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Tweets for"Immigration"and #WhiteGenocide

Home Forums BUGS SWARM Tweets for"Immigration"and #WhiteGenocide

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  • #102540
    time for freedom

    Immigration is a codeword for the forced migration of non-Whites into All white countries. This is #WhiteGenocide

    Immigration is a codeword for the forced migration of non-Whites into All white countries. Immigration is the modern tool of #WhiteGenocide

    Benjamin Newells

    This reminds me of the “White race is a social construct is a code word for White people don’t exist” topic that I did a few days ago. We’re getting to the bottom of the anti-whites’ thinking and pointing out how bad their memes with condensed lines, but I don’t think they’re extremely useful for the battlefield. I could be wrong about their usefulness though. Their usefulness would be limited to very niche scenarios.


    “Immigration is a codeword for the forced migration of non-Whites…”

    Code word is too valuable to be used like this.

    Immigration on it`s own is a non-starter.

    Forced migration of non-whites is bogus and counter productive.

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