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Even White Supremacists are using our terms these days

Home Forums BUGS SWARM Even White Supremacists are using our terms these days

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  • #52428

    Yes, but those Nazis, if there, weren’t in the pictures dressed up like GI Joe. I just think your message immediately loses 90% of it’s impact when Nazis are seen with it, photographed with it. For the exact same reason that we don’t want swastikas put on Mantra posts. We can’t get past the mental filters people have if they see a uniformed Nazi.

    I don’t think we are fascinated with Nazis, but we cannot act all nonchalant about being photographed with them, as if it doesn’t matter. If you can use them, and keep them hidden, great. But the moment they are in the picture, I think the public stops listening.

    For example, if instead of a banner, there had instead been six Nazis giving roman salutes on that freeeway overpass, I doubt it would have gotten much attention.

    Mimmy Jarr

    If you’re going to let them pull you off message, you should definitely stay away from them.


    We’re going to have to think about this. I think the moment you are photographed with them you are off message. The public totally discounts you.

    Mimmy Jarr

    “I just think your message immediately loses 90% of it’s impact when Nazis are seen with it”


    How much of the message’s impact would have been lost if I had stayed home?

    Mimmy Jarr

    If the Mantra is true, and it is, it is ALWAYS presented by Nazis.

    Inasmuch as being a Nazi is expensive, I prefer to get my full money’s worth.


    Jason, Can you tell me what you did on August 27, 2009 ?
    If some one asked what I was doing August 27, 2009, there would be no way I could answer truthfully (unless I consulted a diary etc).

    I can, and I’m sure everyone here can, however remember exactly what they were doing on September 11, 2001.
    The reason for this is because memory is linked to emotion.
    If somebody is having a strong emotional reaction and you can associate that experience with a message, then that message will be remembered.

    The impact of the message in this case was increased due to the increased emotional reaction caused by NSM in Black uniforms. I accept the likely hood of it being a negative association at this time.
    However will that association remain negative over the long term as the message is also spread through other mediums ?

    In terms of sparking a public discussion any emotional response to the message is better then apathy.
    Who is going to discuss anything that they feel nothing for, either positive OR negative ?


    Well you have me there, you are the one doing this and all I am doing is commenting. But I believe non-nazi related Mantras get more attention and have superior impact on the public.

    I am not sure what you mean by the idea that the Mantra is always presented by Nazis. Bob isn’t one. Neither is virtually anyone here.

    Henry Davenport

    I might be guided by the reactions of 20 year-olds, if I knew how 20 year-olds react.

    Have they all been Holocausted to death by the time they graduate High School today? Are they all swastika-shy?

    Does anyone here know? I wish I’d thought to ask Matthew Heimbach during the group skype.

    I talked to a UC Berkeley senior a year ago who had never heard of David Duke, which surprised me.

    Mimmy Jarr

    Bob may not be a Nazi, but he’s certainly created a furor. πŸ™‚


    “But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews”


    How do we “handle this”? Why do you think the anti whites are quiet about this? They want us associated with nazi regalia so they can justify their claims.


    And NO…I do not believe that ppl that post the mantra are labeled nazis by default…I successfully disarmed jason stanford at behind frenime lines where he said how my letter was NOT hate mail but equating immigration to white genocide MAY be excessive…that was a victory.


    HD, yes, they are VERY Holocausted by the time they are 18. Actually by the age of 13, because it is presented in 6th grade now. It’s very intense. And yes, they totally believe it (why wouldn’t they?) Holocaust education became emotionally intense sometime back in the 70s or early 80s. The goal is to take students to the edge of tears and beyond. Yes, they are EXTREMELY swastika “shy”.

    Is that even a serious question? LOL. Yeah, it causes a visceral reaction of fear and repulsion. Maybe 1 out of 1,000 White twenty year olds seriously want anything to do with it. I live near a major city and have been around the country, and I have literally met ONE person in my life who bought a swastika medallion, mainly for the shock value.


    I harp on “normal white people” because thats truly what we really are….if we lose that I believe we are in trouble.


    The furtherest ive seen someone my age go is the iron cross.


    Asgardian is right, and as Horus pointed out, our whole goal is step around a trillion dollars of anti-White programming, not get buried by it. I’ve noticed that some older guys are totally unaware as to what has been done to the swastika and Nazis in general. It isn’t just like the symbol of the Rising Sun that the Japanese used, or some other symbol a war enemy of the US had. It has become the Evil Sign of the Sociopath. Except it isn’t even as “cool” as a serial killer, because it is considered sick and repulsive.

    Sorry gang, they got some bang for their trillion dollars.

    It gets worse with every decade. Old shows like Laugh-In had a “funny” German soldier for comic relief. And then there was Hogan’s Heros. They were lovable, goofy Nazis running a POW camp! No way in hell would that be produced now.


    As much as I love how golden dawn has stood up for their race things have not turned out well for them…any oppositon in that form is CRUSHED with a TRILLION dollar fist.

    We must, we HAVE to remain NORMAL.

    I echo jasons sentiments.

    Secret Squirrel

    “The goal is to take students to the edge of tears and beyond.”

    I would believe that. A young relative of mine has been indoctrinated into the global warming cult. On an unusually hot day, you can hear the hysteria in rising in his voice. Its laughable, but it’s also dangerous, because there are 100s millions just like him. You underestimate that at your peril.

    Sys Op

    I’m not as old as Bob….. but from birth to 200?, I and all the children around (all white, no minorities whatsoever except occasional Japanese seen in the big city) were completely holocausted to death. I never thought for a lifetime of moments that any of it wasn’t true. It is fact that “war atrosities” were committed, but the extent and blame covers most combatant groups. However, they don’t begin to compare to the mass murder by many governments against their own same-race populations in number or barbarity. I agree with these sentiments on the N_ _ _ double standard.

    Agreed SWGN.

    Henry Davenport
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