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  • #106169

    Mr Henry,

    How about what comments B.U.G.S.ers should make? He is an Anti-Mantra Pro-White, they exist. Pro-Mantra Pro-Whites disagree with them by definition. So what?

    Best regards,



    Indeed. I think the Mantra and White Genocide memes have been very effective. And I think a lot AMPW use these memes implicitly but don;t seem to recognize that fact.

    I was just asking what any BUGsers take on his comments are. The picture VOX shows is effective too, which was his point.

    Keep firing people.


    That site has a good Alexa rating, but how much traffic do the individual threads there get? I left two commments…I thought most of the non-BUGSer comments were pretty poor. I didn’t think the graphic of the happy couple with the swastika armband would be effective except for a narrow audience, if that’s the picture you’re referring to.


    There’s a Donald Trump official delegate on CNN right now literally talking about white genocide.

    H / T: @EuroRabbit Twitter account


    “The super PAC was behind pro-Trump robocalls to voters in Iowa, New Hampshire, Vermont and Minnesota which framed the billionaire as the man to stop ‘white genocide.’”


    409K follower tweet.

    “Diversity” is a code word for White Genocide

    Secret Squirrel

    Example of Mantra thinking getting out there:

    Donald Trump Tells NRA Hillary Clinton’s Guards Should Disarm if She Doesn’t Like Guns

    Bob has pointed out that politicians demand an end to guns, while standing behind armies of armed guards.


    Respectable conservative discussing Pro-Mantra Pro-Whites.

    …Twitter trolls are filling my feed with … and … cartoons. It was the trolls, but this was different. They were celebrating my use of the word “anti-white” in a tweet. They saw it as a victory that a “mainstream conservative” was using this term that for so long has been their calling card. They had a point. Until recently I would have been unlikely to use the term. Not because I didn’t believe some people harbored animosity towards whites, but because that was a … attitude removed from power, which represented little real threat. That is no longer the case. Progressive rhetoric on race has turned an ugly corner and the existence of “anti-white” attitudes can no longer be ignored. In the past year, all of the following headlines have appeared, in well-read publications: The White Guy Problem…

    The word “anti-white” is used a few more times later on, and the tags “Anti-White” and “White Genocide” have been used for the first time by The Federalist in attachment to this article.

    “How Anti-White Rhetoric Is Fueling White …”
    The Federalist –



    German AFD Deputy Chairwoman – “Mass Immigration is creeping Genocide of the German people”

    She quotes the UN genocide conventions.

    Ice Knight

    Great to see that Gar5! I was destroying some German anti-Whites on a thread a few weeks ago and it was like arguing with native English speaking anti-Whites from 5 years ago.

    As most of the Mantra bombardment has been done in English, I sense that Mantra thinking hasn’t quite penetrated as deep yet in countries like Germany, Sweden or Spain. AfD however are rapidly growing in Germany so this is a huge step forward!


    Sputnik News article on AFD

    Genocide mentioned in a tweet shown in the article.


    Wow, and another politician calls it out as genocide.

    This time an Italian one.

    “This organized immigration is an attempt of genocide”

    Shame about him saying it’s an attempt, when it actually is genocide.



    J.P.O, that paragraph you quoted above by the respectable conservative who’s now using “anti-White” is a classic! Yeah, he didn’t just absorb the term because we’ve been banging him over the head with it, nor did he finally see the world as anti-White because we’ve kept placing that lens in front of his eye; no no no, his incisive intelligence understood that now the term is appropriate! 🙂


    …Hispanics — and countless other racial … groups. What his presidency could do is preserve old-school ideas about racial divisions and, in so doing, build walls. Even if scientists do become comfortable using gene-editing software to reverse engineer eugenics (there’s no reason to believe they will) divisive language and regressive politics are still only path to stopping what the ill-informed sometimes call “White Genocide.” Thinking of white as good and non-white characteristics as bad is itself …. Science is rarely applied without purpose and cosmetics almost never are….

    “Theory: White People in Sci-Fi Are the Result of Donald Trump’s Race Baiting”

    …cultural extinction is pervasive among these disaffected whites. Before his downfall and death, Richard Girnt Butler gathered self-identified Aryans to his compound in Hayden Lake, Idaho. On social media today, racially conscious whites assemble around the hashtag #WhiteGenocide or lodge their grievances at (Trump once actually retweeted a user named “White Genocide.”) The late David Lane, an influential Aryan thinker and member of a violent organization called the Order, helped popularize the view that the white race was “now a small minority in the world,” beset by forced integration, intermarriage, and “inter-species compassion.” According to this worldview, only those who aspire to the ideal of the Aryan warrior can restore the civic republicanism of America’s forefathers and save the white race. Enter Trump. The cultural image of the Aryan warrior combines romantic…

    “What Aryans See in Donald Trump”

    …happen should Black Lives Matter and its goals be met, but it still does. It should not surprise you because what the movement does want – inasmuch as a loose coalition of groups can have institutional goals – is all pretty reasonable. Black Lives Matter is not some black … organization determined to ignite white genocide or spread violence against anyone, including police or the authorities. The analogy I have heard and find myself using to explain the situation is that if someone says, “Save the rainforest,” they’re not advocating we clear-cut all the rest of the trees. Rather, the rainforest is the resource under attack most and…

    “Black students’ lives don’t matter to Sheriff Clarke, just their obedience”

    …reading up on the other William Johnson. He is a chair of the American Freedom Party, which advocates defending the “core European American population” from “the immigration invasion.” The party’s website features grim-faced members holding signs that read “diversity = white genocide” and “white lives matter.” According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, Johnson is an apparent disciple of Mein Kampf who has attended Holocaust … conferences. This May, he was selected as a delegate from California supporting Donald Trump’s nomination…

    “LinkedIn Called Me a White …”
    Slate –

    …by their place in society and experiences because of that place. You say “People just get so offended so easily” I see people angry at “social justice warriors” and people of color speaking out against …, saying that those of us who do are just overly sensitive — and yet some of those very same folks will say that Star Wars’ casting is white genocide, and that Old Navy hates white babies because they have an ad with an interracial couple. See also: anger and refusal to understand anything about … or the meme utterance of …. You get personal Calling a writer ugly, her interracial marriage “gross,” drawing Michelle Obama as a man and creeping on a stranger’s Facebook profile to poke fun at their weight are personal attacks that do not at all engage with the actual arguments. That’s being both defensive and cruel, and demonstrating you do not have an actual argument to fall back on….

    “The 5 things people always say when someone says they’re …”
    She Knows –


    Ice Knight

    Bob Whitaker gets the attention of Professor David Theo Goldberg, a “critical race theorist”.


    Ice Knight, great find – if BUGS hadn’t mainstreamed the term ‘anti-white’ we would never have had stories like that.


    Salon article quotes “’Diversity’ is a codeword for white genocide” and links to the Mantra and to Bob’s presidential candidacy website:

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