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jettandjahn ?

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    Can someone fill me in? Whats the deal with these guys? I have just came across their site today. I like a lot of what they say, very uncompromising and quite funny but i notice that they have posted some negative material about Horus and Bob? What was the back story?


    Apparently, they do not believe one needs a consistent message. They don’t like the Mantra. Or they don’t like Bob. And/Or they don’t follow the white rabbit. 🙂

    I do not take anyone serious that states a consistent message is not needed. That is either amateur talk or an agent provocateur. And anyone that criticizes but never offers an equivalent or better consistent message is also to be ignored.

    They think it is victimhood or something.
    The people that brought down the Soviet Union by pointing out the contradictions. Were never considered victims. They were considered successful. And by pointing out the contradictions in this modern Antiwhite Soviet System using the mantra. We will never be considered victims. But will be successful just the same.


    Thanks for chiming in Horus. I did notice their post about FTWR

    I found it slightly odd. I assume they didn’t listen to many of the podcasts to come to this conclusion? I was just curious to know whether there was some history or they just took at pop.

    I still for the life of me can’t get my head around all the bickering that goes on in the WN community. If these guys weren’t so hardcore on the Jooo rabbits i would have had them down as controlled distraction but they are lethal on the Jooo bunnies………..confused!


    I am not a psycholgist. Nor do I understand their motivations. But if you look around the struggle. You will notice that no one criticizes what we are doing. There is a logical reason. A consistent message benefits everyone. Or at least everyone that hates this antiwhite system.
    Furthermore, most people understand what we are doing. They may not like my podcast. And they may not agree with Bob on everything. BUGS Swarm may scare the hell out of them. But by and large, they get it.

    Why you are confused? I will post the this again for you:

    “I do not take anyone serious that states a consistent message is not needed. That is either amateur talk or an agent provocateur. And anyone that criticizes but never offers an equivalent or better consistent message is also to be ignored. ”



    I just hit that link you posted. LOL. I cannot believe you fell for that. No one in their right mind is going to listen to White Rabbit Radio and assume we like Jews. That dog ain’t going to hunt. Have you ever seen the Pink Rabbit pic? No sane person would take that post by those fellas seriously.

    If you foreign meawhiterabbit, let me spell it out for you. They are probably just silly kids looking for attention. They do not seem bright enough to be agent provocateurs. I do not have the time to waste on such nonsense. Nor do you.


    Horus. I think you have picked me up wrong. I didn’t fall for it. I was just curious to know if there was any history that i was unaware of between Bugs/Bob/You and them. I am only a few months new to all of this with my real introduction being your wonderful podcast so im a bit naive when it comes to the in group out group dynamics.
    What they said didn’t add up for me. As i pointed out i felt they couldn’t have listened to your podcasts if they came to those conclusions. I was just wondering why they took such a pop.
    When i said i was confused i meant i was confused at how much bickering there is in the WN movement.


    “If these guys weren’t so hardcore on the Jooo rabbits i would have had them down as controlled distraction but they are lethal on the Jooo bunnies………..confused!”

    If you type in “jewish false-flag infiltrators” and “troll techniques” into jewgle you`should find some very entertaining and informative material,but then that would take time away from your fighting white genocide duties….


    ^^^ Well thats kind of my gut feeling. Their stuff is amusing in a very Bevis and Butthead way but i am not sure of the value they add. Plus one of the guys has a voice thats………..well……………whiney and that is something i associate with our Jooo bunny friends.


    Well I have not paid attention to much squabbling in the movement. That is not what we do here on BUGS. On BUGS there can be a hot discussion. But that ain’t the same thing as squabbling. Of course, you know this already. Never be afraid of asking a question.

    I had seen you around so much. I had no idea you where new! Cheers and welcome.

    But really, I cannot add anything to what dungeoneer has posted above. Always go with your gut. We have never had a conversation with these guys (that goes for me and Bob). I do not know if they ARE Bevis and Butthead or maybe simply Jews or maybe jewish bevis and buttheads? who knows? 🙂


    Haha You’ve seen me around? Well its only because i am a BIG Horus fan of course!

    Keep making those podcasts!

    Daniel Genseric

    Jett and Jahn?

    Two douche bags who don’t get it. Or do they?

    Moving right along.

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