The Beef
Forum Replies Created
The BeefParticipant
Do you actually think the goal is to turn a bunch of Pro-Whites into PUAs, or guys trying to rack up large amounts of women as bedpost notches?
If its a subject we just do not ever discuss, but I’m just not seeing where the harm in it is, especially if it is not categorized directly as the more Mantra Specific tactics in the bootcamp are.
The intent would be for it to be separate, but related.
Our enemy has controlled ALL sides of this information for a long time too. Everything you have ever heard about in ANY Media on the subject of relationships, dating, anything is either filled with Lies, things that DONT work and harm relationships, OR information that while True from a functional sense to be used for the wrong purposes, as in the PUA community, racking up large numbers of women for bragging.
If I’ve actually done the work to sift through the crap, know what is and is not true, and what is and is not applicable to our situation, and it could help these guys who are actually ASKING about it, as well as tie it to White Genocide should I still avoid the subject?
Is ANYTHING covering true information about relationship dynamics between men and women, and teaching men how to have more options in women, in any way inherently have to be Anti-White?
SO far ALL ff the information has come from Anti-White sources, then is it any wonder why so many white men are frustrated and actually asking?
Or are you just saying that since I am tied to the more directly Mantra related instructional bootcamp, that it would be better to let somebody else handle it?
The BeefParticipantConiglio, YOU just gave me a topic to cover.
It is NOT all about money.
I am 100% sure that Dr.Duke does NOT get women by lavishing them with expensive gifts.
As you will learn, spending a ton of money on women is approval seeking behavior of a Beta male. It is actually counter productive.
Big Dong
TradesAre NOT the primary things that define an Alpha Male.
That would be Leadership skill, which is a form of Social Skills, geared around an internal mindset of “impress me”. The approval giver, not the approval seeker.
That’s an alpha behavior to say what would impress you, for example. You should be proud.
The BeefParticipantDavid, the first thing I mention is for nobody to get lost in it, and that the most important thing people do is stay on message. That is the ONLY important thing that matters.
This short series will not just be for Bugsers, and it should not be numbered as part of the regular series, that directly relates the Mantra.
The reason I address it, is that people have been ASKING about it. Even BOB wanted to know why Dr.Duke can get so many hot blondes.
Nobody that I’m aware of has ever covered it from a Pro-White perspective, and it WON’T be numbered as part of the regular series. Its a side conversation, on a question people are asking, that I can do a decent job of answering, as well as pointing to better resources than myself.
I do make mention in the Podcast that the first thing we need is a home, and that the birth rate issue will take care of itself, and that the most important thing we do is stay on message.
None the less, its is an issue a lot of Pro-Whites continue to ask about. They want to have a family as well as spread the Mantra. I cannot convince them to not try to go out and start a family, if that is what they already want to do. Thing is a LOT of guys waste a ton of time dating in an ineffective way, the average frustrated chumps spend a LOT more of their time failing.
They will use less time doing things Effective than Ineffective. In any area of their life.
This is NOT intended to be a time waste. Its intended to be a time saver.
Your star Athlete does not show up to the game tired because he had sex last night. He shows up tired because he was up until 3:00am looking for it.
If I can give them advice in this area, and that is their jump in point to the rest of the series, being it is an subject that may get new listeners on board, it may also help the swarm grow.
Some of that Audience might also then take interest in the rest of what we are doing.
The only way to know if something “works” is to TRY it. Test it out.
IF it does NOT work, or becomes too distracting from the guys out spreading the message, then we will pull down the mp3s.
If you are not interested, then just don’t listen to it. As I said, it is NOT part of the regular series.
If this is ground some other Pro-White has covered from a racial perspective, incuding the concept of White Genocide, let me know.
The BeefParticipantWorking on some new projects troops.
Including, going into detail on a Subject talked about here:
Yes, beefcake used to be a bit of a “player”, and knows a little bit about the crimson arts, and can explain WHY Dr.Duke always gets hot blondes, andwhere you guys can ALSO learn how to have more options in women as well.
The BeefParticipantI appreciate it Horus, always good to have your endorsement.
The BeefParticipantn short:
When you see a forum where you see the whole Mantra is being discussed, and lots of discussion taking place for several pages, with some supporting the point, and Anti-Whites attacking it, then just let it do its thing.
If you see a long thread with many replies already, the enemy flooded into the valley already, then you can go ahead and mini mantra them.
We don’t want to block off the valley that we want the enemy to march into.
Once there is a vocal Anti-White or multiple of them dominating the discussion, THEN you swarm in to finish them off.
Also, there should be a podcast coming out soon that is already been recorded on how to handle victory when we just made the point we wanted to about the Anti-White in front of the Audience, and knowing when you can leave that thread and move on.
There is a point where the Anti-Whites are now digging themselves into a further hole in front of the Audience. Once they are making fools of themselves, we want to leave them alone to continue digging themselves into that hole deeper, and not correct them when they are making a mistake.
Anyway, this will be included in a future podcast. Or two.
The BeefParticipantGregP
Thank you for the corrections, I will address the information about Japan in a future pod-cast.
My main point was that there is no agenda to turn Japan non Asian, and if there were then nobody would call Asians names for resisting it.
As far as my mispronunciations that is something I’ve always had some issues with. Sometimes when I get going they just slip out.
I will also go into more detail as to what is pissing in the punch bowl.
In short it is like getting troops to fire in a particular battle. Getting them to start firing is the hardest thing to do, and getting them to stop when they don’t need to be firing is the next hardest.
The BeefParticipantTo put it simple”
It is NOT necessary for us to use Jews/Isreal as an example in the Mini-Mantras, and it brings in potential problems with the Audience.
If you don’t need to do something, and it can cause potential problems that out weigh any possible benefit, then AVOID IT.
The BeefParticipantThen are you saying we need to use the Jews as an example?
That every country everywhere is being blended, as Anti-Whites say, except for just Israel?
So that is really not a clear and consistent targeting of our Race, its happening everywhere, and that really we should be pointing out that ONLY Jews are safe from being blended out?
Should these lines:
[I]What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?[/I]Be taken out of the Mantra and replaced with:
[I]How come ONLY the Jews get to have their own country?[/I]
The BeefParticipant@ Seeker, some will see it one way, some the other.
Sort of like how many Anti-Whites will say we don’t exist, some will say we lost the right to preserve our race due to history, in which case we do exist to be blamed for everything that justifies our Genocide.
Either way, if they think we are siding with the unpopular Israel, that will get us dismissed, OR if they think we are Anti-Semites, the RESULT is same thing, dismiss the message.
If we want to give examples of other races having the right to exclusive countries there is nothing wrong with being repetitive by using Asians and Blacks for the examples.
I know being so repetitive can get boring, you want to mix it up by using Jews & Israel as an example, but it opens a subject that can result in us getting dismissed, for TWO different reason you just pointed out.
Remember no truthful message will work if it is contaminated with stuff that gets it dismissed.
The BeefParticipantGrepP, I may clarify that in a later podcast.
The point was not to make people think I am dumb.
Rather it was one of those “if I can do this, so can YOU” statements.
Some people are intimidated when faced with having to learn a new skill set, and they assume that there is something magical about the person teaching it, and they assume they themselves cannot pick it up.
My main point was that I did not want anyone to think there was anything special allowing me to do this, to point out they can learn it too.
The BeefParticipantHuman right groups are Anti-White.
Do you ever see them out there protesting about Japan not allowing non-Asian permanent residency?
Do you see them protesting Zimbabwe kicking out Whites?
No, human right groups only get involved when Whites want enywhere exculsive to preserve our own people.
They say they support human rights, they really support everyone elses right but think Whites should have none.
The BeefParticipantWell, I’m not in contact with the guys off the air, I’ve not once gotten even a PM from Don over at stormfront, because he is a busy guy. I understand that.
I’ve not been around the show long enough to work as an ambassador for it. I’m not even able to be on the show every day either. I’ve tried contacting the local media around where I live, and as soon as I say “White Genocide”, they hang up on me. Not even an explanation.
I WILL go on ANY talk show, radio or otherwise that is willing to talk about WHite Genocide.
That is the key word, WILLING.
Runner, if you manage to FIND anyone who is willing to have us on their show, anyone, you let me know, and I will do it.
As of right now, our message needs to GROW more before the mainstream media is willing to touch us.
The BeefParticipantrunner, I think part of the issue is not ratings, but the content of the show is still villain number 1 in the public mind, at the moment anyway.
I would not be suprised if when our message, The Mantra goes public, an is spread far and wide, then there may be room for a real paid Pro-White radio show.
First it needs advertisers, and right now in the current atmosphere, they are not quite ready yet.
What we are doing here, first waking up Whites to White Genocide should lead to that.
The BeefParticipantIf you LIKE that one you are going to LOVE the “Enemy likes to roll in Grey Goo”.
The BeefParticipantI won’t be able to be on ALL the shows, much as I would like to, my schedule does not allow for is all the time.
I do intend to be on semi-regularly however, to help keep things on message, and help recruit.
The Mantra itself is hard to make a program out of, because it is short and sweet, to the point.
Mantra thinking can however tie any subject back to white Genocide, and it is a good place to help recruit.
Recently, I have been involved with something I can do anytime of the day I get a chance, and that is now Podcasts up at
PAss it around as it is intened to be a useful recruitment tool.
04/25/2012 at 10:33 am in reply to: A "Progressive" at anti-White Daily Kos posted "How Whites Took Over America." #22346The BeefParticipantHmmm..But could they be PUSHED further? There is always the socko the plant puppet.
_______________________”White people are a poison on this earth! Its a good thing intermarriage will exterminate ALL White people and ONLY White people! Once Whites are gone, then ALL the Race problems will be over.
Nobody else worry, we are not blending Asians in Asian countries out of existence, or African Americans in African countries out of Existence, or even Hispanics, no reason to worry, it only Assimilates whites, and since Whites cause all the polution and are the ONLY Race to ever do anythign bad to another race, once they are eliminated, the world will be a wonderful place of piece and harmoney.
No violence needs to happen, so please don’t do anything violent. Just encourage everyone to interacially breed so we can finally exterminate the social construct known as the “WHite Race”.__________
Nothing like marching the enemy camp to a cliff wall in the dark.
04/24/2012 at 9:43 pm in reply to: A "Progressive" at anti-White Daily Kos posted "How Whites Took Over America." #22309The BeefParticipant100% Agreed with Jason, it is about exposing the Anti-White as the Goul they are in front of the Audience.
We don’t need to convince the Anti-White, its ALL about the Audience Audience Audience.
The BeefParticipantGar5 is correct, its fine to steal each others stuff, we encourage doing that around here, as we all have the same goal, put a stop to White Genocide.
One thing I do suggest however is to make a couple tiny changes here and there, on purpose typos, miss spelled words, or something to add just a little tiny touch of Uniqueness.
Not because I am against copy and pasting, but by making tiny little changes, it helps avoid spam filter programs that look for multiple copies of the exact same post.
The BeefParticipantNow THAT Brings up a Question.
WHY did our enemy make English the Universal standard?
Was it just a case of convenience? OR was there a deeper reason?
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Robert Whitaker grants full and free use of his ideas and writings as they pertain to aiding others in stating the facts about white race genocide and its agenda of forced non-white immigration and integration into ALL white countries and ONLY white countries.
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In A Few Words
Bob Whitaker has "been there and done that" in the world of politics. His unique perspective is insightful and vital. You may not agree with everything he says, but I guarantee that he will make you think.
Robert W. Whitaker, 1941—2017, was born and raised in South Carolina and attended the University of South Carolina and the University of Virginia Graduate School. He has been a college professor, international aviation negotiator, Capitol Hill senior staffer, Reagan Administration appointee, and writer for the Voice of America. He has written numerous articles and three books. Bob lived in Columbia, SC, coaching B.U.G.S. He had asked the staff to inform female readers that he was "divorced and 'wildly attractive.'" I agree that he was divorced. But actually, he always did and always will love his one and only wife.
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