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  • #32749

    Please if you can, sign this Petition to stop immigration into EVERY white country. I know Barky (Barack Obama) doesn’t care but if this petition gets signed it will force him to take action, We need 24,884 signatures by December 18, 2012; Right now there are only 116 signatures.


    Don’t worry your full name won’t show up, only your first name and your last initial.

    Henry Davenport

    I had this from someone at SF:
    “Post it on Facebook. I have already signed it, but its just here on the site, it needs to be spread around more places.”
    Do we have it on Facebook? I don’t know how to do anything with Facebook. Some one who knows how, please do this if it’s a good idea, which surely it must be.

    We have another thread on this petition, but the link isn’t showing up in our links in the right hand margin. There haven’t been any posts on it today.

    The machinery of this Bugs site reminds me of all the old cars I’ve owned in my life.


    Henry Davenport

    Probably late tomorrow, Sunday, our STOP White Genocide petition will reach 150 signatures and become visible to visitors to the White House petition site.

    I’m thinking that once that happens, it would be good to email a lot of editors of newspapers and websites and notify them that they must expose this monstrous, nasty thing! 🙂

    Has anyone here had occasion to compile such a list of email addresses? And does anyone have any thoughts about this idea?

    White Dude

    I’m starting to advertise the petition via Facebook. Just advertised on the Facebook pages of Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Mike Church, British National Party, Republican National Committee, and Andrew Wilkow!!!!! 😀 😀 😀


    ^^ Thanks White Dude!

    Daniel Genseric

    Great idea, HD!

    The List

    Gmail accounts can only send out 500 emails per day. So, please call out the recipients if you email a section of them, i.e. 1-500 or 1501-2000, etc…

    J Locke

    I emailed the first 500 but sent them this link for the petition on accident

    J Locke

    Nevermind, I resent it with the correct link to the first 500.

    Henry Davenport

    Okay, we have our 150 signatures! I need some help on the  SF thread, explaining to people like myself how to send off 500 emails from that pastebin list at a time. Could someone who’s used the list and knows, and can explain it very exactly, hop over there and post it? Genseric, or anyone else…if you can write it for me, I can post it.

    Here’s what I just posted on the thread

    Bravo! Thanks to everyone who signed! 

    Okay, here’s a list of over 4,000 email addresses of newspaper and magazine editors, persons who run websites, etc.

    Master Email List –

    Does everyone understand what this list is for??? Heh heh! 

    This is the list of persons whom as many of us as possible must notify immediately (and over the coming days) that this monstrous, nasty petition has appeared where it can poison the public mind, and that they must expose it and denounce it!

    Now I don’t know exactly how to use this list efficiently…I’m going to try to get someone from Bugs over here to tell us…or maybe someone reading this knows and can tell us.

    Here’s what a bugster posted at Bugs last night:


    “The List
    Master Email List –
    Gmail accounts can only send out 500 emails per day. So, please cull out the recipients if you email a section of them, i.e. 1-500 or 1501-2000, etc…”

    I assume that each of us who wants to do this just writes our email that will work for all recipients (being sure to include both the copied petition and the link to it at the White House site. Remember, your recipients will be busy people who get a lot of email), whether they be websites, newspapers, whatever, and that then with the click of a button we can send off 500 at a time. Very easy work.

    At the moment, I don’t know how to do that. I should have looked ahead, but this obvious follow-up didn’t occur to me until yesterday.

    Okay, new ballgame now! Let’s try to get some good innings in before the petition is possibly just peremptorily removed.

    Thanks again to everyone! 

    Henry Davenport


    When I see spam in my spam folder, didn’t it end up there because it was sent to 500 other people??



    submitted link to drudgereport/cnn/theblaze and some local news sites scattered around the US


    According to google support.

    You can send 500 emails at a time BCC

    You can send 2000 emails a day.

    Meaning you can send send 500 BCC emails 4 times a day


    @Harumphty Dumbty We have reached 229 signatures, that means it is searchable in the official Gov site! 😀

    Daniel Genseric

    Define: Mission Creep

    Asking StoreFront-ers to help with the shop’s business affairs. You might get some help, but don’t get too frustrated when they sneer and jest in your direction.

    I have personally done MORE for Store Front’s traffic (business) than ANY TEN THOUSAND N&J-ers. I have also donated to them in the past. Yet, what does my account status read there? BANNED. That might tell you something. Again, it might not.

    Daniel Genseric

    Sent email to journalists 501-1000

    Edit: Won’t let me send any more than 500 emails right now. I am getting an error message. Hopefully, some others can help out. Otherwise, I will pick up where I left off tomorrow.

    Henry Davenport

    Help from SF’ers: Offering involvement in a matter of fact way creates an atmosphere that can pay off in the long run and sometimes right away.

    Since my facebook doesn’t work for posting, and no one here was free to put up a post I wanted up right away, I went to SF and asked if someone could put it up for me. Someone did immediately, and apparently liked the experience so much that he showed up here the next day wanting to be a bugster. (Unfortunately, he immediately stepped on a land mine here and got blown away. Those things happen).

    People don’t come to us, so we go to them and set up office in their living rooms. (Not out in their garage like the wonderfully named but maybe not so effective yet Swarmfront)

    J Locke

    I did 1001-3000. Daniel, I will PM Don Black and ask him to restore your Stormfront membership if you want. Can you tell them you will try not to be caustic if that’s their concern?

    Daniel Genseric


    Johnny, SF needs you and I more than we need them. They know what they are getting into with me. Don’t be surprised if they tell you they changed their minds and are perma-banning me. Tell Donnie Boy I still love him and that red-headed kid of his should you try that.

    Great work by the way! Thank you!

    Daniel Genseric

    Someone had the other journalist list taken down. So, I started a new one with MORE names

    Emailed 4180 – 4679.

    Daniel Genseric

    3680 – 4179 ^

    458 signatures thus far

    Daniel Genseric

    Emailed 3180 – 3679

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