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From Eden to the Four Horsemen

Posted by Bob on September 20th, 2008 under General

Reading the latest comments I just realized how interesting it is that the official Bible began with Genesis and ended with Revelations. In Genesis, man is doomed because he refused to remain in his original, mindless, utopian state because he ate of the Tree of Knowledge. A million words later, the Bible ends with an absolutely Gnostic book, Revelations, one which Reveals all Hidden Knowledge and indicates that those who really understand those Revelations are Saved.

If True Knowledge is not critical, why is Revelations dedicated to it?

Revelations says that it is the end of the Bible, and invokes a curse on anyone who adds to it. It says that, with Revelations, the final truth has been stated in the Bible, and no more is to be added.

From Edenic mindlessness to Gnostic Revelations of Final Truth. It is a long, long journey and a totally different message.

  1. #1 by shari on 09/20/2008 - 12:14 pm

    Well, I do think that redemption brings us to a higher level than where we began. But I don’t know about final truth. I think there will be more.

  2. #2 by Dave on 09/20/2008 - 1:33 pm

    Yes and this continuum from Genesis to Revelations is a great guide to relationships with chicks.

    I tell my girl friend, “The only reason you exist is for my happiness and pleasure. Accordingly, your life is very simple. All you have to do is be submissive and obedient and follow orders without question.”

    Now if she believes me, I got the chick I want. She’s a “Genesis” gal. I’m home free.

    But those “Revelations” chicks, stay away from them!

    I have a few men friends who have married the “Revelations” kind and their lives are hell.

  3. #3 by Bob on 09/20/2008 - 3:59 pm

    Damn it, Dave, this is BOB’S blog!

    Will you please cut the commentary on sex and go to something I know about?

  4. #4 by AFKANNow on 09/21/2008 - 4:43 pm

    Tying it back to race, we see a profoundly simple pattern that elegantly manifests in all fields of human endeavor.

    Innocence creates its own punishment, and we either leave the Innocent, Child-like state of Mind, and accept the challenge of Integrating our Shadow within our Persona, or we remain eternal Children, at the mercy of the kindness of strangers.

    Make no mistake – you would not want Adam walking city streets at 2 AM with you, as his Innocence, his Child-like Love – yes, a Universal Love, marks him as a Fool.

    So, too, for what JUDEO-Christianity – the perversion of Christianity – has done for us, in that it has forces us to accept as Received Truth what essentially are the lies used to keep the drones in place, by telling them how “free” they are, while placing ever-softer, ever-tighter chains, around their Minds, blocking their Awareness of their Spirit.

    In time, we are forced to accept the Lie of Racial Equality as the Truth, and our Mind goes insane, essentially shutting down, if it can, with the use if alcohol, prescription tranquilizers, or sports channels.

    We are NOT risen apes.

    We are fallen angels.

    And, as a matter of historical truth, only ONE Race WANTS to return Home, and walk among the stars, and has the Disciplined Creativity needed to make that happen.

    The White Race.

  5. #5 by Dave on 09/23/2008 - 11:56 am

    One thing that is critical to remember is the delusion that is Wordism per se.

    The larger nature around us doesn’t care about words or texts of any kind. In truth, the Bible, the Koran, the Torah, and all the sacred texts don’t amount to a hill of beans. Few of us see this reality clearly.

    Desegregation is a failed condition. But there is nothing in nature that corrects a failed condition. Accordingly, there is nothing preventing the failed condition of desegregation from lasting a stupendously long period of time.

    This is why white nationalism is so frustrating.

    Nevertheless, it is impossible that integrated society could ever be successful. The belief that desegregation must become successful is the core notion that constitutes the millennialism and central delusion of Political Correctness. It is all bound to the veil of words.

    There will never be a successful public school system for nonwhites in desegregated society. Never. It is impossible.

    So we have a system that is continually a “being in becoming”. It never “becomes”.

    This is the “cat chasing its tail” behavior that is so endemic to society.

    But gradually, so very gradually, a bruised and battered white man begins to wake up. It is like the incoherency and fog you experience in coming out of a drunk.

    Somewhere in there the veil of words disappear.

    This is why I have ceased believing I am an American. I am not. I am a white man.

    Big difference.

  6. #6 by Simmons on 09/23/2008 - 12:59 pm

    Safe to say that among white men there is a large demographic that deplores its racial dhimminitude. The likes of Todd Palin safe from its effects no doubt sounds like Limbaugh but out in the real world submission is hard to take for a man.

    What I’m wondering is how far from our revelation of the Mantra can one go and still bring it back to the Mantra? I know Bob you have hammered home Mantra purity especially on me but what I want are Mantra effects that bring those looking for a way out of the cave to us on places like FreeRepublic which ruthlessly censor non-PC posts.

  7. #7 by Prometheus on 09/25/2008 - 3:53 am

    Simmons, I don’t know but your comment reminded me of a time in school when we were learning how newton ‘discovered gravity’. I remember wondering, ‘didn’t apples fall from trees in ancient times too?’.

    I had a different take on the Genesis story. Genesis tell of man without knowledge of good and evil. Gaining knowledge led to suffering.

    Even though animals suffer, humans can suffer more. Because of our brains, were more capable of feeling despair, inflicting troubles on each other and feeling. There is a correlation with mental development and sensitivity and to me, I see Genesis as an elucidation of this fact.

    But with increased brain capacity, comes increased ability to alleviate suffering and improve the quality of life. So knowledge here becomes the saviour.

  8. #8 by Simmons on 09/25/2008 - 11:55 am

    Well then even the Bible points to Evolution of some sorts. Of course today the great masses lie in the filth of degeneracy. The lefty mobs of whites have the ethics of a prostitute surrounded by mysoginistic colored johns, and the conservative masses want to go back to the year 27 or thereabouts.

    They are all “Left Behinders” and we are running the interview process for passage thru the bottleneck.

  9. #9 by shari on 10/28/2008 - 11:56 am

    Another thought occurred to me this morning. When the tower of babel was being built, God said “nothing shall be impossible for them” so He confused their language. The “babel” being attempted now will do the opposite. Make NOTHING possible.

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