Archive for category Race Matters
BASICS: Black Vandalism With A Diploma
Posted by Laura in Coaching Session, How Things Work, Race Matters on 06/25/2020
Written by Bob Whitaker
A Chevy Chase Movie in the 1970’s began with a little black boy going along with an old “church key” type bottle opener, down a line of parked cars, scraping the paint off each one by just holding the thing against the sides and walking.
Chase got his car out just in time, naturally then having a different disaster with it, and that was the joke. But the subtext that jumped out at me was the attitude the movie showed about the little black boy. No black people complained about that stereotype of a little black kid naturally doing his vandalism. Whites took it for granted, too.
The black boy’s vandalism was as routine for the 1970’s Yuppies the movie was made for as the garbage truck Chase then proceeded to ram his car into. They deal with it daily, routinely. They do not resent it because the black kid was not responsible for it. That’s the way blacks act.
“I’m gonna get you, sucka” is assumed to be a natural black attitude, and not just little street kids. When a black is pulled over, it is assumed that the cop is being racially prejudiced.
Actually there is no “prejudice” to it. People with black skins commit vastly more crimes than do people with white skins. No black is EVER mad at the BLACKS who DO this. They never mention it.
At all.
On Planet Earth, a black skin it exactly like any other clue. The cop doesn’t know you personally. If young blacks, half of whom are in the penal system, are driving slowly around a residential area, the REALITY is that they are far more likely to have criminal action in mind than they would be if their skins were white.
But if you are a black with a degree, the one thing Mommy Professor trained you think of is not the blacks who commit the crimes, but of the Evil Cops, including the black ones, who have to face reality every day.
Anti-whites will fly off the handle at this. But see if they can cite any black activists who blames the black criminals and vandals.
The Left-Right Code
Posted by Laura in Coaching Session, How Things Work, Race Matters on 05/21/2019
Written by Bob Whitaker. Originally posted May 8th, 2006 –
Left-right is the establishment’s code for the race war that is growing.
Todays’ Republicans are the EXACT equivalent of the Whig Party that died in the 1850s.
It would not face the issue of the EXPANSION — NOT the existence — of slavery. The Republican Party completely replaced it almost overnight.
If you read the Republican platform, they bent over backwards insisting that the slave states had a right to their slaves. But, unlike the Whigs, they stood absoltely against the admission of any more slave states.
The Republican Party was formed in 1854 and it controlled the House of Representatives in 1855.
Let’s bring this up to date.
Democrats are dead right. At this moment the Republicans have a solidly white consituency and it gets whiter at every election.
Even as the white proportion of the electorate has shrunk, Republicans have gone from a minority to a majority.
Anyone who reads the history of the 1850s will wonder what the Whigs were DOING.
Anyone reading the history of our time will wonder what the Republicans were DOING.
The only group that took up the real issue before 1854 was the tiny Free Soil Party. It split from the tiny Liberty Party dedicated to abolition. The biggest weapon against the Free Soil Party was the word “Abolitionist!” just as the same effect is obtained today by calling us “Racist!”
We help out by ACTING like a tiny minority, aiming at a tiny split-off from the melting pot. We call that white nationalism.
But this does nothing about the threat more and more people every day see against our entire race.
We must insist on the right of our whole race to EXIST.
We must take the leadership in something that is in everyone’s minds, just as stopping the EXTENSION of slavery was in everybody’s mind in the 1850s. We must get off the defensive.
Every day the feeling that every white country is being overrun is growing.
Back in the 1850s this obvious winning position was stopped by screams of Abolitionism. Today the obvious winning position is stopped by cries of “Racism.”
The group that takes a solid and defiant position on the REAL issue, and on nothing else, is poised to win.
In 1852 there was no free soil major party. By 1855 it organized the House.
The difference was that someone finally took the stand, AND TOOK IT CLEARLY.
The next civil war will begin just as the last one did. A party will make a reasonable stand and those who cannot bear it will secede. THEY will turn it from a reasonable political strategy into a revolution.
The rioting minorities will turn OUR reasonable stance into a revolution.
But first we have to make a stand.
BUGS and Choosing Genes
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session, How Things Work, Race Matters on 12/22/2015
Today it seems like preserving our race means a basic revolution.
Let me repeat, front and center, that everything will change when genes become a matter of choice.
Everybody agrees, for instance, that looks don’t matter, and everybody knows that is bullshit.
Any time a black woman plays a romantic role, the script requires that everybody else say, over and over and over, ad nauseum, how beautiful she is.
If she is blond and blue eyed, absolutely nobody has to say she is beautiful.
Once genes become a matter of choice, there will be a whole new perspective in all other white genes.
When it goes from saying what you must say to the real future of your family, the world changes. The black guy whose life is built around getting a blond wife does not want mulatto children.
This gene choice is in the back of the top anti-white minds.
They at least subconsciously realize that they must ban any thought of someone demanding beautiful — meaning white — offspring.
In the future it will be obvious that we could have saved our race by fighting for the right of people simply to make them admit it is an acceptable concept.
They will wonder who so many pro-whites wasted so much precious time and effort trying to change society’s world view rather than simply legitimizing white survival.
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session, How Things Work, Race Matters, Religion on 11/19/2014
Jo3w commented that anti-white Christians are anti-white because they assume whites are more supreme than we are.
I replied:
jow3, My problem with what you say is based on my constant repetition that Western morality is based on the Christian lack of morality.
The sore point Old Testament believers have with science is Six Day Creationism.
The sore point with Christianity is never mentioned.
Much more than the Old Testament has a problem with Creationism, the New Testament has the problem that WE EXIST!
One reason Bible Belters quote the Old rather than the New Testament is because there is no FAMILY morality in the New Testament.
To Jesus and St Paul, the very IDEA of family was heresy.
So Christianity went back to the old pagan morality of Human Sacrifice which said that only the best should be sacrificed to the Gods.
Early Christian myths described couples out of the Hitler Youth Guidebook, tall, intelligent, beautiful. In the ideal ending, they would be chaste and childless, for God.
Look at all the popular Nun Movies, where a beautiful talented woman remains chaste.
God wants only the best human sacrifices.
It is on the assumption that whites are supreme that the entire basis of our self-destruction is based.
It never OCCURS to anti-white whites that there IS any other race for sacrifice — diversity — than the white one.
Christians, including C.S. Lewis, have long been able to accept their faith without the Six Day Creation clearly stated at the Bible’s beginning.
But they absolutely refuse to accept a genetic morality, without which the Golden Rule has no meaning at all.
“But I showed up” makes a much better story
Posted by Laura in General, How Things Work, Politics, Race Matters on 03/14/2014
Bobs comment:
Every time I went to a large meeting in any organization from Narcotics Anonymous to a campaign, someone pointed out that the first meeting was astonishingly tiny.
Everyone of the tiny handful at the first meeting already knew all the others.
This is the FIRST March 15 demonstration.
Some day you will tell people about it, how you stood out there alone or in tiny groups.
You are among The First.
“But I didn’t show up” makes a lousy thing to tell your grandchildren.
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