Archive for May 29th, 2008


I’ve been thinking about the comment pointing out that the most valuable commodities in the illegal body-parts racket, presumably run by some of those Mafias, are reproductive organs of European women. As the commenter said, “European” does NOT mean naturalized non-whites.

I was also thinking about how anti-whites in OV always laugh at their own jokes. They repeat Mommy Professor’s oldest, stalest clichés and then put ROFL, showing how they have really hit us IGNUNT racists where it hurts.

I put the two together and imagined a scenario:

An anti-white goes to the Russian Mafia and sells some body parts from a body he says is European. Said Mafia then finds that the woman in question was black. Naturally they drop by his house to ask him some polite questions about this.

The anti-white then shows them naturalization documents that prove that the black woman in Question was a naturalized GERMAN. He then says, Hardeharhar! Got you! Rolling on the Floor Laughing!

I am not sure exactly what would happen next, but I AM sure that some new body parts would be on the market.




My concerns are the future of a century from now will seem to be – from the perspective of one of the Elite – damn near a different world.

We have seen what Cultural Eugenics could do in less than forty years, with Singapore.

My concern is two areas will merge – Artificial Intelligence, and Eugenics.

These areas are compounding out in terms of growth of knowledge, and could work together to usher in a phase shift event for Mankind, at the expense of Humanity – homo superior.

Take an extra 10% increase in intelligence, and compound it over several generations.

At a certain point, certain trends become obvious, and Homo Superior will look at us as we look at pets.

I have no doubt the Chinese are working on this full tilt; even Britain has admitted to “chimera” experiments – human/animal engineering.

We of the “Limits to Growth” crowd see what they will see – there is little to no need for about ninety percent of humanity.

It will make “Brave New World” seem like Paradise Island.

If I had my schooling to do over, I would have skipped the business courses, and taken a ton of biology, because the future will be shaped by Living Systems.

And not all of them will be “human,” as we know it.

Let me repeat this – ninety percent of humanity AS WE KNOW IT will be net negatives, in Malthusian terms.

I am brutally determined that MY nephews, and THEIR Posterity, will be on the Winning Team.

By. Any. Means. Necessary.

Excellent Piece!

“A different WORLD.” Totally different TRENDS!

In an earlier piece u are talking about will happen faster than you think. You bring down one of the Absolute Inevitables of the Future, population growth.

In an earlier piece I mentioned the monumental importance of the end of the Mach 2.2 Supersonic Transport, the STT. It just didn’t catch on and died with a whimper, whereas every other major jump in civilian transportation speed had become part of the landscape. I seemed to be only one who noticed it was a hell of change when the latest Big Jump died.

Please note I did NOT predict an inevitable future in which we moved steadily back to stagecoaches I just noted that one of our most rigid Inevitables went away. On you point about populating, I remember a TV news item a generation ago when India decided to reduce her population explosion by using vasectomies.

It showed one Indian lying down in the train section to get a vasectomy. What was the Great Cultural Revolution they used to get him to do it? They gave him a small portable radio.

Maybe it is because I am so familiar with the third world, but I was always amused by the Great Sociologists and their Sophisticated Cultural Explanations of the huge families in the third world. You know, the Manhood by lots of Children stuff. Manhood by Large Families, to the extent it was true, was true because they were incapable of having anything BUT large families.

If you think whites traded off larger families for big houses and new cars and college educations, you ain’t seen nothing until you see transistor radios at work in the third world.

On Planet Earth, population GROWTH – not population yet — is dropping like a rock. That was my POINT about the future in the SST article. But commenters obsessed on the example instead of the LESSON.

“Ideology is dying, genetics is being born.” Simmons’s summation is the sort of thing we should be drawing out of these discussions of the future. AFKAN’s summary of the changeover from quantity to quality is this sort of lesson. We should be looking at TRENDS, not Popular Science-type “the latest thing” talk.



The Vanishing American

I was just reading a description of the present situation in San Francisco. In passing, they said, “as in most major cities, blacks are moving out.”

Twenty years ago the inevitable future was that major cities were all going to become ghettoes with all the affluent whites out in the suburbs. Nobody seems to notice that the “inevitable future” changes every decade or two like every other fad.

I was bemused by another point in the discussion It turns out that, as with “other major cities,” the whites moving in are HAVING TOO FEW CHILDREN. Now PLEASE don’t turn these little observations into a grand prediction of a grand revolution in thinking that is inevitable in the future. I just think it is healthy to keep pointing out how SILLY all these prophecies, INCLUDING THE PROPHECIES OF DOOM, are.

In 1900, the inevitable was represented by the phrase The Vanishing American. Indians were dying out. Ever since the end of slavery, when the black death rate suddenly doubled, blacks were an ever-decreasing portion of the American population. Blacks who moved north died because of their lack of “the sunshine vitamin,” Vitamin D, because their black skins blocked their getting adequate sun.

We all know what The Inevitable Future of Race was in 2000. Our job is to change it.


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Simmons Reams Poor, Sweet, Helpless Little Bob!

The same but different. How are we supposed to know unless you want us to sound like Popular Mechanics. Heck one time I mentioned Peak Oil you went junk yard dog on me. And I only mentioned it because plans would not be able to be made according to the “expert’s” predictions of limitless oil, nothing more.
To be constructive I will write that we must depose the story tellers of the 20th century. That they are Jewish supremacists only makes that easier since they have about alienated everyone. People like Jared Diamond, Gould, Adorno, Freud, Boas and their junior partners should be easy to set up as the fall guys since the latter two have fallen into the humor category.
If you want sound bites this is my first try; “Ideology is dying, genetics is being born.” Not very good but I’m in a hurry.

— Simmons

Cut the false modesty. ““Ideology is dying, genetics is being born.” Is the sort of brilliant summary I am looking for.

One of my continuing themes here is how ridiculous it is for people to talk about the “inevitable future.” It is on of their main weapons to discourage us. Having had so many years of this, you naturally react as if I were PREDICTING the future. That is one of the purposes of my piece below.
I did jump on you when you first mentioned Peak Oil because it sounded like that, but you forget that I later discussed it seriously.

The comments on my discussion of the future were generally unfriendly, but you did actually address it this time, which is quite an improvement. I’ve had plenty of unfriendly comments in my life, and if I have to get you het up to give some material to address, the effort has been a success.
The last two paragraphs of Simmons’s reply more than made up for his bruising of my delicate ego.


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