Archive for category Insider Letter Archive

7/2/05 Insider Letter

(Reprinted to Blog from email list of 7/2/05)

*** Bob’s Insider’s Message ***

This week’s WOL is about the arrest of British National Party leaders in Britain. They could not have been arrested in America.

I know the men that were arrested. All this is explained in this week’s WOL.

Right now, every European leader feels it is his duty to attack the United States because we have a death penalty. They refuse to send even people who have committed cold-blooded murder back to the United States for punishment.

But there is one gigantic difference. We may complain about their refusing to extradite criminals, but we never criticize their own abuses of the most basic rights.

One reason the political left has been so successful is because it recognizes no borders. When the local governments moved against Communists in Argentina or in Nicaragua, the entire American left began making movies about it, defending their fellow leftists.

So when Nick Griffin and John Tyndall are arrested for “inciting to violence” under Britain’s draconian anti-hate laws — though no one can name any violence they incited — the American right stays totally silent.

I look at far right-wing sites in America, and all I see is that they are still trying to sell the same old books by dead men they have been trying to sell for fifty years. On the respectable right, they do what respectable conservatives get paid for doing, ignoring the whole thing.

And the rest? They are bitching about Iraq and sending each other e-mails about how Bush is not a nice man.

You can’t push a string. The whole right is limp and lives in the past or is obsessed with the latest news.

Everything important goes on right under their noses and they don’t notice it at all.

I am getting frantic e-mails about how France and the Netherlands rejected the new European Constitution. But it never occurs to any of them that we might harness the power of Europeans who are challenging the powers that be.

If the rejection of the European Constitution is important, why aren’t we in on it?

Because we are busy pushing books by dead men and bitching about Bush.

If Europe is worth telling me about, it is worth thinking about.

If Europe’s rejection of the European Constitution is worth frantic e-mails, then it is worth our getting in on this international rebellion against our common enemies.

But if you want to get in on it, you have to START somewhere. A great way to start would be to show a little interest in the tyranny of the European Thought Police.

Let’s take a little time off from spreading the astonishing word that Bush is not a nice man and trying to sell old books by dead people. Let’s spend a little time encouraging the BNP leaders who are under assault. Let’s take a few minutes out from telling each other how bad Bush is to send some outraged letters to the British Embassy and some letters of support to the BNP.

What I am describing is happening right now. You will have another Media Event to get obsessed with next week.

And the dead guys who wrote all those books can wait.




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6/25/05 Insider Letter

(Reprinted to Blog from email list of 6/25/05)

*** Bob’s Insider’s Message ***

I have exercised a staggering amount of power in my life. None of it fit any of the macho clichés.

If you want to know exactly how to handle huge amounts of money, you can get endless amounts of advice in your local bar. Find a guy who can’t afford a drink and buy him one. He will give all the advice you ever wanted to hear about how to make and use money.

People who have never actually handled large amounts of money can tell you exactly how you can make money grow and where it should be put.

Ask a real self-made multimillionaire exactly what you should do with large amounts of money and he will probably give you no answer at all. If he does give you advice, it will very cautious and lengthy and, above all, it will not be anywhere near as interesting as what you will hear in the bar from the guy whose drink you had to pay for.

The person who has never been responsible for large sums of money can tell you all about it.

Exactly the same rule applies when it comes to power.

At a recent convention a nice old guy was marching around telling everybody, “Mao Tse Tung said that power comes from the barrel of a gun.” This gentleman, of course, had never had any power at all, so he knew all about it.

The fact is that no war hero ever made any difference in real history. People worship war heroes and despise the guys in the suits. But the fact is that the reason thousands or millions of guys are out there dying in their uniforms is because a few guys in the suits PUT them there.

Much more common is another piece of Wisdom people who have never had any power or money love to repeat:

“Power is all about money.”

The wonderful thing about this piece of Wisdom is that it sounds so good. It is just the sort of thing a person who has never had either power or money loves to say, because it shows he knows all about both power AND money.

Boy, that sounds not only Practical and Wise, it sounds MACHO:

“Power is all about money.”

It reminds me of a poor little very rich guy named George Soros. Soros has billions of dollars and hates George Bush with an obsessive passion. He spent $27 million in the 2004 election and had not the slightest impact on the results.

It would have been less embarrassing for Soros if he had accidentally HELPED Bush by his efforts. What was really embarrassing was that he had not the slightest impact at whatsoever.

Money is exactly like water. As Rudyard said in his poem “Gunga Din,”

You may talk o’ gin and beer
When you’re quartered safe out ‘ere,
An’ you’re sent to penny-fights an’ Aldershot it;
But when it comes to slaughter
You will do your work on water,
An’ you’ll lick the bloomin’ boots of ‘im that’s got it.

When you don’t have water, water is everything. When you don’t have air, air is all that matters. When you don’t have money, money is all that matters. But if you DO have water, you may talk of gin and beer and despise water. When you have no trouble breathing, you use the expression, “It’s as easy as breathing.” When you’re broke, like the guy in the bar, money is everything.

Let me explain a simple rule to you about power and, separately, about money. Many, many times the Wall Street Journal has reported the results of actual experiments comparing highly paid financial experts with monkeys.

In every case, the monkey spins a wheel or throws an object and the investment is made on the basis of what the monkey hit on. Those results are then compared to a wide range of — let me repeat this –- advice given by highly paid financial consultants.

In every case, the results are dead even. But real people with real money still hired those same financial consultants and paid them the big bucks. These tests were scientifically conducted, but no one pays them any attention.

It just FEELS better to lose your money on the advice of big-time consultant than on the basis of a dart-throwing monkey. Everybody would consider you a complete idiot to bank on the monkey, and everybody, including you, would not feel bad about banking on the same consultant all the other moneyed people bank on.

In the real world, the fact that it amounts to exactly the same thing means nothing to you or to others.

Exactly the same thing is true of highly-paid political consultants. Once you are a name in the business of political consulting, you will always be a big name in the field of political consulting.

This is because of Whitaker’s Rule of Political Consulting. Two kinds of people hire big-time political consultants. One is the guy who has a lot of money and suddenly decides he wants to be a senator or at least a congressman. He hires a big name.

When he fails, nobody blames the consultant. It was silly, everybody says, for the rich guy to have thought he could buy that office in the first place.

The few times such a rich guy wins, all the credit goes to the political genius, and he charges more next time.

Have you ever noticed that, after a presidential campaign, you hear all about the geniuses who guided the winning campaign and you never see a word about the big-time campaign managers who LOST?

Losers are not news. You only hear about them when they win.

Whitaker’s Law of Political Consulting says that once a man attains the status of political genius, you will only hear about him when he wins. For that reason, once you become a big-money political consultant, you will always be a big-time political consultant.

The same is true of financial consulting. Nobody wants to hear about the losers. So they only hear about a financial genius when he wins.

So the guy in the bar actually believes that all a man needs to make his money grow is one of the financial geniuses only rich people can afford. That, he tells you wisely, is the only reason rich people make money and he needs you to buy him a drink.

I never had the heart to ask such a person if he ever heard of rich people who LOST money.

I never had the heart to ask that same man if he ever heard about it when a big-time political consultant LOST an election.

The whole point of buying the guy a drink is to relax and listen to his nonsense. It’s all for fun.

But out in the real world where real power and real lives and real money are at stake, this macho crap is much, much less amusing.




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6/18/05 Insider Letter

(Reprinted to Blog from email list of 6/18/05)

*** Bob’s Insider’s Message ***

The whole point of is to spread ideas.

This is why respectable conservatives are so absolutely vital to liberals. Respectable conservatives have endless hours on the media, and they give the impression there is some sort of opposition in America. And almost everybody who reads WhitakerOnline spends his entire time and resources backing respectable conservatives.

So I ask very little. All I ask is that those who read WhitakerOnline USE my points.

For example, my book makes the point over and over and over and over that Political Correctness is not LIKE a religion. It IS a religion.

PC could be proven legally to be a religion.

So someone read my book, read and, predictably, he comments, “Whitaker says Political Correctness is like a religion.”

This makes me very, very, very tired.

You see, he had been reading respectable conservatives, and they were using that kind of language. You have to be gentle. You have to correct those well-meaning people, so he naturally used the fatal word “like.”

Conservatives spend their entire time 1) proving that they are not racists or isolationists or whatever the latest liberal charge is and 2) trying to show they want exactly what liberals want and they have a better way to get it. So they want “assimilation” and they have decided that this “melting pot” and “diversity” can be accomplished better their way.

I keep pointing out the “We the People … and OUR posterity” is the ONLY purpose of the United States. The Founding Fathers were exactly what liberals now call racists and isolationists, and they said so.

And I keep pointing out that is the ONLY authority on which our actual Constitution is based. That is the ONLY purpose of our Constitution.

But the problem is, once again, that you are getting your wording from respectable conservatives. When a liberal or a respectable conservative hears that, he says, “But that isn’t ALL there is.”

Once again, that huge difference is exactly what I said. The Founding Fathers did not LIKE government. It was set up precisely to be limited to an exact authority and an exact purpose and absolutely nothing else. It was not to help Iraq. It was not to protect illegal immigrants. It was not for all mankind or other people’s concerns.

The Founding Fathers accomplished their charity personally. They did not believe the government should be the instrument of anything it didn’t have to be.

I said, “anything.” If you want to convince liberals and Old Testament wordists that the United States Government is supposed to spread Political Correctness or the Gospel of Jehovah to the world in general, I wish you hadn’t read my stuff.

I said Political Correctness IS a religion. If you say it is LIKE a religion, I wish you hadn’t read my stuff.

I mean what I say, and what I say is not like anything you will read anywhere else.

The distinctions ARE the whole point.




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6/11/05 Insider Letter

(Reprinted to Blog from email list of 6/11/05)

*** Bob’s Insider’s Message ***

My father and I never got along. But there was one time I was glad to see him. At the age of eighteen I was in a small town in Germany working on a brick plant.

In a sophisticated part of Germany I would have been surrounded by Germans who spoke perfect English. No brick plant is ever in a sophisticated place. In a town of two thousand or so people only three spoke English.

The problem is that, even to talk to them, I had to speak very correct English and use words they would know. For five months I spoke German and a very, very careful kind of English.

You know how I like to play with language and make jokes. I couldn’t do it there in English. And expressing myself in German was extremely hard work.

So when my father arrived, I was ecstatic to be able to speak South Carolinaese again. Nobody around me understand a word we were saying. It was the kind of English that let my father and me understand what illiterate blacks were saying.

Being able to talk freely is like water or oxygen. When you miss it, nothing else counts.

When you are dealing in a foreign language you find that all expression is a burden. It takes me at least a week to get back into Spanish.

All this sounds very classy and internationalist, but if you are on the ground, it is a pain in the keester.

When you can’t express yourself freely, it feels like suffocation.

I have the same problem in talking with people about politics or history.

You are asked to explain something. The person you are talking to thinks the BIBLE says, “All men are created equal.” He finds that that is in the Declaration of Independence. It then falls upon you to explain that the Declaration of Independence is NOT the Constitution. Then you have to explain that “all men are created equal” was written for the FRENCH. The Declaration of Independence was written in wartime as a propaganda document.

By this time the person you are talking to is getting very, very tired of all this.

But the fact is that the Constitution says nothing about human equality of mankind in general. And the Declaration is not the Constitution. The Constitution is the Constitution.

About the twentieth time someone asks you earnestly about something, you get very, very tired of having to go all the way back to the basics.

You get very, very tired. When I speak about politics or history with a person who learned it all from his preacher and Shawn Hannity and his granddaddy, I have the same suffocated feeling I do when I have to talk in what I know of a foreign language.

I should feel very proud. I know a lot of stuff the other guy doesn’t know. I should feel very proud that I am speaking in a foreign language. William Buckley will never get over his joy at the fact that he speaks Spanish and French and knows a lot of Latin phrases.

But for me it is all work and suffocation. I want to be able to use terms like “Wordism” and the ongoing genocide against whites and hear what you have to say about it. I want to talk to and listen to people who already understand what the tide of history is, and the difference between that and normal politics.

I want to discuss things with people who already understand why respectable conservatives have to be none too bright.

I am TIRED of beginning again and again and again. It is like one of those nightmares where you are trying to run in knee-deep molasses. I have spent my life in knee-deep molasses.

I have written it all down. I have told it all a hundred times. I am sixty-four years old. I wish a few people would read what I have to say and make themselves able to understand reality. Then I could learn from THEM.

What a glorious thought!

What a breath of fresh air!


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6/4/05 Insider Letter

(Reprinted to Blog from email list of 6/4/05)

*** Bob’s Insider’s Message ***

Con men make their livings on the fact that you can make plenty of money by selling something that doesn’t WORK. Great inventors die broke all the time.

All of the history of science may be deduced from one fact:

A product can either be saleable or it can WORK.

Millions of people died because the old Humor Theory of Galen was so saleable. First of all, it was written in ancient Rome in Latin, so universities stood by it to the death. Only the intellectuals could understand it.

As early as the 1500’s the germ theory of disease was in circulation. But, as I explain in my book, it was rejected because it struck at the very basis of the Galen theory of the intellectuals. Galen wrote, in Latin, that human health was a balance of “humors”. To cure disease, you bled people so that these non-existent “humors” were balanced.

It didn’t work, but it was written in ancient Rome, in Latin.

I have exactly the same problem. I teach a history where the good guys don’t always win.

If someone tries to bring some reality into history, he gets questions like, “But doesn’t that mean that men are not equal?” Or “But doesn’t that mean the conversion to Christianity was a step backwards instead of a step forward?”

My version is Christianity depends entirely on its being TRUE, not on its being a social step forward. But the average church-goer demands that the church be more than just the saving of an individual soul. It must be everything else, too.

What good is God if He just saves souls. He had to invent the world in six days, too or He’s no fun.

In my version of history, facts are simply true.

But history has to be saleable, history has to be fun, and history has to come out right. The people who do all the good things have to be kind, pretty, and well-intentioned. That is history you can sell.

But it isn’t true.

You can sell a giant conspiracy theory. A giant conspiracy theory, on the left where it is the rich people getting together to exploit everyone else, or on the right where Communists sit at a table and plan everything, is exciting.

A giant conspiracy theory has another great advantage. If you believe in it, it takes all the responsibility off of you. It’s THEIR fault, not yours, and there is nothing you can do about it.

You can have a theory where democracy, free enterprise and goodness will make a new world.

My stuff brings you down from all that with a disappointing thump. It just sees people as people, and it concentrates on what WORKS for human beings as they are.

But I attack problems one at a time. I do not offer a giant ultimate solution.

Right now I am attacking the academic bureaucracy. It would solve a lot of very serious problems if people joined me. But they want to join something that takes on all the problems at once, something that sounds exciting.

University professors are not geniuses in on a giant conspiracy. They are hothouse bureaucrats gone wild just like every other group of hothouse bureaucrats gone wild. Meanwhile, the guys who get the attention are those like Bill O’Reilly, who sit around and wonder how those great minds have gone wrong.

The truth is a very hard sell.
