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  • #100067

    I’ve been using “inflict” in the following mini alot lately and it’s been getting me some good results. Here is the mini;

    “Anti-racists” say they must inflict Diversity on us whites to end racism.
    We all know that something that get’s declared “Diverse” was formerly white.
    Diversity means Chasing Down The Last White Person.
    It’s Genocide.
    “Anti-racist” is a codeword for anti-white.

    And here is one response. Seems this anti-white didn’t like the words “inflict” and “chasing down”

    I am not going after any country’s immigration policies.
    I have not defined any white country as I do not recognize the concept of Race. It is an archic term.
    Diversity is not inflicted, but a product of White people’s CHOICE to have less children and more immigration. It is not inflicted on you. AS I said, you are free to go off an live in the Woods.
    As I said before, almost every country in the world has a melting pot. Countries in the Middle East and AFrica are included.

    I AM NOT CHASING WHITE PEOPLE!!! whty would i do that? I do not even know what “white people” is! It is such an unscientific term. Why do i have to chase this particular group? To do what with them? You do not have any right to talk about my intentions when I have specifically stated that they are not mine.

    I figured I’d recommended using the word “inflict” to my fellow bugsers

    Ice Knight

    The responses look good – seems to really annoy the anti-Whites so will be giving this a try! LOL

    I like the use of the word ‘inflict’ as it comes straight from the UN Genocide Convention. Maybe ‘deliberately inflicting diversity’ could also be worth a shot?


    I think most of us have been using “pushing diversity”/”push diversity”

    I’ll give “inflict” a go and see what happens! 😀

    Benjamin Newells

    I’ve always used “imposed” and “enforced”. I might try “inflict”. But saying that, I don’t think it’s a step up from “imposed”.

    Daniel Genseric


    Immigration is FORCED
    Assimilation is FORCED
    “Multiculturalism” is FORCED
    “Diversity” is FORCED


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