Archive for August 12th, 2005

They Saved the World

Chris Matthews and Bill O’Reilly and Shawn Hannity keep insisting, along with Tom Brokaw, that “The Greatest Generation Saved the World.”

When the World War II Memorial was being planned, I offered a suggestion to give them full credit for their accomplishments:

“They Saved the World by turning a third of the human race over to Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, Enver Hoxha and the builders of the Berlin Wall.”

I was just trying to give The Greatest Generation credit for its dedication to Social Progress and Leftist Idealism.

Would you believe that I didn’t even get a reply?


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Answer to Elizabeth

Elizabeth responded to my discussion of the group that calls itself The Greatest Generation and the Jewish religion of self-pity. She pointed out that someone who says only he has it harder than anybody else belongs in an institution.

Well, Elizabeth, that’s true of THEM.

But I keep trying to turn myself in at institutions.

They keep telling me that I would upset the other inmates.

When my application to the Institute for the Criminally Insane was turned down, I knew I was in deep trouble.

Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen.

Well, like my heroes, The Greatest Generation, one thing I’ll never do is complain.

Silent as the tomb, that’s me.


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Enemies of the Enemy

The theme of The Lord of the Rings (LOTR) that appealed to me most was Galdalf’s constant reminder:

“We are all enemies of the Enemy.”

Most of us HATE to have our picture taken, but we don’t know why. The reason is that getting your picture taken involves dishonesty.

Every time someone takes my picture, it always starts with, “OK. We are ready to take it now.”


“Where do you push the button? Oh, THERE.”

“OK, now everybody SMILE, we’re ready to take the picture.”

So you put on that fake smile again, and…

“Oops. Where did you say you push the button?”

Finally that wonderful Click.

Then they say, “Tom wasn’t in the picture. Now you move just a little to the left. That’s it. All right now, SMILE.”

I HATE standing there with an idiotic fake smile on my face.

Do you want a picture? Then take the damned picture already.

Do you want a memory of when we were all together or do you want a pose?

We are all together fighting the Enemy.

Do you want a picture or do you want a pose?

I do not agree with you on most things. I don’t want to stand and smile in a particular place with a particular expression on my face. We are fighting the enemy, not posing for a harmonious photograph.


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