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Mantra responses

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  • #108896
    time for freedom


    Great point, as far as it goes. But it misses the larger point that I made. Perhaps I did a poor job of explaining it. The reason that they are ‘mindless repeaters’ is because IT WORKS. The great thing about mantrafied memes is that we can be just as effective by being ‘mindless repeaters’ also. The power of well designed propaganda is that it allows its users to be ‘mindless repeaters’ and yet still accomplish their political objectives.
    We don’t need to over think an of this stuff; We just need to be disciplined, persistent ‘mindless repeaters.’ This is how we have consistently defeated our anti-white opponents.


    Here’s a bunch of Bob’s Twitter memes that work as Mantra Responses or can be modified to be. I categorized them as ‘Anti-Whites/Replies to’, and sub-categorized them:


    Anti-Whites say they are offended by being accused of advocating White genocide, but they then go on to describe White people as a pure evil

    Pro Whites accuse anti Whites of #Whitegenocide They say 1)Whites r evil & deserve it 2)They dont want to end the White race 3)No White race

    Anti-Whites who say there is no such thing as White pick the countries that must allow immigration and assimilation by that exact criterion.

    Anti-Whites say there is no White race or White country, but Whites stole America and Australia from the natives. #Whitegenocide

    A pro-White is told there is no such thing as the White race, and then he is told that the White race owes the rest of the world reparations

    If there is no such thing as race, how can we have “diversity?” #Whitegenocide

    When someone asks what a White country is, you tell them it’s a country they insist has an obligation to import huge numbers of 3rd worlders

    How can you be a White supremacist and White separatist at the same time? #Whitegenocide

    At the time of the Constitution, “we the people” had a higher percentage of native-born Whites than we have ever had before or since.

    We had slavery. WOW!! The only people who didn’t have slavery were stone age people. Slavery was abolished in Saudi Arabia in 1964.

    The White race has never committed a unique sin. Anti-Whites say “White people did this or that and therefore must disappear from the Earth”

    Emma Lazarus was a Zionist. What if Bob Whitaker wrote something inviting the whole world to her Zion? These anti-Whites have no shame.

    If you believe your land is stolen, don’t point fingers, get the hell OFF of it! #Whitegenocide

    The 1st obligation of any American who believes the US was stolen from the Indians is not to point fingers but TO GET THE HELL OUT!

    No Race? GENOCIDE

    One who argues that race does not exist, or the only race is the human race is stating that genocide has never occurred and cannot occur.

    The name of the Genocide Treaty shows that saying “race does not exist” is no defense against a charge of genocide. #Whitegenocide

    No Defense

    Anti-Whites never discuss whether anything we say is true. All they have is labels. A label is the weapon of one who has lost the argument.

    Those who attack us are NEVER doing it to DISCUSS #Whitegenocide, they are ALWAYS demanding that all discussion of it be SUPPRESSED.

    We all know that the only answer anti-Whites have is to silence us or change the subject. Those tactics ARE answers if you allow them to be.

    Anti-Whites act like any felon faced with charges he cannot deny. They shout insults, say their accusers are stupid, mean and ugly.

    The only weapon anti-Whites have is their screams. It is past time that we disarmed them. #Whitegenocide

    Calling disagreement “hate” is childish. #Whitegenocide

    Hate is a Hate Word: It just says “Shoot the messenger.” #Whitegenocide

    Anti-Whites scream racist and White supremacist. The oldest cliché in the legal profession is, “If you have no defense, attack like hell!”

    An anti-White thug uses the “Nazi!” label and he uses it only to incite violence. #Whitegenocide

    When you anti-Whites scream Hate or racism, a.k.a. HERESY!, it says nothing about the point we heretics make. But it tells us ALL about YOU

    The REAL war is a series of words like “racism” “diversity” and series of phrases anti-Whites scream because genocide has no justification.

    Remind anti-Whites that they you don’t have to justify genocide unless you are committing it. #Whitegenocide

    Every word anti-Whites say in response to the charge of #Whitegenocide is a justification for that exact policy.


    Murder suspects and anti-Whites being interrogated say “You already asked that” and “I already answered that”. #Whitegenocide

    Anti-Whites avoid answering the Mantra by waiting awhile and then declaring, “But we ALREADY answered it!” #Whitegenocide

    These anti-Whites say “me no understand” and that’s supposed to be some argument. We have to make our answers as simple as these people are.

    Silence is the anti-Whites’ most effective technique precisely because it WORKS. It works because no one on our side listens to the silence.


    Crying for tolerance locally while ignoring #Whitegenocide globally is a provincial point of view.

    Anti-Whites who talk about “true love” aren’t sophisticated enough to see we’re talking about something bigger than 1 country or 1 marriage.

    Anti-Whites talk about All Mankind and A Global Point of View. Then suddenly they are only talking about one country, so it isn’t genocide.

    The Church

    When they say, “We should love all mankind,” tell them they are using decency as a weapon of #Whitegenocide. It is exactly like blasphemy.

    Someone asked me to “abandon my racism” in the Name of Christ. I replied: “I don’t believe in human sacrifice.” And I don’t commit blasphemy

    The Church’s only genetic morality is against incest, a level of evolution already reached by meerkats. #Whitegenocide

    No longer do monks whip themselves and all that. It is time we outgrew the idea that God is a great excuse for self-hatred and for treason.


    We are always being asked why we worry about our race. The QUESTION, for any other people, would bring a person under suspicion of genocide.

    Anyone who asks “Why should I care about my race‘s survival?” is proving they are a sociopath with no loyalties. You can’t explain loyalty.

    A sociopath has no loyalties, as a psychopath is incapable of guilt. You can’t explain to a sociopath WHY he should care about his own kind.


    It is critical to remember that the Mantra is not a debating tactic. The Mantra is repeating back to anti-Whites what they say all the time.

    Anti-Whites never get tired of repeating racist Nazi. The reason we got in this mess is we didn’t deal with these people on their own level.

    You have to deal with anti-Whites on their level. They’re a bunch of monkeys screaming. Don’t answer as if they’d said something.

    Anti-Whites’ world view is threatened, not by exposures of Conspiracy Theories, but by someone saying their basic ideas in plain English.

    It is critical to remember that the Mantra is not a debating tactic. The Mantra is repeating back to anti-Whites what they say all the time.

    People can take being out argued but being exposed as a mindless repeater is unbearable to people who’ve been trained to think they‘re smart

    We keep repeating. That’s what revolutions are made of. Let’s see if we can find a non-White country that needs immigration. Repeat.


    To be anything but a “racist” in today’s America is treason against the truth

    Those who seek #Whitegenocide prefer mixing to displacement. Their object is not to SUBSTITUTE, their object is to DESTROY.

    Almost every anti-White would like to see us in prison or worse. #Whitegenocide

    The Mantra puts the genocide charge on anti-Whites where it belongs. It uses their suppression against them. #Whitegenocide

    If anti-Whites drive people into the totalitarian camp to save our race, that is their doing.

    Everything we say is true. Anti-racism is entirely anti-White. #Whitegenocide


    Here’s a bunch of Bob’s Twitter memes that work as Mantra Responses or can be modified to be:

    Anti-Whites never discuss whether anything we say is true. All they have is labels. A label is the weapon of one who has lost the argument.

    Those who attack us are NEVER doing it to DISCUSS #Whitegenocide, they are ALWAYS demanding that all discussion of it be SUPPRESSED.

    We all know that the only answer anti-Whites have is to silence us or change the subject. Those tactics ARE answers if you allow them to be.

    Anti-Whites act like any felon faced with charges he cannot deny. They shout insults, say their accusers are stupid, mean and ugly.

    The REAL war is a series of words like “racism” “diversity” and series of phrases anti-Whites scream because genocide has no justification.

    The only weapon anti-Whites have is their screams. It is past time that we disarmed them. #Whitegenocide

    Calling disagreement “hate” is childish. #Whitegenocide

    Hate is a Hate Word: It just says “Shoot the messenger.” #Whitegenocide

    Anti-Whites scream racist and White supremacist. The oldest cliche in the legal profession is, “If you have no defense, attack like hell!”

    An anti-White thug uses the “Nazi!” label and he uses it only to incite violence. #Whitegenocide

    When you anti-Whites scream Hate or racism, a.k.a. HERESY!, it says nothing about the point we heretics make. But it tells us ALL about YOU

    Murder suspects and anti-Whites being interrogated say “You already asked that” and “I already answered that”. #Whitegenocide

    Anti-Whites avoid answering the Mantra by waiting awhile and then declaring, “But we ALREADY answered it!” #Whitegenocide

    These anti-Whites say “me no understand” and that’s supposed to be some argument. We have to make our answers as simple as these people are.

    Silence is the anti-Whites’ most effective technique precisely because it WORKS. It works because no one on our side listens to the silence.

    We are always being asked why we worry about our race. The QUESTION, for any other people, would bring a person under suspicion of genocide.

    Anyone who asks “Why should I care about my race‘s survival?” is proving they are a sociopath with no loyalties. You can’t explain loyalty.

    A sociopath has no loyalties, as a psychopath is incapable of guilt. You can’t explain to a sociopath WHY he should care about his own kind.

    Anti-Whites say they are offended by being accused of advocating White genocide, but they then go on to describe White people as a pure evil

    Every word anti-Whites say in response to the charge of #Whitegenocide is a justification for that exact policy.

    Pro Whites accuse anti Whites of #Whitegenocide They say 1)Whites r evil & deserve it 2)They dont want to end the White race 3)No White race

    Anti-Whites who say there is no such thing as White pick the countries that must allow immigration and assimilation by that exact criterion.

    Anti-Whites say there is no White race or White country, but Whites stole America and Australia from the natives. #Whitegenocide

    A pro-White is told there is no such thing as the White race, and then he is told that the White race owes the rest of the world reparations

    If there is no such thing as race, how can we have “diversity?” #Whitegenocide

    When someone asks what a White country is, you tell them it’s a country they insist has an obligation to import huge numbers of 3rd worlders

    At the time of the Constitution, “we the people” had a higher percentage of native-born Whites than we have ever had before or since.

    We had slavery. WOW!! The only people who didn’t have slavery were stone age people. Slavery was abolished in Saudi Arabia in 1964.

    The White race has never committed a unique sin. Anti-Whites say “White people did this or that and therefore must disappear from the Earth”

    One who argues that race does not exist, or the only race is the human race is stating that genocide has never occurred and cannot occur.

    The name of the Genocide Treaty shows that saying “race does not exist” is no defense against a charge of genocide. #Whitegenocide

    Emma Lazarus was a Zionist. What if Bob Whitaker wrote something inviting the whole world to her Zion? These anti-Whites have no shame.

    If you believe your land is stolen, don’t point fingers, get the hell OFF of it! #Whitegenocide

    The 1st obligation of any American who believes the US was stolen from the Indians is not to point fingers but TO GET THE HELL OUT!

    How can you be a White supremacist and White separatist at the same time? #Whitegenocide

    Remind anti-Whites that they you don’t have to justify genocide unless you are committing it. #Whitegenocide

    The REAL war is a series of words like “racism” “diversity” and series of phrases anti-Whites scream because genocide has no justification.

    It is critical to remember that the Mantra is not a debating tactic. The Mantra is repeating back to anti-Whites what they say all the time.

    Anti-Whites never get tired of repeating racist Nazi. The reason we got in this mess is we didn’t deal with these people on their own level.

    You have to deal with anti-Whites on their level. They’re a bunch of monkeys screaming. Don’t answer as if they’d said something.

    Anti-Whites’ world view is threatened, not by exposures of Conspiracy Theories, but by someone saying their basic ideas in plain English.

    It is critical to remember that the Mantra is not a debating tactic. The Mantra is repeating back to anti-Whites what they say all the time.

    People can take being out argued but being exposed as a mindless repeater is unbearable to people who’ve been trained to think they‘re smart

    We keep repeating. That’s what revolutions are made of. Let’s see if we can find a non-White country that needs immigration. Repeat.

    Crying for tolerance locally while ignoring #Whitegenocide globally is a provincial point of view.

    Anti-Whites who talk about “true love” aren’t sophisticated enough to see we’re talking about something bigger than 1 country or 1 marriage.

    Anti-Whites talk about All Mankind and A Global Point of View. Then suddenly they are only talking about one country, so it isn’t genocide.

    When they say, “We should love all mankind,” tell them they are using decency as a weapon of #Whitegenocide. It is exactly like blasphemy.

    Someone asked me to “abandon my racism” in the Name of Christ. I replied: “I don’t believe in human sacrifice.” And I don’t commit blasphemy

    The Church’s only genetic morality is against incest, a level of evolution already reached by meerkats. #Whitegenocide

    No longer do monks whip themselves and all that. It is time we outgrew the idea that God is a great excuse for self-hatred and for treason.

    To be anything but a “racist” in today’s America is treason against the truth

    Those who seek #Whitegenocide prefer mixing to displacement. Their object is not to SUBSTITUTE, their object is to DESTROY.

    Almost every anti-White would like to see us in prison or worse. #Whitegenocide

    The Mantra puts the genocide charge on anti-Whites where it belongs. It uses their suppression against them. #Whitegenocide

    If anti-Whites drive people into the totalitarian camp to save our race, that is their doing.

    Everything we say is true. Anti-racism is entirely anti-White. #Whitegenocide



    We don’t need to over think this stuff; We just need to be disciplined, persistent ‘mindless repeaters’.

    I agree with you @time we must stay disciplined at all times and keep repeating in which I don’t think bugsers here on the swarm are always doing.


    I remember in this thread you said you were going to characterize a set of memes
    and great!

    One question, is the proper response to an Anti-White who attacks a full mantra is by just saying: “You are Justifying Genocide” unless they use “White” in their response?
    Half the questions I ask here nobody answers.

    Secret Squirrel

    “is the proper response to an Anti-White who attacks a full mantra is by just saying: “You are Justifying Genocide” unless they use “White” in their response?”

    Of course it depends on what they say. There is the Bugs Buddy to help you if they try to counter with any nonsense they’ve been conditioned to repeat.

    But if their response is just the usual screams and insults, you point out their behavior to the audience and leave. Bob used short sword responses to humiliate these people. Make a short cutting comment, and Get Out.

    Google this for his articles on the screamers:
    screamers site:
    “Screamers are there to shout down any questioning of white genocide. They shout words like “Nazi!” “White Supremacist!” “Racist!” and “White Separatist!” One minute they scream for diversity because there are too many white people and the next minute they scream there is no such thing as white people.

    Anti-white screamers do not have to make any sense. They just have to make noise.”


    Here’s a bunch of Bob’s Twitter memes that work as Mantra Responses, or can be modified to be:

    Anti-Whites never discuss whether anything we say is true. All they have is labels. A label is the weapon of one who has lost the argument.

    Those who attack us are NEVER doing it to DISCUSS #Whitegenocide, they are ALWAYS demanding that all discussion of it be SUPPRESSED.

    We all know that the only answer anti-Whites have is to silence us or change the subject. Those tactics ARE answers if you allow them to be.

    Anti-Whites act like any felon faced with charges he cannot deny. They shout insults, say their accusers are stupid, mean and ugly.

    The REAL war is a series of words like “racism” “diversity” and series of phrases anti-Whites scream because genocide has no justification.

    The only weapon anti-Whites have is their screams. It is past time that we disarmed them. #Whitegenocide

    Calling disagreement “hate” is childish. #Whitegenocide

    Hate is a Hate Word: It just says “Shoot the messenger.” #Whitegenocide

    Anti-Whites scream racist and White supremacist. The oldest cliche in the legal profession is, “If you have no defense, attack like hell!”

    An anti-White thug uses the “Nazi!” label and he uses it only to incite violence. #Whitegenocide

    When you anti-Whites scream Hate or racism, a.k.a. HERESY!, it says nothing about the point we heretics make. But it tells us ALL about YOU

    Murder suspects and anti-Whites being interrogated say “You already asked that” and “I already answered that”. #Whitegenocide

    Anti-Whites avoid answering the Mantra by waiting awhile and then declaring, “But we ALREADY answered it!” #Whitegenocide

    These anti-Whites say “me no understand” and that’s supposed to be some argument. We have to make our answers as simple as these people are.

    Silence is the anti-Whites’ most effective technique precisely because it WORKS. It works because no one on our side listens to the silence.

    We are always being asked why we worry about our race. The QUESTION, for any other people, would bring a person under suspicion of genocide.

    Anyone who asks “Why should I care about my race‘s survival?” is proving they are a sociopath with no loyalties. You can’t explain loyalty.

    A sociopath has no loyalties, as a psychopath is incapable of guilt. You can’t explain to a sociopath WHY he should care about his own kind.

    Anti-Whites say they are offended by being accused of advocating White genocide, but they then go on to describe White people as a pure evil

    Every word anti-Whites say in response to the charge of #Whitegenocide is a justification for that exact policy.

    Pro Whites accuse anti Whites of #Whitegenocide They say 1)Whites r evil & deserve it 2)They dont want to end the White race 3)No White race

    Anti-Whites who say there is no such thing as White pick the countries that must allow immigration and assimilation by that exact criterion.

    Anti-Whites say there is no White race or White country, but Whites stole America and Australia from the natives. #Whitegenocide

    A pro-White is told there is no such thing as the White race, and then he is told that the White race owes the rest of the world reparations

    If there is no such thing as race, how can we have “diversity?” #Whitegenocide

    When someone asks what a White country is, you tell them it’s a country they insist has an obligation to import huge numbers of 3rd worlders

    At the time of the Constitution, “we the people” had a higher percentage of native-born Whites than we have ever had before or since.

    We had slavery. WOW!! The only people who didn’t have slavery were stone age people. Slavery was abolished in Saudi Arabia in 1964.

    The White race has never committed a unique sin. Anti-Whites say “White people did this or that and therefore must disappear from the Earth”

    One who argues that race does not exist, or the only race is the human race is stating that genocide has never occurred and cannot occur.

    The name of the Genocide Treaty shows that saying “race does not exist” is no defense against a charge of genocide. #Whitegenocide

    Emma Lazarus was a Zionist. What if Bob Whitaker wrote something inviting the whole world to her Zion? These anti-Whites have no shame.

    If you believe your land is stolen, don’t point fingers, get the hell OFF of it! #Whitegenocide

    The 1st obligation of any American who believes the US was stolen from the Indians is not to point fingers but TO GET THE HELL OUT!

    How can you be a White supremacist and White separatist at the same time? #Whitegenocide

    Remind anti-Whites that they you don’t have to justify genocide unless you are committing it. #Whitegenocide

    It is critical to remember that the Mantra is not a debating tactic. The Mantra is repeating back to anti-Whites what they say all the time.

    Anti-Whites never get tired of repeating racist Nazi. The reason we got in this mess is we didn’t deal with these people on their own level.

    You have to deal with anti-Whites on their level. They’re a bunch of monkeys screaming. Don’t answer as if they’d said something.

    Anti-Whites’ world view is threatened, not by exposures of Conspiracy Theories, but by someone saying their basic ideas in plain English.

    People can take being out argued but being exposed as a mindless repeater is unbearable to people who’ve been trained to think they‘re smart

    We keep repeating. That’s what revolutions are made of. Let’s see if we can find a non-White country that needs immigration. Repeat.

    Crying for tolerance locally while ignoring #Whitegenocide globally is a provincial point of view.

    Anti-Whites who talk about “true love” aren’t sophisticated enough to see we’re talking about something bigger than 1 country or 1 marriage.

    Anti-Whites talk about All Mankind and A Global Point of View. Then suddenly they are only talking about one country, so it isn’t genocide.

    When they say, “We should love all mankind,” tell them they are using decency as a weapon of #Whitegenocide. It is exactly like blasphemy.

    Someone asked me to “abandon my racism” in the Name of Christ. I replied: “I don’t believe in human sacrifice.” And I don’t commit blasphemy

    The Church’s only genetic morality is against incest, a level of evolution already reached by meerkats. #Whitegenocide

    No longer do monks whip themselves and all that. It is time we outgrew the idea that God is a great excuse for self-hatred and for treason.

    To be anything but a “racist” in today’s America is treason against the truth

    Those who seek #Whitegenocide prefer mixing to displacement. Their object is not to SUBSTITUTE, their object is to DESTROY.

    Almost every anti-White would like to see us in prison or worse. #Whitegenocide

    The Mantra puts the genocide charge on anti-Whites where it belongs. It uses their suppression against them. #Whitegenocide

    If anti-Whites drive people into the totalitarian camp to save our race, that is their doing.

    Everything we say is true. Anti-racism is entirely anti-White. #Whitegenocide

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