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End of the White House meme-message project?

Home Forums BUGS SWARM End of the White House meme-message project?

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    Fellow BUGSers, I hate to do this, but I can’t deal with the signature-gathering (150 sigs to make these visible) part of this project anymore. After almost 4 years of making myself nuts almost every month to get a mere 150 initials on these, it’s finally beaten me.

    So I’ll be posting this as an SF thread at the end of this month:

    End of the White House meme-message project?

    But no way are SF’ers going to get the message up. I’m not sure the difficulty of getting 150 initials is even worth BUGSer energy at this point, but if a group of you think it is, and want to take it on, you’re welcome to contact me for whatever useful info I can share. And there’s plenty of old messages that can be recycled.

    The submission of the August meme-message and notifying the Stalwarts then will be the termination of my involvement in the project. I hope to be able to do other useful things.

    P.S. I know I made this kind of noise once before, but this time it has to be for real.

    Yankee Rebel

    I appreciate the effort you put into the project. Perhaps it isn’t worth the time invovled. I don’t know how many people read that White House website, but it’s probably not enough to bother with. Thanks for trying anyway.


    Henry, thanks for getting national attention from that petition. That MSNBC segment may have been the first mention of White Genocide on national TV.


    Thanks Henry, you never know if what you started may have caused a few stones to fall down the avalanche prone landscape.

    “No (white) revolution before its time,” unless you can find a way to take away their beer and TV sets.


    Well we have a list of 8,000 Twitter “Nazis” here

    I will put those names on my following/follower list and send a greeting message with a request to sign the petitions.

    Edit: It seems the git hub repository link for the list database has been withdrawn. Can`t have those nazis networking with each other.

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