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- This topic has 37 replies, 23 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 2 months ago by Xenonian.
03/03/2013 at 12:39 am #37240Approaching WintersParticipant
Welcome to Mini Mantras Pro.
Once you familiarize yourself with this minis list, you will be equipped with many tools to spread the mantra and defend yourself against anti-Whites. We also suggest that you continue to build your skills at overcoming any spam filters that may block your comments. Spam filters are always changing so make an effort to continue learning more about them and how to get around them. If you have any problems then just ask some more experienced BUGS for help.
Anti-Whites say there should be no White Countries✓
Anti-Whites say there should be no White Cities✓
Anti-Whites say there should be no White Neighborhoods✓
Anti-Whites say there should be no White Workplaces✓
Anti-Whites say there should be no White Schools✓
Anti-Whites say there should be no White Sports✓
Anti-Whites say there should be no White Anything✓
Anti-Whites say there should be no Whites✓
Anti-racist is a >codeword< for anti-White.
White geNOcide!
Anti-Whites say there should be no White Countries✓
Anti-Whites say there should be no White Towns✓
Anti-Whites say there should be no White Neighborhoods✓
Anti-Whites say there should be no White Anything✓
Anti-Whites say there should be no White People✓
Immigration = Colonization – “Diversity” = Fewer White Children
“Multiculturalism” = WHITE GENOCIDE
Anti-racist is a >codeword< for anti-White
“Multiculturalism” is a program that is FORCED upon EVERY & ONLY White countries.
“Multiculturalism” is a program to turn EVERY White country into a non-White country.
This IS geNOcide. WHITE geNOcide.
If you are White, and you object to your own geNOcide, you are called a RACIST!
Well guess what, my people, White people, are catching on very quickly to the following two things:
1 – Multiculturalism is a code for White geNOcide.
2 – Anti-racist is a code for anti-White.
Nobody is saying that Africans in Africa will ever be a minority
Nobody is saying that Asians in Asia will ever be a minority.
So why are they saying Whites will be a minority in Britain in 2036?
And Sweden in 2024?
That’s because there’s MASSIVE non-White immigration in EVERY White country and ONLY White countries.
Because there’s a program of White geNOcide.
They say it’s “anti-racist” but it’s simply anti-White.
Anti-Racist is a code for anti-White.
Nobody says “let’s import MILLIONS of non-Blacks into EVERY & ONLY Black countries until Blacks become a minority, FORCE assimilate them into EVERY black community to create a “blended humanity”, give them Affirmative Action & free health care and push miscegenation 24/7 via movies/t.v shows & media(only in black countries)”
THEN, when the Blacks object we call them RACIST!
Of course not.
They only call WHITES “racist” for objecting to their own geNOcide.
Anti-racist is a >code< for anti-White
If “anti-racists” are so unconcerned with race, how come they only have a problem with White Countries, White Cities, White Neighborhoods, White Workplaces, White schools?
I’ve never seen any “anti-racist” complain that any place is too brown and it has to become LESS brown to combat racism.
Who do they think they are kidding?
“Multiculturalism” = White GeNOcide
Anti-Racist is a code for anti-White.
-Do you believe White children deserve a homeland?
-Do White children have a right to exist?
-Do you believe that tens of MILLIONS of non-Whites flooding into EVERY White country and ONLY into White countries and being force integrated/assimilated into EVERY facet of White society IS genocide?
If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, then you are a RacistNazi.
That makes YOU part of the RACE problem.Especially if you are White.
Anti-racist is a code for anti-White
1) Try to imagine how much brainwashing it would take to convince all the Asians in the world, that within their own countries, they need to go ahead and replace their children and grandchildren with Mexicans
2) Now imagine that they were so totally mind conditioned and brainwashed, that they really believed it would be “RACIST” not to???
If you manage to do that: Welcome to the world of the White Anti-Whites!!
There’s NOTHING dumber than a White Anti-White
Anti-racist is a code for anti-White
Imagine how much brainwashing it would take to convince the Japanese to flood Japan with NON-Japanese until they themselves become a minority
To convince them to force affirmative action AGAINST THEMSELVES with all those NON-Japanese
That this “diversity” is a strength
And to convince them that it would be “racist” to NOT do this to themselves
No need convincing WHITE anti-whites of this in EVERY white country, they’re already convinced
Anti-Racist is a code for Anti-White
Imagine if Saudi Arabia was being flooded with a plethora of foreigners
Chinese, Mexicans, Africans, Europeans etc, all flooding into Saudi Arabia.
Imagine if those foreigners started making babies with the Saudi women.
Imagine how much brainwashing it would take to convince the Saudi men to call each other “racist” if they objected to this.
Hard to imagine the Saudi men being so stupid isn’t it?
Welcome to the world of White anti-Whites
Anti-racist is a code for anti-White
Smash the GENOCIDAL anti-White system with a consistent message. Nothing is more powerful than sound!
Africa for the Africans
Asia for the Asians
White countries for EVERYONE!?
That’s genocide!
Anti-racist is a >codeword< for anti-White!
Why is it that EVERY white country is forced to be multicultural/multiracial?
Why is it that EVERY white country is told to end its own race/culture?
No one asks that of -ANY- non-White country.
Immigration/assimilation is FORCED upon ONLY White countries
Anti-whites call themselves “anti-racists” but their actions lead to the elimination of only one race, the White race.
The purpose of “anti-racism” is to genocide White children.
Anti-racist is a code for anti-White
If I hated a race, I might campaign to flood all of their countries with MILLIONS of people that are not their race, and tell everyone to “mix in” until no people of that kind were left.
If anyone objected, I would scream the R-word! at them and get them fired from their jobs.
If I hated a certain race, I might do that, but I am not doing that.
Anti-Whites are doing it to White people in EVERY & ONLY White countries.
It’s WHITE geNOcide!
Anti-Racist is a code for anti-White.
Excuse me, but could any sane person not realize that flooding EVERY & ONLY White countries with MILLIONS of non-Whites and telling everyone to “assimilate” to create a blended humanity IS white GENOCIDE?
Africa will still be full of Africans
Asia will still be full of Asians
Only White children will suffer from this insanity.
iT’s wHitE geNOcide
Except they don’t call it GENOCIDE when it’s done to White children.
They call it “diversity”
Anti-racist is a code for anti-White
Everyone talks about this RACE problem and says that this RACE problem will be over when the third-world pours into EVERY White country and ONLY into WHITE countries.
Everyone says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY White country and ONLY White countries to “assimilate,” that is, intermarry, with all those non-Whites.
They’re pushing wHiTe geNOcide!
They claim they are “anti-racist”, what they are is anti-White
Anti-racist is a code for anti-White
The words “immigration”, “tolerance” and “assimilation” are being used to PROMOTE a program of geNOcide against White children.
According to International Law, open borders, FORCED integration, and assimilation is GENOCIDE.
Except they don’t call it GENOCIDE when it’s done to White children.
Then they call it “multiculturalism”
Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White
Imagine what WHITE GENOCIDE would be like.
You would have to flood EVERY & ONLY white countries with millions of non-whites.
Then you would have to demoralize ALL whites by screaming the R-Word! at them if they objected
Then you would have to pass laws to FORCE integrate all those non-whites into every facet of White society
Then you would have to…Oh wait. This is already happening!
They say it’s “anti-racist” but it’s simply anti-White
Anti-racist is a code for anti-White
Why are ONLY white children taught to “embrace” racial diversity as they become minorities in Europe and ALL the lands their ancestors fought & died for with blood, sweat & tears?
For thousands of years they fought & died to defend their lands for their beloved white children
But now the anti-white establishment is destroying the white race by flooding EVERY & ONLY white countries with MILLIONS of non-whites and FORCE assimilating them
iT’s wHitE geNOcide
Anti-Racist is a code for Anti-White
A white person who loves their race and wants to see it survive into the future is deemed a “HATER” “RACIST” “WHITE SUPREMACIST” “NAZI” by the anti-white Establishment.
Meanwhile, the anti-white Establishment and its supporters are doing their best to eliminate white children via MASS non-White immigration and “assimilation” in EVERY & ONLY White countries.
This IS White geNOcide!
Anti-racist is a code word for Anti-White.
“Anti-racists” never complain about Chinese privilege in China.
“Anti-racists” never complain about Japanese privilege in Japan.
“Anti-racists” never complain about Nigerian privilege in Nigeria.
“Anti-racists” ONLY complain about White privilege in White countries.
“Anti-racists” WANT White geNOcide!
They say they’re “anti-racist”, what they are is anti-White.
Anti-racist is a code for anti-White.
“Diversity” is a code for “Fewer White People.”
“Diversity is our greatest strength” is a code for
—“White People is our Greatest Weakness.”—
White liberal supporters of “multiculturalism” amount to nothing more than opportunist parasites riding on the back of a social fungus attacking the body politic.
They support white geNOcide.
Anti-racist is a codeword for Anti-White.
IMMIGRATION = = = = = Just means LESS White people.
MULTICULTURALISM = Just means LESS White people.
DIVERSITY = = = = = = Just means LESS White people.
INTEGRATION = = = = = Just means LESS White people.
ASSIMILATION = = = = = Just means LESS White people.
RACE-MIXING = = = = = Just means LESS White people.
Anti-Racist is a code for Anti-White
Name ONE single non-white country who’s people are at risk of becoming a minority.
You can’t, there are none.
Name ONE single white country who’s people AREN’T at risk of becoming a minority.
You can’t, there are none.
That’s because there is a program of white geNOcide.
They say it’s “anti-racist”, but it’s simply anti-white.
Anti-Racist is a code for Anti-White.
The “Melting Pot” agenda is for EVERY White country and ONLY White countries!
It’s not for Japan
It’s not for India
It’s not for Kenya
It’s not for Saudi Arabia
It’s not for Mexico
It’s for EVERY White country on earth. Whites countries need to be MELTED and if you disagree then you are a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews! Any planned eradication of a race (aka “Melting Pot” for EVERY White country) IS geNOcide.
Anti-Racist is a codeword for Anti-White
Anti-racist is a code for anti-White.
“Anti-racists” SAY they are against white racists, white racism, and white privilege.
What they are REALLY against is white culture, white civilization, and white people.
They SAY they want a world without “hate”, without “racism”.
What they REALLY want is a world without white people.
What they REALLY want is a world without YOU.
What they REALLY want is White geNOcide!
Anti-racist is a >codeword< for anti-White
When we have: Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White Countries for EVERYBODY, what do we have over periods of time?
We have fewer and fewer White children
When we mix more and more non-Whites with fewer and fewer Whites in the same living space?
In time, White extinction. Its genocide because this doesn’t happen by chance. It is being forced upon Whites just like a rapist does not take no for an answer
How is this not White geNOcide?
Anti-racist is a code for anti-white
Plan for White geNOcide that “anti-racists” implement:
1) Flood EVERY & ONLY White countries with MILLIONS of non-Whites
2) Force integrate these immigrants into White communities. This is done with the aid of Federal Laws
3) Push interracial relationships night and day in the media & newspaper
advertisements, in ONLY White countries
4) Anyone that objects is called the r-word!
5) Then, inform the Whites of their inevitable brown future
Anti-Racist is a code for anti-White
I have a question for the anti-White academics:
– African-American studies celebrates blacks.
– Asian-American studies celebrates asians.
– Chicano studies celebrates hispanics.
– Whiteness studies denies that White people even EXIST, and that these White people (who don’t exist) have unearned “White privilege” and that embracing their own White geNOcide is good and moral.
Here is my question:
Who do you think you are kidding anti-Whites?
Anti-racist is a code for anti-White
——————————————————————————————————————————-PART TWO – COUNTER ANTI-WHITE RESPONSES.
——————————————————————————————————————————-1 – IT IS NOT GENOCIDE
Article 2, Part (c) of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide from 1948 defines genocide as:
Deliberately inflicting on the group CONDITIONS OF LIFE calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.
MASSIVE non-White Immigration, FORCED Assimilation/Integration & Diversity programs that target EVERY & ONLY White Nations?
All these “conditions” ULTIMATELY lead to WHITE GENOCIDE!
Anti-Racist is a code for anti-White.
The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide 1948, defines genocide as “any of a number of acts committed with the intent to destroy in whole or in part a national, ethnic, RACIAL or religious group: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; DELIBERATELY INFLICTING ON THE GROUP CONDITIONS OF LIFE calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”
It does NOT have to be violent
It’s White geNOcide
“Genocide involves the attempt to achieve the disappearance of a group by whatever means. It does not have to be violent, it could be a combination of policies that would lead to a certain group dying out.” Malcolm Fraser (Prime Minister of Australia 1975-1983)
Force flooding EVERY & ONLY White countries with MILLIONS of non-Whites and FORCE assimilating them into all aspects of white society IS geNOcide.
Nobody’s doing this to ANY Asian or Black country.
Anti-racist is a >code< for anti-White.
1 – FORCE flood EVERY & ONLY WHITE countries with MILLIONS of non-Whites until White children are a minority.
2 – FORCE assimilate them into all aspects of White society.
3 – 24/7 push interracial marriage in the movies, t.v shows and media.
4 – Instill as much fear into the Whites as possible to not object to their own genocide by verbally attacking them “RACIST”“NAZI”“WHITE SUPREMACIST”, get them fired from their jobs, threaten them with violence them etc.
If EVERY & ONLY Black countries in 1965 opened their borders and let hundreds of millions of non-Blacks into their countries, then people in government/media force assimilated these non-Blacks into the Black population, and then 90 years later, Blacks are expected to be minorities in those countries; that’s not done by accident.
It’s obviously a plan to wipe out the Black race. AKA GENOCIDE
This is what’s being done to my people, White people. It IS genocide.
Anti-racist is a code for anti-White
When White people are predicted to be minorities in EVERY-SINGLE White country on the planet by 2032, “anti-racists” PROMOTE this as “diversity” and “multiculturalism”.
If ANY people in just ONE-SINGLE non-White country were predicted to be a minority by 2032,(due to FORCED foreign race immigration & FORCED assimilation) “anti-racists” would SCREAM! – “GENOCIDE! GENOCIDE!”
They say they are “anti-racist”, what they are is anti-White.
Anti-Racist is a code for anti-White.
In the 1960′s “Anti-racists” forced EVERY & ONLY white countries to open their borders to massive non-white immigration.
Then “Anti-racists” FORCED ALL & ONLY white people to “integrate” or face consequences for being “intolerant”.
Now “Anti-racists” are calculating that ALL and ONLY white children will become minorities and eventually EXTINCT!
If “Anti-racists” did this to EVERY & ONLY black countries, IT WOULD be called a GENOCIDE!
Anti-racist is a >code< for anti-White
China has taken steps to force immigrate and assimilate themselves into Tibet.
This has routinely been labeled Genocide by the UN and “Anti-racist” groups.
Yet you will never hear a peep about the clear and consistent Targeting of White Children to FORCE assimilate with non-Whites in their own societies.
FORCE flooding EVERY & ONLY White countries with MILLIONS of non-Whites and force assimilating them to create a “blended humanity” is White geNOcide.
Anti-racist is a >codeword< for anti-White.
UN Law doesn’t specify METHOD of genocide, for the good reason, that sneaky people would find sneaky ways to get around that law.
Trying to make identifiable groups disappear, using any METHOD is genocide.
The UN calls what the Chinese are doing in Tibet, Genocide.
Without a vote, or discussion allowed, the Chinese are using massive immigration and forced integration,against the Tibetans until they all disappear.
Force assimilating MILLIONS of non-Whites in EVERY&ONLY White countries IS geNOcide
My people, White People, are only 8% of the global population, with only 2% being women of child bearing age. Hundreds of millions of non-Whites are pouring into EVERY & ONLY White countries.
Our governments are FORCE integrating/assimilation us with all these non-Whites. This is clearly a program to make White children minorities (and worse) in ALL the countries their ancestors built and created.
Africa is STILL FULL of Africans
Asia is STILL FULL of Asians
Only Whites are targeted for GENOCIDE
Do you agree that If Saddam Hussein had flooded the Kurdish villages with non-Kurds and ordered the Kurds to “assimilate” and “celebrate this diversity”, thereby demographically wiping out the Kurds as an ethnic group, he WOULD have been GUILTY of committing an intentional act of genocide?
Isn’t that what you anti-Whites are doing to us by flooding EVERY&ONLY White countries with non-Whites and force assimilating us to create some “blended humanity”?
Telling us to “celebrate diversity”?
What is happening to Whites IS GENOCIDE.
ANY conditions imposed on a RACE that lead to its eventual non-existence is geNOcide. Assimilation is a KNOWN tactic of Genocide.
If we are denied anywhere for ourselves, denied enough homogenous space for our long term preservation, and you support that, then YOU support White geNOcide. Naturally only an anti-White would justify White geNOcide.
This IS White geNOcide.
Anti-racist is a >codeword< for anti-White.
——————————————————————————————————————————-2 – IT IS NOT FORCED/IT’S FREEDOM
If diversity isn’t forced, why is there affirmative action & racial employment quotas?
If diversity isn’t forced, why aren’t White people allowed to vote to stop mass non-White immigration in EVERY & ONLY White countries?
If diversity isn’t forced, why is assimilation of non-Whites in EVERY & ONLY White communities forced?
If diversity isn’t forced, then you describe the diversity we are forced to accept.
“Diversity” is a codeword for White geNOcide.
Anti-Racist is a codeword for Anti-White.
Nobody says “let’s import MILLIONS of non-Blacks into EVERY & ONLY Black countries until Blacks become a minority, FORCE integrate/assimilate them into EVERY black community to create a “blended humanity”, give them Affirmative Action & free health care and push miscegenation 24/7 via movies/t.v shows & media(only in black countries)”
THEN, when the Blacks object we will tell them “don’t worry you RACIST, no-one is forcing you to marry non-Blacks”
Anti-racist is a >code< for anti-White
Nobody says “let’s import MILLIONS of non-Blacks into EVERY & ONLY Black countries until Blacks become a minority, FORCE integrate/assimilate them into EVERY black community to create a “blended humanity”, give them Affirmative Action & free health care and push miscegenation 24/7 via movies/t.v shows & media(only in black countries)”
THEN, when the Blacks object we will tell them “don’t worry you RACIST, you are free to move to another country”
Anti-racist is a >code< for anti-White
Mass foreign race immigration did not happen “with mutual consent”.
It was FORCED.
No White country was EVER given a vote on whether it wanted to become multiracial.
Foreign race Assimilation is FORCED in EVERY & ONLY White countries in employment, law, education, housing, healthcare, sports, policing etc.
An “all-White” anything is illegal in White countries. Combine mass immigration and FORCED assimilation and you have a clear policy of White geNOcide.
Anti-racist is a >code< for Anti-White.
“We’re not encouraging Whites to have sex with someone from another ethnicity”
You lie anti-White!
Sarkozy said that “not to intermarry racially is bad for the survival of the country”
Why is that “OK” and not “racist”, but a White person saying they believe in white racial survival is an “evil racist”?
You anti-Whites are allowed to promote interracial marriage in media, schools and entertainment, yet Whites aren’t allowed to promote same race marriage without being attacked by “anti-racists”!
Whites in their own countries were never asked by politicians if they wanted this mass foreign race immigration and FORCED integration, the same way the citizens of the USSR (who also voted in “elections”) were never asked if they wanted communism.
Yet no one claims the existence of “elections” in the USSR made the communist system legitimate.
But anti-Whites like you always try to make the ongoing program of White genocide seem “legitimate.”
Anti-racist is a >codeword< for anti-White.
What you don’t realize is that White people have NOT CONSENTED to having their borders opened to non-White immigration.
This is something that has been FORCED down the throats of my people, White people.
French President “Sarkozy” (who is Jewish) actually insisted that the indigenous White French people must racially intermarry & or there will be DIRE CONSEQUENCES if they don’t.
White people objecting to these sick polices are threatened with violence.
Anti-Racist is a >codeword< for Anti-White
What you don’t realize is that White people have not consented to having their borders opened to floods of non-White immigration, PERIOD.
This is something that has been FORCED down the throats of White people and ONLY White people.
We have been systematically targeted for a particular form of geNOcide, in this case a FORCE-assimilation (same as Tibet).
We have not consented to being assimilated out of existence, that’s what makes this a geNOcide.
Anti-racist is a >code< for anti-White
Google images of White girls being marched into schools with Africans at bayonet point.
Google a list of the FORCED integration of schools; anti-Whites forcing non-White immigration into every White country, making it illegal to have a White town or business, FORCE integrating non-Whites.
Mandating that every White business hire a minimum number of non-Whites.
Constantly implementing “diversity” policies to get more non-Whites into every White country, school, business and organization etc…
Anti-whites like to say Diversity is “freedom” for non-Whites to enter White living space and “mix in” with whomever they wish.
However, us Whites are not allowed to refuse this freedom, so it is the anti-whites diversity we are FORCED to accept.
What you don’t realize is that we have not consented to having our borders opened to floods of non-White immigrants, PERIOD.
This is something that has been FORCED down the throats of my people.
It’s White geNOcide.
Anti-racist is a code for anti-White
Anti-Whites decided EVERY White country should be a “melting pot”!
I didn’t. My people didn’t, there was no public voting on this.
So why do they have the moral authority to flood my people with millions of non-White immigrants, then FORCE assimilate these non-Whites with my people until we become minorities in our own homes? Why isn’t Africa, or Asia, or the Middle east a “melting pot”.
If all this “diversity” and “multiculturalism” is so good, why keep it for EVERY and ONLY White countries?
Why do you genocidal anti-Whites keep using the word, “Freedom”??? lol It is not “freedom”, it is geNOcide.
ONLY White people are NOT allowed to say NO! to this MASS foreign race immigration and FORCED integration/assimilation to create some “blended humanity”.
“Anti-racists” FORCE EVERY & -ONLY- White countries to take in MASS foreign race immigration.
If we are not allowed to say no, that is NOT freedom.
That is FORCING and it’s White geNOcide.
Anti-racist is a >codeword< for anti-White
——————————————————————————————————————————-3 – IT IS NOT CONTRIVED
I’m sure the massive non-White immigration and forced assimilation into EVERY & ONLY White countries is just a big accident.
Maybe it is a statistical anomaly, huh?
It just so happened that 92% of the worlds population must be flooded and assimilated into where 8% of the worlds population lives and ONLY into where the 8% of the worlds population lives.
It’s just a big coincidence that the 8% is White
“Multiculturalism” = White geNOcide
Anti-racist is a code for anti-White
——————————————————————————————————————————-4 – USES HISTORY TO JUSTIFY WHITE GENOCIDE
Japan colonized over 3,000 islands (it has its own Wikipedia page), parts of China, Korea, and nearly wiped out the Ainu.
Yet no “anti-racists” are demanding that Japan, be turned into a brown mixture of this and that to “pay” for this.
“Anti-racists” only demand that EVERY White country become non-White in order to “pay” for their colonial history.
They are FORCING White geNOcide.
“Multiculturalism” is a code for White geNOcide.
Anti-racist is a code for anti-White
Japan is 99% Japanese.
Japan does not let foreigners vote and kicks them out all the time.
Japan is RICH, has a low birth rate, and a horrendous colonial history.
Yet no one is demanding the Japanese in Japan, be replaced with a “Blended humanity” to end “racism”.
They only FORCE -WHITE- geNOcide.
This is the common ground on which anti-Whites say we must all agree:
What is non-White belongs to non-Whites. What is White also belongs to non-Whites.
Anti-racist is a code for anti-White.
All you know is an anti-White version of history.
Muslims conquered hundreds of millions, killed tens of millions and enslaved at least one million Whites.
Japan has a horrible colonial record including using rape as a tactic.
Aztecs, Mayans and Zulus all conquered & enslaved.
“Native Americans” (i.e. Siberian-Indians) were the first slave owners in North America.
This is common to ALL humans
But you ONLY demand the geNOcide of one people, White people
Anti-racist is a code for anti-White
The Ottoman empire colonized Greece and still has Istanbul to this day (originally, Constantinople).
Go tell the Turkish to get out of Istanbul because they stole it.
Muslims in Europe are AT THIS MOMENT taking over White countries.
Go tell Muslims to get out of Europe because they’re colonizing it with immigration.
We all know you won’t, that’s because you’re an anti-White
You say you are “anti-racist”, what you are is anti-White.
Anti-racist is a >code< for anti-White.
The muslim Turks, the muslim Arabs, and the muslim Moors stole land from my people, White Europeans and made White Europeans slaves.
Unlike the Black slaves in the U.S. (who were sold by their “brothas” to Whites) who were house workers and became defacto members of wealthy Southern White families; the Turks kidnapped White children and brainwashed them to fight on the front lines against their own people!
Care to JUSTIFY muslim genocide by mass foreign race immigration and forced assimilation?
The Zulus wiped out the Hottentots, the Japanese wiped the Ainu, Turks and Arabs stole land from Whites and made White children slaves.
The Mohawks wiped out the Hurons, scalped them alive, “baptized” their scalped heads with boiling water, then “adorned” them with fire branded “necklaces”.
Just look at what Genghis Khan and the mongols did!
But YOU anti-Whites only ever justify the Genocide of my people, White people, “because of history”.
Anti-racist is a >codeword< for anti-White.
You think Islam didn’t go on wars of conquest, or the Huns, or do you think Indian tribes didn’t conquer other tribes?Stop singling out my race – White People for hate.
I don’t single out Muslims for it.
If you are going give a collective negative or positive toward a race, then you better not leave out the incredible positives of Europeans.
One of them is the technology that you are using right now to spout your anti-Whiteism while calling us “raaacisss”!
Anti-racist is a code for anti-White
Ever hear of the Chinese occupation of Tibet?
The Japanese wiping out the Ainu?
Saddam Hussein and the Kurds?
The Sunni and the Shea? Muslims kill one another all the time.
In Darfur and Rwanda blacks hack each other to bits, and rape and kill one another.
The entire planet is a fireball of ethnic conflicts, but you anti-Whites blame Joe European for it all.
You want to demonize my race, for your White geNOcidal intent!
Anti-racist is a >codeword< for anti-White.
The thing is, Turks did bad things to Anatolian Greeks to get what’s now Turkey, and Japanese did bad things to the Ainu to get what’s now Japan.
No one says the Turks or Japanese, or any non-Whites don’t deserve their country for past bad acts.
Whites took land away from Indians. Turks took land away from Whites. One Indian tribe took the land away from another Indian tribe.
Non of which justifies the ongoing program of White geNOcide.
Anti-racist is a >codeword< for anti-White.
The Zulus in Africa conquered and nearly wiped out the Hottentots.
The Ottoman and Moorish empires stole large parts of Europe and forced the Whites to be slaves.
But nobody says that ANY African country or ANY Muslim country needs to accept and integrate with MILLIONS of non-Muslims because of this.
Yet “anti-racists” are FORCING mass foreign race immigration and FORCED assimilation in EVERY&ONLY -WHITE- countries, “because of history”
It’s White geNOcide!
Anti-racist is a code for anti-White
Are you just another white anti-white?
That’s so original.
Mao killed more people than anyone in all of history, so does that justify on ongoing program of genocide of the Chinese?
Of course not.
Using history to justify genocide is only good if it targets WHITE children.
Don’t you agree Anti-White?
Anti-Racist is a >codeword< for Anti-White.
By spending countless time, resources & manpower developing agriculture, medicine, electricity etc… and then sharing what we developed with other races, greatly improving their standard of living; our race has somehow “ruined the world” and we must atone for this great sin by giving even more away to non-Whites, including ALL of our own countries until we’re “assimilated” our of existence.
My people have contributed so many great things yet all you anti-Whites want is to geNOcide white children.
——————————————————————————————————————————-5 – RACE IS A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT/WE ALL BLEED RED/WE ARE ALL ONE RACE etc.
“Because of history?” does not justify white geNOcide
“For the economy!” does not justify white geNOcide
“Low birth rates!” does not justify white geNOcide
“We all bleed red!” does not justify white geNOcide
“We are all human!” does not justify white geNOcide
“Race is just a social construct!” does not justify white geNOcide
“We are all from Africa!” does not justify white geNOcide
Anti-Racist is a >codeword< for Anti-White
How to spot an anti-White:
1) They deny that race exists; race is just a “social construct.”
2) They blame everything on White people… who don’t exist.
3) They wish for GENOCIDE via mass foreign race immigration and FORCED assimilation.
4) They try to justify White GENOCIDE – see point number two.
5) They say that any White people that object to their own GENOCIDE should not be allowed to speak because they’re a ‘naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews’!!
Anti-racist is a >codeword< for anti-White
Imagine if Africa was being FORCE flooded with non-Africans.
Imagine if the birth rate of those NON-Africans exceeded that of the Africans.
Imagine if those non-Africans were FORCE assimilated into EVERY black community to create some “blended humanity” but ONLY in Africa. Now, would “anti-racists” tell the African children “don’t worry, there is only one race, the human race”???
Of course not!
They only say that to justify the WHITE geNOcide.
Anti-racist is a >codeword< for anti-White.
O.k. if we are “all people” and “race is just skin color”, name me one Black country that should be flooded with non-Blacks until blacks become a minority.
Give those non-blacks free healthcare & affirmative action and push miscegenation 24/7 in the movies/t.v shows and media, but ONLY in black countries.
Answer me, which black country shall we do this to???
Or are you just anti-White?
Anti-racist is a >codeword< for anti-White
You’re not going to Africa saying “we are all human” & forcing Africans to accept multiCULTuralism & multi-racialism until they become a minority.
You’re not going to Asia saying “we are all human” & forcing Asians to accept multiCULTuralism & multi-racialism
until they become a minority.
You anti-Whites only use “we are all human” as a justification for the geNOcide of White children.
We know the “anti-racists” goal IS White geNOcide.
Anti-racist is a >codeword< for anti-White
Go to all the Black countries in the world such as Nigeria, Congo, Zambia, etc, force mass non-Black immigration into Black countries, force “integration”, promote “assimilation” in the media, schools and government and demonize, ruin, and threaten any Black person who’s against this forced diversity until Black children are minorities in their own countries (or worse).
Then tell the Black people that are left “don’t worry we are all one people”
Who do you think you are kidding anti-White?
*Nations = Race = Uniqueness*
Would you call for all birds to be the same?
Would you call for all flowers to be the same?
Would you call for all dogs to be the same?
Or course not!
But the thing is, you’re not calling for ALL the races to be the same, in ALL countries, “because we are all human”.
You’re only pushing this in EVERY –WHITE– country.
We can see that you are trying to justify White geNOcide.
Who do you think you’re kidding anti-Whites???
Anti-racist is a >codword< for anti-White
Ah, the ole “out of Africa” hypothesis.
Why is that hypothesis only used to benefit non-Whites in EVERY White country, outside of Africa?
In America & Europe, we’re told “we’re all from Africa” so we have to set aside our ethnic interests to not offend our Black “cousins”??
Nobody says “Let’s force flood Africa with non-Africans until Africans become a minority”
THEN, when the Africans object we will just tell them “this is our land! we are from here silly”
Of course not!
If there is no such thing as race, there is no such thing as genocide.
A murderer on death row will swear he is innocent of murder if there is no body.
How are the two different?
Both are equally delusional.
Would you give up on prosecuting a murderer because he is delusional? Or course not.
My people, White people are not going to give up on exposing your sick genocidal intent when you tell us “race is a social construct”
We know you want White geNOcide.
Anti-racist is a code for anti-White
If we are the same, then when skeletal remains are found forensic pathologists would say “we have the remains of a male/female human”
They don’t
Instead we hear “we have the remains of a Caucasian male/female or Negro male/female”.
So are you saying that forensic pathologists are wrong?
You anti-Whites always act like race isn’t real ONLY when it comes to the ongoing program of White geNOcide.
You anti-Whites have no problem identifying race when it comes to affirmative action against Whites!
Question for the anti-whites, if race is “just skin color”, why is skin color so important to you?
You do not advocate for the elimination of Black, Yellow, nor Brown skin color.
YOU anti-Whites only ever advocate for the elimination of White skin color, my skin color.
Isn’t that genocide?
Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, White countries for EVERYBODY!
If it’s ”just skin color”, then what’s the problem with preserving white “skin color”???
Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White
The UN Genocide Law, SPECIFICALLY recognizes the existence of RACE as an “Identifiable Group” Your attempt to dehumanize White people by saying we are a social construct and we do not exist, will not work.
Dehumanization is one of the 8 steps of genocide.
No one is going to Africa or Asia and telling the people there, Blacks or Asians do not exist, and then force flooding their countries with MILLIONS of foreign race immigrants until they’re a minority!
That’s ONLY done in White countries!
Why are you trying to deny the existence of a group, anti-White?
This is a process called ‘dehumanization’ and common in those complicit with the crime of GENOCIDE.
Do you support mass foreign race immigration, FORCED Multi-racialism in EVERY White country and ONLY White countries?
Do you support White geNOcide?
Anti racist is a >codeword< for anti White
Anti-Whites have such a strong sense of White racial identity that they will routinely associate collective guilt to White children for things that happened thousands of miles away, and hundreds of years before those White children were even born.
And yet when white people defend themselves and object to the ongoing program of White geNOcide, those same anti-Whites will also look you straight in the eye and tell you that the White race is just a social construct that does not actually exist.
——————————————————————————————————————————-6 – AMERICA IS NOT FOR WHITES
You are telling us that the founding fathers who did not allow non-whites to become citizens felt that America should one day become brown???
What are they teaching you kids in grade school these days?
Africa for the Africans
Asia for the Asians
White Countries for EVERYONE!
That’s genocide!
And you are trying to justify it anti-White!
Anti-racist is a code for anti-White.
At our founding, we had the highest number of native-born Whites in our history.
Those who created the US were White & specifically founded the US for their “posterity” (their collateral descendants).
Saying otherwise is dishonest & anti-White.
You’d never say that Turks don’t have a right to Turkey or the Japanese don’t have a right to Japan, because they “stole” that land.
So why are you trying to justify the ongoing program of White geNOcide “because of history”??
If a group of Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Mongolian, and Taiwanese people are founding a country and declare it is “for ourselves and our posterity”, they are NOT talking about some Black guy from Africa, some White guy from Europe, or some Mestizo guy from South America.
They’re talking about ASIAN people.
That’s what posterity means.
Why are you trying to justify the ongoing program of White geNOcide???
Anti-racist is a code for anti-White.
The Preamble to the United States Constitution states: “for ourselves and our Posterity”.
If the Asians took some land in a war, and then said “We claim this land for ourselves and our Posterity”, they’re not talking about Mexicans, or Africans, or Europeans.
They’re talking about Asians and ONLY Asians!
Tell us exactly where in the US constitution it says “We are a melting pot” or “We must bring in millions of foreign race immigrants and assimilate with them until Whites become a minority.”
Those who created the US were White and specifically founded the US “for ourselves and our Posterity” (their collateral descendants).
Do you consider Mexicans and Somalis to be the posterity of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, etc.?
Or did your anti-White Mommy Professor teach you that words can mean whatever White Genocide requires them to mean?
You’re trying to justify White geNOcide anti-White.
Anti-racist is a code for anti-White.
Every country on this world was built by immigrants.
People don’t grow out of the dirt of the land they live in.
The Chinese could argue that Tibet is a “nation of immigrants”, and then flood Tibet with millions of Chinese and force-integrate them into Tibet.
It’s still genocide according to the United Nations.
You anti-Whites ONLY ever argue for this to be done to EVERY White country and ONLY White countries.
You are demanding and justifying the GENOCIDE of my people.
Do the turks give exclusive living spaces (reserves) to the Greeks in honor of their defeat?
Do the Japanese give exclusive living spaces (reserves) to the Ainu in honor of their defeat?
Of course not.
So how does flooding America with foreign races who would clearly abolish the Siberian Indians “reserves”, help the Siberian Indians AT ALL??
Answer: It doesn’t!
If anything it is detrimental.
The truth is, you don’t care about the Siberian Indians, you’re just trying to justify White geNOcide!
Yes, America is definitely a White country. The US was created solely by White people.
Until just a few decades ago she was 90% White. The Constitution dedicates America to “ Secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and OUR Posterity.”
That was White people writing those words, so they meant White people`s Posterity, not the non-White global herd of “New Citizens” you anti-Whites have foisted on us.
You’re trying to justify White geNOcide anti-White.
Anti-racist is a code for anti-White
The USA is for White people, Silly!
It says so right in the Constitution “for ourselves and OUR posterity”, remember?
The USA is not for Everybody, why do you think you have the right to take away White children’s countries and give them to 3rd Worlders?
That’s very Anti-White.
Creating a ‘melting pot’ of freaky ‘blended humanity’ in EVERY White country is an act of Genocide. Why do you justify White Genocide?
Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White
——————————————————————————————————————————-7 – LOW BIRTH RATE
If someone REALLY cared about the birth-rate of that particular White country they would be campaigning to raise awareness of their low birth-rate or petitioning the government to offer help to families.
They WOULD NOT import millions of non-White immigrants, give them free money, and encourage everyone to “mix together” to make a “blended humanity” in ONLY that White country.
That would be genocide.
That’s what YOU anti-Whites are doing.
Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.
——————————————————————————————————————————-8 – WHITE COUNTRIES ARE WEALTHY
Here’s some rich non-White countries by world standards:
Does Singapore require diversity?
Does Malaysia require diversity?
Does Israel require diversity?
Does the UAE require diversity?
How about China? Does China require diversity until their people are a minority? China is on the way to becoming wealthy, so we should start early on that, right?
You see we are on to you anti-Whites. We know what the end goal is. Dress it up how you like, what you want is White geNOcide.
——————————————————————————————————————————-9 – WHAT IS A WHITE COUNTRY?
Don’t be so provincial anti-White. White GeNOcide is not a local issue. It is a global issue. And no one is coming to America to live in Tepees.
They are coming to take what White people built.
Google: White Minority USA/Canada, White Minority UK, White Minority Germany, White Minority France, White Minority Australia, White Minority New Zealand, etc for all White countries – you will get tons of hits.
Then Google Black/Asian minority, for Black/Asian countries – you will get no hits.
——————————————————————————————————————————-03/03/2013 at 5:44 pm #37281JasonParticipantThanks for compiling a list specifically for YouTube.
03/03/2013 at 7:26 pm #37289Henry DavenportParticipant“DO NOT move it via copy/paste within your word processor.”
I couldn’t tell for sure if you had experimented with exactly this, or if you were just telling us how to be safe for sure, based on the results of your other experiments.
Did you actually experiment with that particular thing, or just with copying from a word processor to some other place (like into the youtube box, but without posting it), and then copying back into your word processor, and then back onto youtube?
I sure would like to be able to move minis around in my own files in my own computer.
Very interesting that youtube has apparently built their spam wall more by targeting copying and pasting than by targeting repetition! That seems to be the central discovery of your investigations.
03/03/2013 at 11:54 pm #37307Henry DavenportParticipantAt this hour my brain isn’t able to produce the words of admiration and appreciation I’d like to say to you! Great work!
I’m a computer idiot, never heard of “pages,” and use the simple word processor “text edit” on a Mac. I’m guessing youtube will have tried to set up software that will handle all word processors basically the same, but I guess we’ll need to check each one in the ways you’ve checked “pages.”
Thanks again, and thanks for explaining so thoroughly. Love it! 🙂
03/04/2013 at 1:16 am #37312-scythian-Participant@BB, I leafed thru the list earlier today – looks great! Thanks also for the info on spam filtering, it’s very helpful. I’m going to add some Minis on this thread -including addressing a few questions that were asked in the Swarm by BUGSers. And I know this is the simplest of simple, but for me it’s made a big difference – the idea to post a minimum of 5 Minis a day; I mean, when you put it that way it’s the least we can do for our RACE. Now, if I miss a couple days, I make sure I post at least 15 on the third day; and chances are if you don’t miss too many days in a row, you’ll easily exceed the minimum. This is a better idea than 10 hours a week -which makes it seem like labor.
03/04/2013 at 2:42 am #37316CodyParticipant@ Harumphty Dumpty
“I couldn’t tell for sure if you had experimented with exactly this, or if you were just telling us how to be safe for sure, based on the results of your other experiments.”
I don’t know if it’s the same on a mac as it is on a pc, but from personal experience I can say what he is saying is true. Whenever I cut and past from a word processor the chances of the comments being auto-flagged as spam are very high.
The copy and paste mini mantras only seem to get by the youtube censor if it’s a comment that has not been posted in a long time from an account that has not posted recently nor frequently.
While any hand typed comment seems to get through.
I’ve copy and pasted a comment and it was flagged, so I typed it the same and it appeared. And even some comments where I typed part of the message and copy and pasted a sentence or two from a word processor were flagged as spam.
Not understanding the youtube filter killed a lot of my posting ability last year until I figured it out.
03/04/2013 at 2:49 am #37318J LockeParticipant“And I know this is the simplest of simple, but for me it’s made a big difference – the idea to post a minimum of 5 Minis a day; I mean, when you put it that way it’s the least we can do for our RACE. Now, if I miss a couple days, I make sure I post at least 15 on the third day; and chances are if you don’t miss too many days in a row, you’ll easily exceed the minimum. This is a better idea than 10 hours a week -which makes it seem like labor.” – Skythian
It’s great to hear someone else say this. It is a realistic solution.
People ought to post in this Swarm recruitment thread at 3:13 am #37323CodyParticipantI will copy and paste directly from BUGS and let you know how it goes.
03/04/2013 at 3:36 am #37328-scythian-ParticipantWhat’s with the misspellings of my name? WTF!? The name’s: S c y t h i a n …..LMFAO!
03/04/2013 at 3:53 pm #37344White DudeParticipantBB,
Absolutely fantastic list. You did a marvelous job. In addition to BUGS Buddy 2.0, I will be using your list as well. Thank you very much. I applaud your work and efforts. You’re a great addition to the SWARM team! Keep up the awesome work!
03/05/2013 at 6:09 pm #37433KanintassParticipantI just got informed that most of today’s postings were invisible to others than me, which I confirmed with Tor. That has not happened to me before (havn’t checked with Tor but got a fair share of answers and likes).
So what’s the difference this time?
I copied them all directly from this list, using the same browser and IP, just this page on a different tab available.
When I think about it, it makes sense – surely it must be easier (at least not harder) for youtube to detect the “copy” from the operating browser rather than that i copied it in to another program days ago…
(I didn’t post the same mini at all the vids)Before I had a Open Office (Mac) file where I stored minis that I stole from other bugsters on youtube or from the list on stormfront.
So i guess I have the opposit experience from @BB. Sorry to confuse you but it’s true.
An other experiance I have is not with spam but with “sorry try again”. I found 2 ways to go around it:
1. change a character or 2. If that doesn’t work
2. change “naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews” that seems TOXIC to me.My next plan is to paste these minis in my document, change 1 letter or so in every single one of them and upload. I’ll keep U updated.
03/05/2013 at 6:10 pm #37434KanintassParticipantPS, love the way you have an answer to everything in that list =) saves a lot of time =) Great Work BB!
03/05/2013 at 6:23 pm #37435KanintassParticipantUpdate: My plan failed. I’ve tried several different things and it’s allways: You have been posting a lot recently, please type … And when I do – they dont appear on Tor :'( I’m off to bed now. Get back to you when I’ve figured out a way to get around it
03/16/2013 at 11:25 am #38098Dick WhitmanParticipantHere’s one that relates to the GOP:
The GOP is “White in race only” or WIROs. They may be White people, but they don’t serve the interests of White people (except for the economic interests of the top 1% of White people). On the issue of White genocide they are silent.The program of White genocide is being carried out by flooding millions of non-Whites into White countries and force assimilating these non-Whites into all White communities and institutions. This is genocide by forced assimilation. Africans, Asians, Arabs, Jews, etc all have the right to their own spaces and institutions on this earth to pursue their own interests. ONLY Whites are denied this right. This will lead to the disappearance of Whites from the earth. The GOP is just as guilty of this crime as the Democrats.
03/22/2013 at 12:03 am #38335-scythian-ParticipantBoth exactly 500 characters, but I always check before I hit ‘post’.
It’s hard to see White GENOCIDE when you’re an anti-white. So let me put it this way: if ALL and ONLY black countries were being FORCED to “assimilate” with a flood of non-blacks, creating an ever increasing blended humanity in ALL and ONLY black countries, while rendering black children an ever decreasing minority in their own countries with no end in site; wouldn’t that be an OBVIOUS program of black GENOCIDE? Wouldn’t that be killing the black RACE?
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White countries for Everyone?
It’s hard to see White GENOCIDE when you’re an anti-white. So let me put it this way:
If Japan was FORCED to “assimilate” with a flood of Africans, this wouldn’t be killing the Japanese RACE?
Smart people wrote the Genocide Law to prevent psychopaths such as YOU anti-whites from killing a RACE by non-violent methods.
Assimilation is a method of Genocide. Says so in U.N. Genocide Law.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.03/30/2013 at 1:06 pm #38835British74ParticipantThis is a test to see if I can copy and paste the comment below onto the YouTube comment section, without the following comment being censored by the spam filter. I will verify if the comment is actually displayed on YouTube by checking to see if I can see the comment with the “Tor” browser. More information on the Tor Browser can by found by watching the following video.
Baruch Levy 1879:
“In this NEW WORLD ORDER, ISRAEL will furnish ALL leaders without opposition. Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will FALL INTO THE HANDS OF THE JEWS. It will then be possible for the JEWISH RULERS (bankers) to abolish private property, & everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus the promise of the TALMUD be fulfilled, in which is said when the Messianic time is come, JEWS will have ALL property of the WHOLE WORLD in their hands.”
03/30/2013 at 3:04 pm #38892Ice KnightParticipantWelcome British 74 – we don’t do News and Jews here as we don’t believe it works with our audience – that is why we focus purely on White GENOCIDE.
I strongly suggest you read up on the link below to help you understand why the Mantra is such a powerful tool.
We’re usually a friendly bunch here – unless people go off message, then the gates of hell will be opened upon you 😉
04/02/2013 at 9:39 am #39042johnnywhiterabbitParticipantExcellent thank-you
04/19/2013 at 3:21 am #39612GregPParticipantThis is awesome! Thank you!
In my experience, my spam filter can be activated after only 2-3 comments if I post them too fast or copy&paste.
I haven’t tried this before, but maybe using a SIMPLE text editor (one with almost no features, no spell check, etc.) will work without activating the copy&paste filter? I think “rich text” is an example of this stripped down text? Maybe “Textedit” on mac? Maybe there are even some freeware applications out there that could work for this. I would try copying and pasting from a spell-check enabled document first though.
A lot of times it’s just easier to look at what you want to say and type it out, but I’ve never been one to copy and paste 20 times in a row real fast. I just don’t trust the spam filters.
I prefer the 3-5 mini-mantras (or the whole mantra) a day. That kind of consistent action really builds up and I think will produce more in the long run (helps prevent burning out)….if only you can make it a habit, getting on a schedule…that’s the trick, in my opinion.
04/19/2013 at 4:23 am #39613JasonParticipantThis is probably the single biggest aid to productivity. Thanks!
The last MIni under the category “the Mantra Short” is about 8 characters too long for YouTube. I will reprint it below:
Anti-racists say there is a RACE problem that can only be solved when non-Whites flood into ALL & ONLY White countries and “assimilates.”
What if it was said there was a RACE problem that would only be solved if hundreds of millions of non-Blacks were assimilated into EVERY Black country? Would people realize it’s not a RACE problem, but actually a BLACK problem?
Would people realise it was genocide?
They say they’re anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.
Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.
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In A Few Words
Bob Whitaker has "been there and done that" in the world of politics. His unique perspective is insightful and vital. You may not agree with everything he says, but I guarantee that he will make you think.
Robert W. Whitaker, 1941—2017, was born and raised in South Carolina and attended the University of South Carolina and the University of Virginia Graduate School. He has been a college professor, international aviation negotiator, Capitol Hill senior staffer, Reagan Administration appointee, and writer for the Voice of America. He has written numerous articles and three books. Bob lived in Columbia, SC, coaching B.U.G.S. He had asked the staff to inform female readers that he was "divorced and 'wildly attractive.'" I agree that he was divorced. But actually, he always did and always will love his one and only wife.
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