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The evidence-Collection of articles and reports promoting White genocide

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  • #19455

    Lets post older articles and reports that we can get quotes out of for talking points. Again as i keep saying lets not get into facts and figure.

    This one is a goldmine. Its pretty much white guilt 101. For example…….

    “If there are no majorities, then there’s no minorities.’

    “Yasmin Alibhai-Brown of the Foreign Policy Centre, who arrived in London from Uganda in 1972, said such fears are basically racist: ‘Only white people worry about this. It’s because for such a long time the world has been their own. To talk about it feeds a particular type of racism that says that blacks breed like rabbits. There is an underlying assumption that says white is right.”

    Yasmin Alibhai-Brown “So what if we do become a majority? What difference does it make?”

    “But present trends have little chance of redressing the injustices of history. Native Americans used to have the lands to themselves but are now less than 1 per cent of the US population, with little chance of becoming a majority again”

    “‘Diversity strengthens a country. It makes it more exciting. We have hundreds of languages spoken, when we go out to eat we never eat English, we eat Thai or French or Indian. It makes London a very cool place to live and work.”


    One in 10 children in the UK now lives in a mixed-race family, a major study reveals today, raising future hopes of a non-racist Britain.


    Sarkozy tells French to mix with Arabs.

    Daniel Genseric

    Two words: Tim Wise

    Also, “It’s hard to see racism when you’re white” campaign dedicated THOUSANDS and thousands of dollars to promoting mental harm to the indigenous European population of Duluth, Minnesota. Oh yeah, Tim Wise even attended one of Unfair Campaign’s ‘events’ last month.


    I propose we post images as well, they speak a thousand words after all.


    Gar 5-That Swedish flag pic needs to be used in one of your images!


    @ genseric @TimJacobWise on Twitter writes: “It’s simple: if yr over 50 & white & u “want yr country back” u r likely a racist: yr country was a white supremacist & evil state. Period”


    @ mwr Done

    Daniel Genseric


    That piece of trash TJW is remarkable in his ability to say the PERFECT anti-white thing at the exact moment in time. Sometimes I wonder if I am on the WRONG planet.

    Even Breitbart HATED that Jew faggot.


    I have an immense hatred for that demon Jew Tim Wise. You can just see the evil in his eyes.

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