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J Locke

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  • in reply to: New mantra video, check it out #38221
    J Locke
    J Locke

    This anti-White says,
    Kyle Chambers 29 seconds ago

    Goodbye BUGS, I DARE you to actually challenge me to a live debate.

    Please do, so a 14 year old may successfully refute your claims.

    in reply to: Twitter Mantra Tweets #38130
    J Locke

    On March 15, Donald Trump spoke in favor of White immigration in a speech.

    I might be able to claim the credit since i have tweeted him mantra blurbs and videos for a few months.

    Here is the article: Trump on immigration: Let in white Europeans.

    A tweet from January to Donald Trump with a mantra video.

    This mantra tweet was sent to trump march 4. he spoke out in favor of white immigration on march 15. The link in the tweet is from the white genocide playlist of video evidence, and it automatically cycled thru all the playlist after Trump watched the video, which was White Genocide in Sweden 2. So Trump got a huge dose of white genocide evidence on that playlist.

    in reply to: Promoting BUGS and Recruiting New Bugs #38107
    J Locke
    J Locke

    Any other debates in the works? A Bugster chat room would be great to listen to when training for a debate.

    in reply to: Press Releases #37988
    J Locke

    A publicist would cost a lot for Horus, Bob, or Beefcake to hire. Since our goal is to discuss White Genocide in the media, we need to learn how to get the media to discuss White Genocide with our speakers. Someone should teach us to be publicists.

    I see the many errors in the above press release.

    in reply to: Beating Youtube Spam Marking #37982
    J Locke

    Fred, the keypad idea sounds great. I might try it.

    Does anyone know if there’s a way to make mantras copied off of YT fit for YT again? It seems they have invisible code with them which automatically sets off the spam filter.

    in reply to: Opening mini-Mantras for YouTube #37799
    J Locke

    Some of the mini-mantras here set off yt’s spam filter automatically, probably because they were copied off yt.
    Sorry about that.
    Most don’t.

    in reply to: Non-Whites/Anti-Whites spreading the Mantra #37794
    J Locke
    in reply to: Non-Whites/Anti-Whites spreading the Mantra #37597
    J Locke

    Here is a British anti-White discussing White Genocide, released Feb. 12, 2013.

    The conspiracy theory of “White Genocide”

    in reply to: Help needed, URGENT #37398
    J Locke

    In addition to Scythian’s suggestion, which I agree is good, I would add a shorter version of the UN definition, just the most relevant part:

    Mass Immigration and FORCED assimilation in ALL White countries and ONLY White countries is GENOCIDE
    UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 2 1948
    …any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy in whole or part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group as such
    c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
    Anti-racism is a codeword for anti-White

    in reply to: MINI MANTRAS PRO #37318
    J Locke

    “And I know this is the simplest of simple, but for me it’s made a big difference – the idea to post a minimum of 5 Minis a day; I mean, when you put it that way it’s the least we can do for our RACE. Now, if I miss a couple days, I make sure I post at least 15 on the third day; and chances are if you don’t miss too many days in a row, you’ll easily exceed the minimum. This is a better idea than 10 hours a week -which makes it seem like labor.” – Skythian

    It’s great to hear someone else say this. It is a realistic solution.

    People ought to post in this Swarm recruitment thread

    in reply to: This is Europa! A video for our European bugsters #36763
    J Locke

    Love it. I would like more mini mantras in videos

    These are PERFECT:

    in reply to: Promoting our Meda online…… #36701
    J Locke

    Get lots of Reddit accounts and post links on Reddit to mantra videos, tweet mantra videos to celebrities. You can tweet fast with no spam block.

    Add this to the end of the Mantra:

    Contact the Civil Rights Activist Organization B.U.G.S. Swarm for interviews about the ongoing program of White Genocide at

    J Locke

    YT deleted my video linked above. This is the video

    The YouTube Community has flagged one or more of your videos as inappropriate. Once a video is flagged, it is reviewed by the YouTube Team against our Community Guidelines. Upon review, we have determined that the following video(s) contain content in violation of these guidelines, and have been disabled:
    Open Letter to #Anonymous, #Hackers, #Occupiers, and every #antiWhite: Stop #WhiteGENOCIDE – (__2jr2jgnJC5__)
    YouTube is not a shock site. It’s not okay to post gross-out videos of accidents, dead bodies or similar things intended to be shocking, sensational or disrespectful. If your video is graphic or disturbing, it can only remain on the site where supported by appropriate educational or documentary information.
    Your account has received one Community Guidelines warning strike, which will expire in six months. Additional violations may result in the temporary disabling of your ability to post content to YouTube and/or the permanent termination of your account.
    For more information on YouTube’s Community Guidelines and how they are enforced, please visit the help center.
    Date Received: Feb 19, 2013

    This was the last comment on the video made by winston churchill, his channel is at
    Comment on your video: Open Letter to #Anonymous, #Hackers, #Occupiers, and every #antiWhite: Stop #WhiteGENOCIDE
    your a fucking freak to think that…but its alryt 4 asians/muslim just to merry there own ? but there not racists? but yet agen its the white mens fault

    in reply to: Opening mini-Mantras for YouTube #36653
    J Locke

    These minis are timeless. They are the mantra. What a great race of people that wrote them.

    in reply to: Opening mini-Mantras for YouTube #36646
    J Locke

    Whites are an embattled minority in the world and White children are a minority in White countries.
    That’s White GENOCIDE!
    The realistic solution for this White GENOCIDE is in FREE podcasts at WhiteGenocideProject com
    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
    It’s hard to see WHITE Genocide when you’re anti-White.

    “Once again, we are samizdat. We are not allowed to speak our piece anywhere, so we have to impose it on people. Give us our rightful access to the media and our right to present our side and we will not force our views on the public any way we can.
    Until then, we will behave like any other group which is silenced by censorship.”
    – WhiteRabbitRadio net

    If so-called “diversity” is such a “strength” –
    Why is there massive “white flight” in every area that has become “diverse”?
    Why are there countless government agencies and watchdog groups to manage the non-stop conflict and tension between the races?
    Why do white politicians live in white neighborhoods, belong to white country clubs, and send their children to white private schools?
    Why would the so-called “anti-racists” want a supposed “strength” imposed only on evil White countries?

    Africa for the Africans,
    Asia for the Asians,
    Yet White countries for everyone
    It’s GENOCIDE according to international law.
    Yet notice how whenever the topic comes up you only hear silence from the anti-Whites at the top, all they can do is send in their silly anti-White lackeys in to yell racist, nazi etc and hope that we stop pointing out reality.
    It is a good thing more people are seeing that anti-racist” is just a codeword for anti-White

    The 1924 Immigration Act was designed to keep the United States a 90% White country. The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 INTENTIONALLY overturned that, without a popular vote, leading to the DESTRUCTION of a majority population by reducing it to minority status. The United Nations defines this as genocide. Many pretend to be anti-racist but they are really just anti-White. Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

    The so-called “anti-racists” here can`t deny that they want a world in which White people are an ever-decreasing population until eventually we no longer exist because of mass immigration and “assimilation” being forced on every White country.

    It is an act of genocide to advocate or facilitate the destruction of a racial or other group.

    Lots of people are saying: Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

    I’m sure the massive non-White immigration and forced assimilation into every White nation and only White nations is just a big accident. Maybe it is a statistical anomaly, huh? It just so happened that 92% of the worlds population must be flooded and assimilated into where 8% of the worlds population lives and ONLY into where the 8% of the worlds population lives. And it was just a big coincidence that the 8% is White.

    This is the common ground on which anti-Whites say we must all agree:
    What is non-White belongs to non-Whites. What is White also belongs to non-Whites.

    Anti-Whites call themselves anti-racist. Through the policy they push, their intention becomes clear. Their goal is White genocide.

    That is why all White countries and only White countries must have massive third world immigration. Japan does not need to because it is non-White.

    The next step of White genocide is FORCED integration.

    Then anti-Whites promote intermarriage and condemn everybody who oppose intermarriage. (Their intention of White genocide shines through.)

    Then they talk about the inevitable brown future.

    Then they pretend to not understand why we call them anti-White.

    Why do anti-Whites want to deny people the right to their own homelands?
    Why is this assimilation and race-mixing in ALL White countries and ONLY White countries so important to them?
    Why do these anti-Whites never talk about flooding Africa with millions of non-Blacks and assimilating them into the Black population to “end hate”, or to “make it more diverse”, or to “fix the economy”, or to “have a perfect harmony”?
    Why is it these anti-Whites demand and justify GENOCIDE of ALL and ONLY White children?
    Everyone is saying it, anti-racism is a code word for anti-White
    google “Follow the White rabbit” podcasts

    Anti-white is called anti-racist, but it leads to the disappearance of one race and only one race, the White race. The real aim of anti-racism is to wipe out the White race or make it a minority anywhere it exists.
    “Anti-racist” is always a codeword for ANTI-WHITE

    We’re all still waiting for videos to speak about how Africa is for the Africans, Asia is for the Asians, yet somehow White countries for everybody??????? This White GENOCIDE must be STOPPED.
    Anti-racist is a code word for those who are anti-White.
    WhiteRabbitRadio net

    Is Jesus for or against White genocide?
    How is this not genocide:
    White countries are being flooded by non-whites. Whites are told to be TOLERANT. Whites are forced to integrate.
    With assimilation we see the extinction of one race only, the White race. Its not funny, not comedy, its white genocide.
    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white.

    Name ONE “anti-racist” campaign EVER that targeted a non-white group?
    Name ONE time that the word “diversity” meant less of any non-White people ANYWHERE on this planet, EVER?
    Why is massive 3rd world immigration and “assimilation” (i.e. miscegenation) for EVERY White country and ONLY White countries?
    Why are so many White countries turning into brown/3rd-world countries? But not ONE brown/3rd world country is turning into a White/1st world country?
    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    Hey everyone, did you ever stop to think about how third-world immigration and forced integration is required of EVERY White country and ONLY White countries? Did you know that according to the United Nations this is GENOCIDE? Lots of people who say they are anti-racist are really just anti-White. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    When will they address White Genocide? Everyone talks about this RACE problem and says that this RACE problem will be over when the third world pours into EVERY White country and ONLY into White countries.
    Everyone says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY White country and ONLY White countries to “assimilate,” that is, intermarry, with all those non-Whites.
    According to UN law, this is genocide.
    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
    WhitegeNOcideProject (dot) com

    Jesus said no man has greater love than to lay down life for a friend.
    Does that mean we should be against genocide also?
    How is this not genocide:
    White countries are being flooded by non-whites. Whites are told to be TOLERANT. Whites are forced to integrate.
    With assimilation we see the extinction of one race only, the White race.
    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white

    Only the feeble minded can’t grasp that anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.
    WhiteGeNOcideProject com

    It’s hard to see white genocide when you’re anti-white.
    Nobody is “wiping out” Asian Privilege in China.
    Nobody is “wiping out” Black Privilege in Africa.
    Nobody is “wiping out” Brown Privilege in Mexico.
    Privilege is Taboo & Evil in EVERY white country and ONLY in white countries. White Privilege is eradicated only once there are NO MORE white children left. They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

    Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, White Countries for EVERYBODY!
    Anti-Whites say there should be no White Countries
    Anti-Whites say there should be no White Towns
    Anti-Whites say there should be no White Neighborhoods
    Anti-Whites say there should be no White Anything
    Anti-Whites say there should be no White People
    Multiculturalism is just a code for “Fewer White People”
    Immigration is a code for COLONIZATION
    Anti-racism is a code for anti-White
    aNTi-WHitE teRroRiSm is REAL

    Why would you say that?
    Are you complicit in the crime of GENOCIDE?
    Do you support White GENOCIDE?
    So you support flooding ALL White countries and ONLY White countries with MASS third world immigration, FORCED integration, and “assimilation”?
    That’s White GENOCIDE
    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White
    WhiteGeNOcideProject com

    No White GeNOcide?

    Anti-Whites say there should be no White Countries

    Anti-Whites say there should be no White Towns

    Anti-Whites say there should be no White Neighbourhoods

    Anti-Whites say there should be no White Schools

    Anti-Whites say there should be no White Sports

    Anti-Whites say there should be no White Classes

    Anti-Whites say there should be no White Anything

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    It’s hard to see White GeNOcide when you’re anti-White.

    WhiteGeNOcideProject com

    “If Diversity is so great, why does it have to be forced on people?” Anti-racist is just a code word for anti-white. WhiteGeNOcideProject com

    Smash the GENOCIDAL anti-White system with a consistent message. Nothing is more powerful than sound.
    Africa for the Africans
    Asia for the Asians
    White countries for EVERYONE!?
    That’s GENOCIDE!
    Anti-racism is a code word for anti-White
    WhiteGeNOcideProject com

    The fact is, only Whites are told they have no right to a country. We are called “racist” if we
    complain about this. But we are EXPECTED to be concerned over whether Blacks have their own

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
    WhiteGenocideProject (dot) com

    Why should whites accept the global white geNOcide agenda of mass immigration and “assimilation” forced on -all- white countries and -only- white countries?
    Why are we denied a public discussion of this in these “free countries”?

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
    WhiteGenocideProject com

    Why are Whites facing Genocide?
    Because of the anti-White PC religion that demands that all White people must celebrate our own geNOcide, or be ex-communicated as “evil nazis”
    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
    WhiteGenocideProject com

    African countries for Africans.
    Asian countries for Asians.
    White countries for everyone or you’re a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionje­ws.
    This is the genocidal hypocrisy pushed by so called “anti-racists”.
    End White GeNOcide.
    Anti-racist IS a code word for anti-White
    WhiteGenocideProject (DOT) com

    Show me a so-called “anti-racist” who says white people can defend their continued existence and
    refuse mass immigration and “assimilation” like all the non-white countries!

    Just one!

    Obviously Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white,no exceptions whatsoever!
    WhiteGenocideProject (dot) com

    If there is no White geNOcide, then it should be very easy to name countries where explicitly
    White schools, White business, White churches, White institutions and communities are allowed to
    exist, and maintain themselves without being called “Racist”.

    Anti-whites all agree that no White anything should be allowed to exist. Anti-whites
    force diversity upon us, That is geNOcide.

    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.
    WhiteGenocideProject com

    Music ought to help awaken the masses. Sometimes the masses are @sses.

    No one says a country that is 100% Asian needs more diversity.

    No one says a country that is 100% African needs more diversity.

    Diversity is for all and ONLY White countries, AKA GENOCIDE!

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    Learn the solution at WhiteGenocideProject (dot) com

    What is happening to Whites IS GENOCIDE.
    ANY conditions imposed on a RACE that lead to its eventual non-existence are.
    Assimilation is a KNOWN tactic of Genocide.
    If we are denied anywhere for ourselves, denied enough homogenous space for our long term preservation, and you support that, then YOU support White Genocide.
    Naturally only an anti-White would justify White Genocide.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
    WhiteGeNOcideProject com

    I hope you realize that complacency in GENOCIDE is a crime under International Law!
    Open borders, FORCED integration, and assimilation in White countries is White GENOCIDE!
    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
    WhiteGenocideProject com

    Question for the anti-whites, if race is “just skin color”, why is skin color so important to you? You do not advocate for the elimination of Black, Yellow, nor brown skin color, YOU anti-whites only ever advocate for the elimination of white skin color, my skin color.
    Isn’t that genocide?
    Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, White countries for EVERYBODY!
    If it’s “just skin color”, then what’s the problem with preserving white “skin color’???
    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white
    WhiteGenocideProject com

    Anti-Whites say all things White must become “diverse” or it is “racism”.
    They say there should be no White countries, no White communities, no White schools, no White sports, no White social gatherings, etc.
    The anti-Whites give us Whites two choices: Accept White geNOcide or you are a “racist”.
    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
    WhiteGenocideProject com

    Anti-Whites say they’re “anti-racist”. But look at what they push and their aim becomes clear – White genocide.
    That is why all & only White nations have never ending non-White immigration.
    Japan has a low birthrate; “anti-racists” don’t tell it to assimilate with tons of non-Japanese immigrants.
    Why? It’s non-White.
    Iceland has a low birthrate; “anti-racists” tell it to assimilate with tons of non-White immigrants.
    Why? It’s White.
    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

    Excuse me, but could any sane person not realize that flooding ALL & ONLY White countries with non-Whites and telling everyone to “assimilate” to create a blended humanity is White genocide? Africa will still be full of Africans and Asia will still be full of Asians. Only White children will suffer from this insanity. It is genocide plain and simple! Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.
    WhiteGenocideProject com

    Videos should speak about how everyone talks about this RACE problem and says that this RACE problem will be over when the third world pours into EVERY White country and ONLY into White countries.

    Everyone says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY White country and ONLY White countries to “assimilate,” that is, intermarry, with all those non-Whites.

    This is genocide by U.N. definition.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    WhiteGenocideProject com

    Of course this attempt to create a “blended humanity” in EVERY White country and ONLY White countries is GENOCIDE according to the original definition, and under International Law as well.
    The only reason people deny this obvious truth is because they want it to continue.
    Do you people want mass immigration and forced assimilation (ethnic cleansing) to continue in White countries?
    Then do something
    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
    Excellent cartoon at WhiteRabbitRadio (dot) net

    Assimilation is FORCED in ALL White countries and ONLY White countries in employment, law, education, housing, healthcare, sports, policing etc. An “all-White” anything is illegal in White countries.
    Combine mass immigration and FORCED assimilation and you have a clear policy of White GENOCIDE
    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White
    WhiteGenocideProject com

    Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White countries for everybody???????????? Whites are entitled to our own homelands too. Stop White genocide. Anti-racist is just a code word for anti-White.
    WhiteGenocideProject com

    If ASIA is for ASIANS…
    If AFRICA is for AFRICANS…
    This is geNOcide, White GENOCIDE.
    Anti-racist is a code word for ANTI WHITE
    WhiteGenocideProject com

    In white countries when you force/coerce or socially engineer immigration,integration, tolerance and blending of races, in the end you have a non-white population left. Its just a matter of time. That is white genocide.
    How is that not white genocide?
    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White
    WhiteGenocideProject com

    The words “immigration”, “tolerance” and “assimilation” are being used to promote a program of Genocide against White children.
    No one’s flooding Asia with non-Asians, and trying to Force Integrate them to create a Blended Humanity.

    No one’s flooding Africa with non-Africans, and trying to Force Integrate them to create a Blended Humanity
    It IS genocide.
    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    Anti-Whites are flooding every White country with non-Whites, which will cause White Genocide by violence and interbreeding as surely as the Spanish pouring into Mexico interbred that land’s native peoples out of existence.
    Anti-Whites don’t demand that African countries be flooded with non-Africans.
    Anti-Whites don’t demand that Asian countries be flooded with non-Asians.
    Anti-Whites say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.
    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
    WhiteGenocideProject com

    Put it in the White genocide context.
    When we have: Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White Countries for Everybody, what do we have overtime?
    We have more and more non-whites in White countries since the right of Whites to exclusive territory is denied them.
    When we mix more non-whites and fewer Whites in the same living space, what do we get? Fewer and fewer Whites.
    In time, White extinction.
    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white.

    Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White countries for EVERYONE!
    That’s GENOCIDE!
    This immigration and intermarriage is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries.
    Anti-white is called anti-racist, but it leads to the disappearance of one race and only one
    race, the white race.
    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
    Find solutions at WhiteGenocideProject com
    Thumbs up now!

    Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, and White countries for EVERYBODY?
    Plus “assimilation” in ALL and ONLY White countries is the mortal crime of White GENOCIDE.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
    Find solutions at WhiteGenocideProject com
    Thumbs up to save our race, please.

    The two pillars of White geNOcide:
    1) immigration and assimilation is for EVERY and ONLY White countries.
    2) Anti-racists prove every day by their blatant JUSTIFICATION of White geNOcide. “just have babies”, “just move”
    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White, they want White geNOcide.
    WhiteGenocideProject com

    Nobody is flooding Black countries with non-blacks to ‘blend humanity’
    Nobody is flooding Asian countries with non-asians to ‘blend humanity’
    ONLY White countries are targeted like this
    This attempt to destroy, in whole or in part, EVERY White country through 3rd World immigration and ‘assimilation’ is GENOCIDE
    ‘Anti-racist’ is a codeword for Anti-White

    WhiteGeNOcideProject com

    All the White people are noticing, anti-racists never justify the elimination of identifiable non-White national groups using massive immigration and forced integration in order to “end all racism”. They only ever Justify the elimination of White people.
    So what do White people get out of “anti-racism”, other than Genocide?
    white geNOcide
    WhiteGeNOcideProject com

    Tibetans protest their GENOCIDE, by massive immigration and forced integration of millions of Chinese into Tibet.
    So where are the “Anti-Racists” looking for “racists” (Heretics) among the ranks of the Tibetans??? Oh wait, they only do that to White people, when they protest exactly the SAME THING.
    They say they are Anti-racist, what they really are is Anti-White.
    They want White GENOCIDE.
    Anti-Racist is just a code word for Anti-White!

    Whenever an “anti-racist” opens their mouths, the next thing they say usually leads to a world without White children – genocide.
    That’s why anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

    Are the anti-Whites still calling White genocide “diversity”?
    They have so many code words to keep up with, like when they say they’re “anti-racist” but they’re actually anti-White.
    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    WWJD? It’s an undeniable fact that massive third-world immigration and forced integration is demanded of EVERY White country and ONLY White countries, and according to the United Nations this is GENOCIDE. Many who say they are anti-racist are really just anti-White. Everybody but Mommy Professor knows that anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, White countries for EVERYBODY?
    If multiCULTuralism and Dieversity are so great, why are we ONLY keeping them for White countries?
    There are already enough non-Whites in White countries to [quote] assimilate [unquote] my RACE, the White RACE, out of existence.
    No other RACE on the planet is facing this annihilation by “assimilation”.
    GENOCIDE is the physical destruction of a RACE in whole or in part.
    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    Imagine if Africa was being flooded with NON-Africans.
    Imagine if the birth rate of those NON-Africans exceeded that of the Africans.
    Would “anti-racists” tell the African children not to worry about it simply because “There is only one race, the human race”???
    Of course anti-Whites wouldn’t. They only say those things to justify WHITE genocide.
    Isn’t that, Anti-Whites?
    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

    IMMIGRATION = = = = = Just means LESS White people. 
    MULTICULTURALISM = Just means LESS White people. 
    DIVERSITY = = = = = = Just means LESS White people. 
    INTEGRATION = = = = = Just means LESS White people. 
    ASSIMILATION = = = = = Just means LESS White people. 
    RACE-MIXING = = = = = Just means LESS White people. 
    They say it’s “anti-racist” but it’s simply Anti-White. 
    Anti-Racist is a code for Anti-White.

    No one is flooding Africa with Non Africans and telling them… “there are no races there is no genocide” …we are going to create a blended humanity in ONLY Africa.
    No one is flooding Asia with non-Asians and telling them… “there are no races there is no genocide ” …we are going to create a blended humanity in ONLY Asia.
    Only White countries are doing this, only anti-Whites are pushing it. They want White GENOCIDE.

    **This mini got over 25 non swarm likes from Jon White:

    In the 1960′s “Anti-racists” forced EVERY & ONLY white countries to open their borders to massive non-white immigration
    Then “Anti-racists” FORCED ALL & ONLY white people to “integrate” or face consequences for being “intolerant”
    Now “Anti-racists” are calculating that ALL and ONLY white children will become minorities and eventually EXTINCT
    If “Anti-racists” did this to EVERY & ONLY black countries,it would be called a GENOCIDE!
    Anti-racist is a code for anti-White

    J Locke

    WhiteActivist, it’s great. It is a little above my software capabilities with Vegas Studio Pro 11, though.

    in reply to: Opening mini-Mantras for YouTube #36496
    J Locke

    Bump. These are most effective at making anti-Whites squeal and the link advertising is the future.

    J Locke

    For evidence, this link has Pew research on Muslim immigration.

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