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Our Mental Plague

Posted by Bob on May 15th, 2008 under General

There are endless histories of the Plague. The Great Plague killed a third to a half of Europe. Later plagues killed smaller numbers until the disease largely died out. There are endless explanations of this.

The popular one when I was young was that brown rats replaced black rats. It turns out that that, like so many other explanations, didn’t work. Social scientists, including medical scientists, used to say there was no such thing as genetics and that anyone who mentioned genes was a Nazi. I grew up in that age. There were no genes so it was just as good to adopt children from dysfunctional and third world families as to have intelligent white children.

I REMEMBER that anyone who mentioned that was talking genetics and therefore Nazism. We see the results of that catastrophe, which we predicted, today. Even Eric Hoffer mentioned in the early 1970s that “There seems to be a conspiracy against the birth of intelligent children.”

The group that calls itself The Greatest Generation had its Baby Boom and its social security. The Boomer crowd decided to slide through on the popular cult. The only way it can get enough servants to pay for its social security is third world immigration.

By the 1980s even social scientists had to admit that, with the Double Helix, both discoverers of which were screamed at for their genetically heretical ideas, and with the un challengeable differences in IQ among races and the obvious athletic differences between these “nonexistent” entities and with the fining of gene after gene responsible for one thing after anther that social scientists had declared purely environmental and the exact sameness of identical twins raised in totally different environments Political Correctness began to make the standard statement that genes were very important and then go on to pretend they didn’t exist. “Intellectuals” now say heredity and environment are BOTH important.

But not one single discussion in any classroom on social science ever MENTIONS any genes at all.

The Plague died out because the PEOPLE who were vulnerable to the Plague died out. Like wave after wave of disease in Europe, diseases killed vast numbers and then the genes survived which resisted them. So Eskimos were almost wiped out by the common cold. Europeans had had thousands of years of culling of those who would die of that. Indians died of alcoholism, though social science can’t make up its mind about that. They say there is no special Indian susceptibility to alcohol and then say there is, depending on the Party Line where they are.

We knew very well that where white mean went, the Indians died like flies. The diseases whites were used to dealing with destroyed whole masses of Indians, making it easy for us to move in. “Intellectuals” make this a point of White Evil, but they also cannot admit that we settled America easily because our ancestors had long since paid the high price of culling out the vulnerable. So it depends on the Party Line of the moment whether this is specified.

But no one points this out. Everybody is too busy talking about *** JEWS *** or some other old knee-jerk bit. Their frontal lobe is dead.

Hitting on the obvious destroys them. Another diatribe about Jews or some other tired old line is something they have developed immunity to.

  1. #1 by Dave on 05/15/2008 - 6:21 pm

    It is natural for children to be highly aware of genetic endowments (as they notice differences right off the bat), only to be tossed into a public school culture that is on a relentless full court attempt to pacify the issue.

    Of course the reality is the system is as obsessed with the issue of genetic endowments and the child naturally is. It is just that Political Correctness expresses this obsession inversely. Were it not so, there would be no need for so much Political Correctness on the issue.

    You can’t dispose of the awareness of genetic traits because you can’t dispossess of narcissism and desire, even where millions of innocent children are gleefully thrown into the meat grinder of officially sanctioned dereliction and suffer horrendous damage there, including relentless pain which quickly morphs (for many) into self-inflicted and permanently disabling injuries and ruin (usually through drug and alcohol abuse and related accidents and criminal acts).

    The medical profession and pharmaceutical industry leap about in bacchanalian ecstasy on account of their profit in the carnage, carnage they make every effort to expand and worsen (along with the justice system which likes the carnage for the same reasons).

    Hoffer was obsessed with the subject of genetic endowment because he was sure owing to family history that he would die around the age of 30. When this failed to happen, he realized that transmission of genetic traits is far trickier subject than he had supposed.

    There is a fraud in esthetics that goes like this: “Nothing hath beauty that does not have some strangeness of proportion”. Swindlers and the deluded of every age love that one. It should be tattooed on Hillary Clinton’s butt (there’s certainly plenty of room) as the defining motto for everything she represents.

    Of course, the opposite is true: The very essence of beauty lies precisely in the lack of strangeness of proportion.

    That’s why the genetic husbandry of man will triumph. It lies in a narcissism that no matter what must be endured, cannot be defrauded.

    That is also why there is more to Orwell’s maxim, “Freedom is being able to say two plus two equals four” than its literal meaning.

    What is beautiful is beautiful and what is ugly is ugly.

    No amount of deceit and crime can change that fact.

  2. #2 by Tim on 05/15/2008 - 6:55 pm

    Antiwhite propaganda is starting to hit the wall with white people. Susceptible Whites are already “browned” out.

    “The Boomer crowd decided to slide through on the popular cult. The only way it can get enough servants to pay for its social security is third world immigration.”

    Unfortunately, they are in for a rude awakening. The best and brightest of the whites will walk away from them as soon as the opportunity asserts itself (a Russian German axis that sucks anglosphere dry of it’s anglos). Just watch. They will pay dearly for their betrayal. Sooner or later this anitiwhite dam will break (and it is already breaking). Then there is going to be a fight over the “genetic capital”. Whoever gets that gets all of so-called Western Civilization. Anglosphere has set itself up for disaster.

    Can you imagine what would happen if the self hating white baby boomers had to make a case for young whites to stay? England is already suffering brain drain. The laughable idea that you replace white genetic capital with non white genetic capital and get the same results will go on to make up the last chapter of my favorite book “Historical Popular Delusions and Madness of the Crowds”.

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