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  • #98825
    Daniel Genseric

    Fight White Genocide Pal Talk


    These links will be more helpful then the older one, which has been closed for the last two weeks.

    I’ve been able to find several chat rooms that are or, seem to be on topic.
    Fight White Genocide (Created by: minervia)
    Discussing White Genocide (Created by: whiterayne)
    Diversity is a codeword for White Genocide (Created by: LINUX LEWIS)
    Expose White Genocide (Created by: Timeforfreedom)
    ProWhites fighting White genocide (Created by: BhigRhabbot)


    Thanks Genseric!

    Bob will be attending Paltalk this Saturday October 11th 5PM ET to discuss/debate White Genocide.

    Please use the above promotional image to spread the word about Saturday nights event.

    It was believed that David Ben Moshe formally of dropped by the White Genocide room last Saturday night. I have sent both David and his wife a tweet to see if they will join Bob for a discussion on White Genocide this Saturday night. @DavidBenMoshe1 @MadJewessWoman

    Look forward to seeing you all there.

    time for freedom

    I’ll definitely be there.


    Great, TFF.

    J L – Are you available to record the event this evening?
    I have invited David Ben Moshe and His wife to the event, and they have both retweeted the event out to their followers. I did a quick calculation of the number of retweets and followers. Potential views of over 22k.

    I also sent an invite to Tim Wise, SPLC and Huffington Post.

    If you are tweeting the event today, here is a flyer seapea created:


    I’ll be recording. I’d love to have Tim Wise come on and explain what’s with calling us Nazis 13 times in one essay alone and then, in the same essay, complaining that we point out that he’s calling us Nazis (whowanttokillsixmillionJews).

    Benjamin Newells

    Did David Ben Moshe and his wife attend?


    Yes, they attended but mainly did crime stat stuff from what I could see.

    Benjamin Newells

    Was there any good discussion?

    time for freedom

    Mr. Moshe’s discussion tried to divert our members to an anti-islamic agenda by leading in with a couple of loosely constructed mantra-style points. It was the typical attempted manipulation of White people…again. But it was terminated by the administrator however, moreover, the Bugsers were not fooled or taken off the message of White Genocide.

    Secret Squirrel

    “Mr. Moshe’s discussion tried to divert our members to an anti-islamic agenda”

    Anti-White Neo-cons, Jewish and White alike, really believe they can have a multiculturalism, where everyone in the world is invited, except for one group they don’t like.

    But that’s not what “inclusive” means, dumb, dumbs!

    Anyone who thought about the consequences of open borders for White countries, would have foreseen Islam coming to the White Genocide party as well. But that’s what happens when people push a racial agenda, based on hatred for Whites. They stop thinking rationally.


    I can’t remember what Moshe was saying when Time cut him off. Maybe we can listen if it gets posted. He mentioned that South Africa was better off under Whites, he mentioned crime stats, etc (in his text postings). All of that is true but not our message and gets us off topic.

    But I am not sure it was an attempt to manipulate BUGS or if it was just a part of his general list of “why White people are better”.

    I did hear him say something about Muslims but I wasn’t listening too closely. Moshe was invited and I thought Bob might interact with him but it didn’t happen. I think Bob only spoke once very early on before Moshe was there.

    Secret Squirrel

    “He mentioned that South Africa was better off under Whites”

    Doesn’t matter what he says about SA. Make yourself a minority in your own country and soon you won’t be ruling anyone, because labor votes.

    “I did hear him say something about Muslims”

    Its always the same with these guys. They want to divert Pro White feelings into anti-Islam/Civic Nationalism, so we’ll fight their cultural enemy for them and ignore White Genocide, in our own countries. They don’t like Islam, because they cannot subvert it. They won’t be top of the heap in any country with Islam and they know it.

    We are about White survival here. They can take their Civic Nationalism and stick it where the Sun don’t shine.


    That is why I said the points about SA were off topic.

    Didn’t Jews do pretty well in the Ottoman Empire? And in Spain when it was under Islamic control?

    Whites have traits that can be exploited by any enemy. I would like people on our side to realize that there are a substantial number of Whites who are anti-White. It’s a minority but it isn’t teeny tiny. Why is there a psychological need to pretend there aren’t deeply anti-White Whites out there who do more damage than any enemy ever could?

    Secret Squirrel

    “Didn’t Jews do pretty well in the Ottoman Empire? And in Spain when it was under Islamic control?”

    Could be, but that was a long time ago. At any rate they are very worried, because all of their Civic Nationalist movements are focused on Islam.

    Bob wrote an interesting article about them saying, they aren’t particularly loyal to each other, but they have a strong compulsion to destroy any loyalty that is not to them. And that is why he said, we cannot ally with them.

    “I would like people on our side to realize that there are a substantial number of Whites who are anti-White. ”

    I don’t see White anti-Whites as White anymore. I think a gene got flipped and they turned out wrong. I’m sure Bob would call me a wordist for that. lol


    Well I have entertained the idea of a parasite infecting anti-Whites – literally a bug or virus. Pure, irresponsible speculation on my part but it’s a fun theory.

    Daniel Genseric

    time for freedom

    i’ll be there as usual DG. Wouldn’t miss it.


    Here’s the Paltalk for Oct 11th but there’s an echo in the audio. Sorry.


    J L – Thanks again for recording last week.

    Bob will be attending Paltalk this evening. Looking forward to seeing you all there.

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