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Sign White House S. Africa Genocide petition.

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    Henry Davenport

    You can sign here
    and can also check out the thread I started on it at SF

    I’m tying it in with our own White House petition(s), and hoping that each will help the other.

    I’ll start a thread at WNN also.

    If you haven’t signed our STOP White Genocide petition yet, please do!

    Henry Davenport

    This one may be approaching escape velocity. 80 signatures in a day and a half, much better than ours did.

    It will feel great if this takes off and gives Whites in SA a little of the  public hearing we want them so badly to have, but if it does, we need to keep our eye on the main deal and see opportunities to use its success to spread our basic message.

    If you post about this petition on any site, you might include a statement like this one I used on the SF thread about it,
    “And while you’re at it, please hit our more general STOP White Genocide petition. In the long run it’s this method of genocide, the boil-the-frog-slowly method, that will wipe us out:…white/YV5861Tz

    Henry Davenport

    Uh, this petition is ours too…don’t feel like you’re trying to abuse someone else’s petition, because you’re not.

    White Dude

    HD, did you create the South Africa petition? And WOW! It did not take long for that petition to get past 100 signatures unlike the White Genocide one. I wonder what was the difference?

    Daniel Genseric

    HD, I can tell you exactly why the S. Africa genocide petition is garnering more support and signatures.

    White genocide is EASIER to buy into when it is a Fairy Tale. You know, a story that takes place in a land far, far away? Yeah, reality is too hard to deal with for most. They don’t want to think about how white genocide is actually taking place in EVERY white country. Also, most non-free thinkers believe that genocide requires a massively VIOLENT component.

    It scrambles their brains.

    Henry Davenport

    Yes, White Dude, and yes, Genseric, I agree with you. I wrote the below to post here later in the day, but I’ll put it up now:

    This petition has reached 150 in a little over 2 days, while it took us 8 days of hard sloughing to accomplish that for our main petition!

    Freaking amazing.

    As you said, Genseric, “White Genocide” is further around the curve of the cave than some other topics. I understand that, even if I can no longer feel it.

    It’s still maddening!

    I’ve felt some confusion about this petition because it’s not our main point. I don’t recall exactly what impulse caused me to submit it, but I remember that part of it was hoping it could aid our own petition.

    Despite the fact that it’s not our main point, I think we should implicitly acknowledge this petition as a Bugs product…that will make it more natural to use it to boost our own petitions without causing resentment. We all feel the same as other pro-whites about what’s happening in S. Africa, so we can let that feeling out (which I haven’t done yet…I really don’t want to feel that S. African horror on top of all the other crap we have to feel!) and use it to boost feeling for our own point. It shouldn’t be a problem if we do it with honesty and sensitivity.

    You can check how I’ve been pushing both petitions, and sometimes linking and contrasting them, on these two SF threads, and see if you think I’m handling it properly so far. As I get into the S. Africa stuff more, I expect my tone to change:

    Henry Davenport

    Here’s the way I’m looking at it, guys. We make our own point over and over and over, so there is no way that anyone who actually takes a look at what we’re doing can mistake what we’re doing (yes, I know that’s not a true statement!). So any temporary confusion caused by association of our point with the S. African mess is worth the increased exposure of our point.

    If the explicit contrast I’m sometimes making between the two genocides arouses some kind of mild uproar on SF (I don’t think it will), fine. We can use the increased attention. What the hell, WE are the ones who are doing the S.A. petition after all (!), and as long as we are faithful to the suffering there and don’t shortchange it  because it’s not our main focus, we should be okay.

    Daniel Genseric

    I’ve been watching. In my opinion, you’re doing great and are relentless – maybe a little bit too relentless over there.

    Henry Davenport

    Genseric, when YOU say I’m being too relentless (lol!), it is DEFINITELY time to take a break! 🙂 Thanks a lot for the feedback, and I’ll get some breakfast and start my day and let this sit for a good long, long while now. I think the SA petition did better when I was out of the house for several hours yesterday than it did when I was here boosting it. Someone must have gotten ahold of it and posted it elsewhere…there have been MUCH fewer visitors to the SF thread on the SA petition than there have been during the same time period to the SF thread on our main petition (I don’t understand that. Is it because I put the SA thread under “e-activism”?), but many more times as many signatures to the SA petition.

    What an education this is being for me about what we’re dealing with with other pro-whites. Man, we are a highly selected group here!

    Henry Davenport

    Overnight this petition got 17 new signatures (up to 146 now. After 4 more, it’ll be visible on the White House petition site), and our main petition got one new signature! (560 now).

    That’s a clear demonstration of what’s beyond the curve of the cave and what’s not. It’s taken about 2 and 1/2 days to get the SA petition up, and it took 8 days to get our main one up.

    When in about a week we put up a successor to our main petition (about white genocide through flooding and forced assimilation with non-whites), I’m going to add a new approach at SF to get it up: an appeal to “give us a little support even if you don’t fully understand what we’re doing”….something like that…likely to be just as hard a sell as any other, but I’m curious to try it.

    But there won’t be the same exhausting pressure on us to get our successor petitions to our main one up so quickly, now that we understand we’re not aiming for 25,000 signatures! We can just take it easy and let each petition go up when it goes up, and hope that each time we do it it will go up sooner.

    Articles about both petitions are up on White GeNOcide Project now:


    signed  RRS


    HD, has there been any promotion of these petitions prior to them getting started?  I wasn’t aware of the first one until it had been up for four or five days.  And the SA one I just learned about in the last hour.  I know if I knew these petitions were going up and when, I would definitely be good for a few signatures in the first few hours.

    Daniel Genseric
    Daniel Genseric

    The journo list

    The email

    Dear Editors and Journalists,

    I just came across this nasty and hateful petition at the White House’s website. It is preaching about some fictional “White Genocide” in South Africa. Apparently, it has now reached the 150 signature threshold which means it is now visible to anyone using the same website that has experienced a surge in traffic because of the Secession and Obama Impeachment Petitions. Most likely tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of people are now reading it.

    I trust you will do your best in exposing this petition as the racist piece it most certainly is.

    Best regards,


    Daniel Genseric

    Emailed the first five hundred at the paste bin above.

    J Locke

    Sent it to 501-1318 on that link.

    J Locke

    Using Genseric’s letter I got this, perhaps from a White person:

    Your email has been reported to Gmail as abusive. You might want to know the race of the person you are sending these disgusting cries for help to before you send them. I hope to never hear from you again.
    Phil Riedman
    WDAY Web Producer

    Henry Davenport

    @ seapea: The procedure so far has been to register the petition at the White House site, and then drum up support for it, which some of us did heavily at SF and TOO, I did it slightly at Amren, and I think some of us posted it on various facebook pages. We need to find more sites, etc. to spread the word to.


    Genseric, that letter is great and made me LMAO! (Sorry guys, I know it’s a grim topic, but I’m going to try to not let myself get caught up in that. Check out Bon of Babble’s comment on the White GeNOcide Project thread on the SA petition for the kind of hard-hitting posts on SA that are needed)

    If anyone wants to send (pro-white) emails to the same folks Genseric and John Locke emailed, asking them to publicize the horrors, maybe some will consider the topic to be sufficiently contentious to be newsworthy.


    Here’s a sudden thought: At most of the places we spread the Mantra, should we now “instead” ask readers at those places to sign our main petition? (which is of course the Mantra, and which of course we copy out for them in our request). Delivering the Mantra in the form of a request for a concrete action to support the Mantra might be even more provocative than just delivering the Mantra straight! And spreading the word about  the petition while displaying it is like working two channels of Mantra delivery at once.

    And we could also mention the SA petition. There’s no telling yet what the potential for that one is to carry our main message in a sidecar.

    Just thoughts…I’m tired at the moment and don’t know if they’re good ones.


    Henry Davenport

    That SA petition is moving (206 signatures now). I can’t do any more today, but it would be good to get word out about it to various white sites, if you all feel like that’s a good use of time.

    A petition needs to average about 830 signatures a day to reach 25,000 in a month.

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