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  • in reply to: Mantra in the News #106172

    Indeed. I think the Mantra and White Genocide memes have been very effective. And I think a lot AMPW use these memes implicitly but don;t seem to recognize that fact.

    I was just asking what any BUGsers take on his comments are. The picture VOX shows is effective too, which was his point.

    Keep firing people.

    in reply to: Mantra in the News #106161

    Just saw this and wondered what comments Bugsers would make.

    in reply to: Draft: Interrogating Anti-Whites: A BUGS Guide #104834

    How can I be anti-white if I’m white???


    How can I be a murderer if I’m human??

    How can I commit treason if I’m a patriot???

    IT called being evil…..

    in reply to: The "Refugee Crisis" Talking Points #104817


    Done. We’ll see if the ‘moderators’ let the comments through the PC filter.

    The Syrian invasion of Canada is just another day in these criminals schemes. I hate this government and its bureaucracy.

    According to the MSM, the ONLY opinion to refugees is YES. and YES!! No one else exists.


    I don;t like ‘blended out of existence’ as it is a euphemism for White Genocide.

    ITs hides the genocide, the destruction of the features of a people in a word.

    Use White minority, or hated White minority, or destroyed minority.

    I blend cream in my coffee. It sounds innocuous. The issue is what is destroyed.


    Don’t worry. There are more of us than one might expect. Nobody knows what all the work many are quietly doing. I just keeping plugging away with Mantra thinking and ‘practical politics’

    There are more than a few who are doing this.

    in reply to: When family is anti-White #93721

    Yes, family is VERY difficult as most are anti-white and/or cowards at admitting the truth.

    IT is often hard to visit or want to stay around my family because of this. They are acting and supporting an agenda that will destroy my society, my future and my freedom. And their grandchildren’s future.

    I have so many examples, but its painful to recount the doublethink and hypocrisy.

    Just one example.. I ask him he is opposed to white Genocide–when his community is 40, 60 80% non-white (and only white communities). His response:

    ‘What have you done for a black man lately. Did you hold a door open for a black man ever??? ‘

    This is his comment. Start to finish.

    So sick and misdirected in the messages this is supposed to send and supplicate that I don’t know where to begin. But the psychological terror imposed to make such a statement astonishes me, and saddens me, I can;t respect my father for this. I ask him straight out– Did you really go to University– and learn to think for yourself. And finally, where is your LOVE, of what is good, of freedom, or your race and inheritance and what results from that? What do you LOVE????

    These conversations are not easy. But hell, they are too damn important and are affecting everything.

    in reply to: Chasing down the last white person #93412

    I rather like it!!! Nice job. Thanks.

    As Bob says, test it out and see what works.
    I will test it.

    in reply to: Writing a Book Review for #93117

    Be stronger and more direct with the Mantra thinking.

    See Bob’s previous writings at

    I think you’re being too subtle here.

    I really tire of this ‘isnt it awful blacks were discriminated against’ — without addressing the anti-white assumption– that whites have no right to exist and defend their societies. Call it out.

    in reply to: dealing with a wily old anti-white #91695

    The reply seems simple to me:

    Oh, so you say there’s ‘not’ a race problem– so white genocide is okay then??

    Point is, where he wants to nitpick does not stop the argument–that white genocide is not acceptable.

    in reply to: Ad calling for MORE white babies #55086


    I saw this mentioned at

    This is a good website, and seems to support the Mantra, so I don;t get the negativity directed against Bob and Horus at that site. ???

    Go there to see what was said — its the TTGH issue.

    in reply to: Ad calling for MORE white babies #55072


    Interesting video– an implicit message for more white babies?? I can only HOPE so.

    Not to change the subject, but does anyone know what is going on with these statements that ‘Bob Whitaker has joined The SPLC’

    And that Horus has been helping the SPLC??

    What is this stuff about????

    in reply to: Portland BUGS Attack #55000

    Congratulations on a great job and lots of guts!!!

    Keep it up.

    I am seeing lots of places where the Mantra can be posted.

    in reply to: Operation Poison Ivy #54857

    Yes, I thin the ‘AFrica for AFricans,….’ sign is the best and very effective.

    It think its a great billboard to try and get up as well.

    Such a sign near a government office or parliament or major roadway would be a major irritant to the PC police and wake people up.

    in reply to: Meme idea: Racism requires Diversity #54781

    It is telling when something gets deleted because it means it hits a nerve.
    When posting Mantra’s online, often the Mantra will go through but these lines are later edited out.


    “And incidentally, how can one be a white supremacist if his crime is that he wants nothing to do with non-whites?”

    “How can you be a white supremacist when there is nobody around but white people?”


    Here is a useful one liner:

    Racism is only racism when it is the people of the country trying to defend their ethnic interests, not when their anti-white ‘leaders’ defend theirs.


    Use the Mantra, consistent message, and avoid all Nazi type imagery or connotations. Just look at this:

    It revealed that, as a Guardian headline put it, there was “huge support for far right if they gave up violence.” (Thanks to media-wide biased reporting, it is the ‘far right’ which has the image of violence, not the left which tries routinely to provoke it with violence.)

    The poll demonstrated that half the population of the country (48%) would welcome a new, non-violent, ‘far right’ anti-immigration English nationalist party which eschewed the trappings of ‘fascist imagery.’ (Has anyone seen any real ‘trappings of fascism’ lately?) and was committed to challenging Islamic extremism. This opinion would want English identity to be asserted by requiring all public buildings to fly the flag of St George. (Some people think that the Cross of St George is ‘fascist’ apparently).

    in reply to: MINI MANTRAS PRO #54082

    Very useful ammunition for the firing line.

    The power punches are what we need for people’s 2 second attention spans.


    in reply to: A Mini-Mantra to Challenge Demands for 'Diversity' #54080

    Hey Guys:

    Thanks for the Diversity Mini-Mantra’s.

    Very helpful to incorporate into responses. Great job. Keep it up.

    in reply to: Mantra images & fliers #53849

    Its just like saying:

    “Don’t think about elephants”

    What first comes to mind??!!!!

    No ulterior motives to mention this. I really think the Nazi association is just bad for making people hear the Mantra message.


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