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    I will be on the radio tonight at 10 pm eastern time. I believe you can call in.
    see link below and the twitter link–end-white-genocide


    Also note: We added articles to our website. You can hit the article tag and see them all. Some will be original and some will be to introduce our audience to White GeNOcide Memes articles as well as Ole Bob’s goodies on here.


    One piece of Major news hitting is about Don Black and Truck Roy’s new Radio Show on Rense Radio. Which is great news for all of us on message. I have done several shows with Truck Roy and he is always great . If you have not heard him before or heard of him. He is on message night and day. Mantrification.

    Below is the news release.

    Stormfront radio show with host Don Black
    back on the air tomorrow – 1/14/14!

    The Don and Derek Black Show went on the air on WPBR 1340AM four years ago. We broadcast five days a week for three years, despite considerable expense and relentless threats against the station by our enemies.

    Don Black and his long-time co-host Truck Roy are now back, with a bigger audience than ever! We have partnered with the Rense Internet/Satellite network for a live two-hour show, every weekday morning, 9:00-11:00 Eastern Time. This is just before the David Duke Show at 11:00.

    Don Black has been an activist fighting for European-American survival for forty-five years, beginning when he was fifteen years old. After many difficult years working to reach our people with the truth of racial realities, he was first to realize the potential of the Internet.

    He first started promoting our message on various online services in 1988, before most people had ever heard of the Internet. He then set up a small dial-up computer bulletin board called Stormfront in 1990, while working on the David Duke for US Senate Campaign. This would later go online on the Net.

    But it wasn’t until March of 1995 that Stormfront’s reach exploded, when the World Wide Web had made navigating the Net easier for non-techies.

    For the first time, we had our own media. And in the years since, with the media monopoly’s control of news broken, more of our people than ever before now understand the truth. But we have a long way to go.

    Join Don Black and Truck Roy tomorrow (Tuesday), with special guest Gordon Lee Baum, CEO of the largest pro-White organization in America, the Council of Conservative Citizens, talk about where we’ve been and where we’re going. Call-ins welcome.

    Tune in live here Monday-Friday, 9:00-11:00am Eastern Time. Archives will be available shortly after each show.

    Discussion thread on Stormfront.

    Benjamin Newells

    Horus, I’ll be tuning in to hear your wonderful voice 🙂



    Listening to your podcast about 30-min at a time.
    As usual well done and always informative.

    I’m now trying to find the link for Truck Roy and Don Black on RENSE radio.
    Thanks from a white-guy (concerned about white genocide) for all your energy and time.


    WmWhite, here’s the link to Don Black’s show on Rense:


    Here is the link for the John Friend show. Listen and feel free to comment etc

    FYI …I will be on Renegade Broadcasting Jan. 24 2014 at 8 pm eastern time

    Any future announcements from White Rabbit Radio will be made on this thread


    And thank you guys for the kind words. Whenever I do interviews. You will have a hand full that concentrate on everything BUT the Practical Politics. Welcome to the history of WN/PaleoCon. LOL….And thank gawd that is NOT the Future or the here and now on BUGS

    Benjamin Newells

    You’re welcome Horus.
    I’ve noticed the interviewers have trouble keeping the discussion practical. It’s expected I guess.



    The tenancy to want to cover a lot of ground is the challenge for anyone. And of course, you have listeners and people calling in etc that want other subjects talked about. Not easy running a live show. John Friend stays on course very well IMO.


    Horus….I tried something out the other day.

    You once said that no matter how hard you try you can’t escape sound.

    So I was playing one of your interviews on renegade radio the other day…but I was playing it through my speakers while we were doing house work…my wife did not engage me immediately while it was on but later on something funny happened…she just started going on about race race rarity race…now mind you she was on message before BUT….never has she gone into such great detail and thought about it.

    Figured you would like to know the results.

    Benjamin Newells

    Horus, I agree with that, of course.


    Going on Renegade Broadcasting at 8pm est. time


    Woops. Wrong thread.


    That last interview was awesome.

    Daniel Genseric

    I concur with Sentinel’s sentiment.

    Horus thrives in an interview setting. That boy can talk on such a wide variety of topics


    Above is another show that is an introduction this was done not a month ago for the American Nationalist Network


    Thanks for the kind words. I will keep this thread open for any news. Also, so I can keep track on what to add over at WRR to our podcast page …which needs to be updated.

    Also note: This Thursday Jan 30 2014. I will be on the Don Black Stormfront show on Rense Radio at 10am eastern. At 9:00am the Guest will Be Matt Heimbach. These are all recorded and will post a link after the fact.

    Benjamin Newells

    Hi Horus. I listened to the show you did yesterday with Kyle. You mentioned how the color ‘goldenrod’ works well with fliers (you might have mentioned banners as well – I can’t remember). Is using goldenrod color something we should think about for fliers/banners?


    Fliers. Yes, I would do that color. Giant Banners. No, I would probably not do that color. I have only seen the results/studies work on hand to hand flyers. For Giant Banners….I guess that you could try anything once. Special banner colors might be real expensive. Probably alot cheaper in primary colors. And you have to remember….there is a big difference in handing out fliers and putting some massive banner on an overpass. With fliers you want to get someones attn and with these banners……Well you have their attn by default

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