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  • in reply to: Mantra images & fliers #53841

    When you see the symbol, that’s what people think of–Nazi’s.

    That certain, and not productive.

    Doesn’t matter whether your for or against it, that’s what will be in people’s mind.

    And that’s bad for sure.

    in reply to: Mantra images & fliers #53823

    It worked because it juxtaposed a ‘new’ Hitler who left his old ways, with the fact that these new ways are doing exactly what Hitler originally wanted.

    It doesn’t try to make Hitler into something positive or part of the pro-white side.

    That is the very fine line the Anti-racist Hitler tread. The revulsion most people feel for Hitler is now shown to be perfectly consistent with what they thought was good.

    I liked Anti-racist Hilter, but note that the movie did NOT suggest HIlter was great!!!! It was silent on the issue.

    But when you put a poster up with Nazi symbols its VERY easy for people to confuse those symbols between what you are against and who YOU are.

    SEe a Nazi symbol and people think—this message brings what the Nazi’s brought.

    Better to avoid that, and push the message without the interference.

    Let me speak from my own example:

    I am as pro-white and concerned about my race and society as anyone could be, and have been since I realized in high school in the 1990’s what ‘multiculturalism’ would lead to.

    But I can;t stand the Nazi pro-whites as I believe they are shooting themselves in the foot BIG TIME. BEing pro-white has NOTHING to do with HITLER.

    IF it does then what is Western civilization for the past 3000+ years????

    So I say, avoid that NAzi symbolism. IT might feel good to use, but the audience will only see Nazi posters.

    in reply to: Mantra images & fliers #53819

    Great job with the posters!!

    The one with the blender and the one showing the countries are very attractive to look at. Good colour.

    I think the one with God and the Devil could be used in a number of posters, I like the idea there.

    Thanks for the posters, I will copy and use some of them in emails.

    My only negative comment would be that I would NEVER put any NAZI or swaztika symbolism in the posters for 2 reasons:

    1. It is illegal in some European countries.
    2. I gives an association with Nazism that will turn off people to the MESSAGE. Nazism is old news, focus on the new–white genocide.

    I would strongly encourage you to avoid that!!! Please!!!

    Thanks again.

    in reply to: A Mini-Mantra to Challenge Demands for 'Diversity' #53596

    Here is another example of how this issue is everywhere, and needs a specific response.

    in reply to: A Mini-Mantra to Challenge Demands for 'Diversity' #53588

    “The point of “diversity” is not spicy food or culture. The point of “diversity” is getting rid of White people.”

    I like that. I would add:

    …How is getting rid of White people to the benefit of non-white minorities–good for White people??

    WE need to force them into justifying the Genocide they support, to challenge what they are saying.

    in reply to: Mantra images & fliers #46863

    These are great posters. Very well done!!

    I really like the ‘Mixing the races=no more white faces’

    and the ‘brain of an anti-white’


    in reply to: MINI MANTRAS PRO #49588

    Some of you may be aware of this, but you can change your IP address on some computers/modems by simply unplugging and rebooting the modem

    At least that works on mine.

    When the server site loses the connection and you reconnect your modem the server assigns a new IP address.

    Doing this every week or so can help with spam blocking.

    in reply to: New Mantra Music Video on This Is Europa #48097

    Great video.

    Do you see that Youtube has placed a ‘warning’ this may be hazardous to your health label before letting you see the video.

    Completely laughable.

    Covert censorship.

    AFter all, who complained and was immediately allowed to dictate what label such a simple video is given.



    When it comes to slavery whites need to stop apologizing and start affirming ONE thing.

    White people are the ONLY people who ENDED slavery and demanded it stop.

    That is OUR unique contribution.

    in reply to: Mantra Art Work #42602

    Great posters Old King Cole.

    One suggestion to think about, especially regarding the post showing black/white miscegenation.

    Never show what you don’t want, as it always leaves that picture in people’s minds. INSTEAD show the people what you want to go towards, what you want to see.

    That is what they will focus on and aim towards.

    Thanks for the great work.

    in reply to: A Final Solution to the White Privilege problem #39536

    USe the line:


    “It isn’t white privilege, its white genocide.”


    Because it IS genocide.

    in reply to: More #WhiteGenocide on campus #39121


    I have been posting mini-versi0ns of the Mantra on Youtube with this recent Peter Hitchens quote– which is quite damning.

    His comments PROVES in one line that anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white.
    Thanks Peter.



    Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White Countries for Everyone!! NO!!

    AS Peter Hitchens recently admitted to no ones surprise:

    “We were all in favour of as much immigration as possible.

    It wasn’t because we liked immigrants, but because we didn’t like Britain.”

    Multiculturalism is worse than murder. It is worse than mass murder, being akin to genocide.

    Whites have become the ultimate refugees, lost at home, refugees in their own nations, wanderers in their own cities.

    The citizen of the first world often finds that he seems to belong less in his own country than the refugees flooding it.

    It was ALL about who he hated:

    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white.

    in reply to: Mini Mantras II #36924

    I like those 3 lines:


    “They don’t call it geNOcide when its done to white children.

    They call it ‘diversity’.

    Anti-racist is just a codeword for anti-white.”


    I will try that as a mini-mantra.

    I find you need to be short and easily remembered to have an impact.


    in reply to: "How I found BUGS” #36091

    I found BUGS through TOO.

    Horus was mentioned and highlighted in an article that discussed his radio series and practical politics.

    TOO is good for a lot of things.  I don’t know why its criticized here so much.  It has a valuable purpose.

    It would have taken a lot longer to find BUGS without TOO.

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