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  • #40792

    Better luck next time, EWR.


    may I suggest that the first video you do – make it a non racial satire of political correctness – get the respectable conservatives talking about it and sharing it. Swarm the video on to conservative blogs/boards/chats/facebook pages/etc. ANYWHERE that is relevant. Make sure the cartoon is funny and looks professional.

    Once you have a video that is established among respectable conservative circles (it may take more than 1) – go 100% mantra


    Edwyn, the strategy of slow boiling a frog might be a good approach, but it would be difficult to pull off. Especially if we’re trying to get a message out of this nature. The way our enemy does propaganda is usually a bold shock & desensitize formula of one abomination after another in TV shows. Think Family Guy.


    There is an obstacle to overcome here when it comes to videos and the masses – and that obstacle is getting them to share a video that deals with race. Average joe blow white guy out there isnt going to share a video dealing with race. So the end result is that you just end up passing it around circles of like minded individuals – which is good in that if you have a good message – maybe it will get more of them on board to using it.

    I have this suspicion that if you are going to reach the masses – you’re going to have to sneak it in. Just like we abruptly interrupt youtube music videos with the mantra. Just like the fliers being passed out and the news shows up. It’s being sneaked in


    I would venture to say that possibly the best thing White Rabbit Radio could do right now – is attack another element of Political Correctness – one that is more “sociable” and likely to be shared – a cartoon about the PC attack on Christianity is just one idea off the top of my head. This is more likely to be shared by average joes – those who watch it will see the links to other cartoons that are racial.


    Edwyn, with all due respect, we are trying to get out a meme about White Genocide, not to save face of religious traditions. We have to stop White Genocide before ANYTHING else….culture is meaningless without the RACE that produced that culture. There is no way we can beat around the bush, without losing focus on our goal of exposing and defeating White Genocide. It has to be themed to White GENOCIDE on some level.


    The ultimate question is how many cartoons will be needed to drive home the same point? Are ARH and HWTOA going somewhere? They are already made – they are well done – they are here to stay. If you are trying to reach those who are already racially aware – then by all means continue.


    Yes, ARH and HWTOA are going somewhere. And thanks Hexadecimator777 for bringing it back to basics. The number one goal is the White Genocide meme. If we don’t save our RACE then our culture means nothing.

    Peter Cottontail

    I am all for giving other methods a shot if it can be effective. After all, who would have thought a Hitler cartoon would have been a subject worthy of BUGS?


    1) Race is at the core of the religion of Political Correctness – all of US know that
    2) The general population is conditioned to fear discussing race in any reasonable manner.
    3) Things like GAY MARRIAGE are also a part of this religion of Political Correctness – this is a topic that is FAR more acceptable to discuss among TV/Newspapers/Blogs/Churches. These people are unaware that the core is RACE. If you make a funny cartoon about Gay Marriage/Feminism – you are likely to get a bigger audience to the CORE IDEA of WHITE GENOCIDE.

    The video “MUSLIM DEMOGRAPHICS” has 14 million views – if the title was “Non-White Demographics” it would be under a million. You may not like this fact – but that’s the way IT IS.

    I am NOT suggesting an idea of Abandoning White Genocide – I am merely pointing out that you have less intimidating arms to use to reach out to people if you want to use them


    Edwyn, if you don’t mind me asking, how long have you been at BUGS? You sound like you’re new here, because it doesn’t appear like you really understand what the mantra is. Have you ever even listened to an episode of Beefcake’s Bootcamp? 😕

    I’m not brow beating, I’m just asking you what your credentials are in mantra speak.


    I didn’t know that there is some type of mantrority – but since you are pulling rank- i’ve been here about 9 months before you according to our profiles.


    No, it isn’t a matter of rank, but more a matter of understanding what we’re actually doing. The reason I’m asking is because you’re treating this like it’s merely a chance to recruit or proselytize people. That’s a traditional closed system way of thinking. That isn’t what we’re trying to do here at BUGS. We are putting out a meme and a message while getting a dialogue started on White Genocide. This is why I assumed you might be new here. And for your information, I have been lurking for a long time before I actually joined officially as part of the Swarm crew. I’ve been posting the mantra as an unofficial BUGSter for much longer than I’ve been registered here.

    Please go to and listen to all the episodes of Beefcake’s Bootcamp, and then get back to us…


    yes – i suppose you are right – what I have described is traditional closed system thinking.

    In system theory, an open system is a system which continuously interacts with its environment or surroundings.

    What I have suggested is completely opposite of that


    May I suggest less theorizing and more Swarming? The best/only way to find out if your ideas work is to try it. We are changing the world by actually disseminating our message, not just talking to each other about how to do it. LOL! May I suggest that newer BUGSers prove yourselves in the field (the Swarm) before you start theorizing on war strategies?


    yes – great idea Scythian – i guess i need to prove myself and post the mantra a bit more


    EVM4, I wasn’t singling you out. There’s I think 4 threads on the same subj – ideas for animations & videos. And I’ve noticed over time that a lot of the time people most active on non-working threads are least active on the working thread -WDYPTMT.


    Check your email! >:D Let me know if it worked.

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