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"White privilege": A Substitute for Racist/White supremacist/Nazi

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  • #100309
    Benjamin Newells

    I am writing this post because I have come to believe that some Bugsers do not actually understand how the “White privilege” meme works.

    Many of you would have seen the picture which some Bugsers have been using that attacks the “White privilege” meme. It goes like this: “Asian privilege in Asian countries APPROVED, Black privilege in Black countries APPROVED, White privilege in White countries DENIED.

    The problem with this mini-mantra is that it actually doesn’t follow the laws of the mantra. And because it doesn’t follow the laws, it doesn’t attack the “White privilege” meme properly at all. It would be like us Bugsers saying: “Asian racism in Asian countries APPROVED, Black racism in Black countries APPROVED, White racism in White countries DENIED.” None of us would ever use this as a mini-mantra because it doesn’t follow the laws of the mantra. To follow the laws of the mantra you must never treat anti-whites’ terms such as “racism” and “White supremacist” as legitimate terms/concepts. So no one should be treating “White privilege” as a legitimate term/concept either.

    The “White privilege” meme is really just a substitute for “racism.” So our mini-mantras need to attack “White privilege” in the same way they attack “racism.”

    I would tackle the White privilege meme like this: “White privilege” is just a substitute for “racist”. And “anti-racist” is a code word for anti-White.

    Or: “Anti-White privilege” is a code word for anti-White.

    The picture should actually say something like:

    Asia for Asians (Good), Africa for Africans (Good), White countries for White people (White privilege!)

    Or it could say something like:

    “I’m proud to be Asian said the Asian, I’m proud to be Black said the Black, I’m proud to be White said the one with White privilege”

    “White privilege” is a soft version of “racist”, “White supremacist”, and “nazi”.

    TheSeeker OfTruth


    Secret Squirrel

    Here’s some minis to choose from:


    Why do so called “anti-racists” only combat “White Privilege” in White countries?

    Why do they not combat Asian Privilege in Asia, Hispanic Privilege in Mexico, Black Privilege in Africa, Indian Privilege in India, etc?

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.


    “African-American studies” celebrates blacks

    “Asian-American studies” celebrates asians

    “Chicano studies” celebrates Hispanics

    “Whiteness Studies” denies that White people even EXIST, and that these White people (who don’t exist) have unearned “White Privilege”

    Expose the contradictions!

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-WHITE


    Anti-Whites say:
    RACE is just a Social Construct

    Pro Whites say:
    Define “Social Construct”.

    Anti-Whites say:
    We are all the same.

    Pro Whites ask:
    So how does White Privilege work?

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.


    EVERYBODY in the Respectable World agrees that there is this thing called White Privilege.

    EVERYBODY says that this Privilege can, should, and will be taken away.

    EVERYBODY says that there is one way and ONLY one way to solve this problem of White Privilege.

    Asia for Asians, Africa for Africans, White countries for Everyone.

    They want White GENOCIDE.

    They say they are anti-racist. What they ARE is anti-White.

    Anti-racist IS a code word for anti-White.


    When asked HOW Whites are “privileged,” they say we were “BORN that way. We’re White.” Clearly, the solution to the problem of Whites being born with White Privilege is to do away with the problem of us being here; to GENOCIDE our RACE. They might sugarcoat their program and say things like “We all bleed red. We’re all one RACE,” but what they really mean is “On Earth, Whites have no place.”


    And how about White Privilege? We can’t have Whites dominating their own governments and corporations in their OWN countries, because that would be racist.

    Of course no one says Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Africans, etc should not dominate the government and the private sector in their OWN countries.

    They only combat this kind of “privilege” in White countries.

    Amazing how there are so many contradictions in “anti-racism”.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.


    What IS the difference between what Hitler said about the Jews and what anti-Whites say about White people?
    Hitler said, Jews have undeserved privilege.
    Anti-Whites say, Whites have undeserved privilege.
    Hitler said, Jews are exploiters of others.
    Anti-Whites say, Whites are exploiters of others.
    They say they are “anti-racist”, what they really are is anti-White.
    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.


    I usually attack “white privilege” by stating something like this…

    “Only White people have to deal with “privilege” because ONLY white people are chased down with “diversity” Its White genocide”


    “White Privilege” is an Anti-White conspiracy theory.


    Even if there WERE “White privilege” how does this justify White Genocide?
    [or:] If there WERE “White privilege” then explain White flight.


    And some minis:


    White people have the “privilege” of having “Diversity” FORCED on us in EVERY & ONLY White countries, neighborhoods, workplaces and schools.

    Diversity Means Chasing Down The Last White Person. It’s Genocide.

    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white.


    “Anti-racists” SAY they are against white racists, white racism, and white privilege.
    What they are REALLY against is white culture, white civilization, and white people.
    They SAY they want a world without “hate”, without “racism”.
    What they REALLY want is a world without white people.
    What they REALLY want is a world without YOU.
    What they REALLY want is White geNOcide!
    Diversity Means Chasing Down The Last White Person.
    Anti-racist is a >codeword< for anti-White


    White Privilege: Forced race/culture replacement targeting All & Only white populations

    No white countries. Cities. People.

    That’s our “Privilege:.

    Anti-whites call it Diversity; it’s called White Genocide.


    White Privilege: Forced race/culture replacement in All & Only white populations

    No White Countries. Cities. People.

    Anti-whites call it “Diversity”; it’s called Genocide

    White Privilege is White Genocide

    Benjamin Newells

    Why do so called “anti-racists” only combat “White Privilege” in White countries?

    Why do they not combat Asian Privilege in Asia, Hispanic Privilege in Mexico, Black Privilege in Africa, Indian Privilege in India, etc?

    Secret Squirrel, you obviously didn’t even read my topic otherwise you wouldn’t have posted this “mini-mantra”. This first one which you posted is not a mantra at all. “Anti-racists” don’t say there is Asian privilege in Asian countries or Black privilege in Black countries. It’s akin to saying “Why do they not combat Asian racism in Asian countries, Black racism in Black countries…”

    The RACE problem and the PRIVILEGE problem only exist in White countries. That is a vital point in the mantra. This mini-mantra you posted violates the mantra. It’s actually not a mantra.

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