Mantra in different languages
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- This topic has 68 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 2 months ago by JPOutlook.
07/12/2014 at 4:31 pm #94687Benjamin NewellsParticipant
That’s good advice JPO.
Mike, yeah, I do want to know. I can click the ‘translate’ button on it but it’s not a perfect translation.
07/12/2014 at 4:53 pm #94688Benjamin NewellsParticipantI always think of ‘justify’ as ‘to prove to be just, right’. And you can never justify genocide. I would say ‘trying to justify genocide’ but everyone at bugs says it without the ‘trying’ bit, so I do too…
07/12/2014 at 5:15 pm #94694Mike MParticipantSo the first comment is something like :
First of all : Japan and Taiwan integration policies are not of our concern. Belgium’s population is not equal to Japan’s population : 126 M for Japan, 11 M for Belgium. Same thing for Netherlands and Taiwan.
Secondly, if “White coutnries” need to integrate foreigners, it’s because those countries are developped and that human rights are more respected in those countries.
You’re afraid that the “white race” goes extinct ( and that won’t happen) if we accept foreigners.
There is of course one thing that is required of foreigenrs and it’s adapting to the local cultures while keeping theirs, and not impose their culture on us (like the hallal in public schools cafeteria).
We can all live together, if everybody respects each others culture and once again, integrating foreigners don’t force you to marry them. Spouse a white and your “race” will perdure.07/12/2014 at 5:23 pm #94695Mike MParticipantSecond comment :
Useless comment.
there are people raping, killing, robbing. Does that push other people to do so ? Of course not.
You look like a kid : “but why can he do something and I can’t”. Even if other people do it we don’t have to do it too. And as the first guy explains it, those point of views depends of a lot of political and cultural factors. It’s not comparable.
And don’t put everybody in the same basket. All africans, europeans, and asians do not think all the same.So when you’re hostile to a certain group of people to protect your own group (eve nif I don’t fee lthe need to be protected of other races by people like you), it is racism.
A whole lot of generations fought against hate, and have protected peace and tolerance to give their offspring a better world. i can’t believe I see that in 2014 ! A lot of dead people must be rolling in their graves.
Those people who fought during the french revolution. The first constitution of 1792 gave the “right of the soil”, giving to people who have been living here for a certain amount of time, the right to become french like you and me. Would you deny this cultural legacy ? If you don’t you’re contradicting yourself. And if you do you deny your own “white culture’.07/12/2014 at 5:25 pm #94696Mike MParticipantI replied :
What about you read correctly what is written. We’re talking about density of population, not global numbers.
In all white countries, white people are forced to accept massive non white immigration and live under constant race mixing propaganda. When Tibet is full of Chinese, it’s genocide. When white people are full of non whites, it’s “Diversity”.
“Diversity” is a code word for White genocide.
You say you’re “antiracists”, but what you really are, is antiwhite !
“Antiraciste” est un nom de code pour antiblanc !
07/12/2014 at 7:42 pm #94698ElectricParticipantMike you’re doing great! đ
Also one thing I need to add is don’t forget to mention the ‘forced assimilation” part and make sure you capitalize ‘White, but that was an awesome reply. Are you still thinking of going public?
07/13/2014 at 6:16 am #94718Benjamin NewellsParticipantI think a small French bugs team is much more important than one person going public. My advice is make some posts on the French mantra page about there “being a group you can join to post mantra/mini-mantras in French to get the word out about anti-whites and white genocide in France”. You can ask them to PM you. Then it would be a matter of telling them that the “mantra message” is designed to bypass anti-white propaganda. You might also have to tell them that there’s a certain learning curve to debating anti-whites (e.g. you can’t talk about genetics or jews). There’s some other stuff you’ll have to tell them of course.
There’s no reason why they couldn’t join here at bugs and do all their reporting here. It would make it easy for people who mostly post in English to like the French comments up and occasionally leave pre-written French responses. The mantra is really getting out there in America and that’s great. But we need it to get out there in Europe.
08/04/2015 at 12:31 pm #103481JPOutlookParticipantGerman:
Afrika fĂŒr die Afrikaner. Asien fĂŒr die Asiaten. Weisse LĂ€nder fĂŒr ALLE.
Alle sagen, dass es dieses Rassenproblem gĂ€be. Alle sagen, dieses Rassenproblem könne nur gelöst werden wenn die Dritte Welt in die weissen LĂ€nder strömt und zwar ausschlieĂlich in die WEISSEN LĂNDER.
Die Niederlande und Belgien sind ebenso dicht besiedelt wie Japan und Taiwan aber niemand sagt, dass Japan und Taiwan dieses Rassenproblem lösen werden indem sie Millionen Leute aus der Dritten Welt aufnehmen und diese âassimilierenâ.
Jeder sagt, dass die endgĂŒltige Lösung fĂŒr dieses Rassenproblem darin liegt, dass sich jedes weisse Land, und zwar NUR WEISSE LĂNDER, âassimiliertâ d. h. âMischehenâ mit den ganzen Nicht-Weissen eingeht.
Was wĂ€re, wenn ich behaupten wĂŒrde, es gĂ€be dieses Rassenproblem? Und dass dieses Rassenproblem nur gelöst werden kann wenn Millionen von Nicht-Schwarzen in jedes schwarze Land und nur in schwarze LĂ€nder gebracht werden wĂŒrden?
Wie lange wĂŒrde es dauern, bis jemand bemerkt, dass ich nicht ĂŒber ein Rassenproblem spreche sondern, dass ich ĂŒber eine endgĂŒltige Lösung fĂŒr das âSchwarze Problemâ spreche?
Und wie lange wĂŒrde es dauern, bis das einem geistig gesunden, schwarzen Menschen auffallen wĂŒrde? Und wie verrĂŒckt wĂ€re ein schwarzer Mensch, wenn er da nichts dagegen hĂ€tte?
Aber wenn ich sage die offensichtliche Wahrheit ĂŒber das aktuell laufende Programm des Völkermords gegen meine Rasse, die Weisse Rasse, stimmen Liberale und respektable Konservative ĂŒberein, dass ich ein Nazibinder6MillionenJudenumbringenwill.
Sie behaupten, dass sie Antirassisten sind, aber was sie wirklich sind, ist ANTI-WEISS.
Antirassist ist ein Codewort fĂŒr ANTI-WEISS.
08/04/2015 at 12:47 pm #103482JPOutlookParticipantSwedish:
Afrika för Afrikaner, Asien för Asiater, och vita lÀnder för ALLA.
Alla sÀger att vi har ett problem med rasism. Alla sÀger lösningen pÄ detta problem Àr att ALLA vita lÀnder och BARA vita lÀnder öppnar sina grÀnser och tar in milljoner av mÀnniskor frÄn tredje vÀrlden.
NederlĂ€nderna och Belgien Ă€r mindre homogena Ă€n Japan och Taiwan men ingen sĂ€ger att Japan eller Taiwan har ett problem med rasism och att lösningen till detta skulle vara att lĂ„ta tredje vĂ€rlden flöda in till deras lĂ€nder för att âassimilerasâ med dem.
Alla sĂ€ger att den slutgiltliga lösningen pĂ„ denna rasism Ă€r att vi i ALLA vita lĂ€nder och BARA vita lĂ€nder ska lĂ„ta oss âintegrerasâ, dvs blandas ut med dessa utomeuropĂ©er.
Vad skulle reaktionen bli om jag sa att det fanns ett problem med rasism i Afrika och att detta problem bara kan lösas genom att förflytta miljontals av icke-afrikaner till ALLA svarta lÀnder och BARA svarta lÀnder.
Hur lĂ„ng tid skulle det ta innan folk insĂ„g att jag egentligen inte pratar om ârasismâ utan om ett FOLKUTBYTE av den svarta befolkningen?
Och hur lÄng tid skulle det ta för en normal, sund afrikan att lÀgga mÀrke till detta och vilken sinnesrubbad afrikan skulle inte motsÀtta sig detta?
Men om jag uppmĂ€rksammar sanningen om detta uppenbara folkmords projekt som pĂ„gĂ„r mot mitt folk, oss vita. SĂ„ hĂ„ller liberala och ârumsrenaâ invandringskritiker med om att jag Ă€r en ânazistsomvilldödasexmiljonerjudarâ.
De kallar sig sjĂ€lva âantirasisterâ. Men de Ă€r egentligen anti-vita.
âAntirasistâ Ă€r ett kodord för anti-vit.
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Bob Whitaker has "been there and done that" in the world of politics. His unique perspective is insightful and vital. You may not agree with everything he says, but I guarantee that he will make you think.
Robert W. Whitaker, 1941â2017, was born and raised in South Carolina and attended the University of South Carolina and the University of Virginia Graduate School. He has been a college professor, international aviation negotiator, Capitol Hill senior staffer, Reagan Administration appointee, and writer for the Voice of America. He has written numerous articles and three books. Bob lived in Columbia, SC, coaching B.U.G.S. He had asked the staff to inform female readers that he was "divorced and 'wildly attractive.'" I agree that he was divorced. But actually, he always did and always will love his one and only wife.
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