Personal Loyalty Is No Excuse for Stupidity
Posted by Laura in Bob, Coaching Session, We Do What Works on 08/24/2024
Written by Bob Whitaker
I was at a gathering of BUGSERS. There was a lot of admiration expressed for me..
As an old political warrior, that worried me.
Why would I worry about personal loyalty to me being danger to us?
Because, as I said at the beginning of my first book, A Plague on Both Your Houses, “All of our best instincts are being used against us.” Sympathy for the oppressed was used to build a Communist prison around a third of the world. Opposition to unfair discrimination has been twisted into making us totally do away with our entire race.
For over seventy years I have witnessed how every time we show a decent emotion, it is twisted into a weapon against us.
When an anti-White sees a decent instinct among us, he sees it as something to exploit against us. Love of country in 1940 was used to get us to side with Communism and to give a third of the world to Communism. The list goes on and on.
As usual, I seem to be the only person who has seen the pattern clearly.
It is time for you to see it CLEARLY, too.
If I were a normal human being instead of a political paranoid, I would have just reveled in all that admiration.
If someone attacks Bob, an amateur would stick out his chest and defend Bob.
But a person who attacks or reveals something about Bob has no interest in Bob.
He is doing with your loyalty to Bob exactly what he does with your loyalty to anything else.
And it is WAY past time that we stopped falling for that crap. At least a hundred million deaths past time.
There is only ONE answer to any talk against me.
“Bob never got shot at.”
Your reply:
“So that means White Genocide is OK?”
“Bob didn’t really write those two mainline books.”
“So that means White Genocide OK?”
“Bob never worked on Capitol Hill.”
“So that means White Genocide is okay?”
“Reagan never appointed Bob.”
“So that means White Genocide is okay?”
“Bob is a nut, officially retired on mental disability.”
“So that means White Genocide is okay?”
In World War II, the leftists were not talking about your country. They were using that to give the only real victory in that war to Comrade Stalin.
That was seventy five years ago, my beloved but slow-witted friends. Since then they have, among other things, used our loyalty to fairness to turn us into fanatical destroyers of our own race.
Isn’t it time we at least BEGAN to catch onto this tactic?
Nobody else has even NOTICED it since my 1976 book.
I have been blasted into two heart attacks and two nervous breakdowns. The LAST thing I need is someone protecting my reputational virginity.
They can’t dish out anything I haven’t long since gotten used to.
But YOU can.
You can hurt me by being a fool.
You can hurt me by doing anything but answering a charge against me with “So that makes White Genocide OK?”

Posted by Laura in Coaching Session, How Things Work on 07/17/2020
Written By Bob Whitaker – April 20th, 2009
January 1, 2000
Before we discuss what will happen in the twenty-first century, it would be useful to talk about what didn’t happen in the twentieth. In 1976, I began my first book with the following words:
“Our most trusted ‘inevitables’ are collapsing around our ears today. We used to hear that integration would make mankind one, inevitably. It was said that socialism was the most efficient economic system, and would be universally adopted. Bigger, more interfering government was not long ago an inevitable. The United Nations was to lead on a rocky but inevitable road to a united world. Rehabilitation, not punishment, would end crime.”
“Public confidence in these certainties has collapsed.”
Socialism, Thomas Dewey’s New Education, the criminals-as-victims theory, all these things have been obvious disasters.
As you can see, if we had entered the millennium forty years ago, trendy media opinion would have listed a number of things that would “inevitably” develop in the coming decades. Now we are reduced to one.
Today all the “inevitables” are gone but one. That is the inevitable “solution to the race problem” by immigration and integration. This “race problem” exists only in white majority countries.
A white country is said to have a race problem if there is racial friction. But there is also a “racial problem” if there is an area where there is no minority population, no “diversity.”
Over a hundred and twenty million Japanese, with a population more racially uniform than in any European country, has no “race problem.”
Red China, with ten times as many people and far more racial uniformity, has no “race problem.”
Sub-Saharan Africa, with a racial uniformity that would drive the integrators insane if it were white, has no race problem at all. A “race problem” exists only where whites predominate.
“Race problem” means “white problem.” The “solution to the race problem” always means “the solution to the white problem.”
Respectable conservatives never mention it, but the left uses code words. One of these is “the race problem.” This so-called “race problem” only exists in white-majority countries. When Australia limited immigration to whites only, it was a “race problem.” Any area which has an all-white population has a “race problem,” and needs to be integrated.
The one inevitable that every person who is allowed to speak out in our society is required to agree with is that, in the next millennium, “the race problem” will be solved.
Analog Magazine is the most prestigious publication in science fiction. Analog had always featured its cover art, beautiful representations of bold warriors and their women in ancient garb or in futuristic space uniforms doing heroic battle. They were all Nordics.
In the 1970s a liberal editor, Ben Bova, took Analog over for a short time. As a good liberal, Bova saw a future where there would be no Nordics. All white majority populations would, by then, be brown.
But Bova could not replace the Nordic features on his covers with pictures of random racial mixes. He did not want to put ugly people on the cover that was to sell his magazine. So throughout Bova’s short reign as editor, the uniforms or other clothes on the warriors covered their faces. You could never see what race they were.
Except once.
That one time during Bova’s editorship the race of the person on the cover was clearly shown. He was a pure black man, driving what appeared to be an anti-gravity tractor.
Several things were interesting about that one cover, but the one that is important here is something Bova did not even think about.
He insisted there would be no Nordics in the future, but he took it for granted there would be blacks. Africa would always have plenty of them, as would many Caribbean islands and the other solidly black countries of the world.
I am sure that it never occurred to any reader of the magazine that this was a totally racist, totally genocidal attitude. It is, after all, the only acceptable attitude of anyone who dares say a word in public in today’s society.
In many countries, you can go to prison for expressing any other attitude.
As we go into the third millennium, only one inevitable is left on which all allowable opinion agrees. That is that the new millennium will see the end of what liberals and moderates and respectable conservatives and the leaders who call themselves “Christian” conservatives all agree to refer to as “the race problem.”
All of our liberal, moderate, respectable conservative and so-called “Christian” leaders shout in unison that we must have “a final solution” to “the race problem.”
They shout about the dangers of “white racism” when we all know that we are targeted to disappear from the face of the earth. But anyone who even mentions this is declared anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews. And who is shouting the loudest? Respectable conservatives, of course, the people who call themselves the “conservers” of Western society!
Outside the United States, they don’t stop opposition to the last “inevitable” just by shouting and oppressing opponents economically. They use straight police state tactics. If you mention your concern with the disappearance of the white race from the earth in Canada, you are subject to criminal penalties. In Britain, under the race hate laws, a judge officially declared that “The truth is no excuse.”
In the cause of the code words “ending racism,” freedom of speech has simply ceased to exist throughout the Western world. In Canada, this jailing of people for expressing any white racial concern at all is already expanding to include sexism, criticizing gays and all other categories of Political Correctness.
And when it comes to racism, sexism, and more and more forms of Political Correctness, the Canadian courts are following the British judge’s dictum that “The truth is no excuse.”
There is already a tiny but growing reaction to this. This sort of criminalizing of Thought Crimes will be hard to sustain in the age of the Internet. But today’s conservatives will have no part in leading or taking advantage of this reaction.
So the so-called opposition in America shouts even louder that the only real problem in our society is that old code word, “racism.” The last thing you can depend on our so-called conservative opposition to the left to point to is the REAL problem.
This conservative dedication to genocide fits the pattern of what the Christian writer C. S. Lewis had in mind when he had Satan’s Senior Demon Screwtape give his formula for tricking men into eternal damnation. Screwtape explains to his nephew Wormwood how this sort of fashionable toadying is used to destroy humanity:
“The use of Fashion in thought is to distract the attention of men from their real dangers…The game is to have them all running around with fire extinguishers when there is a flood, and all crowding to that side of the boat which is already nearly gunwale under. Thus we make it fashionable to expose the dangers of enthusiasm at the very moment when they are all really becoming worldly and lukewarm…Cruel ages are put on their guard against Sentimentality…”
So today’s conservatives are helping liberals pursue this Screwtape approach. The real danger of the new century centers around the program to eliminate whites — or “the race problem.” Along with this program goes the War On Thought Crimes that is destroying freedom of thought and freedom of speech.
Meanwhile the right, which claims to be so Christian and so moral, is devoted only to being part of Fashionable Opinion on these issues.

Posted by Laura in Coaching Session, We Do What Works on 07/13/2020
Written by White&Normal
I’m sure I’m not the only one to notice a surge in our terminology.
I’m also sure I’m not the only one to notice the term “anti-white racism”.
We all know this is bad and will inevitably lead to “They’re the REAL racists.”
We need to hammer our term “Anti-Whitism” into this discourse.
That is all.

BASICS: Black Vandalism With A Diploma
Posted by Laura in Coaching Session, How Things Work, Race Matters on 06/25/2020
Written by Bob Whitaker
A Chevy Chase Movie in the 1970’s began with a little black boy going along with an old “church key” type bottle opener, down a line of parked cars, scraping the paint off each one by just holding the thing against the sides and walking.
Chase got his car out just in time, naturally then having a different disaster with it, and that was the joke. But the subtext that jumped out at me was the attitude the movie showed about the little black boy. No black people complained about that stereotype of a little black kid naturally doing his vandalism. Whites took it for granted, too.
The black boy’s vandalism was as routine for the 1970’s Yuppies the movie was made for as the garbage truck Chase then proceeded to ram his car into. They deal with it daily, routinely. They do not resent it because the black kid was not responsible for it. That’s the way blacks act.
“I’m gonna get you, sucka” is assumed to be a natural black attitude, and not just little street kids. When a black is pulled over, it is assumed that the cop is being racially prejudiced.
Actually there is no “prejudice” to it. People with black skins commit vastly more crimes than do people with white skins. No black is EVER mad at the BLACKS who DO this. They never mention it.
At all.
On Planet Earth, a black skin it exactly like any other clue. The cop doesn’t know you personally. If young blacks, half of whom are in the penal system, are driving slowly around a residential area, the REALITY is that they are far more likely to have criminal action in mind than they would be if their skins were white.
But if you are a black with a degree, the one thing Mommy Professor trained you think of is not the blacks who commit the crimes, but of the Evil Cops, including the black ones, who have to face reality every day.
Anti-whites will fly off the handle at this. But see if they can cite any black activists who blames the black criminals and vandals.

Robert W. Whitaker Archive Site
Posted by Laura in Bob, Coaching Session on 11/07/2019
We have been working to form a legacy site for Robert W. Whitaker. A site that contains ALL of Bob’s work. A collection of all his articles and audios (which we are transcribing to articles to make searching them easier). The most important function of this site is the search function. Being able to search ALL of Bob’s work via specific key words is imperative, and with this new site, we have been able to achieve that.
The new archive site is For BUGSers this site will be a priceless tool for searching Bob’s thoughts on subjects. The site will also have 4 new articles automatically routating daily, so be sure to check it regularly to see articles you may have never read before.
So far we have loaded the old site and the original whitakeronline blog. We are presently working on getting BUGS up there too.
To build this new site, maintain his other sites, hosting, security and build costs, so far we are at $2,000. I have set up a GoFundMe account to help off set some of these costs. If you are able to contribute some dollars to keeping Bob’s legacy alive, it would be greatly appreciated. Here is the link to the GoFundMe –
About Robert W. Whitaker
Bob Whitaker has been a college professor, international aviation negotiator, Capitol Hill staffer, Reagan Administration appointee, and writer for the Voice of America. He has written numerous articles and three books in his own name. He is perhaps best known for being the creator of The Mantra, a strategy to fight White Genocide. Robert resides now in Columbia, South Carolina.
Robert Whitaker was born in 1941. He entered the University of South Carolina at age sixteen and was a Political Science instructor at the age of nineteen. He then received a scholarship to study for a PhD in economics at the University of Virginia. Two of his eight graduate instructors there later won Nobel Prizes in Economics.
Both future Nobel Laureates left the University of Virginia while Robert was there. Robert’s second reader for his dissertation, James Buchanan, was “forced to leave” when a new dean took over who had vowed to “clean out that nest of right-wingers in the Economics Department.”
Robert was a professor of economics but was unable to complete his PhD because his field of specialization, Public Choice (the field in which the two graduate professors later won Nobel Prizes) was disliked after the faculty had been purged.
Robert then became involved in political activism and intelligence work.
Robert worked with William Rusher, publisher of National Review, in turning the so-called “Wallace Democrats” into “Reagan Democrats.” This was a move that respectable conservatives opposed vigorously. Robert’s 1976 book, A Plague on Both Your Houses, attacking both the liberal establishment and the watered-down Republican opposition, was a milestone in this campaign.
Robert worked on Capitol Hill from 1977 to 1982. During that period, two of his most personally gratifying accomplishments enjoyed today by all of us were saving the Hubble Telescopes and preventing the Internal Revenue Service from imposing racial quotas on private schools.
Despite his criticism of Ronald Reagan in A Plague on Both Your Houses, Robert was a Reagan appointee in charge of all civilian security clearances and federal staffing.
In 1982 Robert conceived and produced an anthology for St. Martin’s Press, The New Right Papers. It explained the strategy that led to Reagan’s 1980 victory by the people, including Robert himself, who made it a reality while conservatives dithered.
Robert left official Federal service in 1985. His third book, Why Johnny Can’t Think: America’s Professor-Priesthood goes into much more than just academia.

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