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09/02/2014 at 2:51 pm #96330WmWhiteParticipant
@Benjamin Newells & Mike M
Couldn’t agree with you gentlemen more, in fact Laura almost banned this imbecile (JPOxymoron) after he insulted just about every old-time and new Bugster during this nasty tirade.
I still get a chuckle when I think about JPO’s strange belief that ‘Jacob’ is the patriarch of Christianity. He must pray to a very different god. (LOL)
However, even though all movements have their nutjobs, we must remember this sites ultimate goal is White Genocide awareness, not feeding the funny JPO-trolls.
Let’s just hope he gets back on track and seeks help whenever he again, hears voices from his god, telling him to be our leader.09/02/2014 at 4:19 pm #96333JPOutlookParticipant“Wm White”
Don’t fill this thread with your ignorance and Jew obsessiveness. It used to be a nice thread, but look what you and your kind have done to it…
Also, don’t talk to me about God as your god is clearly not the Christian one.
And something else, why don’t you ever come to PalTalks or even post WHERE you post the Mantra on the thread of the same name? You are clearly doing your own thing. Why are you really here?
09/02/2014 at 6:40 pm #96336JPOutlookParticipantL.O.L… I’ve been called many names in this thread, but does anyone want to call me “hairsplitting” or “pedantic”? Those are names I’d really like to hear thrown my way. They suggest attention to detail and a methodical approach, though certain idiots believe they are insulting words.
There was a lot of whining in this thread but, in actuality, the smart sort of people say things like “Lead, follow, or get out of the way.” You’re all cowering there holding your sensitive little bums where you’ve been spanked. Time to toughen up?
09/02/2014 at 7:10 pm #96334WmWhiteParticipant“JPOxymoron”
When you said this:
“Misters Marr and Genseric, where did you post the Mantra today …you certainly don’t know how to sell the Mantra …Stop trying to drag decent B.U.G.S.ers down into your shit.”…to two prominent Bugsters was this your idea of a “nice thread?”
I listen to PalTalk recordings when I have time and when I won’t be bothered by others. Why do you take such a Nazi stance on how everyone should act?
Did the voices in your head which told you to be our LEADER tell you that?aside: those voices don’t come from any god JPO –seek help.
best regards
Wm White09/02/2014 at 7:30 pm #96346JPOutlookParticipant“Wm White”
You don’t even post the Mantra as far as I can tell. All you are is some trash that blew in off the sidewalk.
09/02/2014 at 8:08 pm #96347JPOutlookParticipantHaving gotten so much really frantic commentary on this thread after posting the first one, it’s seems only sensible to post the same comment again to see if I can’t get more.
“It was good speaking with the usual talkers in the chatroom Saturday night. However, it still does seem strange that so many of the B.U.G.S. people won’t use the microphone and their voice, preferring to remain in the text chat box.
Of course they are welcome there, and perhaps the format of hitting the comment sections on news articles has accustomed them to the text only format. But, it’s not enough for some of us, at least. And, it isn’t enough for me, I can say that with assurance. If there is a natural progress and I get to the point where the next step is to go public, then I would do that too… I say that I would be a leader for my people, white people, if it is God’s will.
09/03/2014 at 12:02 am #96350Tom BowieParticipantWith much thanks to seapea, I listened to the Paltalk and while I didn’t get any response to my microphone test at 309:50, the sound level was close to about 3/4 that of other speakers. Far better than it’s been before, now if I can just increase it a bit more I’ll be all set. At the very least, I’m on the right track.
I now know I can be heard fairly well so I’ll have to begin making real talking points when I test the microphone again rather than mostly trying to figure out if I can be heard.
09/03/2014 at 12:28 am #96351JPOutlookParticipantOne of the best things is being part of the process in getting people on message. One recognises the voice from a previous session and then notices that they are picking up the terminologies.
It wasn’t long ago I took a class where we were instructed to read ancient literature aloud to each other with the understanding that learning from a human voice adds an invaluable dimension. There is still a lot of work to be done, but I’ve become optimistic about the potential for more progress via the PalTalks. It sounds like “Bob” is well situated out there in South Carolina, too…
I’m glad to hear your confidence in joining the discussion, Mr. Bowie. It’s an interesting and, even, exciting time for the B.U.G.S. group. On my end, there is some setting up of a cable internet connection that is supposed to be functional by Saturday… In fact it is being set up On Saturday, so I am crossing my fingers for timeliness, too!
09/03/2014 at 1:43 am #96353WmWhiteParticipantJPO
When you say you want to be referred to as “pedantic,” I’m sure you mean the following definition: (unimaginative and dull). I wholeheartedly concur!
Just a quick aside, I’ve been spreading, posting, talking and introducing the Mantra to others for almost three years. So spread your lies an falsehoods about me and other Bugsters, somewhere else.
You have no leadership qualities and even though English is obviously not your first language, I suggest you take classes in “Anger Management” and “Neurodevelopmental Disorders,” before you continue with your nasty anti-white and hateful diatribes.If you have any questions or concerns, (first) seek help from a trained, mental health professional; before you consult the voices in your head.
best regards,
Wm White09/03/2014 at 2:39 am #96354JPOutlookParticipant“Wm White”
Was hoping you’d be back, since as you dug in with your nonsensical ad hominem I became more and more certain that this comment (not orginally mine) was just the perfect one for you. I’ve not pasted it here so that it’s shown to be clearly your game to get this thread off-topic, to disrupt. you go, “Wm White”…
And, you still don’t post the Mantra.
09/03/2014 at 3:02 am #96356WmWhiteParticipant“JPO” uses his awkward brand of English to say, “I’ve not pasted it here so that it’s shown to be clearly … blah blah blah.”
You say you have NOT pasted it here, yet that is “exactly” what you did. You are losing it JPO and I truly believe you need professional help …and classes in remedial English.
Our statements about you are NOT ad hominem remarks but the truth (with some sarcasm added in for good measure). And your lies about me and other Bugsters are very disturbing and serve no purpose, other than to disrupt this site.
What is your game JPO?
And what are the voices in your head (which you believe is god talking to you) directing you to do?09/03/2014 at 3:08 am #96357Mike MParticipantJPO, it is ill advised to talk about ad hominem attacks, since you did it first. I told you politely that I think it’s not a good idea to mix God and the Mantra and when you replied, here is what I got :
“Totally off topic, but that’s not really surprising, considering the source…”
“The people whining to me in this thread”Is it how you treat your “fellow” bugsers ?
With this kind of attitude, don’t be surprised when people don’t want to network with you.
You could have disagreed with me politely. But no, you resorted to a passive agressive stance.
09/03/2014 at 3:29 am #96359AnonymousInactiveIt’s not my place to interject, but people shouldn’t discourage mantra supporters too much, there are too few as it is. Wherever the insults started, it’s best for everyone to turn the other cheek. You might be friends on better days. We do need leaders and jp was not mixing god with the mantra by his statement. Yes, we don’t need hotheaded leaders but let’s keep criticism civil until someone is proven to be an infiltrator, and there will be infiltrators. Insulting bugsters is wrong, but real bugsters have done it before. Just my 2 cents. Jp doesn’t seem to be anti mantra. Lots of pro whites are hotheads.
09/03/2014 at 3:36 am #96360Mike MParticipantJPO is indeed willing to spread the Mantra, but that’s not really wht I was talking about. I was talking about his passive agressive stance. It’s not the first time he does that.
Respect between fellow bugsers is in my opinion as much important as the will to be one.
With that said, I’m out of this conversation.
09/03/2014 at 4:04 am #96362Benjamin NewellsParticipantWmWhite, thank you for providing that link. I wasn’t actually aware that “JPOutlook” was already on a warning.
It’s interesting that “JPOutlook” thinks that not pasting an article from a blog and pasting a link to that blog article instead somehow allows him to not be off-topic. They’re both off-topic yet he thinks that he’s being on-topic by doing that.
It’s strange – when he deals with one concept he somehow separates it into two concepts.
It seems even wackier when you take into account the fact he often has difficulty distinguishing between different concepts. For example on twitter I learned that he thinks using a crime-related hashtag to tweet the mantra is the very same concept as complaining about crime against Whites. When I asked him “Can you distinguish between these two concepts? They are not the same concept”, he would NOT answer. Instead he gave me cryptic remarks which I could barely follow and said something along the lines of “you’re not important enough for me to waste my time on you anymore”.
09/03/2014 at 4:29 am #96364JPOutlookParticipantIf that’s so then why did she follow me on Twitter only a day or so ago? Look, it’s not really in my nature to make a kind of show of getting attention from another man’s wife, but talking to incredibly petty people does tend to wear off on a fellow… Nah, I’m only playing, you haven’t affected me, thank heavens. First bit is true, though.
09/03/2014 at 4:33 am #96365Benjamin NewellsParticipantIf that’s so then why did she follow me on Twitter only a day or so ago? Look, it’s not really in my nature to make a kind of show of getting attention from another man’s wife, but talking to incredibly petty people does tend to wear off on a fellow… Nah, I’m only playing, you haven’t affected me, thank heavens. First bit is true, though.
09/03/2014 at 4:34 am #96366JPOutlookParticipantTo respond to the block of text you added to your comment right now Mr. Benjamin Newells:
If you do not like my advice, all you have to say is “absolutely no way” or you could start insulting me. You chose the second one, which to be fair is never smart. If you want a lot of patience and explaining, you should come to this forum which, to me, seems to have a lot of people that could help you that way. They would love to, probably.
You don’t get my own personal respect, Newells, by being the sort of man that argues, apologises for his temper, goes against advice to bring people off of the Working Thread to post the Mantra in a different place… You don’t really get it, that’s how it seems. My plan is not really to discourage you, and unless you persistently bother me like you did throughout the course of this thread, to let you mostly figure it out yourself.
But, I’m glad that PalTalk is opening up new opportunities, that’s the direction this thread is going.
09/03/2014 at 4:35 am #96367Benjamin NewellsParticipantQuestion: Is there anything dumber than an Anti-Mantra Pro-White?
Answer: “JPOutlook”
09/03/2014 at 4:40 am #96368Benjamin NewellsParticipantJPOutlook, it’s time you took a timeout. No Twitter, no Drudge, and no Paltalk for you. You need to start looking after yourself buddy. Though I have this inkling of a feeling that no amount of time off will change you and that this personality of yours has been begging to come out for quite some time.
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Bob Whitaker has "been there and done that" in the world of politics. His unique perspective is insightful and vital. You may not agree with everything he says, but I guarantee that he will make you think.
Robert W. Whitaker, 1941—2017, was born and raised in South Carolina and attended the University of South Carolina and the University of Virginia Graduate School. He has been a college professor, international aviation negotiator, Capitol Hill senior staffer, Reagan Administration appointee, and writer for the Voice of America. He has written numerous articles and three books. Bob lived in Columbia, SC, coaching B.U.G.S. He had asked the staff to inform female readers that he was "divorced and 'wildly attractive.'" I agree that he was divorced. But actually, he always did and always will love his one and only wife.
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