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    “Despite all signs to the contrary.”… More proof that “It’s not White Genocide, but” is the new “I’m not racist, but.”

    …earned a coveted 100 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, as of Tuesday afternoon. When the trailer premiered earlier this year, a bunch of white folks took to social media to cry about how offensive the title is. They decide that the series is anti-white and pro-white genocide, so they created the hashtag #BoycottNetflix. Simien responded to the boycott on Twitter: “Equality feels like oppression to the privileged and thus three benign words send them into a fight for their very existence, which happens to it actually not [being] in any real danger,” he said. “This is how a minute long date announcement becomes a distorted call for white genocide in the minds of some people. Despite all signs to the contrary.” Check out what else he had to say about the backlash…

    “‘Dear White People’ Earns A Rare 100 Percent On Rotten Tomatoes”

    In February, Netflix released the first teaser trailer for Justin Simien’s series “Dear White People,” and some dark corner of the Internet didn’t take it lightly. Hours later, #BoycottNetflix was a popular hashtag, and Twitter was filled with cries of “white genocide” and “reverse racism.” Three months later, the show seems to have had different luck than the one the alt-right would’ve wished. The show has a 100 percent score on Rotten Tomatoes…

    “‘Dear White People’ Stirs Up Comedic Conversation”

    …premiered on the streaming platform last week. The 10-episode series is based off of Simien’s 2014 debut film of the same name and subject matter. When Netflix dropped the teaser trailer in February, a bunch of white critics got offended and decided the show was about white genocide. They even launched a failed #BoycottNetflix campaign. Simien told EUR/Electronic Urban Report that the backlash…

    “Yvette Lee Bowser: ‘Dear White People’ is a ‘Love Letter to the Marginalized’ [EUR Exclusive]”

    …by the same name and subject matter, released in 2014. When Netflix premiered the trailer in February, a bunch of mad white folks who were offended by the name claimed that the show was anti-white and created the hashtag #BoycottNetflix. Simien responded to the boycott on Twitter shortly after: “Equality feels like oppression to the privileged and thus three benign words send them into a fight for their very existence, which happens to it actually not [being] in any real danger,” Simien said. “This is how a minute long date announcement becomes a distorted call for white genocide in the minds of some people. Despite all signs to the contrary.” In an April interview, Simien told HuffPost that the backlash actually helped promote his show. This news comes just months after “Get Out,”…

    “Netflix’s ‘Dear White People’ Earns A Rare 100 Percent On Rotten Tomatoes”


    Tom Bowie

    Got their attention with my stylish attire and did the Mantra in 20+ interviews.
    Haven’t seen anything from it yet but, I’m out of touch mostly with the internet. I did get sent some pictures from the event however.

    Used the Mantra like a sledgehammer all day long.


    That’s good stuff.



    “Texas Professor Promoted Radicalized Racial Segregation and White Genocide”


    Ice Knight

    PewDiePie – 55 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS on Youtube making references to #WhiteGenocide in the ticker on his latest video (5:30)

    Not really possible to become more mainstream than that!


    In a recently revealed interview from 2012, titled “Dr. Tommy Curry on killing whites,” Curry said many black people like Nat Turner and Robert F. Williams “thought about killing white people as self-defense” and this “tradition” is still very “relevant”. Rod Dreher from The American Conservative found the podcast and commented on it in an article called: “When Is It OK to Kill Whites?” Curry had called for white genocide in a podcast he made. “When we have this conversation about violence, or killing white people, it has to be looked at in the context of historical turn,” Curry says. “And the fact that we’ve had no one address, like how relevant and how solidified…Curry needs to be fired immediately. Young may be unaware that the First Amendment prohibits the government from regulating speech, but doesn’t guarantee employment for those who work for government-funded institutions. Employees still represent their institution, and institutions reserve the right to fire or discipline employees who advocate white genocide. Curry was introduced on the podcast where he made the genocidal comments as “dr. Tommy Curry of Texas A&M” and not as dr. Tommy Curry speaking on his own personal beliefs. Texas A&M University is a coeducational public research university in College Station, Texas, United States. The Daily Nous reports that that statement “was taken out of context”, and was part of a wider discussion of comments by the actor Jamie Foxx about interracial violence. But Foxx says mainly the same thing…

    “Texas college defends calls for white genocide as ‘free speech’”



    HATE ALERT! – Professor Goes On Racist Rant Against Whites #WhiteGenocide #WhiteLivesMatter #PiperHarron


    Fred R

    I was quoted in the title of a Raw Story article.

    ‘White genocide in space’: Racist fans seethe at diversity in new ‘Star Trek’ series

    Here’s a link to the now infamous tweet… need some backup please:

    Fred R

    Incidentally, they linked a bunch of tweets, but mine was the only one that had quotability.

    “White Genocide in space” is the headline.

    Still need some backup if anyone gets a chance:

    time for freedom

    Fred R. Thank you for that. Inspiring as usual.

    Fred R

    Thanks for the backup. My Twitter is still going crazy.
    It’s not getting many retweets, but it’s getting a lot of angry responses.

    time for freedom

    Idiot libertarian writing about the ‘non-existence’ of White Genocide in South Africa. Comment section just waiting to be Mantrafied.


    Pro-white counters the anti-white screamer by saying that “Racist” and “Hate” is used in an attempt to justify criminal behaviour. @13:20

    “Eric Clanton trial begins inside Oakland Court, speaking with his lawyer”


    Fred R

    Update on my “White Genocide In Space” tweet:
    George Takei was on AM Joy on msnbc to address the issue.
    The host quoted the headline based on the tweet.
    Both said “White genocide” if anyone is interested in saving video clips.

    Fred R

    Now The Young Turds are discussing “White Genocide In Space” and even have a screenshot of the tweet:

    Fred R
    Wuntz Moore

    Wow, the first sentence of that New Yorker article has “white genocide” in it:

    This being the United States in 2017, Internet trolls are accusing “Star Trek: Discovery,” the newest incarnation of the sci-fi franchise, due to début on television in the fall, of white genocide.

    Ice Knight

    Well done Fred, you hit the BUGS Twitter jackpot!!

    Reminds me of the Star Wars debacle a year or so ago. One or two of our tweets can get blown up into thousands of new articles. Our enemies just can’t help themselves spreading our memes around!

    Wuntz Moore

    Fred R: “quotability”

    Yep, you carried out perfectly Bob’s instruction that we all need to remember to aim for, “If you want to be quoted, say something quotable.” Like “White Genocide in space.” Fantastic job! 🙂


    “Far Cry 5 a ‘White Genocide Simulator’? You’re Joking, Right?”

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