Archive for category General

Resignation from the AFP Presidential Ticket

As Bob stated to Johnson, “this is not a sudden decision”.

During the March 26th AFP Board meeting, Bob told Johnson and the AFP Board that their proposed Trump cabinet idea was “childish and amateurish”, “total kindergarten”.

The past few months Johnson and the AFP seem more focused on promoting and spending money on peasant Trump’s campaign instead of Bob’s.

“I’ve never had this happen. I’ve been in campaigns for fifty years, and I’ve never seen anything as screwed up as this.”

Below is our side of the audio from the March 26th Board Meeting where we are discussing their proposed Trump cabinet:
March 26 Board Meeting

Johnson’s email less than 24hrs after the board meeting:
“To: Bob Whitaker,

I stand ready to follow your council. No more ineffective approaches. Here is the release that Tom Sunic will send out.”

“No more ineffective approaches” but here’s the Trump Cabinet you said was “total kindergarten” that Tom Sunic will send out since you wont, Bob.

The AFP’s approach seems to be focused on getting media attention, any media attention, instead of getting a consistent message out there and doing what WORKS.

Bob is a professional at knife edge politics, but rather then listening to the professional, the AFP board abandon Bob and his expertise for the likes of Jared Taylor, Tom Sunic and Kevin MacDonald, each of them advising the AFP to drop the most effective meme for our cause to date, “White Genocide”.

“It is important to make waves and let them know we are here. BTW. Let’s be a wee more diplomatic with the ms media. Instead of using the right word “ white genocide” let’s use “ physical, administrative removal of Americans of European extraction” ; instead of “white nationalists” – lets use “white advocates” or, or “advocates of European heritage.” etc. I know it does not sound right for us, but that’s the name of the game in pc DC and Brussels. I am sure JD Team would appreciate it. Send the pr to him. Let’s stick together now and forget our minor divergences.” – Tom Sunic

“I agree that “genocide” is too strong. It sounds like people attacking us with machetes and pitchforks. I think simple “dispossession” is better. Also white nationalism sounds pretty stern. I think white advocacy sounds less scary but says what we want to say.” – Jared Taylor

“I agree. If you say genocide, people roll their eyes. It’s not a good label to use in a sound bite.” – Kevin MacDonald

Bob’s note to Johnson:

Your note to Laura said that while the Party hasn’t a dime for my campaign now, those radio ads will be something!

The radio ads, of course, are months off.

You will not give me any information about how these wildly successful ads for Trump are actually doing.

We peasants get no info on how your other fund raising is going.

You know, even when recommending my first book, the National Review crowd always assumed anybody with a Southern accent was an idiot.

I do not want my ads, if they finally come up, to be written by you or one of your heroes.

So it would be better, while we’re still friends, for me to withdraw from our theoretical place on the AFP ticket.

You have no idea what BUGS is about, but our one big goal was to get “White Genocide” and some other terms to go viral.

Once people hear white genocide there’s no going back to a comfortable use of “diversity.”

We have succeeded in our main aims. I thought I might help Trump somehow by using the free speech cowardice of Republicans, but it’s not my problem now.

So best of luck.

You’re fighting the good fight. I just don’t think you’re very good at it.

All the best.

Bob, Tom and Laura.

Second note to Johnson:
I appreciate your dedication, Mr. Johnson, but I spent years dealing with the snobs at National Review and I am just too damned OLD to take it any more.

When Huffington asked Taylor about the Whitaker for President campaign, he said, “I was not awayyah that there WAS a Whitaker for President.”  Your folks are STILL fighting against white genocide.

I hear from the Board every cliché about BUGS, “It’s tiny”– it was US, not YOU, that Trump retweeted. We have had a HUGE impact.  But I hear the sniping, loud and clear.

So this is not a sudden decision.

I went through it several times, especially when Rusher and I forced the Reagan crowd to go for the “Wallace Democrats” vote, which suddenly became the “Reagan Democrats” that all the snobs were always all for.

Buckley for me was “Country and Western Marxist.”

You are a good man, but I simply cannot take this knife in the back and snob attitudes the way I once could.

I’m Too Old to Grovel

I am writing on my seventy fifth birthday, so the reason for my deciding to refuse the American Freedom Party nomination is timely.

One of biggest sacrifices I had to make throughout my life for the sake of power was my dignity. I was always the guy the National Review and Republicans crowd laughed at because I was right at home dealing with what they considered dirty old working people.

Intelligence Ivy Leaguers had the same attitude to my being able to go out in the bush and rally those minorities they loved so much publically.

I did a lot and took that scorn as the price of what I was doing.

If there was a budget, as there often wasn’t, their phone calls took precedence over saving lives, just as trips for AFP Board members’ trips somewhere are great, but my paying a pittance to my staff represents a giant sacrifice on their part.

But I have decided I am just too damned OLD to take this crap anymore.

We went viral with white genocide, then the Party decided that Donald Trump’s campaign might need some more toilet paper, so Mistah Taylor took over the robocalls.

The Huffington Post asked Lord Taylor, “What about the Whitaker for President campaign.”

He replied “I was not awayyah (that’s “aware” to us peasants) that there WAS a Whitaker for President campaign.”

They wanted me to stay on the ticket. They said they wanted me because of my expertise.

Bless their hearts, they wouldn’t know political professionalism if it turned purple and danced in the streets before them.

I understand that the real Lunchioneers on the Board, the ones who can raise money for their groups, want to ditch “white genocide.” They do not raise money using something effective in real power politics.

The real reason they feel they need me is because one candidate has already quit on them this year, and me an Tom going might hurt them.

But, as you can see from Lord Taylor’s familiarity with the AFP’s campaign for me, they really have nothing to lose.



Paltalk Saturday April 2nd with Bob, Tom and I

Paltalk tomorrow evening will see Bob, Tom and I discussing our resignation from The AFP ticket.

Please join us from 6pm ET tomorrow April 2nd on Paltalk in the “Fight White Genocide” room.



Global Warming is a Hoax; Multiculturalism is a Genocidal SCAM

Global Warming is a Hoax; Multiculturalism is a genocidal SCAM

A True Believer in global warming looks at the trees during autumn/fall in November and exclaims:

“Wow, soooo many leaves are falling! At this rate there won’t be any TREES left by December!!”

 photo LL.png

Such a Temporal Provincialist looks at the weather one month at a time and sees disaster on every horizon.

Now most people understand that global warming is a hoax.

That’s why the name was changed from “global warming” to “climate change”.

It’s a way to cover up a bad product.

Likewise, most people know that “multiculturalism” is a bad product, forced on Every & Only white nations.

That’s why the name was changed from “Multiculturalism” to “Diversity”.

“Multiculturalism”/“Diversity” means chasing down the last White person.




#WhitakerBowie2016 Recent Radio Shows

Inside the Eye Live with Dennis Fetcho is broadcast every Saturday at 10AM Eastern
“The Fetch” brings weekly insights on geopolitics, Zionism, conspiracy history, finance, Middle East politics, and news and views that shed light on our contemporary reality.

Bob’s interview with text chat –

A huge thank you to White Rayne for organizing this interview with Dennis Fetcho.Red Ice Interview Pic

The Tom Sumner Program – Broadcasting from Flint, Michigan. Show – Off the Beaten Path to the White House

Red Ice Creations host Henrik Pamgren interviewed Bob and Tom –





Real science is based on control of variables and repeatability.

A laboratory is the ideal setting for such an endeavor, because variables can be controlled and experiments can be repeated.

Obviously history isn’t a laboratory and neither are cultures. Actually the opposite: they are so complex and vast in scale that an observer cannot isolate and control variables. (Much less a repetition of history or a culture with one variable being different at the behest of the observer!)

Another way to appreciate the difference is this.

A real scientist can make accurate predictions based on understanding a subject.  photo frank.jpg

But no “Sovietologist” predicted the fall of the Soviet Union, and no “Diversity” consultant predicts the collapse of the “Diversity”/White Genocide system.


Yet despite all this obvious background, Mommy Professor still insists that when she preaches on history and culture that she is a Social “Scientist”.

No surprise there.

The priesthood of EVERY pseudoscience wants itself to appear scientific. That way their silliness may appear serious.

Whether an Early Victorian Thinker, Karl Marx’s “Scientific” Materialism, or L. Ron Hubbard’s Church of “Scientology”, or Mommy Professor’s Social “Science”.

It’s all the same:

