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Teaching whites to say “white(s)”?

Home Forums BUGS SWARM Teaching whites to say “white(s)”?

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  • #24531
    Henry Davenport

    @ iceknight:

    Personally I can see a lot of merit in this idea, so it would be great to get a more in-depth explanation from Bob as to why he doesn’t feel it will work.

    I have considerable doubt that Bob is even aware of the idea. He may have read beefcake’s brief description as meaning something different from what is being proposed. Who knows.

    Henry Davenport

    I’m pretty convinced, based on more opinions than just my own, that Bob hasn’t looked at this thread and is not likely to look at it even if I were to post another request for clarification.

    I’m going to assume that he doesn’t know what’s actually being proposed here, and I’m going to go ahead with writing “white(s),” “white meetings,” “the white movement,” etc., rather than “pro-white(s),” “pro-white meetings,” and “the pro-white movement,” when the opportunity presents itself, and I’ll also urge the practice on readers at other pro-white sites when that opportunity arises.

    If anyone is bothered because they believe I’m contravening a direct order from Bob to use the term “pro-whites” (I don’t believe his statement was an order to do that, but I could be mistaken), please don’t try to just describe to Bob what I’m doing (as beefcake did!); instead, please show him some example of what I’m doing and ask his opinion based on the example. That way, whether he says “Eureka,” or “Bullshit,” we’ll know what he’s saying it about.

    For that purpose, the first two numbered items in the “Quote:” in my first post on this thread, which are a white rendering of two points in an anti-white statement of purpose, are an example of what I’m doing and what I’m urging posters on white sites to do. The rest of this thread is mostly my reasons and others’ reasons for doing it and urging it.

    I plan to post here comments I make that use the approach, as well as comments I may make on white sites suggesting the approach, and as before I won’t present it as a bugser approach but as my own (since I can’t remember who originally thought of it!)

    For reasons I don’t understand, I’ve gotten heavy flak for this suggestion. (Perhaps it’s just my age and the quaint notions that we oldsters sometimes have, but I consider being addressed as, “you turd,” to be heavy flak). But as I’ve said before, my idea isn’t to divert energy from the Mantra to this practice, but just to do this in passing.

    Whatever the phrase “Mantra Thinking” may mean (and I don’t pretend to know), I assume it includes being alert to opportunities to make changes in language that further our goal of preventing white genocide.

    Henry Davenport


    Unless Bob puts the nix on it, I plan to post here comments I make that use the approach,…”

    I would like nothing better than for Bob to look at what’s being proposed here, and to consider it and then give a yes or no (of course if it’s a “no,” some reasons would be very appreciated and would be instructive), but I have no idea how to cause that to happen.

    Coniglio Bianco


    Coniglio Bianco


    Daniel Genseric

    Are you retarded or what? I mean, seriously.

    Did you hit your head real hard or suffer a stroke recently?

    If it really does work, then you NEED to show us how… Otherwise, gtfo.

    Henry Davenport

    Your last post is another excellent one IMO, Coniglio.

    Old Blighty, if you read this, Coniglio was NOT the instigator as you say on the daily blog…at least as I recall, it wasn’t him but some other bugser I can’t remember who suggested the idea. And OB, in answer to your question, “What part of Bob’s answer don’t you understand,” I’ve explained in posts just above that I don’t believe Bob understood from beefcake’s brief description what was being proposed. And as I’ve posted above, maybe I’m mistaken about that…if so, I assume I’ll find out from Bob. Hopefully after I know that he knows what’s actually being proposed.

    Here’s Beefcake’s post and Bob’s response to it….try to imagine that you have NOT read this thread, know nothing about what is being proposed, and then read Beefcake’s description of it and ask yourself if it conveyed to you what is being proposed here. You may answer yes. I answer no.

    #1 by beefcake on 5/31/2012 – 12:26 pm
    Well, its off topic, but I got a Question for the Coach.


    We are having some discussion about the term for whites to use to describe any who oppose white-GeNocide.

    For a long time I have been using “pro-white”, “white and normal” has also been phased in, but there are also some ideas suggesting we not use anything to define ourselves other than “white”.

    They all have their merits, and they are being discussed here:

    Have you personally experimented with these terms and found any one way to define whites who oppose white genocide to be most effective? Or ineffective for that matter?

    Those of us actively threading these memes in the Swarm often call ourselves Bugsers, but we are looking for the most effective way to define people who are white and oppose white genocide, as a meme for us to also spread along with the Mantra.

    The same way we refer to Anti-whites as Anti-white, we are simply looking for the best way to refer to those whites who resist white genocide, even inculding those who are not yet in the Swarm.

    #3 by Bob on 5/31/2012 – 3:12 pm
    Beefcake, with all due respect, this is bullshit.
    We are pro-white, all others are anti-white.
    Enough, already.

    Henry Davenport

    Lol! OB, here was Coniglio’s initial reaction to my struggles with this:


    The grammatically correct antonym of anti-White is pro-White. It’s simple and to the point. Don’t worry using pro-White is fine. The term White-and-normal doesn’t make it clear whose side they are on.

    I had been suggesting “white and normal” at that point. This initial discussion is on pp. 41-42 of

    My post at the top of p. 42 of that thread is my first excited response to another bugser who suggested just “white” (but he should in no way be associated with what I’ve done with his suggestion. He’s “blameless.”) And I might add that I’m suddenly concerned about that bugser…for reasons unknown to me, all of his posts seem to have disappeared from this site. ?????

    Henry Davenport

    On that thread is I guess my first example of putting this idea into practice:

    WNN apparently lets you edit forever. All of my sentences below formerly had the term “pro-White(s)” in place of the words in bold. If anyone thinks any case below is NOT an improvement, please let me know.

    Anti-Whites present their System of Terror as a System of Virtue, by calling Whites who are normal, “evil-racist-Nazis-who-want-to-clone-Hitler-and-kill-six-million-jews.”

    Until recently, we Whites have only tried to defend ourselves against the anti-Whites’ terminology, instead of forcefully imposing our own White terminology!

    The standard White mode of debate is to respond to the anti-White’s challenges and tailgate the anti-White right into the territory where the anti-White wants to lead him, territory where the anti-White can easily dismiss him as a “Nazi” or “racist” in front of the audience of other Whites that the White wants to win!

    Henry Davenport

    Here’s the original suggestion by the bugser who thought of it that lit my fire on this:

    why not just say WHITE?.

    “Nothing evokes the hatred that fills anti-White hearts so much as seeing a White in possession of the moral high ground.”


    This thread is still going on? It depends on the circumstances. Sometimes a white anti-white needs to be told that being white doesn’t make them automatically anti-white. That’s when we need the word pro-white.

    Other times, the anti-whites try to split up whites into anti-whites and pro-whites and say that pro-whites are evil. That’s when we need to say that we are white. Sometimes, in response to their genocidal statements, all we need to say is, we are white.

    This is like arguing about whether a hammer is better than a screwdriver.

    Henry Davenport

    @ steadiness: I agree with the general idea in your comment, but the question is if Bob thinks or does not think that we should always use the term “pro-white.” If that’s what Bob wants us to do, I’m certainly not going to operate from this site and go against his wishes.

    The Beef

    Interestingly, in ANY Mantra conversations I have EVER had, I don’t recall ever being asked to define myself.

    It was always more so involved with using their words against them, asking them questions, mini mantras and talking points etc…

    Never once did I start with “I am Pro White”, and if they ask me how I define myself (don’t recall it comig up, they like to call us names instead), I still make a practice to return with Questions, talking points, and pointing out the internal contradictions and double standards.

    My responce is asked would likely be: “If every Black county had been flooded with non Blacks, and they were forced to live with these non-Blacks so they would eventually inter Marry and blend until there were no more Black people left, would you ask a Black man who opposed his Genocide how he defines himself? ”

    Whenever I have used pro White, I also define it, and use it as a means to mention White Genocide:

    “Are you a Pro-white who opposes the Genocide of whites, or an Anti-white who supports our Genocide?”

    So, when asking the question I am defining Pro-white, as opposing white genocide.

    I do see merits to white and normal, as well as just white, but so far Pro-white has been WORKING for me well, and as I said I always define it when I use it asking THEM a Question, and I’ve never been questioned how I define myself.

    Coniglio Bianco


    Henry Davenport

    “Interestingly, in ANY Mantra conversations I have EVER had, I don’t recall ever being asked to define myself.” [my italicizing–HD]

    Beefcake! From my point of view that statement bears no relation at all to what I’m proposing!

    I’m suggesting that white advocacy of whatever form, including us (though as it happens I was primarily thinking of other white sites, since this idea grew in me while I was urging SF’ers to use the term “anti-white”) appropriate into its background lingo the word “white” to mean “white and pro-white.”

    I’m suggesting that those of us who post on explicitly white sites do this in our own posts there, and (for anyone here who wishes to do so) explicitly urge other posters on those sites to follow suit.

    I’m NOT suggesting that we or anyone else make an EXPLICIT point of this in our posts in the mainstream!!!! I AM suggesting that it be done as background in bugser posts in the mainstream, in a way as close to being subliminal as possible.

    The subtleties of each particular circumstance will make it suitable or not suitable in a post or in a statement.

    I’m simply saying that the white movement should, in a matter-of-fact way, appropriate the word “white” to mean “white and pro-white,” and by usage imbue the word “white” with that meaning.

    Henry Davenport

    @ Coniglio: “It is what we had before the genocide began and we need to get it back.”

    Expressed perfectly IMO.

    Ice Knight

    Ultimately this is an idea that needs road testing, will be a lot easier to assess whether or not it works once we’ve dropped it on a few anti-Whites and see how they respond to it. Will give it a go and report back any responses.

    Coniglio Bianco


    Henry Davenport
    Ice Knight


    Great stuff! I definitely think it has potential. Engaging with an anti-White on exactly this subject so we’ll see how things go!

    >>”White and NORMAL people” White people are normal people and most of us oppose you uncivilised ugly stupid slave minded racist failures.
    Sunnybangle 6 hours ago<<

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