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Posted by Bob on September 29th, 2008 under General

Bob put your documentary reviewer hat on. At the CofCC website a couple of Discovery Channel documentaries are bragged up on, one about early Europeans Ice Age trekkers to America and one on Neandertals not out of Africa.

– Simmons

Publications are only allowed if they pass muster under the established religion. The European immigration as the earliest in America, the actual Clovis Point civilization, got by saying it mean that America was actually a “melting pot.” So the European settlement had nothing to do with whites.

As we find fact after fact contradicting political correctness, Guilt for Indians, you are going to see this sort of casuistry among our Jesuits of Political Correctness.

Everything here INTERCONNECTS. That’s why I kept mentioning that almost every BBC documentary ends like a sermon, with a five-minute discussion of how everything that went before falls into the True Faith of Political Correctness, just as every sermon must end with a return to its lesson For The Faith.

The Neanderthal documentaries I saw emphasized that interbreeding was the key.

The real point has never been popular with any established faith. They see each contradiction of the present theory as an AMENDMENT to present theory. It is never seen as a reminder that the whole approach could be simply WRONG.

It reminds me of the Russian attempt to breed tractable fur animals. They had a fox or wolf with beautiful fur, but were impossible to domesticate, so they bred a tamable version. The problem was that the tamable one had tame, puppy like PHYSICAL characteristics. It also had a puppy like FUR, spotted like the very young of the species.

Tens of millions of people know about this, but I am afraid I am the only one who noticed that it makes mincemeat of the idea that a certain breed’s OUTSIDE LOOKS reflects it important genes.

Everything here interconnects, and I long to teach you to look for those interconnections. I have repeatedly mentioned that it is the white man who is the cold weather race, it is Oriental. We have the least protection of any race against our environment. Blacks still have endless number soft types of genes to deal with the various horrible environments in Africa.

There are two ways for any animal to survive. It can take the best environment or it can ADAPT to a bad one. Highly poisonous snakes often sport very bright colors. Defenseless snakes, unless they are mocking the poisonous ones, blend into the background. The key to where whites live, in temperate areas, is that they have none of the protection blacks have in multitudes, and that Orientals have for cold.

Which I think explains why the Chinese, who have often had a unity and numbers and technology with which any European country would have conquered the world, never even ventured into India, much less Europe.

  1. #1 by shari on 09/29/2008 - 2:16 pm

    I used to wonder how the Egyptians, this great ancient civilization, got to where they worshiped bugs and toads. Now I see. When any normal,just seeking what is true,religion turns into a POLTICALLY CORRECT, FINAL TRUTH religion, it gets weirder and weirder. All this huge weirdness is a sign that this PC religion is about to collapse,I think. The present interconnects with the past.

  2. #2 by backbaygrouch4 on 09/29/2008 - 7:01 pm

    As the number of genes is finite, a race can purify itself by breeding out an interloping race.It is a matter of time. The majority gene pool will eventually eliminate the minority. Examples, all livestock breeding programs. As the human breeding cycle is about 25 years, it can take centuries if not millennia. To assure survival a race needs a protected homeland which is what the Jews are trying to destroy for Whites and only Whites.

    The Chinese do conquer. There is a Han core that absorbs surrounding ethnic groups that to outsiders look to be Chinese. They are more racist than Hollywood’s Mississippi rednecks. A Thai friend told me that the history of his people was a couple thousand year retreat from the Han. But the Han never bite off more than they can chew. They breed out their prey’s traits and move on to the next victim. They have very long view. Example, Chou En-Lai was asked if the French Revolution was good for Europe. He replied, “It is too early to tell.” Who among our leaders can see beyond the upcoming quarterly report?

  3. #3 by Dave on 09/30/2008 - 12:05 pm

    Any lie has manifold roles to play.

    And any lie, provided it is a plausible lie, will do because belief in plausible lies and mandatory adherence to plausible lies is the way the political system works.

    Everywhere I go I see nonwhites in the most settled imitation of white people, which is very unsettling to me. It is like the larger hand of nature has welled up and dumped the entire white race onto an Indian reservation.

    Maybe this is a precondition to the awareness that there is no such thing as “humankind” or a “family of man”.

    That awareness is the only thing required for white people to take control of everything.

    The only thing required.

  4. #4 by Tim on 09/30/2008 - 3:03 pm

    Political Correctness has become too silly. What is funny is that everyone on earth speaks in “coded language” now. I mean EVERYONE.

    The current banking crisis proves this point. I have read countless articles declaring the “End of Anglo Banking”. Now everyone on planet earth knows damn well it’s NOT very Anglo. Coded speech rules the day. You just have to laugh at it.

  5. #5 by Simmons on 10/01/2008 - 10:00 am

    Defeating the left is much easier than anyone on the right thinks. Here Bob accurately describes how the PC religion amends itself and keeps what little traction it has with reality, but he like other rightists mistakenly over estimates its strength.

    The left is comprised of rigidly segregated cults none very large save the race cults like blacks and then jews, the ideological cults not being larger than the organizations that bleed their members.

    The cultists are the hive followers, they want and can take no responsibility for anything, they greatly and I mean greatly fear such. Why do you think the Mantra is so devastating, libs caring about logic and reason?

    The cultists cannot actually explain anything beyond the rage of maybe a sentence and a half of political rhetoric spewed out. Experiment; simply ask them to explain themselves on any point any definition, and what you will find is the same rhetoric they learned from mommy prof years ago and precious little else. And then tie them back to the responisibility of all the failures.

    One last paragraph, the fine PHDs at AR use the word “racist” without the hint of reflection or inquiry the editors and contributors merely expend their credibility and efforts to legitimize a made up word meant to monetize leftist rage at the superior white man. If you read the posts there a guy named “Simmons” always posts a one sentence reply merely asking if the author of anything would please define “exactly” what does racism mean. Instead of placing the responsibilty on the cultists to explain themselves the ARers do the work themselves. Talk about AFKAN’s definition of old forms, AR slaves away wasting the efforts of a good many men trying to disprove that what does not really exist anyway when all they would need to do is place the responsibility on a cultist.

    I lied about that being the last paragraph. The above will mean little to any of the posters here, everyone will go back to their pet predjudices, we all do no exceptions. What I am going to do from now on is to savagely attack the posters here and challenge them while interjecting my critique and ideas onto them. Why would I do that because that is how you break into the idea chain in our new media the internet thru the ego of the author. Feel free to do that to me if any of you have read this far.

  6. #6 by Dave on 10/01/2008 - 12:34 pm


    You have to get the whole of “the why” Robert Whitaker is such an advanced thinker. He really does not get the credit he deserves.

    The Internet has overthrown the rule of texts. The overthrow of the rule of texts is not a trivial historical event. Accordingly, the advent of the Internet is far more meaningful than the advent of the printing ever was because the printing press extended literacy but it did not overthrow the ancient rule of texts.

    The rule of texts enforces what has become an obsolete way of thinking. Accordingly, the Left and the adherents of Political Correctness are mired in the pre-Internet era.

    In our time, the storage of information is no longer a problem. A 500-gig storage device costs 100 dollars and a 500-gig storage device can store multiples of all of the texts stored in the Library of Congress. This is the true revolution of our times.

    Availability of content is no longer an issue. Any content can be accessed, a completely novel fact of life. Accordingly, scholasticism is no longer possible in this environment and when you attack the “cults” you are attacking the scholastics, but they are dead meat anyway.

    The new way of thinking favors those who understand that basics and fundamentals are all that matters. What other way do you have of sifting through all this content?

    Accordingly, we are FORCED to wear scientific goggles in this environment.

    The cults are absolutely blind to this fact.

    As Robert Whitaker repeatedly points out, everything here interrelates. What separates out the white man is that he is capable of changing his way of thinking. He invented the Internet to put that change into operation.

    The white man leads, and all nonwhites crawl after him. That is the way it works.

    You can take one of these cultists and deliver a brutal blow to his head. You can chop off his hands and feet. And he still would not harden his way of thinking.

    The cultist is a loss. He is beyond repair. He doesn’t matter.

  7. #7 by Simmons on 10/01/2008 - 1:01 pm

    A cultist is a lamp post trinket warning the others off. I care less about their fate, Evolution moves on regardless, but if it us that places the cultist up as a warning the others follow.

    Have you not taken a cultist down in front of others, and then not noticed amongst them a diminished regard for cult authority? I do this all the time. You should have heard the conversation I heard at the health club this week it could have been placed here without us blinking and this was said outloud for everyone to hear and no one blinked or sputtered cult pacification ritual words. A “white male authority figure” took down a white Obama cultist in a crowded restaurant to a loud ovation and his friend came back to tell the patrons of my club.

    I will reiterate as I did in my first posting fear works on libs not logic and reasoning. The Mantra invokes fear because it places responsibility on them.

    Now PHD Jared Taylor can spend a lifetime debating the Abe Foxmans of the world but he does so on their terms. One of the better disciples of Bob would Mantra Foxman right off the bat and millions of jews would up their psyche meds immediately. Cults fear responsibility.

  8. #8 by AFKANNow on 10/01/2008 - 11:28 pm

    Bob might want to note that the Chinese (Han Chinese, to be sure) are dealing with the issues of conquest of the colder regions of their Empire – Tibet – by importing Mongolians quickly, with the use of the new railway system.

    Simmons was nice enough to note my anger at holding onto the Old Forms of things, and see this as a hallmark for the false flag operation of AmRen. Note that AmRen incorporates two elements of Movement Past – Plantation Owners, with the rituals of the Elite (fine dining, mastery of wines encouraged), and allowing the Loyal Workers to visit from time to time, all the while the foci of silent mockery, and soft scorn. Thus, I suspect, was the late Dr. Sam Francis treated.

    This works to keep us ensnared in battling the Shadows of the Moment, on issues easily defined and manipulated by the Wordists to our distraction. Thus, my intolerance for mrpelding’s ongoing battles with the CONservatives, which is as useful as medieval scholars arguing over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, when we need better means of making better tools – including pins! – to fulfill a greater Racial Destiny.

    Dave makes an excellent point regarding how the Internet removes the limits of text, and, by extension, most of the power of gatekeepers. Our Challenge is to use this to RAPIDLY create new Institutions, new Ideas, which serve the unique Destiny of our Race.

    This requires a degree of Focused Discipline, and Intolerance, most of us can not imagine.

    That’s why I speak well of Bob Whitaker, for a new way of thinking that places Race at the center; Harold Covington,who works to concretely define a new Racial Homeland in a new Racial Nation; and Kevin Alfred Strom, who always set his sights far too low (a common shortcoming of Movement Past), but now, hopefully, will be freed us to act as a Selfless Servant of The Race, as he helps us return…

    “To The Stars.”

  9. #9 by mderpelding on 10/02/2008 - 7:01 pm

    Isn’t there a more important insight in this relationship?

    “Tens of millions of people know about this, but I am afraid I am the only one who noticed that it makes mincemeat of the idea that a certain breed’s OUTSIDE LOOKS reflects it important genes.”

    Doesn’t this example also argue for the conclusion that discernable differences on the outside presage equally large differences on the “inside?”

    Doesn’t this go back to one of our most important arguments that it is irrational to believe that with all the various obviously visible differences in people that their minds are all the same?
    This always seemed to be a decisive argument to me. It made sense.
    The outside reflects the inside.

    Of course, I do understand the central dilemma we suffer as a people. Are we defined by our skin?
    Or by our beliefs?
    Note the problems within paleo-conservatism.

    The average white leftist hates the average white rightist.
    So an African will sleep in the White House.

    What a “Shame On Both Our Houses.”

  10. #10 by Dave on 10/02/2008 - 11:44 pm


    I took BWs observation to mean that the Russian attempt to tame the animals did not render their essential genes dormant.

    Wild animals bred for tameness will return, in descent and time, to their wild state and outside qualities.

    Taming any animal is a process of dumbing it down, which explains how our public schools stunt hapless kids by suppressing bullying, a pillar of Political Correctness in the school yard.

    And the victims tend to be strong advocates and committed believers in Political Correctness on account of unrequited resentments for being beaten up as a child.

    This is a big part of life but nobody talks about it.

    And the bullies get the better part of the bargain by far. They just cannot be suppressed and the belief that they can is one of the major follies of Political Correctness.

    The direction of racial descent tends toward caste and noble form. You cannot get rid of it.

    Americans are indoctrinated not to see it and so are taught that people like the Amish have a chance.

    No way in hell, they are goners! It is only outside police protection that prevents them from being murdered outright.

    You can’t get rid of the wild. It is impossible.

    That’s why I say a feral dog has insecurity for its feed, while a tame dog trades its freedom for slavery and a collar.

    That explains a lot about how society actually divides itself up.

  11. #11 by AFKANNow on 10/02/2008 - 11:57 pm

    in reply to mrpelding:

    you wrote:

    Of course, I do understand the central dilemma we suffer as a people. Are we defined by our skin?
    Or by our beliefs?

    in reply:
    We are defined by our actions, which reflect our beliefs, the highest and best of which can ONLY be correctly perceived and manifested by the White Race.

    It is our duty to consciously develop the social equivalent of eugenics, consciously discarding the archaic Forms of Yesterday, with the more appropriate new Forms in which to place the developing Future – I might add, a Whiter, Brighter Future.

    you wrote:

    Note the problems within paleo-conservatism.

    in reply:
    Well, the tolerance of, and support for, “paleoconservatism” – which would be to Burkean Conservatism what JUDEO-Christianity is to Christianity.

    Instead of debating the errors of “paleo-conservatism,” which is about the be as vital as the “paleoconservatism” of Jefferson Davis before the War of the Northern Aggression, perhaps our efforts would be better spent discussing which Forms of political representation are best suited to the Nation (-State) we should be thinking about developing, along the lines of those suggested by Harold Covington in his Northwest Republic Quadrilogy.

    you wrote:

    The average white leftist hates the average white rightist.
    So an African will sleep in the White House.

    What a “Shame On Both Our Houses.”

    in reply:
    I think that Sarah Palin, the first candidate from Whitelandia for national political office, might well not only be working in the White House, but, in time, may well reside there.

    In the interim, if the Son of the Congo wins, we can both rest assured that, soon thereafter, no African-American will be able to run for dogcatcher in any city outside the Black Belt.

    Incidentally, and ironically, he will be defeated by the Reconquista.

    Sounds like a clear division among Racial lines.

    All the better, for us.

    And, with Kevin Alfred Strom’s inspired analysis and commentaries to help us rebuild our way Home, this may well be a very different country.

    Incidentally, I would like to extend my gratitude to the people who review these posts, and allow my words of support for Kevin Alfred Strom.

    They are forbidden on other, nominally White Nationalist sites, and I am very disappointed in that.

  12. #12 by AFKANNow on 10/03/2008 - 12:36 am

    in reply to Dave:

    You made some points that deserve further elaboration.

    I’d like to take a shot at it.

    you wrote:

    Wild animals bred for tameness will return, in descent and time, to their wild state and outside qualities.

    in reply:
    I agree, and, to extend your Rule to the White Race, needs a period of Separation from the Lesser Races to allow it to recover the Impulse Towards Greatness that can be harnessed productively, FOR the Race.

    you wrote:

    Taming any animal is a process of dumbing it down, which explains how our public schools stunt hapless kids by suppressing bullying, a pillar of Political Correctness in the school yard.

    And the victims tend to be strong advocates and committed believers in Political Correctness on account of unrequited resentments for being beaten up as a child.

    This is a big part of life but nobody talks about it.

    in reply:
    Look at all of the initiatives that are against smoking in public places.

    Every one of their strong public proponents seems to be someone who had smoke blown in his face one time too often, and swallowed their anger, as part and parcel of the price that MUST be paid to be passed up in The System.

    you wrote:

    And the bullies get the better part of the bargain by far. They just cannot be suppressed and the belief that they can is one of the major follies of Political Correctness.

    in reply:
    I discussed the topic of bullying in the public school system with my Nephews, and they said they were always told to not fight back, but wait for the teacher to come and break it up.

    They asked why bullies are bullies, and I said it’s simple:

    Bullies are bullies because being a bully gets them what they want.

    The only thing they understand is the certainty of immediate and forceful retribution, which is what the public school system discourages, thus, yes, rewarding the bully for BEING a bully.

    Incidentally, if the bullies learn some smoothness and charm, they become truly dangerous sociopaths – a true threat to the Race.

    you wrote:

    The direction of racial descent tends toward caste and noble form. You cannot get rid of it.

    Americans are indoctrinated not to see it and so are taught that people like the Amish have a chance.

    No way in hell, they are goners! It is only outside police protection that prevents them from being murdered outright.

    in reply:
    Yet, the trend towards Equalitarianism that makes the Amish the functional equivalent of a museum of geldings continues unabated.

    you wrote:

    You can’t get rid of the wild. It is impossible.

    That’s why I say a feral dog has insecurity for its feed, while a tame dog trades its freedom for slavery and a collar.

    That explains a lot about how society actually divides itself up.

    in reply:
    The Mindset of Conquest is what the gelding process of the public indoctrination system seeks to eradicate, assuring the removal of the outliers of Greatness, on one side of the distribution, and the Destroyers, on the other.

    A proper social order would be, de facto, eugenic; certainly, at the cultural level, and probably, at the individual level.

    It is our responsibility to Create such a system, to the extent we can, daily.

  13. #13 by Simmons on 10/03/2008 - 10:39 am

    I suppose these novel length soliliquies have their intellectual place, but don’t go respectable on us for god’s sake.

    I will say it again liberalism as we know it is a shell. Okay let me try an animal analogy it seems to be the argument dejure here of late. It is the declawed circus lion loosed back upon the plain amongst his wild relatives, smooth sleek and impressive to the rubes in the audience a representative of animal authority but really just 400lbs of dead meat walking in the scrub.

    Has liberalism worked, just ask them, have them explain it in detail why, how and when it has worked. Now its nice to now how it has not, but a trillion or two words has been written already proving its failure. So perhaps it is time to just ask the damn question, “Has liberalism worked?”

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