call the mantra “hysterical” or have trouble with “genocide” are living in an imaginary world of “safety and security.” The safe little world they have created in their own minds is one where no one is really “bad” and no one really means them any harm, they are all just “honestly mistaken” and not actual enemies. They don’t “get” the mantra at first because it presents a reality that conflicts with their “safe and secure” world view.

    As you become more cynical and less naive, you begin to see the ironclad truth of the mantra and you leave the world of safety and security.

    Henry Davenport

    @Gavin: I think you’ve explained the rather odd complacency I’ve sensed in a few of the posters at OO. Their verbalizations about Jews apparently haven’t convinced themselves.

    I’ll probably find an opportunity to use in a post your penultimate paragraph…thanks.

    Daniel Genseric


    Short Rabbit Punches. With an occasional documentary-length piece for the Intellectuals.

    Peter Whiterabbit

    Bob, I like to be as bare bones as possible online. It allows me to get my point across quickly so that I can get on to the next site and be able to post mini-mantras 100 or more times a day. I treat it like a jingle, the more people hear it, the more it will stick in their mind.


    Right, PR

    Secret Squirrel

    I think you understand young people well, when it comes to reading text on PCs. On forums, if someone yammers on too long and too long can be more than a quarter page, some people respond with tl;dr, and many are thinking it, if they don’t type it.

    tl;dr means Too long; didn’t read

    If you want someone to watch a documentary, you have to make it visually attractive and we have people that can do that.

    White Genocide Video Project

    These guys made the start of their documentary look like the opening credits of modern zombie horror movie, a genre that is very popular with young people right now.


    Bob, as a teenager myself I know that my generation likes fast food and fast facts.

    In my opinion, short and simple videos are the best way to spread our message to the younger generations.

    Since we are imposing terminology, subtlety is no way to go. After all, anti-Whites say “Whites must go”, they don’t say “Whites might have to go”. They are very clear on what they want. We must be clear on what we want as well.


    When we made this video, we never have a picture just still. Always zoom in or out, or use video clips and other effects and sounds to make it entertaining. usually never have a picture more than 3-4 seconds. It is sort of what they do on for example History Channel. The video itself was long (45 min). but it was intensive. We spent a lot of time finding material, making recordings and so on, and used just a small part of it.


    Duke gives his short version of Mantra about 5 minutes into today’s podcast:


    This link to an essay on Kevin MacDonald’s site has much thinking that would fit the BUGS category of “news and jews”, but there are some things that are NOT that, some things that might be of interest to the Swarm. The discussion is about techniques of resistance/winning.


    Here’s a clip from the above article. IMHO this encapsulates some aspects of what the Mantra does, in its special way ….

    “… winning people over is not always the immediate goal of (counter) propaganda; often the goal is simply to soften the pre-existing convictions. As blatantly false and unpleasant in application as the doctrine of racial equality has been, if we can simply punch holes in the wall of fear about questioning it, we will have made an effective counter-propaganda, because perception and cognition will gradually accomplish the rest. The fact that somebody expresses a forbidden thought, and forces the system and the public to tolerate it, is already a victory that puts the system into a defensive posture.”


    @bob &Gar5

    I think I’m a mutant among my generation for liking the long explanation and long cooking times 🙂

    But there is something to be said for meme’s in our very internet dominated age.

    Right now, the mantra is a little bit too long, and too watered down to hit most people hard. As you saw with the london tram lady sticking up for her country (loudly, and proudly) , was a short, and very blunt video.

    Now Horus LOVES to talk about sound, but I’m going to tell you all one thing. That if we water down the mantra to be blunt, we must do it in a way that STRIKES PEOPLE LIKE A MATCH. The tram video was super-popular because it MADE PEOPLE ANGRY, both white and non-white (Anytime a white person sticks up for their people it gets non-whites angry, we can use that to our advantage).

    But we can micro-tize the mantra to match that aproach, by using people’s emotions in a very quick and hard punch we are able to get people moving faster, now if we use this method we will have to maintain greater control over the message, I think it will work but we need to have alot of pro=whites standing up for their people.

    As well as I can see the Anti-white label, at least catching on LIKE WILDFIRE after that tram video, we can also see the success of getting on ‘hot’ videos like that very quickly and DEFENDING YOUR RACE FROM GENOCIDE.

    Another we can learn from, is that it’s not about getting on your computer, you are getting on a communication medium and sticking up for your race, a monumental message and a pillar to show all that A) Battered white syndrome exists only in the minds of those affected , NOT IN OURS YOU BTTER STICK UP FOR YOUR PEOPLE. B) The entire time you point out in your ‘guerrillawar’ porchtalk, you talk about how what we are saying is literal HERESY, and that it took Thomas Pane to ‘wake’ everyone up to that Independence movement.

    Well, we are ALL little Thomas Pane’s and we are fighting that great cause.

    How can we replicate Thomas’s success for the mantra? Memes are one way, books and websites are another, but we need to remember that the internet is a MASS COMMUNICATION TOOL, and we can use it for that purpose of spreading our message. A message that is short, and hard but triggers the REACTION AND ACTION to FIGHT and DEFEND your RACE from GeNOcide!

    But don’t take my post for a good example, its far too long! I just love talking about these sorts of things.


    Bugsters, what is your opinion of this post?

    A few points before the truth of my remarks are silenced: 1- massive immigration destroys the principal people inhabiting the land. (Just look at the American Indians). 2- Forced assimilation (i.e. intermarriage) destroys the people that are forced to participate into this genocidal act. Look at Cuba, Mexico and Brazil—(fewer and fewer Whites; more and more Brown people). You may see nothing wrong with this, but forcing your ‘Brown Ideology’ on all White people is nothing less than genocide.

    trying to get by the spam flaggers.

    J Locke

    A quick note on the importance of race: Race is a matter of genetics, and according to psychology, genetics affects everything about people, including intelligence, personality, and behavior. To deny the importance of race is to deny science, therefore. Perhaps this can be worked into some talking points.

    It is proven that genetics accounts for %50 of a person’s intelligence, and a certain percentage of a person’s personality.



    I think “destroys the people” gives the anti-whites some room to play games.”Destroys the racial group/our race” is better.

    You say “trying to get by the spam flaggers.”,if you mean avoiding the spam filter then that`s fair enough,but if you`re altering things to try to get under the radar of the anti-whites doing manual flagging I reckon it`s a waste of time.They`ll flag anything us pro-whites say.


    You`re playing softball again runner.The anti-whites are not denying the importance of race when they call for mass immigration and “assimilation” for all white countries and ONLY white countries.

    They are not denying the importance of race when they demand special rights and privileges for non-whites.

    They are not denying the importance of race when they say pro-whites should be prevented from speaking because we`re “evil”.

    J Locke


    I see your point. I don’t mean to be hard-headed.

    Race is important to anti-Whites only when it furthers the genocide of Whites. But why is it important in that case? Because it isn’t important/because of equality, they say. That’s why I think the importance of race is still a necessary hurdle to traverse, sometimes. Don’t you think they can justify the genocide by believing in equality? Are such people simply lost causes?

    Henry Davenport

    In this post I tried to mimic a bugster response I’ve seen to the frequent objection that I’ve put in bold. I don’t feel I did as good a job as the original I’m recalling though, if anyone can improve on what I’ve written.
    (Robert Lindsay is an odd character, a lefty who has written articles for Amren but remains obdurately obtuse on all basic issues about race.)
    Harumphty Dumpty
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    December 6, 2011 at 6:26 AM

    “If marriages are voluntary it’s obviously not genocide”

    I guess you don’t believe in the power of advertising. In TV commercials and shows, in movies, in schools and colleges and universities, in movies and in virtually every kind of media, the idea is pushed in White countries that not only are interracial marriages acceptable, but that they are desirable. How many TV commercials and shows have you seen in which black males were pictured as more desirable husband material (strong, wise, caring, responsible) than bumbling white males?

    Are African countries being flooded with non-Africans and Africans being taught by all of their institutions that marriage with the non-Africans is desirable?

    Are Asian countries being flooded with non-Asians and Asians being taught by all of their institutions that marriage with the non-Asians is desirable?

    No, this is ONLY being done in White countries, and is being done in EVERY White country.

    It IS a program of White Genocide. The people carrying it out say they are anti-racist, but what they are is anti-White.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
    Robert Lindsay, your lovely rants of long ago about the Jews you ran up against when working at Wiki were a delight to read, but you’ve always had a block against understanding fundamentals about race.

    I’m glad to see that the fact of ongoing White Genocide has seeped into your world, though! 🙂

    Daniel Genseric

    It’s borderline off topic and may be construed as TAILGATING, but I couldn’t help myself.

    In response to the AmazingAntiWhite’s latest flick on My Tram:
    “Some see a god-hating, anti-racist with a comic book affliction and a propensity for fried foods & ramming fruit into his anus.

    I just see a genocidal anti-White maniac.”
    TheGenseric 10 hours ago

    @TheGenseric LOL Hehe…. spot on.
    MarkMuses 9 hours ago

    At least somebody liked it.


    I just posted this on the tram video. I think it is some excellent Mantra thought and BUGSters will see right away what I’m getting at. However I don’t like the way it flows. It needs some polish suggestions welcome.

    Veritatis61  (21 seconds ago)


    “Is she trying to get stabbed with her kid in her lap….. ”

    That statement speaks volumes. Does anyone ever worry that a non-White will be attacked if he/she expresses a dislike of White people in the midst of White people. There is a French tram video where a Black man is expressing real hate for Whites and hoping for their death. Go look at the comments and see how many people were worried he might be attacked.

    Why is that?

    Henry Davenport


    “Is she trying to get stabbed with her kid in her lap….. ”

    You mean free speech meets White Genocide?

    Are African countries being flooded with Whites who will blend Africans out of existence and who may stab them on trams if they protest?

    Only White countries are being flooded by non-Whites who will blend Whites out of existence and may stab them on trams if they protest!


    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White!

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