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I Wish I Had Lost a Billion, I’m Glad I Didn’t Lose a Million

Posted by Bob on October 11th, 2008 under General

If I had lost a billion dollars in the stock crash I would have dropped maybe forty percent of my total worth. I would still have one and a half billion to comfort me.

At the other extreme, if you’re living largely on welfare the stock market means nothing to you and a new depression just means lots more voters are joining you to increase your benefits.

But if you lost a million, you are in serious trouble. That puts you in the category of people who have a family to support and who have done well. You have a lot of commitments, and every dime of that million comes out of money you depended on when made those commitments.

The superrich and the welfare class – which is NOT the working class in our age – form a natural coalition. Teddy Kennedy and Bill Gates and permanent welfare recipients form a natural alliance. The welfare class benefits from a huge tax and spend apparatus and the superrich have the power in such a system.

And if anybody points this obvious reality out, you knock them down by calling them “simplistic.”

  1. #1 by Dave on 10/12/2008 - 6:48 pm

    We should never fail to see past the contretemps of moment, no matter how severe. This economic and financial crisis means nothing regarding the real trends.

    The belief in racial equality, now genuinely and fervently held by multitudes throughout the world, although with long antecedents, really got going as the actual worldwide orthodoxy in the post WW II era.

    Because the belief in racial equality is so foundational, is so genuinely grasped and so closely and widely held, the future will turn upon it.

    There will come a day when people will be puzzled that anyone could have believed that the races share a common humanity. The idea will simply flummox them. The very notion of “human kind” and “the family of man” will become inaccessible as units of meaning.

    Things always turn upon what is most foundational. We cannot know the methods that nature will employ to accomplish this turn. But it is not prophecy to predict that the turn will occur.

    That is because whatever lever that is employed to organize society must crumble and fail. Descent is not a river. We are not tumbling in a cataract. These organizational levers are our own ideological invention. They decay just like anything people construct decays. There is no progression in race relations simply because intellectual and real capital accumulates. The idea of progression in race relations is Wordism, it doesn’t really exist. The failure of the delusions of millennialism is a certainty. But intellectuals could never have sold any books or promoted themselves had they left their musings at that.

    It is too intolerable, so even today, Marx is resurrected yet again.

    This is another one of those things that is so obvious no one sees it.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 10/13/2008 - 9:22 am

    I would bet that if I interrogated your average useful idiot liberal for less than ten minutes we would find they have their doubts about racial equality. The left especially is a cult ruled by fear and paranoia the whole constructed of many sub-cults rigidly segregated by race and then ideology. These childlike followers are ripe for acting upon their insecurities, that is why white libs segregate themselves, their organizations whiter than the Klan.

    Now thankfully for the psychopaths that rule these cults there are conservatives who will sidle up to the borders and shriek at them. From National Review thru Limbaugh to even AR the game continues of the human chimpanzee troupes at the waterhole.

    Me I’m the devil, I sidle up to the average lib and in gentle voice whisper to them, “Do you really believe that?” Am I out to save or destroy the average useful idiot lib, NO, I want them to go back to their hive with the virus of doubt. Now the Mantra that is Ebola to the “liberals.”

  3. #3 by Simmons on 10/13/2008 - 10:48 am

    Racial Equality is the belief system of a few white wackjobs, none of the other races has any illusions of “racial equality”, but the whites who dominate the BS industries never bothered to ask anyone outside of their clique (rigidly segregated cults). Now the other races might bray about equality but theirs is that of an underdog sports team scoring a goal against the juggernaut team, not the feminine thinking of niceness and sameness and non-agression.

    Assuming Obama becomes imperial leader then we must assume that America continues the trend into a Jim Jones death cult of crazies wishing the impossible. From this assumption which I believe is valid then it is to be expected that the financial con-game of vendor financing will not exist much longer to the extent that we need to put spinners on the SUVs of black layabouts.

    I even doubt that too many foreigners will have much faith in the billionaire fairies like Gates or Buffet and their “nigger” uplift fantasies. Now the jewish billionaires are another story with their ruthless intents, but they will only exacerbate the worst characteristics of the decline, ask AFKAN and John de Nugent.

    So I foresee in the future for America that the millionaires supplant the billionaires as the natural leaders (the m’s are mad as hell right now). We should ask Ygg if he has any insight, where is he posting right now?

  4. #4 by shari on 10/13/2008 - 11:10 am

    Simmons, When I look at sites such as chronicles, as far as I can see, you are ignored. I can’t tell if a virus has infected. Pain definately stung and got kicked out. But maybe!

  5. #5 by Simmons on 10/13/2008 - 1:13 pm

    Timing I guess Shari there is a time to shriek and a time to quietly instill the doubts that destroy others’ beliefs. My last few posts there have been on the newsy and lengthy side which for there is more of the usual.

    Ask Bob how many of his ideas went up the ladder and no one remembered that they were his?

  6. #6 by dnr on 10/14/2008 - 8:28 pm

    The smaller the economic boat gets, the better. It’s unfortunate that it has to come to this, but it’s best for whites in the long run. Tougher times have a way of making people become more sensible and to focus on what’s really important in life, like family.

    The alternative would have been a slow death through SUVs, Oprah, and PC dinner parties. Now whites will have a reason to work together as a race again, because doing so can help them put food on the table. And they won’t appreciate non-whites taking those remaining jobs.

  7. #7 by shari on 10/15/2008 - 9:01 am

    As for jobs, why couldn’t a lot of millionares, start family owned businesses, hiring white family men? I don’t think you could stop it, when they don’t have anything to lose. Too many millionares have made their money IN the system.

  8. #8 by Simmons on 10/15/2008 - 11:25 am

    The Chronicles crew is also mostly composed of religous zealots, whom I am to presume even if they deny it are slaves emotionally to predestination. Say the magic words believe in them fervently and voila, your reward. It says so and who can doubt the word of god. Now some very cynical people as usual have latched their authority to that of god’s, and none of the conservatives or liberals, whomever can fully shake that authority. You would think they would learn to question the very basis of the genociders authority but they cannot they quibble the details.

    I’m reading Sam Francis’collection of writings on race and it might be a million wise words all of them true, but they quibble the details with those they presume have real authority. Jared Taylor even describes the creation and evolution of the most pernicious cult word “racism” and then goes back to “details.” Our genocide is being conducted by the superstitous invocation of the word “racism” whenever we resist, and yet he/they cannot overcome the awe of authority. Mention that last sentence on AR’s forum and the censors will do their work.

    The Mantra demolishes all that it boils it down do we survive and thrive or perish, no “Details”, no submissiveness to authority that places itself above the moot.

  9. #9 by shari on 10/15/2008 - 4:11 pm

    I think that for many years, quibbling the details was about all that could be said. But now, the evil has shown itself to where it just won’t do. Fleming, however says he intends to continue, so I think, let him go.

  10. #10 by Simmons on 10/16/2008 - 10:29 am

    I’m not evangelical in anyway, I am more like Screwtape. I know trying to “reach” an aging academic is useless, for him I want him to know doubts, for the kids who read him I want them to moot his “authority.”

    Where is Bob? Sunning himself?

  11. #11 by mderpelding on 10/16/2008 - 7:36 pm

    Yessir Batman…

    Our elite has sold us out.

    Someday, soon I hope, my fellow tribesmen will truly understand why the George Bush’s and John Kerry’s and Bill Clintons and John McCain’s and Barack Obama’s all have the same contributers and advisers.
    And maybe………
    just maybe grow up enough to realise that they can be adults making numerous scary adult decisions on their own .

  12. #13 by shari on 10/17/2008 - 10:27 am

    Type in Bird and Fortune-Subprime crisis

  13. #14 by Tim on 10/19/2008 - 9:31 am

    Speaking of losing a million. the premier European betting site (and just a lil Irish) just paid out a million Euros on the Obama win. Of course, Obama has not won.

    This is kinda brilliant for publicity. If he wins, they will look like the premier betting site. But if Obama loses they will get a billion in free publicity. Either way. Genius marketing for a company making gazillions on gambling.

    In my opinion, the big news about Obama is NOT that he is winning in the polls. It is simply that he is barely winning. Kinda shocking to many people (they don’t read this blog).

    Eight years of Republican misery and a Democratic shoe in is barely up the margin of error!!?>!!> If I were a Democrat ——-I would be very worried. Anything can happen and I was not even thinking about this election—-until I read the Irish headlines that PaddyPower paid out an Obama win. Oh and the fact that some Self Hating White Man waved his finger at me and told me that there will be riots if Obama loses……..well prior to that I did not care.

    Now I want the riots. If Obama loses it is because of RACE and if he wins he will be in direct confrontation because of Race and the fact that he will NOT be able to please the majority will be all the more interesting.
    If Obama starts trying to do anything liberal (like any kind of gun laws) it will just scream of “sticking it to the white man”. Of course, he won’t be doing anything Jimmy Carter didn’t do. But there is one big difference……the white sheeple are FINALLY starting to GET IT!

    Bob for someone like you —sit back and pop some popcorn —crack open a Dr Pib. You waited your whole life for this one.

  14. #15 by woundednietzsche on 10/19/2008 - 2:50 pm

    Yes white people are starting to wake up as they see 99.9% of blacks voting for Obama. I hear them say, Hey where did all the color blind, one big happy family stuff go? Gee ALL those blacks are voting for a black man. And they’re stunned and angry. Blacks were never deracinated. They’re doing what’s natural and healthy for THEIR RACE and they’re setting a very good example for white people. I’ve never heard so much open healthy discussion about race in public by whites, in the pub, at the soccer games, at work, as I’ve heard over the last several weeks. Whites are starting to realize that yes, RACE DOES MATTER. And it always will if YOU want to survive. This election is leading many whites to rediscover their own tribe for the first time in very long time. It certainly feels good to belong doesn’t it?

  15. #16 by backbaygrouch4 on 10/19/2008 - 5:46 pm

    Republican Colin Powell has endorsed Obama. While he and the “respectables” will deny it, the message is that race matters and that it is more important than party. It is so obvious that it will be unmentioned at all cost. Millions of White citizens should take note and vote accordingly.

  16. #17 by Tim on 10/20/2008 - 7:22 pm

    This is one to read. Gates of Vienna gets more interesting by the month. Bob could have written this one!

  17. #18 by AFKANNow on 10/21/2008 - 12:57 am

    in reply to Simmons (1):

    you wrote:

    Racial Equality is the belief system of a few white wackjobs, none of the other races has any illusions of “racial equality”, but the whites who dominate the BS industries never bothered to ask anyone outside of their clique (rigidly segregated cults). Now the other races might bray about equality but theirs is that of an underdog sports team scoring a goal against the juggernaut team, not the feminine thinking of niceness and sameness and non-agression.

    in reply:
    The relentless desire for the impossible – Racial Equality – simply masks the soul of The Destroyer. Only when all has been Leveled to the Lowest Common Denominator can the Elite truly rule with almost embarrassing ease.

    Remember, the Destiny of Demography is insured by voting for McCain OR Obama; the illegals will be made legal, their families will follow, and America as we knew it will be gone, forever.

    More to follow about that.

    you wrote:

    Assuming Obama becomes imperial leader then we must assume that America continues the trend into a Jim Jones death cult of crazies wishing the impossible. From this assumption which I believe is valid then it is to be expected that the financial con-game of vendor financing will not exist much longer to the extent that we need to put spinners on the SUVs of black layabouts.

    in reply:
    Extend the vendor financing model to Asia, and see China as saying, “We took the pure economic profits made from labor arbitrage and exchange rate manipulation, and invested them in your FM/FM (hedge fund) paper. Now, make it good, and we shall continue The Game for as long as it benefits us.”

    The death cult death spiral is my deeper concern.

    Hedonism is the Cultural response to Despair. This Despair has come about, in large part, because we have accepted our Racial Enemy’s definitions of Who – and What – we are, and, worse, SHOULD BE.

    In the meanwhile, recent advances in genetic engineering, which have earned no comment whatsoever in the Lamestream Media, will insure that the he difference between “Mankind” – at it’s best, the Western Soul – and “Humanity” – at its best, the Hive Minds of Asia – will become a truly insurmountable gap.

    you wrote:

    I even doubt that too many foreigners will have much faith in the billionaire fairies like Gates or Buffet and their “nigger” uplift fantasies. Now the jewish billionaires are another story with their ruthless intents, but they will only exacerbate the worst characteristics of the decline, ask AFKAN and John de Nugent.

    in reply:
    I suspect the “‘nigger’ uplift fantasies” of Buffet and Gates are mere rationalization for getting a lot of their money out of the US, and out of the dollar, cloaked in the language of gracious righteousness.

    African investments in raw materials, particularly with the Chinese as business partners, should prove very rewarding after the economies of the jungle savages collapse into, well, jungle savagery.

    Say what you will about Gates and Buffet, they are, literally, kindred spirits, with the Vision to see far ahead, and the patience to invest wisely.

    you wrote:

    So I foresee in the future for America that the millionaires supplant the billionaires as the natural leaders (the m’s are mad as hell right now). We should ask Ygg if he has any insight, where is he posting right now?

    in reply:
    I suspect the millionaires will flee to the functional equivalent of a Northwest Republic, while the billionaires will flee, as they always to, to Zurich.

    The Natural Leaders will require time in isolation from the collapsing society to develop their Posterity appropriately.

    Remember, Ygg wrote the Elite saw themselves as above Nation-State, well before the current state of affairs.

    OUR DUTY is to develop the foundation Natural Aristocracy for the New Society, starting where we are.

    I have noted before that there have been several Americas, looking at the changes from the Articles of Confederation to the Civil War, from the 14th Amendment to World War 1, and from the Revolution of 1933 to the 2008 Election; all Forms of America, all changing to meet the differnet needs of the extent cultural moment.

    I am working feverishly to help raise my Nephews to be part of the Founding Aristocracy of the Next America.

  18. #19 by AFKANNow on 10/21/2008 - 1:08 am

    dnr wrote:

    (Incidentally, dnr, CAN we “resuscitate” America as it has become, or should we leave the dead to the dying, and focus on developing the Foundational Aristocracy of the New Order?)

    you wrote:

    The smaller the economic boat gets, the better. It’s unfortunate that it has to come to this, but it’s best for whites in the long run. Tougher times have a way of making people become more sensible and to focus on what’s really important in life, like family.

    in reply:
    “Tough times have a way of” FORCING people to become “more sensible,” by rejecting Values that contravene positive Racial Development.

    It seems to be a small, but very precious, minority of our own Race who are capable of such thinking.


    Our Race started with less; we can rebuild on Higher Ground.

    you wrote:

    The alternative would have been a slow death through SUVs, Oprah, and PC dinner parties. Now whites will have a reason to work together as a race again, because doing so can help them put food on the table. And they won’t appreciate non-whites taking those remaining jobs.

    in reply:
    I look forward to the day just ONE of our politicians decides it would nice to win, and follow the example that worked so well in a very narrow election for the later Senator Jesse Helms:

    Just get out there and promise to ABOLISH Affirmative Action.

    Landslide victory.

    Seek to appease our Racial Enemies?

    Absent the Vice-President from Whitelandia, the Republicans would certainly lose power for AT LEAST a generation, and might well find themselves in the same position as the Whigs in 1864.

    Nobody mourns them for a minute, and, nobody will mourn the loss of the Republican Party, particularly the White Remnant which will call them Race Traitors – and mean it.

  19. #20 by AFKANNow on 10/21/2008 - 1:20 am

    in reply to Simmons (2):

    you wrote (in part):

    I’m reading Sam Francis’collection of writings on race and it might be a million wise words all of them true, but they quibble the details with those they presume have real authority. Jared Taylor even describes the creation and evolution of the most pernicious cult word “racism” and then goes back to “details.”

    in reply:
    I’ve been working on an alternative biography of the late Dr. Sam Francis, and I believe he would have not allowed the editing of his later works to be gelded on the issue of Race, which I believe he saw, at the end, as being the foremost issue of social organization.

    you wrote:

    Our genocide is being conducted by the superstitous invocation of the word “racism” whenever we resist, and yet he/they cannot overcome the awe of authority. Mention that last sentence on AR’s forum and the censors will do their work.

    in reply:
    The linkage of the invocation of “racism,” with the unquestioning yielding to the Form of Authority, acts automatically to stop any further relevant discussion of the isues – PERIOD.

    That they self-select OUT of further discussion by turning on their automatic blinders is all we need to know about how useful they are to the Race.

    We can write them off, too.

    you wrote:

    The Mantra demolishes all that it boils it down do we survive and thrive or perish, no “Details”, no submissiveness to authority that places itself above the moot.

    in reply:
    The Mantra also acts as the functional equivalent of an IQ test at the Racial level.

    When people go blank when you hit them with the Mantra – as they usually do – you have seen all you need to see.

    I have discovered this – an amazing number of people are amazingly resistant to being Awoken on the Racial issues.


    All we can do is what we can do.

  20. #21 by AFKANNow on 10/21/2008 - 1:29 am

    in reply to mrpelding:

    you wrote:

    Yessir Batman…

    Our elite has sold us out.

    Someday, soon I hope, my fellow tribesmen will truly understand why the George Bush’s and John Kerry’s and Bill Clintons and John McCain’s and Barack Obama’s all have the same contributers and advisers.
    And maybe………
    just maybe grow up enough to realise that they can be adults making numerous scary adult decisions on their own.

    in reply:
    I can hope, but, from what I have seen, true Adult Individuation is what our public indoctrination system is consciously, and expressly, designed to thwart.

    There is a Reason for that, and it ties back to Race.

    Making Individuation impossible is the damn Goal of the public indoctrination system, which will keep us all in the Childish state of emotional, and soon, intellectual, development.

    Easily sedated, easily manipulated, cattle on the farm owned by the Plantation.

    Unless, of course, we organize along explicit Racial lines, and work, in a Family framework to do what we can, while we can.

    Recognize this – what is happening in genetic engineering will make much of the human race irrelevant, all too soon.

    How The Elite choose to deal with that seems all too obvious.

    Might the words “Diaspora,” and “Northwest Homeland,” become part and parcel of the vocabulary of our Posterity, all too soon?

    Yes, if we don’t do what we can, while we can, to organize along Racial lines.

  21. #22 by AFKANNow on 10/21/2008 - 1:48 am

    in partial reply to Tim:

    you wrote:

    In my opinion, the big news about Obama is NOT that he is winning in the polls. It is simply that he is barely winning. Kinda shocking to many people (they don’t read this blog).

    in reply:

    Given a real economy Hoover would have recognized, with our own tent cities going up all over the place, this should be no contest at all.

    I suspect the choice of Palin – the Candidate of Whitelandia – has made it possible for our Racial Brethren to have someone we want to vote FOR.

    The fact that she tells – TELLS – the authority figures, “I’m going to talk right over you, and directly to the American people,” and they respond with stunned silence – she did it again on last weeks “Saturday Night Live,” and DAMN but I’ll bet that was ad-libbed – certainly reveals so much of the Republican “leadership” to be gelded incompetents, at best, and gelded criminals, at worst.

    you wrote:

    Eight years of Republican misery and a Democratic shoe in is barely up the margin of error!!?>!!> If I were a Democrat ——-I would be very worried. Anything can happen and I was not even thinking about this election—-until I read the Irish headlines that PaddyPower paid out an Obama win. Oh and the fact that some Self Hating White Man waved his finger at me and told me that there will be riots if Obama loses……..well prior to that I did not care.

    in reply:
    Funny, something like that happened to me.

    I was checking some books out of the library, and the Self-Hating White Man in front of me said, “You know, if Obama loses, there will be riots.”

    HIS response was one of professional, prone passivity; we MUST let them win, or they will riot.

    My response was short, and sweet:

    “Good. Let’s show these goddamn niggers how The Game is played.”

    Total, stunned silence, as he went forward and checked out his books.

    I DID get a look of approval from the librarian, who is sick and tired of the *ahem* “street people” coming in and ranking up the library.


    you wrote:

    Now I want the riots. If Obama loses it is because of RACE and if he wins he will be in direct confrontation because of Race and the fact that he will NOT be able to please the majority will be all the more interesting.

    in reply:
    AND, we shall have the advantage of the illegals taking the battle to the Enemy, as well.

    Double your pleasure, double your fun!

    you wrote:

    If Obama starts trying to do anything liberal (like any kind of gun laws) it will just scream of “sticking it to the white man”. Of course, he won’t be doing anything Jimmy Carter didn’t do. But there is one big difference……the white sheeple are FINALLY starting to GET IT!

    in reply:
    Obama would love to tighten up the gun laws, and this would be the final sign that the battle is underway.

    you wrote:

    Bob for someone like you —sit back and pop some popcorn —crack open a Dr Pib. You waited your whole life for this one.

    in reply:
    And make plans for how we shall develop the Next America, starting where we are.

  22. #23 by Simmons on 10/21/2008 - 7:28 am

    Tim, I was going to post the GoV blogspot piece on “Mark to Market” as Mantra writing especially when he touched on Race as the author did. I was also going to post a reference to William Flax’s front page essay in the CofCC’s “Citizen’s Informer” as another Mantra bit.

  23. #24 by Dave on 10/21/2008 - 11:07 am

    This is not all about racial politics. You have to see the underlying.

    The only reason we have men wearing black dresses sitting on raised dais’s pretending authority is because of the lack of a real standard in the police and in the detection and punishment of crime, a lack of a real standard in business practices, and a lack of a real standard in government, in law, and in law making.

    The only reason we have an election cycle and the universal voting franchise is because of a lack of a real standard in representation, finance, and business.

    The only reason we have a degenerate media and popular culture is because of a lack of a real standard in speech and expression.

    The only reason we have an academia is because of a lack of a real standard in learning and research.

    It is all part of a whole cloth of deep and enduring corruption.

    Defeating the depredations of nonwhites is a piece of cake. UNDERLYINGLY, DEFEATING NONWHITES IS NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER.

    That happens automatically, in due course, in achieving a real standard in the institutions of society.

    The real issue is achieving a real standard in a larger sense, in the whole of society’s institutions, across the whole range of functions. When whites come to understand that, and a real standard is achieved throughout, racial matters resolve themselves into racial hierarchy in due course, on the basis of nature’s real order. It just happens spontaneously.

    The dominion of the world belongs to the white race, a property of the white race, forever. We simply need to resolve the corruption besetting us.

    That involves abolishing Congress, abolishing the legislatures, abolishing the courts, abolishing the universal voting franchise, abolishing academia, and erecting a real standard in their place for all the functions they fraudulently purport to fulfill.

    There is no reforming things, for in tyranny only buffoons and clowns suffice. Only humiliation and ruin across every facet of life, financial, familial, and political satisfies tyranny. That is the world that exists today.

    That is why only real revolution will do.

  24. #25 by shari on 10/21/2008 - 12:29 pm

    A REAL revolution needs to be sparked by a real repentance. It’s not saying “Lord, Lord” that matters. It’s DOING what’s right! The young men at Chronicles want to know what they should do? Well, first they should listen up, then get out from under a censoring thumb.

  25. #26 by AFKANNow on 10/21/2008 - 5:15 pm

    in reply to Dave:

    This is part of a longer piece I’m going to do for the General Comments section on various issues that are before us.

    If I can sum your points quickly, you are saying:

    1. We are looking at the beginning of total systemic failure, masked by various mechanisms, because of the lack of a real standard, and this lack of a real standard is systemic.

    2. With the institution of real standards, defeating the non-whites is easy, because they simply can not perform at that level.

    3. The status quo is so mired in the lack of real standards that it is simply nonsustainable.

    Interestingly enough, this seems reminiscent of the philosophy of the SECOND greatest Chinese philosopher, Mencius, with his “Rectification of Names School.” Mencius held that most things were poorly identified, and the linkages between things were even less accurately identified. calling things what they were would resolve all of this, and pretty much open a new dawn of harmony – an important concept to the Chinese – for the Chinese people.

    I see something like this is in the development of semantics, and then, Korzybski’s General Semantics.

    Such a philosophy is the damn antithesis of Wordism, but requires such intellectual discipline and focus that most people are simply not up to it. Even Hayakawa’s primer in the field is beyond most people, even if they wanted to learn and work with it.

    The TRUE Revolution is of the Mind; the Frankfurt School took over America more effectively than entire armies of other nations.

    You wrote:

    There is no reforming things, for in tyranny only buffoons and clowns suffice. Only humiliation and ruin across every facet of life, financial, familial, and political satisfies tyranny. That is the world that exists today.

    in reply:
    This sounds remarkably like we will be going through the Soft Collapse defined in “Atlas Shrugged.”

    In place of the Lawrence Automobile Company of Hammonmd, Colorado, just write in Chrysler Motors.

    And, as for public infrastructure failing, well, we are already there.

    The example go on, and the book seems remarkably prescient.

    I HAVE mentioned that I read the last chapter every night, as a goad to myself to move forward with my Nephews, on all fronts, as much as possible?

    The scene where the Taggart COMET lies trapped, in the Arizona desert, and Eddie Willers collapses before the fading light of the COMET reminds me of the stakes here.

    you wrote:

    That is why only real revolution will do.

    This will take a lot more work than most people can imagine, much less do.

    I’ll discuss this, particularly in light of what White Nationalism has become, and should become, in the General Discussion section.

  26. #27 by mderpelding on 10/21/2008 - 9:34 pm

    “Unless, of course, we organize along explicit Racial lines, and work, in a Family framework to do what we can, while we can.”

    Quotes are mine.
    With all due respect, Mr. AFKANNow, we have spent the last 50 years organizing around racial lines.
    Don’t you know what cultural Marxism is? Let me help you. It is the belief that Marx’s Utopia will be obtained through racial war. Note how in the post WW 2 era Marxists worldwide became nationalist champions of various indigenous third world peoples. Racial co-operation in such places as Africa and central and North America was discarded and the ideal of racial conflict, through code words like “empowerment” were substituted. And what has this wrought? Formerly peaceful societies on the brink of outright tribal war. And who benefits? Wanna guess. Note the post civil war South in the U.S. Blacks and whites were learning to live together in a society based upon mutual respect. There was segregation, but as Bob and many other Southern writers have shown,relations were at an equilibrium. Enter the Marxist inspired civil rights movement. Race relations are torn apart and Southern society,(which was based upon peaceful co-existance of blacks and whites)becomes an armed camp.

    What kind of society do you envision, Mr. AFKANNow?
    Secession on this continent which would create several Haiti like homelands?
    Deportation of blacks to Africa?
    Establishment of large eugenic camps?
    Or some sort of racial gottdammerung?

    And please explain to me how this great race war can be to our advantage when it is being strenuously promoted by the same multinational elite who sent us to die by the millions in the north of France almost a century ago.

  27. #28 by AFKANNow on 10/21/2008 - 10:46 pm


    Above, I referred to a corporation in “Atlas Shrugged,” “the Lawrence Automobile Company of Hammond, Colorado.”

    It was the Hammond Car Corporation, of Hammond, Colorado, created and managed by Lawrence Hammond.

    Twenty years of not keeping up with the book will do that to you!

  28. #29 by Dave on 10/22/2008 - 11:47 am

    Aldous Huxley used to say, “Don’t tell me what to accomplish without telling me how. It is the how that matters.”

    The “how” cannot involve a reliance on gross force, force that in any event could ever be necessary. It must not involve territorial separation, as anonymity is not possible in our computerized and electronically monitored world, as if for example a physical wall separating Mexico and the United States means anything, other than a veil for invasion.

    Operationally, there is nothing lacking at the physical and intellectual capital level for white dominion everywhere. This has nothing to do with matters of territorial contiguity. Rather, what is lacking is the standard and means for bringing our corrupt whites to account.

    That nonwhites will be corrupt is a given.

  29. #30 by Simmons on 10/22/2008 - 12:06 pm

    Being the managerial force for billions is a sure loser, I’m sure the Aryan invaders of India had high hopes as well as the Southern planters all ended in corruption never mind the colonial forces for resource extraction. “Our due” as you once said is not cheap labor we have been there done that and all we got for it was rap music and Indian telephone operators while the rest rots. Needless to say I tend towards AFKAN on this one while at the same time I agree with you on the corruption angle of other whites. But we cannot tell millions of whites to put on the hat of the “boss” and go to the ghetto to make those people useful for some multi-national corp that does not have for a charter “preservation of the white race preceeds profits”, nope.

  30. #31 by Simmons on 10/22/2008 - 12:44 pm

    The Mantra as I must remind everyone here revolves around territorial integrity, not managerial efficiency. Where Dave is going I do not know and he needs to explain himself in exacting detail. I’ll be blunt I certainly hope he is not of the “Ian Santiago” and the Hoover building version of white nationalism. I only write that because the Mantra is so explicitly written as it breaks from the old mold of white supremacy as “boss.”

    I hope I am wrong, but if what I think that Dave is saying is correct we do not need the Mantra so much as we need a recycle of 19th century conventional wisdom, Kipling will do.

  31. #32 by shari on 10/22/2008 - 1:24 pm

    Dave, I think that the races DO share a common humanity. That’s why we have been deceived, and mixed off spring can be produced. What we don’t have, is a humanity in COMMON. I think that you are absolutely right that dominion belongs to the white race. This is important! I, personally have no great accomplishment, but I do carry genes that ought not to be destoyed. That would be disaster.

  32. #33 by Simmons on 10/22/2008 - 1:31 pm

    Shari all I get from Dave’s posts is that you are to go into the heart of darkness and be the boss. I mean it is not unheard of and I’ll bet Bob could regale us of what it was like in South Carolina 150 years ago, but that seems opposite of what the Mantra is saying. If not then we could uncrowd Holland and Belgium with sky towers and computer controlled traffic and congestion software, and not worry about the Mantra.

  33. #34 by shari on 10/22/2008 - 3:00 pm

    My own imagination is like that stele,sp? in the Nile. “No nubian shall pass, except to obtain provisions and return.” This wouldn’t be so bad. They want their own leaders. They’ll have them, who will do much better than now. Asians will copy, and do impressive things, but nothing can be done without whites surviving and thriving in their own lands. This is what the mantra is for. NO GENOCIDE!

  34. #35 by shari on 10/22/2008 - 3:07 pm

    On the other hand, the horrer of white genocide would be, what I think happened, with the Incas and the Aztecs. They murdered off the whites and sunk into a demonic bloodletting that shocked the tough, battle hardened Spaniards when they saw it.

  35. #36 by Dave on 10/22/2008 - 3:58 pm


    It is true that the Mantra is about territorial integrity. But what makes you think that the Mantra is prescriptive?

    Instead, it is DESCRIPTIVE. The Mantra points out the facts on the ground and the facts on the ground are the facts on the ground.

    You can pretend that can be altered. But it certainly won’t. That matter has already been decided.

    What has not been decided is the uniting of the white race. Nonwhites don’t see this at all.

  36. #37 by AFKANNow on 10/22/2008 - 11:51 pm

    in reply to mrpelding:

    Your questions address larger issues than this thread, and I’ll address them in the General Discussion section.


  37. #38 by Prometheus on 10/23/2008 - 5:44 am

    Shari says “Dave, I think that the races DO share a common humanity. That’s why we have been deceived, and mixed off spring can be produced. What we don’t have, is a humanity in COMMON. I think that you are absolutely right that dominion belongs to the white race. This is important! I, personally have no great accomplishment, but I do carry genes that ought not to be destoyed. That would be disaster.”

    Prometheus says ” At any level, there is a common something. At the ‘human’ level, there are common atrributes and ones which are unique. At the ‘primate’ level, there are common attributs and ones which are unique. At the ‘animal’ level, the same.

    The problem with viewing everything as ‘humanity’ is you ignore all other levels which make us what we are. If we were obsessed with ‘primate-ity’ then we would concentrate on the opposable thumbs and shout down anyone who pointed out that there are humans, chimps and gorillas which are different.

    ‘Human-ity’ does the same thing. It reduces man to nothing more than a ‘generic’ man. The fact that we are White is a thorn in the liberal anti-whites side. The fact we exist as WHITE people is living proof we are more than just human.

    Anti-whites dont want to destroy our race in the same manner that a child knocks down a sandcastle. The child doesnt care that the sandcastle exists, they destroy it for fun.

    But the fact that we exist, that alone is enough to disturb them. White people who exist, white nations that exist, will invariably demonstrate attributes that seperate whites from other races. Our existance is an anathema to their beliefs.

  38. #39 by shari on 10/23/2008 - 11:49 am

    Thanks Prometheus. I think we are talking past each other a little bit. I do understand the lowest common denominater ploy. I was only saying that a common humanity is why it confuses so many. Look at the deception of Obama. One can’t declare he’s not a human, so he’s said to “visibly incarnate change and hope at a time when America desparately needs both.” In other words he’s the solution to this RACE problem.

  39. #40 by Prometheus on 10/26/2008 - 6:14 am

    Shari, I get you now. I saw a poster of Obama up on a bookstore wall. It had a cartoonish coloured depiction of Obama with the word “HOPE” underneat. Considering I live in Australia, it shows how much he has become the poster boy of lefties, especially the trendy suburbanite ones that lived there.

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