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  • #12743

    A social group for practicing your debate tactics on one another, for organizing, targeting anti-whites, and other uses that can be helpful to BUGS.

    You do need a SF account to log in, then select “Social groups” and search for “The B.U.G.S. HIVE”, then select join group to log in. Once loged, and joined the group, it is your perfect clubhouse.

    It’s purposes include debates, organizing , targeting, fighting the ANTI-WHITES and general sharpening of your skills to fight white GeNOcide!

    Be sure to use the “Subscribe to social group” button at the bottom of the page to get instant updates to your email for swarm targets!

    Daniel Genseric

    Sent ‘Join Request’ just now using the hard-to-read button right below the “You need to be a member of this group to view its contents.”



    I understand your concern however, I have made the joining process public and not in need of invitation but, VIEWING is to SF MEMBERS ONLY. You need to have a SF account anyway to join and participate in the fun; and really if you are reading it, and not participating you must be a slacker. 😛

    I’m mainly speaking for concerns that our debate tactics could wind up in the hands of Anti-Whites when we make a bigger push later in BUGS lifespan.

    How stupid would we look if we started to play the cards in our hand, the ANTI-WHITES had all the trump cards to them?

    I’ll keep adding topics as the ideas come to my mind. Any pro-white is more than welcome to set up any kind of topic he/she wishes to speak on.


    Genseric-Check your youtube friends requests. I need you to do me a SF related favor


    Daniel Genseric



    If it benefits White children, I am ALL for it. Fire away.

    Daniel Genseric


    Actually, the way it read to me was that you must be a BUGS Hive social group member in order to view the HIVE’s content. Did you change it? I have been an SF member since before 2004.

    Logging into SF to see what has changed.

    Perhaps it is a misunderstanding on my part.

    Daniel Genseric

    On whose SF username’s behalf should I send this, Mean Rabbit?


    I couldn’t locate you in the roster. You got hell-banned for that?

    Daniel Genseric


    I gotchya. Telegraphing punches in boxing is one way to get knocked out.

    Although, how can you be sure that some of the new SF members who just joined the hive are NOT, in fact, anti-Whites?

    Peter Whiterabbit

    The last thing professional anti-whites want to do is give us exposure. Why don’t serious anti-white groups like the SPLC, ADL, etc scream about a pro-white former Ronald Reagan staffer, college professor, senior staff member of a popular Senator, etc? Because they don’t want to deal with Bob’s message. The have no trump cards against the mantra.

    Daniel Genseric

    And then there’s that.

    Henry Davenport


    “How stupid would we look if we started to play the cards in our hand, the ANTI-WHITES had all the trump cards to them?”

    There are NO trump cards in my opinion! It may be just my temperament, but I think being transparent will serve us….let the anti-Whites publicize our methods all they wish, I have no objection to them doing some of our training work for us. Our message is a completely honest one, and any public discussion of our methods for delivering it offers the opportunity to point out that those same methods are what has made the message of the anti-Whites, the r-word, the automatic reflex of the majority of Whites today.

    Peter Whiterabbit

    I think we would be better served discussing debate tactics here in the Swarm because that is the purpose of the Swarm. This is also where the expertise, experience and discipline exists.


    Genseric-Yep my username on SF is meawhiterabbit just the same as here-its not MEANwhiterabbit. I got a temp ban for 2 months so i am not sure my username shows up anywhere. I can still log in but i just can’t do ANYTHING, not even search. Send it to Jackboot and i am sure he will find me if he is prepared to do something. I’m not THAT bothered its just the principle of it. Getting banned for Mantra talking points on SF and calling BS tells me theres something odd going on with some of the mods.

    Thanks for any help.


    “Although, how can you be sure that some of the new SF members who just joined the hive are NOT, in fact, anti-Whites?”

    @harumphty dumpty

    You both have some great points, and if I get a show of hands and bob’s say so I’ll make viewing public too. But what I had meant was, during a larger push for debates (In colleges/town halls/ other political debates) that Anti-Whites are given the time and rescources to develop a defence against us. If you hit an enemy with a weapon, and they have time to recover before you finish them, they will learn from that blow, and how to defend against it eventually. I simply want us to hit them every time, right upside the head and not knowing how to defend until we’ve won. But as said above, if you guys say so I’ll make it public.


    Yes I’ve gotten messages as well, that there are some questionable mods on SF, and have had quite a few of my topics locked when they were talking about the mantra or somewhat controversial topics. (I understand there are two mods out of many that are particularly sensitive to pagans/odinists and quickly get locked/deleted on any thread provoking conflict between them and Christians, we don’t need to worry about that, but it’s an SF thing.)

    The main thing the Hive is for is for organizing and learning how to debate/ post mantra, eventually organizing teams, and allot of other stuff im cooking up for the Hive to help you guys.

    Also you don’t have to post tactics, its mainly learning how to debate and some other things that we should focus on.

    Daniel Genseric

    @mean rabbit

    I sent it. Waiting. Will forward to alpha1alpha.

    Daniel Genseric


    I will defer to coach on this if you are looking for leadership/guidance.

    My view is that transparency breeds confidence and trust. While anti-Whites might be able to see WHAT we are doing, they still won’t understand HOW to unravel it. It can’t be done. Why? The truth shall set you free, baby…

    Henry Davenport

    Re “expanding” (that’s the way I see it) some of our in-house stuff into Stormfront.

    I personally am extra careful when considering any option that PeterWhiterabbit thinks is not the best option, since I find Peter to have extraordinarily good sense.

    But here’s my own thoughts about it nevertheless.

    The more that SF’ers and SF readers can come to see our activities as a normal part of THEIR site, the more they may be slowly and naturally drawn into doing what we are doing!

    When you let people see what you are doing, including it’s inner workings (so I recommend transparency), before they know it they begin to feel a part of the activity and can’t resist starting to tinker themselves.

    Don Black and Derek Black, Truck Roy and Father Francis, and others at SF have all crowded into the Mantra muscle car (thank you, Genseric!) and are taking the ride! Just listen to the Don and Derek show. So our bugster site feels to me like my cherished local neighborhood, and SF begins to feel like my larger community.

    But we need to keep an eye on how it goes and not draw energy away from our own site and our own activities in MSM. SF can be a bog that one can sink into and never be heard from again, I have the feeling.

    As something of a newbie at both sites, I offer these thoughts for the consideration of you with more knowledge of both sites.

    Henry Davenport

    May all pro-White sites let us establish “branch offices” on their sites!


    Consider it done,

    Also I really liked that Idea of taking bugs little office sites and setting up shop around. Using viral messaging and chain letters may be a good idea as well to spread the manta later.

    Also, It is good to note that we can use SF’s picture sharing function to spread examples of White GeNOcide to various groups. The idea that we can use the Frankfurt School’s social engineering and tactics of splintering into other groups giving them the same message we are on is a great tactic we can really use.

    Daniel Genseric

    @ mean rabbit

    Sorry bro. Nothing I can do. JB, Howie and the crew said it is a no-go. You are going to have to wait it out.

    On any given Sunday,

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