Lord Nelson
Forum Replies Created
Lord NelsonParticipant
Welcome Larry!
01/05/2012 at 10:02 am in reply to: Discussion thread: Pro Whites that disagree with our methods and want to argue #15278Lord NelsonParticipantConiglioBianco
No worries. I was thinking maybe you could save the venom for ‘British’ Anti-Whites. This would be a win win situation. Lol!
01/04/2012 at 11:29 am in reply to: Discussion thread: Pro Whites that disagree with our methods and want to argue #15226Lord NelsonParticipantOldBlighty
“I do think LN’s advice is the best so far, as simpler is better:”
“It’s obvious it’s not for YOU”
I have no political background. It even took me around 3-4yrs to get my head around what Bob was really doing with the ‘Genocide’ message. But when we preach on SF we are actually ‘in effect’ trying to sell somthing. And I can at least bring some insight into this situation.
There is a common misconception that the best sales people are those who NEVER give up. The truth is that the best sales people are the ones who know EXACTLY when to give up. Throw it away. And move on to the next lead. They don’t get tied down with Beggers, Idiots, and/or Timewasters!
In this situation saying “It’s not for you” tends to throw people off balance because it’s the last thing they are expecting to hear ‘from the pushy little sales person’. (only include ‘obviose’ if you want to have a dig) It can even be such a powerful takeaway, that some people may end up demanding to know just WHAT is not for them. If that happens then just post them a link to BUGS and tell the to figure it out for themselves 😉
01/03/2012 at 6:58 pm in reply to: Discussion thread: Pro Whites that disagree with our methods and want to argue #15188Lord NelsonParticipantConiglio Blanco
“I have a suspicion that it was one of the usual culprits that is to say one of the inhabitants of that wet little island that used to be great. I should remind you that the reason why our race has no home is because you idiots decided that it was a good idea to declare war on Germany.”
Nice try. As Bob knows, I am usualy the first Brit HOT HEAD, to bite at this crap.
Anyhow, can you post some links where you have been debating Anti-Whites? I would love to read them 😉
01/03/2012 at 6:47 pm in reply to: Discussion thread: Pro Whites that disagree with our methods and want to argue #15187Lord NelsonParticipantIceKnight
“What actually recruited me to the cause was watching the debates out in the field, seeing the BUGSters winning and then copying the style! I was using the Mantra for many months before officially joining the SWARM.”
Thank you for this. It was nice to read 😉
Anti-Racist is just a code word for Anti-White!
01/03/2012 at 4:07 pm in reply to: How to handle Pro-Whites who disagree with BUGS and what we do. #15169Lord NelsonParticipantmeawhiterabbit
“I’ll be honest and i didn’t want to say this before but part of me thinks aligning with SF is not a good idea.”
I know what you mean.
Anyone from SF who wants to join us is a good thing, and I am really happy to see Derek Black took up our corner too. But the truth is, the place has more baggage then a 747 and the last thing we need is to get tied up in it. Even Don & Derek must try to avoid most of it, I am sure!
Either way who cares? SF is not important enough to worry about. We have much BIGGER fish to fry out in the real world.
You said it best here: “We want to get the White and normal people on our side and speaking out against genocide.”
Stormfront is not our Battleground!
01/03/2012 at 3:35 pm in reply to: Discussion thread: Pro Whites that disagree with our methods and want to argue #15165Lord NelsonParticipantOoopss! I just started a thread on this same topic:
First let me say that I was sad to see some of us ending up arguing with some of the folks over at SF. If our way is going to take off, it can only happen out in the big bad world outside of SF. Every time you see a neutral White who would not be seen dead posting on SF using a phrase like ‘Anti-White’ on sites like YT etc…. you are seeing a real victory. And these victories are the only ones that really count, because even if every member of SF joined BUGS in the next 3hrs, it would not really amount to anything if we can’t appeal to the MILLIONS of Whites on the outside.
So now here is how you deal with Pro-Whites who insist on aruing against us and our message:
Just say: ‘It’s obvious it’s not for YOU’. (And then move on)
Let me repeat that:
Just say: ‘It’s obvious it’s not for YOU’. (And then move on)
One more time:
Just say: ‘It’s obvious it’s not for YOU’. (And then move on)
—————————-For the record, post 54 on this link is me making the same mistake: http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t851891-6/#post9812110
We really are in serious danger of turning into somekind of cult here folks. And that can never be a good thing. By all means post on SF if you like. I still do. But save the preaching and debating for where it really counts.
Stormfront is not our Battleground!
Lord NelsonParticipantIceknight.
Cheers, but I did not come up with ‘White and normal’. I think it may have been Horus on FTWR.
Lord NelsonParticipantLike I said folks it was just an idea. No big deal. I am always on the loolk out for the killer punch. But I have my doubts about it too. Genocidist, is one hell of a nasty label to stick on someone, but maybe now is not the time.
For me, best just to stick with ‘Anti-White’!
Lord NelsonParticipantSorry I did not explain this very well. I am sugesting that we could occassionally substitute ‘Anti-White’ for ‘Genocidist’.
Lord NelsonParticipantJust to further clarify what I mean. I mean occasionally using ‘Genocidist’ instead of ‘Anti-White’:
So how do you Genocidists feel about open borders?As a Genocidist, how do you feel about Asian privilege in Asian countries?
————————Just a thought. I can already see how the Anti-Whites may try do deal with it, by claiming they equally support the Genocide of every one, and not just Whites. But then again, it could just drive them NUTS! 😉
Lord NelsonParticipantAdelheim.
The idea is to use the term ‘Genocidist’ as an attack word to label our enemies with, alongside Anti-White.
I know we have come too far with ‘Anti-White’ to just throw it away and start again. So I am simply suggesting we start using ‘Genocidist’ alongside ‘Anti-White’.
12/09/2011 at 5:21 pm in reply to: 25 RULES OF DISINFORMATION.- A short guide on the Anti-whites playbook. #13750Lord NelsonParticipantMark Muses
Welcome to the SWARM!
12/09/2011 at 12:42 pm in reply to: 25 RULES OF DISINFORMATION.- A short guide on the Anti-whites playbook. #13734Lord NelsonParticipantVery interesting, thanks for posting.
Below is a couple of examples of how your average everyday Anti-White uses some of the above techniques against Pro-Whites when pushing White Genocide:
1. “Demand impossible Proof/Evidence” Example: ‘Prove the white race exists!’ and ‘Define White!’
Standard BUGS Pro-White response: The White race is the only race that Anti-Whites demand must be replaced by millions of non-Whites.
2. “This is also related to the Acting Dumb tactic” Example: ‘But I just don’t know what a White country is!’
Standard BUGS Pro-White responses: A white country is a country where Anti-Whites demand mass non-White immigration.
NOTE: You can think of better and more aggresive replies to the above. Agressive means staying on message and taking control by asking and repeating LOADED questions. I simply give standard answers. The golden rule is to NOT fall for the trick of being controlled by your opponent.
Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White!
Lord NelsonParticipant“LN-I can sense something going on in my bones. We are seriously building up speed”
I sense it TOO!
Lord NelsonParticipantLooks like we are on the right track: ‘White and Normal’. Keep pushing it!
White and Normal
White and Normal
White and Normal
White and Normal
White and Normal
White and Normal
White and Normal
White and Normal
You get the idea 😉
Lord NelsonParticipantGenseric
“White Genocide Denier”
I like that phrase! 😉
Lord NelsonParticipantGood one 😉
Anti-Racist is just a codeword for Anti-White!
Lord NelsonParticipantI know it’s not easy to be out gunned and out numbered so I commend your efforts. But judging from the problems you believe you had, I will try to point out where you were going wrong:
1. “On these types of forums you can’t simply get away with using genocide, antiracism is a code word, no one if flooding….. as your only replies. If you do they will scream spam and get you banned”
Ever noticed how many different ways Anti-White can find to say the same thing, and push the same Anti-White agenda? Just use that same trick yourself. Simply use gereral conversation while at the same time, always passively labelling and droping in the words Andti-White and/or Genocide etc…..
2. “Anymore than one person will get flagged as a “sock puppet” so mass swarming doesnt work”
Refer to the answer I gave above to your fist point. The Ani-Whites will either have to back off and let us control the thread, or come out fighting.
3. “They WILL ask for specifics and this can lead you down a path and off point. However i think we need to address their need for specifics and facts. I love the Mantra but i’ll admit if i were sitting on the fence i would need more evidence to tip me over………”
This is just another version of the questioning technique: “He who asks the questions controls the conversation’. It’s exactly what you experienced it to be. It’s just a way to take control of a an opponent during a debate. It is also dealt with by throwing questions back at your opponent who is asking for the “specifics”.
I will give a better example of what I mean when I reply to your next point below:
4. “When we say “All white countries” we will be picked up on this and asked for evidence. I just about managed to cobble together some links. Does anyone have anything better?”
With respect you’re falling into a very basic trap here. This is the same ‘control trick’ the Anti-Whites were using in your point number 3. I guess they must learn it from their mommy professors.
Anyhow. Below is one example of how I would answer that Anti-White:
‘You Anti-Whites can provide all the evidence yourselfs by telling us which European countries you believe have a right to stay White? (Good Luck!)’
I already know what an experianced Anti-Whites reply to the above will be. And I would be happy to take the Anti-White down that road.
5. “I KNOW we must stay on point but a shit sandwich reply like talking point-facts they asked for-talking point is MUCH better than talking point-kinda of fob them off with a talking point-talking point.”
I understand the issue. But I would refer you back to the answer I give to your point number 1.
6. “Sometimes there are posters who aren’t complete antiwhites who are curious and really do want some factual information. Going with the Mantra approach can sometimes be too aggressive for them so i think we need to transition in and out. We don;t want to alienate them and put them on the antiwhites sides.”
Again, I would say if you try what I recommend above you should win over anyone who is White and normal.
7. “Its a house of cards. We need to ensure these threads don;t get deleted and stay up for more people to view yet come in hard on the antiwhties.”
Please don’t think I am just being lazy here, but I think the approach I tried to lay out above covers this point too.
I think you scored some great points against the Anti-Whites while being out numbered in hostile territory. And you deserve a lot of credit for that. But a bit more contempt for these sick idiots along with a lot more awarness of the use of questions, would have helped you no end.
Being aware of the use of, and being able to use, questioning technigues is simply a way to help someone keep control during a debate, and STAY on MESSAGE. However, no one has a monopoly on them. And when you are outnumbered by Anti-Whites who have been using them against us for decades, it’s not always going to be easy.
But if you can spot them being used against you. And are also skilled at countering by using them yourself, you should be able to force a stalemate in the debate. And that stalemate is a position the Anti-Whites can only LOOSE!
Lord NelsonParticipant@ dungeoneer & WhiteWeasel
I use different words and phrases all the time. Personally, I feel that that’s okay. Just as long as we keep coming back to, and repeating the word Genocide. Over, and over and over again.
Using the word ‘extiction’ occasionally when it may fit is fine. Just as long as it does not replace the one true and key word ‘Genocide’.
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Robert Whitaker grants full and free use of his ideas and writings as they pertain to aiding others in stating the facts about white race genocide and its agenda of forced non-white immigration and integration into ALL white countries and ONLY white countries.
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In A Few Words
Bob Whitaker has "been there and done that" in the world of politics. His unique perspective is insightful and vital. You may not agree with everything he says, but I guarantee that he will make you think.
Robert W. Whitaker, 1941—2017, was born and raised in South Carolina and attended the University of South Carolina and the University of Virginia Graduate School. He has been a college professor, international aviation negotiator, Capitol Hill senior staffer, Reagan Administration appointee, and writer for the Voice of America. He has written numerous articles and three books. Bob lived in Columbia, SC, coaching B.U.G.S. He had asked the staff to inform female readers that he was "divorced and 'wildly attractive.'" I agree that he was divorced. But actually, he always did and always will love his one and only wife.
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