I recently stated that Elizabeth and all Catholic females are Catholic because the Pope is a bachelor.
Elizabeth denies this.
We professionals in social science deal with this problem all the time.
Anyone who drinks is an alcoholic, but many keep denying this fact.
Anyone who criticizes homosexuality is a latent homosexual.
How can they deny it? By definition, “latent” means you don’t know it. So how can anybody deny they are latent?
But they keep doing it.
No, Elizabeth, if you refuse to accept the fact that you lust after the College of Cardinals you deny the validity of today’s social sciences.
And you wouldn’t want to do that.

#1 by Peter on 10/22/2005 - 8:19 pm
ROFL Bob, you are too much.
Alright, I’ve already said too much lately. But Elizabeth, brilliant and well-informed Elizabeth, where art thou now and at the hour of our breath?
#2 by Mark on 10/23/2005 - 9:17 pm
Ok Bob, I get the idea you have decided not to write anything new until someone posts a thought or two on your most recent posting. So since I’ve posted you can now write again and we will all have something to to chuckle about.
#3 by Mark on 10/23/2005 - 9:18 pm
Whoops — make that “new” instead of “knew” and cross out one of my “to’s”, okay?
#4 by Bob on 10/24/2005 - 10:40 am
#5 by Elizabeth on 10/24/2005 - 6:51 pm
Look what happens when I don’t check in for a few
#6 by Bob on 10/25/2005 - 10:18 am
Elizabeth, I knew you had stopped keeping up with the blog so like good politician
I stabbed you in the back.
How did I know you weren’t keeping up?
I’m psycho.
I mean psychic.
#7 by Bob on 10/25/2005 - 10:22 am
#8 by Richard L. Hardison on 11/06/2005 - 11:17 pm
Bob, do you have any idea when your analyst will be getting out of the asylum?