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Intro to Twitter

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  • #94972
    Daniel Genseric


    Chastising someone who does NOT identify AS Christian for having “un-Christian” views is like chastising a non-white for not being “more white”.

    How does this add value? Leave Lana and all the BUGSters who identify as “other than Christian” alone. BUGS has been tasked with spreading the Mantra, not proselytizing for your preferred religion.

    You can get with that or get gone.

    Tom Bowie

    This is quite helpful to me in several areas. Lists being one aspect I didn’t know about or how to use them properly.
    I do kind of wonder if those on a list know and/or can check if they’re on a list. (I’m not sure if this is good Twitter-manners or not.)

    While I didn’t start out with lists, I’m not so far along that I can’t start.
    I have a diverse group of people I follow. (Liberals, Respectable Conservatives, Jewish News, Suspected Provocateurs or Outright Idiots, Animal Rights, Everything under the Sun.)

    So far I’ve operated on what information I could gather from Twitter users but mostly by pushing buttons to see what happens.


    Hey Tom,

    I’m glad you found it helpful, brother.

    I do kind of wonder if those on a list know and/or can check if they’re on a list. (I’m not sure if this is good Twitter-manners or not.)

    As far as I know, there are only two kinds of lists: Public and Private. Private lists are wholly Private. You can’t go to someone’s page, look at their Private lists, and see who is on there. If someone is added to a Private list—be they friendly or hostile, someone you follow or someone you don’t follow—they’ll never know.

    Any Public lists you make will be accessible to anyone. You might even be able to subscribe to someone else’s Public list, and others might be able to subscribe to your Public lists. Not sure about that, as I’ve never tried it.

    If someone else adds you to a Public list, you’ll receive an alert in your “Notifications” tab, the same way you receive RTs, Fav’s, Replies, etc. Likewise, if you add someone to a Public list, they’ll be notified.

    If you want to see whether you are on any Public lists—thinking you may have missed or not understood the notification—go to Me -> More -> Lists. Then you’ll see “Subscribed to” and “Member of.” Click Member of. That will show you what Public lists you are on.

    The more followers you get, the more lists are helpful as “Filtered” Home Feeds, since the main Home tab will move too quickly. Also, Lists are helpful if there are certain people you want to check up on from time to time, but don’t really want to follow (e.g., Ann Coulter, Pat Buchanan, various neo-cons [to see what memes they are pushing], etc.). That way, you don’t have to search for them individually every time.

    And, as I stated in the first post, if Twitter won’t let you add someone to a list, then they have blocked you.

    All the best!

    Secret Squirrel

    Just had a thought… What do you think of posting links here, to Twitter messages under #WarOnWhites, so we can retweet/favourite them, to make them visible under that hash tag?

    Do we have enough here at BUGS to make it work, or would it require thousands of people?

    Tom Bowie

    Thanks Johnny; I indeed did find it helpful and I’m managed to implement some of the tips into my Twitter account.
    Lists: Upon having some extra computer time available I instituted Lists on my account, as I couldn’t begin to keep up with even those I follow. I’d put off adding more people because it was effecting my ability to be effectively productive while at the same time limiting my effectiveness with a shorter list. (With my limited skills it still took me the better part of two days to get 241 people sorted fairly well.) My Criteria tends o be somewhat offbeat The lists can/will be refined as time goes on so that will not be a major issue. The time I spent making these lists will pay off greatly by allowing much better and more effective use of my time.
    Subscribing to Lists: While I used my own somewhat offbeat criteria in sorting apparently I didn’t do too bad of a job; I’ve had 3 people Subscribe to my Lists before I was fully finished. So it does seem that lists can be subscribed to. (All lists are public but I can change that if desired or even change the name of a list if needed.)

    Possible Warning: Twitter may be cracking down on Pro-White activity or it may just be that I’ve noticed it just recently. The first thing I did was to make a list of everybody I follow (pen and paper). By the time I’d finished adding everybody to the list in the 2 days it took, I’d lost 4 people. It’s not that I missed them, they were gone; deleted or something else. While some of them were somewhat dodgy tweeters, some were not. 2 of them have reappeared since then but, another has vanished overnight. This latest was another Tweeter that didn’t tend to say anything outrageous. (In the future I’ll be making a list of my top list with pen and paper just in case I need to start over.)

    Secret Squirrel: I’m not an expert but, I think not only have enough to make an impact; I believe we could go into selective attack mode if we wanted to. (Not a recommendation just something I’ve observed as effective.) I’ve made several observations and previously gotten advice from others on how Twitter works. Most of how Twitter really works is unknown and the theory of how it works based on guesswork based on observation and guessing.
    When I have a chance I’ll post more on what I’ve been told, my observations and, my guesswork about this possible use of Twitter.

    Benjamin Newells

    Tom, I think discussion of twitter tactics should be discussed privately on sob in the “Yap” section.

    Do you want to discuss it there?

    EDIT: I made a topic on swarms of bugs outlining two possible ways we can make effective attacks. It’s in the “Yap” section.

    Tom Bowie

    Benjamin: I’m in the process of figuring out the new system to get connected; I’m not computer literate, so it may take a bit of time.

    Daniel Genseric

    This site isn’t allowing me to post on the front page. So, I am attempting to answer your questions in here:

    Benjamin Newells,

    As I understand it, yes; “impressions” is defined as the number of times the HASH populates on the monitor or mobile device. There is some overlap on the “reach” number, which is “unique users” on any given DAY. However, the cumulative number you reference would be, in fact, overlapping so to speak, as it takes the running daily average REACH and projects that our over 365 days. Now, how much overlap is there?

    Did I mention that I am not an expert or a scientist?

    Knowing what little I do about the White mind, my IDEAL would be for us to hit no less than 3 impressions per UNIQUE USER(reach) and MAXIMIZE the Impressions Per Post (IPP) to aid the former. I haven’t figured out how to use the numbers together in any other meaningful way. I’m sure you guys can pick up where I leave off.

    If my dumb ass can start to figure out twitville basics, you should be swimming circles around me in no time.


    On youtube and news comments sections I can slowly and methodically tear apart anti-White horsecrap. So far twitter is like White survival lightening round. I find myself quick to insult anti-Whites. Hopefully I’ll get better.

    Mike M

    I think twitter is the final stage for a bugser. i’m not good enough for twitter.
    You have to be meaningful and VERY short.
    High level mantra thinking.

    TheSeeker OfTruth

    What and where is the “yap” section?

    Benjamin Newells

    The “yap” section was on the other private site that no one is using any more. I think some people might still be using the private site but it’s not the one that has the “yap” section.


    Block the coloureds who are splashing in the grey-goo of the “White Genocide” search result. They are time-wasters. Rather, focus on the traitors and call them as such…”Self-hating white person” also works quite well.



    See how many people viewed an individual tweet. You may know this already but I didn’t, so not sure if it is new. It’s to the right of the star symbol on the bottom and it’s called Tweet Activity.

    **You may have to be signed up with Twitter Analytics for this to work**


    By adding popular hashtags I’ve boosted my impressions and profile visits a ton. 216K impressions and 8K profile visits in the last 28 days. This is way over 10 times normal for me.

    It’s important to INVADE other hashtags to get the message out. Just talking to other pro-Whites who already agree about White Genocide is limited. Please keep using #WhiteGenocide but add whatever is trending and see how it affects your impressions count.

    You can go to on any Twitter account you have and it will start counting impressions immediately. You do need to go there for any account you want calculated. That will give you overall stats.

    And after a few hours, you can look at any single tweet you’ve sent and get stats. It will be a little bar graph icon to the right of the star at the bottom of each of your tweets. This lets you see how each tweet did.

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