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  • in reply to: Promoting BUGS and Recruiting New Bugs #26545

    I came to BUGs from The Occidental Observer. I saw some posts of the Mantra a while back and then finally an article was put up on BUGs and Horus’ program. I wonder if Amren would put up an article on us?

    in reply to: Marine Le Pen SAYS "anti-white" #26533

    Excellent development. It looks like the term Anti-White will be the first to go mainstream, before term White Genocide. That makes sense. You first have to convince people there are such things as Anti-Whites, before you get them to believe in White Genocide.

    And notice how politicians and other media “leaders” are willing to pick up our terms and arguments once they are aware of them. They have a sixth sense for what is in the air and what they can exploit. We in turn, can exploit them!

    in reply to: White Genocide Petition #26532

    That is fantastic. So it was largely a response to your emailing people? As far as how much do Whites have to FEEL the anti-White hatred in their lives before they act, I would say apparently they have to feel it pretty strong. Whites are naturally good-natured people who generally avoid conflict or being “mean” to others. This is why I think presenting ourselves as SYMPATHETIC VICTIMS of anti-White hate is so effective (that is, sympathetic to Whites, not to anti-Whites, who will hate us anyway). Most Whites simply don’t believe their is anything like Genocide going on – even most Pro-Whites don’t believe it yet.

    But, as we mainstream the term anti-White and other terminology, they will start to wake up. Whites need to feel like their case is a sympathetic case and we can help Whites feel the anti-White hate around them by giving them words for it.

    in reply to: White Genocide Petition #26450

    Wow, where did the burst of new signatures for the White Genocide Petition come from? What’s making this happen? This is great!

    in reply to: Usernames #26199

    Maybe use different usernames when not doing Mantra work. If you want to be devilish and have fun, just don’t combine it with Mantra activity. So, use a decent name for Mantra work and do what you want on your own time, with non-Mantra stuff.

    in reply to: Usernames #26171

    Seeker, I think there may be a difference between using non-inflammatory usernames and the silly business about black confederates. In a sense, isn’t the Mantra all about getting around the mental blocks and, if you will, sensibilities, that have been drilled into people? Isn’t that the whole point? I mean, I can rename myself RacistBigotHater if I want to, but it seems likely to get in the way of the message.

    The Right has called the Left names like Commie and Traitor for generations. Notice, the other side doesn’t cop to that. They don’t call themselves CommieTraitor, with the attitude that we’ll call them that anyway.

    So yeah, I think how you present yourself NOT TO THE ANTI-WHITES, but to the REACHABLE WHITES matters a lot. Part of the Mantra is about marketing, as is all politics. If you are selling something, you cannot be oblivious to what works and what gets in the way. Believe me, I have lots of names I would like to use, but when doing Mantra work, I think it is better to let the Mantra be the message, not me.

    I like your name by the way.

    in reply to: Are you new to BUGS Swarm? #24013

    Welcome argentino!

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #23389

    Interesting point about the term pro-White. Jews at ADL don’t say they are “pro-Jews” do they? And blacks don’t say “pro-black”, and the same is true for all the different race and ethnically based advocacy groups. Maybe just using the term White makes more sense in most situations. Even on the Tibet issue, I don’t think they say “pro-Tibet”, they just say Tibetan freedom or something like that. Good points.

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #23182

    The other problem with mentioning Israel or the Jews in the Mantra is that most people are unclear as to what Jews ARE – a race, a religion, an ethnic group, a subculture, etc. Most people have simply never thought it out, or they are very confused on the issue. For example, most White Christians think that by conversion, Jews could become “non-Jews” in some manner. I’ve heard Christian White Nationalists say they would HAVE to accept converted Jews in their homeland (meaning they think of them as Whites but just with another religion). They are wrong, but the confusion runs deep. And since Israel does accept “Jews” from Africa I believe (here I mean followers of Judaism, not genetic Jews), it makes it difficult to be clea in a sound bite.

    But everybody gets that Africans are a race and ditto for Asians. By the way, this may be a good reason to leave “Latino” out of the Mantra as well, since that can mean anything from Carmen Diaz to a deep brown Indigenous person in Peru.

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #23178

    Seeker, I think the ultimate answer as to why this or that is left out of the Mantra, is that the actual Mantra has been ROADTESTED and found to work. We may have abstract arguments and technical points, but the practical results are pretty clear. I’ve posted the Mantra hundreds of times and never gotten bogged down in Jew-talk. So, apparently people read the naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews and don’t get distracted by it. They get that I’m not demonizing Jews – they seem to get that I am mocking the knee jerk response against anyone that defends Whites.

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #23143

    Seeker, I hear what you are saying as well. Personally, I love the work of MacDonald and many others on Jewish influence and how it undermined the West. But I see that it gets in the way of the Mantra at the moment we are doing Mantra work . I just think it may make sense to keep it separate. If anyone is doing work on tracking the work of anti-Whites (White, Jewish or brown) please keep it up. But I have YET to find anyone that can answer the Mantra. Their only hope is to try and push us into some other side topic like the Masons or the Jews or some other conspiratorial group, so they can bore people with long drawn out, almost unprovable assertions.

    The Mantra is easy to say and easy to prove. Have you found anyone that can really answer the Mantra as Bob has written it? I don’t think Bob is necessarily smarter than us, but he has a real talent in this area of crafting a message.

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #23135

    A lot of the “old guard” are eager to to punch the Jew in the face, verbally, so to speak. The problem is, they aren’t hurting Jews when they do that, they are just discrediting our side. Jews LOVE it when we do this. That is why Geraldo loved to put nazis on his show. He loved for them to call Jews names. It all works to their advantage.

    Now, once a White person awakens, THEN they will naturally become interested in the parties behind their genocide. In fact, holding parties accountable for genocide is part of the long term strategy. Maybe some guys are afraid that anti-Whites (including Jews) won’t be held accountable later. That won’t be a problem and there is massive documentation for the Jewish role from people like MacDonald. But it is important to get around people’s defense mechanisms, because hey can’t process any of this until they have broken free of the brainwashing.

    in reply to: How whites took over America #22781

    This is a bit of satire that seems inspired by the video. At least it makes many of the same points:

    in reply to: Mantra podcast series – Beefcake’s Boot Camp #22715

    HD, yeah I think most of OO is unreachable. They want to dream of developing Grand Plans. They don’t understand that White people already know how to do religion and build governments. The Royal Prince you talked to will always be unreachable. I honestly don’t think he has much interest in most Whites, despite what he says. He wants small club that worships AH.

    in reply to: How whites took over America #22675

    I actually love this one comment on YouTube:

    “I don’t get this video…is it supposed to be hipster-ironic? wtf?!”

    I think that is great effect to have on many Whites out there. It hits them in a way they don’t quite understand at first. They can’t dismiss it and have to think about it. It gets past their PC programming.

    in reply to: Mantra podcast series – Beefcake’s Boot Camp #22609

    These broadcasts are strong! Thanks again. I can’t believe all the talent that is suddenly popping in the pro-White community. I never thought I’d see this in my life. These are good times to be alive. Thanks guys.

    in reply to: Mantra Q & A’s for The Don and Derek Black Show. #22576

    Runner, ok got it. Seems like a risky strategy, but maybe it worked for his goals. I just don’t think we need any Nazi era symbols for our public campaign – LOL. And people do pick up on the subtle meanings of 88, and such.

    in reply to: Mantra Q & A’s for The Don and Derek Black Show. #22568

    Runner that is a great idea. Although on that one example, having a company called “panzerfaust” give CDs to children sounds iffy. Panzerfaust is some kind of anti-tank weapon used by Germans in WWII. Are parents really going to be all happy about Nazi-named record labels interacting with their children? Am I missing something? Maybe these were at least high school kids, I hope?

    in reply to: How whites took over America #22555

    Icenight thanks – wow, the Russian version alone has 27,000 views! And 120k overall. That is amazing. Congratulations guys. I love seeing Whites around the world unite.


    Beefcake, that is funny – they are ghouls! Most of us don’t realize just how creepy the anit-Whites really are.

    DW, thanks for all hard work and getting out there, I hope I don’t sound critical – I’m a fan. It just helps us to use real examples to hash out what the best approach is, and yours is a good one to study.

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