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How do they “get it”?

Posted by polydoros on April 12th, 2016 under Coaching Session, How Things Work

In Classical Athens, people learned about gods and heroes through looking at tapestries and paintings, mosaics and statues; and by hearing poets and philosophers… Not to forget through conversations and bed-time stories.

In the Middle Ages, people learned about Jesus and the saints through looking at tapestries and paintings, stained-glass windows and statues; and by hearing troubadours and friars… Not to forget through conversations and bed-time stories.  photo jackparr.jpg

In 21st century America, people surf the Internet and listen to bed-time stories (for many, late-night comedy television).

During a late-night show, a politician talking about “diversity” was interrupted by the presenter:

“Diversity is a codeword for something…”

It couldn’t have been a joke unless enough people “GET” the reference.

Shouldn’t that tell you about what we’ve accomplished?

Think about it. Think about it…

  1. #1 by -cecilhenry- on 04/12/2016 - 9:21 am

    This is what the Kevin MacDonald, Jared Taylor and Tom Sunic’s of the world do not seem to understand.

    AT least not YET.

    • #2 by Simmons on 04/12/2016 - 2:12 pm

      It’s what I said about Jared years ago, he simply won’t believe or use the word genocide till the Left uses it or one of the “respectables” uses it.

      I think it basic human psychology, nothing nefarious or anything to get worked up about it just is.

      A couple weeks on this very blog I got my tail end chewed up about a point I brought up on how to deal with a very sore subject that again comes down to basic human psyche.

      How to deal with the “King’s New Clothes” belief and the best way is to tell everyone that everyone now knows the king is naked as a jay bird and he always seems to be cold, everyone knows that and everyone knows that everyone knows and then someday someone will just state the obvious, the king is naked as a jaybird and he is always looking like he is cold.

      • #3 by Undercover Lover on 04/12/2016 - 3:43 pm

        I guarantee they’ll be the last ones to adopt “genocide”

        • #4 by Secret Squirrel on 04/13/2016 - 2:21 am

          The latest thing they’re using is We gotta attract the “normies” or RamZPaul is good at attracting “normies”.

          As the Republicans have a respectable conservative infestation, so do we.

  2. #5 by Richard on 04/13/2016 - 10:15 am

    I am wondering if what I wrote recently on a group breaks any Mantra rules: They were discussing that North Carolina and Mississippi should use the shunning they are getting from passing laws allowing businesses to follow their religious convictions as a means to secede. “Today, spiritual wickedness in high places pushes genocidal laws every way it can to destroy European ethnic groups. I recommend you support Bob Whitaker’s Mantra program of resistance.

  3. #6 by Bob on 04/13/2016 - 5:02 pm

    Richard,dont get stuck up in Mantra “rules” about TRYING THINGS.
    Our first rule is Try it and see if it works.
    Way to go and GO!

  4. #7 by Bob on 04/13/2016 - 5:37 pm

    After thinking over Richard’s comment, I suddenly got a picture of exactly where this abortion-type issue came frome.
    After Election Day 1980, even Republicans had to face the fact htat the whole Reagan Revolution rested on the Wallace vote,which was now the Regan Democrats.
    So Republicans had thisalien vote they had to “appeal” to.
    So, they asked, how did their heroes the Real Professionals on the other side, deal with such aliens?
    They saw that Democrats ,like Hillary today, went to the people who owned what to them was alien voters, the blacks.
    Their heroes heroes went to the church-based owners of the black vote.
    Conservatives knew they had to ignore busing, immigration,and other issues real white working people were worried about.
    They went to the CHURCHleaders who actually dirtied their handswith these little working people.
    The Religious Right had begun!

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