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Posted by Bob on October 3rd, 2008 under General

Most people see society as on course or off course. The Family Values crowd sees things as off course because of a lack of Family Values. This means we have lost respect for grown men in dresses who are sterile and preach a rotten branch of Zoroastrianism they don’t even know about.

Others tell us it is a matter of Power, the barrel of a gun or Money.

We Evil Racists feel that it has something to do with the Chimpanzee Patrol. Chimpanzees patrol their borders and kill intruders. Not squirrel intruders. Only intruders who are members of their own species.

Jane Goodall, after spending most of her life studying chimps, had no idea of all this. She was asked if this meant “aggression” was innate. She naturally said that was impossible. Her scientific explanation:

“It CAN’T be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

So everybody knows that protection of borders is natural. Protection of one’s borders ONLY AGAINST ONE’SOWN SPECIES is natural. TODAY we know that a chimp patrol out keeping horses off their soil would need psychiatric help.

TODAY we know that. I spent most of my life when all of our present ideas were being developed. And protecting one’s borders against other humans was KNOWN and PROVEN to be a habit of man and man alone and unnatural.

Freud tried to tell us that his suppressed sexual stuff was the basis of any societal problem. It is interesting what changed his mind. The young Freud insisted there were only two instincts, sex and food. The older Freud, the one whose son had died in World War I, had a change of heart no Freudian today knows about or at least will recognize.

In 1914 Freud said, “All my libido is with Austria-Hungary.” He lost his son and his homeland, and he felt an agony that had nothing to do with his gonads or his tummy.

Members of a chimp group who are left out of the breeding routinely die for the group. The same is true of every social animal down beyond meerkats.

If a chimp group had the ideal of a member of the group FIGHTING to let IN strangers, as political correctness and the other priests do, it would be a very sick group indeed and it wouldn’t last long.

We would be astonished to find any social animal where a race traitor was admired.

That would be one sick bunch of chimps.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 10/03/2008 - 3:00 pm

    Goodall was asked and then the kooky covergirl had to accept responsibility, I do believe she failed. Of course the PC amendment process covered this up, but she still failed and any aggressive operator would use her failure against her in a matchup.

    Back in the early 90s I sat thru a global warming (just getting started) and ozone hole doom presentation. Sold at typical cult level, join our group, the outgroup is dangerous and immoral blah blah blah. I stood up and asked the presenter if he really believed in what he just said considering that global cooling was the last scare tactic of his group of scientists. I then put the responsibility on him thru a few more sentences of rhetoric. Cults are easy to destroy and liberalism is nothing but a conglomeration of scared witless children wanting a nipple, nothing there regardless of what the respectables say.

  2. #2 by Dave on 10/04/2008 - 9:32 pm

    In the entire nonwhite world the ability to speak English is pure prestige. The mass desire of nonwhite peoples to speak English is the greatest underreported phenomenon of our time, driven greatly by the fact that the most valuable content on the Internet is written in English, consonant with the nonwhite world’s sense of the achievements, power, importance, and desirability of the white race.

    The suppression of the consciousness of the asymmetrical racial meaning of the global press to learn English is a tyranny that must be resisted.

    Any conceits of nonwhites racially criticizing white people or claiming equality with us in English must be resisted and punished by us.

    The threat to us represented by the English language actually becoming the world’s common language goes way beyond the civil rights and integration movements we have suffered.

    This contradiction needs to be made conscious to all whites so that we must not permit racial criticism of us in our own indigenous white tongues by nonwhites.

    I think this is doable. Unlike the anti-white whites, nonwhites will climb down when called on the issue. They are well aware of the contradiction represented by language, provided they are not American blacks or have been so Americanized they are unconscious of the issue.

    The intellectuals among these foreign nonwhites, who have the conceit to racially criticize whites in English represent a greater threat to us than the anti-white whites. I don’t think many in our movement get this.

    Real consequences for nonwhite intellectuals, both foreign and domestic, making anti-white racial claims in English need to be put into operation. We need to achieve the result that nonwhite intellectuals succumb to a standard that racial criticism of whites may only be made in their own indigenous nonwhite tongues.

    That is line we whites need to draw.

    I know that this sounds very pre-20th century and colonial. But things have come full circle. We have no homeland to retreat to. It is as if the old time colonial situation has been universalized. We need to respond accordingly.

    It is a very important boundary we must set to address a growing threat.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 10/05/2008 - 1:18 am

    Dave, please. I like your earlier posts on English being the indicator of racial supremacy better than this. Rule them by English, spy on them in their tongues, if you really must.

  4. #4 by Dave on 10/05/2008 - 11:44 am


    We have to make a racial claim upon our own language.

    It is defeatism not to do it.

    This is one of those things that is so obvious nobody sees it.

    Language is not a free good, like the air. It is the key to an inheritance, an interitance that is our racial right, and does not belong to nonwhites.

    I see the world accurately. The nonwhite world is nothing but a giant Indian Reservation.

    If the “Indians” want to lay claim to equality with us, they need to do it in their own culture, and most critically, in their own language.

    The alternative must force us to the most extreme measures of apartheid.

    That can only be accomplished in present circumstances by enforcing caste arrangments, which is easy to do in modern society through the administration of tests and entrance requirements.

    Get it? I am being realistic.

  5. #5 by Prometheus on 10/06/2008 - 4:44 am

    Conversely, these same people are usually utterly paranoid about other species occupying thier own living space.

    If there were any race traitors in nature, they would have been bred out, or killed out by now.

  6. #6 by Simmons on 10/06/2008 - 11:14 am

    Dave I see Fareed Zakaria has pissed you off. Now while the intellectual work you suggest is important in discrediting people like that it risks going the “respectable” way of verbiage over effectiveness.

    Knowing what you know I would simply ask why he would want to speak English marry a white woman and come to America? From there I would take the white and jewish libs favorite colored man down to size. Just ask them

  7. #7 by shari on 10/10/2008 - 9:54 am

    I don’t see that it’s not non-whites speaking English that is the big problem. It’s that our wonderful English language has been jargonized and made to service lies. When it is again,a vehicle for telling the truth, I think that wiser and more intelligent non-whites will have to use it that way too. And then,like the samaritan woman, who said to Christ, “the dogs get the crumbs from the children’s table” they will get what they ask for, but not our destruction, of course. The hoardes will not be allowed in.

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