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How whites took over America

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    I had no idea amren carried the animation. I googl’d “how whites took over America” and found all kinds of different sites carrying it. I did not know David Duke put it up on his site a couple days ago either.



    We need to think new, not copy stuff from over a decade ago.


    Beefcake, we are a VERY small force.
    Don’t SUGGEST it.
    TRY it.

    Daniel Genseric


    That was ONE place telling their viewers to ‘skip it.’ IN THEIR OPINION it was S-L-O-W. Everybody who has half a brain saw the credits.

    I really don’t think I did miss the point. Maybe I didn’t explain my thoughts as well as I thought I had. The credits DON’T matter. They are just something people expect to see in a “film.” The message. Never the messenger.

    Now, if the REAL goal is to get people to your show and what not, then yeah. You might wanna drop that at MULTIPLE points throughout the video. You can’t predict what someone else is going to think is Stupid or Slow. Drop the link early and often if you want more hits. Luckily, you can POST-EDIT the production on YT itself. Have the guru go back and drop your http:// in at multiple points. This will not affect the hit counts or the video itself. The links will not be ‘clickable.’

    Again, you are getting hung up on what you preach NOT to worry about. Credit. That was the point. Your White Rabbit tendencies and honor are showing through again.


    The Amren thing is different. I bother with pro-whites when they are:
    1) actually pro-white
    2) show an genuine interest
    3) worth the time

    It’s hard to leave a well known asset like that alone. Yet, Amren has proven time and time again that they are NOT worth our time. They had their chance. Let them play catch up. After all, that is their forte. Let the AMPW’s wallow in their inefficacy. They love that shit.

    Daniel Genseric

    The Mantra. Choose to USE it.
    (Try it. You might LIKE it).



    We keep talking past each other. You are only on FTWR- 7 and I have already designed up to number 24. So this is my fault. You cannot see where I am going with the animations. How could you? So I am wasting time talking to you about Credits etc ….and thinking out loud here about details that seem superfluous to the average rabbit. Obviously, you cannot read my mind. LOL No use in trying to explain why I want this series to have a cookie cutter style credits etc…etc… I am obviously not doing a good job of it.

    I have been through this before with FTWR. Much easier for me to do it and then everyone else will see and understand and it can be discussed.

    Daniel Genseric

    Thanks for your Explanation Horace.

    I’ll understand when you don’t reply back. Your time is rather valuable.

    Actually, I don’t think I even made it past Follow The White Rabbi 1 in clahss. I am pretty S-L-O-W. My ADHD is quite nearly handicap level. I was just making some observations and attempting to let you know what you have is a great production thus far. And I even failed at that. HAhaH!

    I think I know exactly what you mean about cookie-cutter titles/credits. It’s something I only recently achieved with a couple of my piddly videos. Obviously, you don’t need little old me to tell you how great of a job you and Team White Rabbit have been doing. The proof is in the candied-carrot pudding.

    I look forward to enjoying your next riveting production.

    And by the by, my professors would tell you I am a BELOW average rabbit.

    The Beef

    Bob, I’ll do THAT. I won’t be ripping off a 1990’s cartoon, I thought of something I want to try even more. I will report if it works.


    @ Genseric: You are FAR from a “below average rabbit”. I have learned much from you, but of course, never told you. We all have our unique strengths. EVERYONE here (even ol’ Bob) has ’em! 🙂 We USE each other and get STRONGER by doing that.


    i can’t get over the perfection of this video. I have been smiling since it came out. please keep them coming Horus and whoever else is working with you. people either get really mad when they see it, they laugh hysterically, or they are blown away. but no matter what there is a significant reaction. 40 thousand views. I don’t see how anyone can be a ampw… people actually listen to us!!! haha

    Henry Davenport

    The Amren thread on the vid seems about done (no, I didn’t add another word to it…) with 48 posts, 18 of which actually discuss the video, and of those eighteen, 11 are positive and 7 negative or at least not enthusiastic.

    Breaking down a little differently the 18 posts that discuss the video, I’d classify 7 as ecstatic over it, 5 as positive, 2 as neutral, 3 as mildly opposed, and 2 as strongly opposed. I’m not including the comments of the overt anti-White on the thread.

    Henry Davenport

    @ Genseric: You rock, Genseric!

    Henry Davenport

    Looking back over the Amren comments I just discussed to see if all of them were by different posters, I counted that all were except for two of the negative comments that were by the same poster.


    One more thing. haha The white immigrant version of Daryle Lamont Jenkins at the end is great. The emotion on his face when he says “RACIST hate groups” had me crying haha.


    I really recommend listening to whiterabbit to podcasts to anyone who hasn’t (I guess most of you have). The part where Horus discusses “imposing terminology” was a light-bulb moment. It isn’t so much about winning arguments with the general public, as it is making everyone use our terms and concepts. Like the phrase “anti-White”. Just getting people use it, even when attacking it, is a victory for our side.


    @ jason. totally right. very valuable stuff in there. i tell everyone i know that cares about our people and is into actually making a difference to give them a try. I just wish i would have been thinking about the situation in this way from the beginning. Instead of burying myself in volumes of Chamberlain or reading Marx to get an understanding of things. Not that its bad to do all of that. It just doesn’t do anything for you as far as actually helping anything.


    @clovis I had the same reaction. How much of my life has been spent trying ‘win” arguments that didn’t really matter anyway! It is very liberating to realize I don’t need to get hung up on convincing each person or even seeming to win arguments, just get new concepts and perspectives out there and force others to use them. Also, Bob’s concept of tailgating made sense to me. There is no point in following a time-waster on a wild goose chase. Drop them and move on.

    Cheshire Cat

    @Jason Here

    I am going to start calling you “blinky.” The light bulb is about ready to pop!

    You are going to run into anti-whites who will tell you that “you aren’t capable of thinking for yourself.” They also prefer to use terms like “parrot” and “Your mental master Bob.” I received that one tonight…LuLz! bwahaha…. So, I hit MrsViciousBiter (or sumthin like that/it was stalking G’s videos) with

    “You mean parroted phrases such as: Hater, Racist, Nazi, Bigot, Supremacist every time a White opens their mouth in defense of Whites? You folks say you are anti-racist. What you are is anti-white. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white. Thanks for playing.”

    Humiliation is a powerful tool. So, is shame. Remember, those are for anti-whites and pro-whites respectively.


    @ Chesire Cat

    Excellent comeback on parroting phrases! Those people are anti-White haters and they probably always will be. When I think back on White people I knew back in high school who hated on White folks, they never really change. They’ve had a lifetime of experience, but they still parrot the same liberal anti-White hate.

    And of course, the blacks and Jews that feel that way will never change. I posted on a site with a bunch of black people and the desire to breed Whites out of existence was mentioned many times. It was sick. The bottom line, is that when people SHOW you that they hate you (no matter what they say), they really do hate you. I think some of us Whites are too good-natured and too slow to realize people CAN really hate us.

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